Shrimp and Grits | Shrimp and Grits Recipe

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[Music] welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling and today we cooking with meat baby now surely this video right here this man needs no introduction you know what I'm gonna show you guys Tommy just you're talking about something delicious I'm bringing you guys check it out right there shrimp and grits you cannot beat this right here you talk about something it please good you know I mean the presentation is outstanding and listen to the flavor this is the flavor profile on this is just like super incredible I just gotta tell you this visit you got cheese bacon hey did I say cheese mmm you're talking about something dude hey how do you want to spoil it because this is a whole bunch of layers it is uh this recipe right here all the way down to the onions you know the green onions everything plays a part in this right here so listen if you want to put some powder to just wow everybody hey you know what better yet I'm always talking about why on somebody you want something that's going to just like be explosive to yourself you know I mean you ever you taste this you want just run out hey somebody please take this check this out I may be hey look that being said I don't want to over talk it let's get right into this video okay what you see right here is this I started out I just couldn't bring onions you know of course I could on the other they're on a chopper I only use this as an example so you guys can see you know just about the size and also I put the white party green onion inside there also and then the next thing you know what I used on used oil fresh parsley if you ask me my opinion is you know I'm sure everybody agrees with is you know branches just always better so just fresh parsley I made a lot of it cuz I like to use it for garnish and this you know I'm thinking about you know the thumbnail and I'm thinking you know you can be just a little bit now look okay you get you a pot you want to go ahead and pour your chicken broth inside of your pot and then you want to bring it to a boil once you have it boiling you don't want it to boil or too long because you couldn't evaporates you know some of your chicken broth is evaporating so now you just want to get your you know get your 1 cup rich go ahead and put it you know put it in and then listen you want to continuously sturm so they don't get too thick on you you know I mean so then go ahead I reviews finish turn them go ahead and put the top on there and then you want to let it simmer I adjusted my heat now it's up to you you know as far as the texture and I think you would like for it to be you can always add some more chicken broth to it here you can see and I'm adding some butter over three tablespoons of butter you know salt and pepper you know what I mean and then this and while it's hot you want to just keep stirring it you know I mean then again you're looking for the texture that you would like to eat your prints in I like mine a little thick and now for the good part I wanna hit it at it maybe about a cup of the shredded cheese the side of the ribs you just want to like stir it around they don't melt it edit you know picking up you can see the color right there kinda start to change and then after that right there okay so look what you seeing right there is this I'm just checking that the texture I like that and then I wanna hit a dump the rest of the cheese in there that was two cups of bocce now once you got everything you know mix your butter salt and pepper cheese and your grits and everything is just right go ahead and cover set those to the side get the pan that we made our bacon in and we're gonna use that same bacon grease you know mean that delicious flavor shrimp [Music] now remember it doesn't take long for your trip to come out right we want to use a medium-high heat you know so right here I'm thinking no told you don't hear that Creole season you know it's up to you whatever type of season you'd like to use what I've just told to you Tony that was awesome and then right here you can see I'm using the mince garlic and listen again that doesn't take long so what you want to do is you know I'm saying look about two to three minutes on medium high heat so as you put in the rest of your ingredients as you see right there you know once I get them in there and then we're gonna start to flip them over and then we gonna go back over the top and start putting a little bit more seasoning on the other side and if you want to know how you can see listen if you want to know how your shrimp is cooking if you look at the bottom of the shrimp you can see where it starts to turn instead of that beat instead of it being that raw pink you know pink looking color what it does is it starts to turn white and as it gets all the way almost to the middle of it that's when I flip them over you do not want to overcook your shrimp because it can become rubbery and just you know they're just too chewy listen when they've done right this right here hands down you guys know anything about me I can just tell you even stick that your hand out and just drop the mic look at this presentation right here this is what you looking for is seasoned just right cooked just right and that's it and right here now it's time to plate [Music] [Music] all right you guys just seen it you see how simple that was of me and I promise you just all of the different individual type of individual flavor profiles is in there and listen it's all tied together if you ask me my personal opinion would be listen that cheese master binder that just makes it like super super you know like delicious so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed those our video if you'd like to see other than videos like this you know me or you have some love suggestions just leave a comment down below you know I'm eating this and I'll write on down and listen they put them into the UH into my book and there's a we don't working in so listen if you guys don't want Instagram listen I'm following the hashtag this half-tank was given to myself just follow a hashtag smoking grilling found which is SM okay I hand GRI lvl I hand I am you know I mean uh so listen you know I'm gonna follow that one so if you guys make this or any other dog recipes that I make you know I mean just go ahead and post it up on instagram and don't forget to use that hashtag again that smoke hashtag smoking grilling found and then you know what I get a chance to take a look at what you mean you know I mean they get a chance to look at the different uh presentations and things of that nature hey so with that being said you guys you know what thank you for watching this video and [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 1,109,598
Rating: 4.9524603 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Shrimp and Grits | Shrimp and Grits Recipe, shrimp recipe, shrimp and grits, shrimp and grits recipe, how to make shrimps and grits, cajun shrimp and grits, how to make shrimp and grits, shrimp, soul food recipes, cheesy grits, comfort food, shrimp recipes, louisiana shrimp and grits, the best shrimp and grits recipe, soul food cooking, the best shrimp and grits, cheesy grits recipe, soul food, dinner, grits, #smokingrillinfam, southern
Id: cjlDBPlTqS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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