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[Music] [Applause] the way hey y'all and welcome back to my channel and today we are making shrimp and grits with the cajun gravy and look i'm just gonna go ahead and get right into it i'm not about to do all the little talking in the theatrics because y'all know i'm animated it's all get out see there i go i'm already started look we're gonna go ahead and boil us some chicken broth okay i like to boil my grits in chicken broth when i make this dish and that's two cups of chicken broth to a boil and then i'm gonna whisk in my one cup of grits yes i'm using instant grits don't disrespect the instagrams they work just as well with a little love all right so i'm going to whisk those in because we don't want any clumps and then i'm going to cover these grits with the lid and i'm going to cook them on low heat for about 10 to 15 minutes [Music] all right so the grits are done boiling and cooking so now i'm going to add in about a tablespoon to two tablespoons of butter and i'm also going to add in two tablespoons of heavy cream y'all game changer it makes your grit so creamy and it's nothing better than creamy greens with shrimp and greens okay so we're going to whisk that together and then i'm going to season it with just a little bit of salt and just a little bit of black pepper and i'm going to whisk that all together we're going to move on to the shrimp [Music] all right so now we're going to go ahead and get started on this shrimp and i'm gonna add in about two tablespoons of olive oil to a heated pan this pan is very hot and then i'm gonna add in my raw clean peeled deveined shrimp all right make sure that it's deveined make sure that it is raw make sure that it is clean okay we don't want nothing less nothing more and here in this small jar i have my cajun seasoning blend which is just basically a mixture of old bay and creole seasonings and a little bit of paprika for coloring as well as coarse pepper but don't worry i got you covered down in the description box and you're just going to saute this up on both sides until the shrimp is well cooked [Music] all right so in the same skillet we're going to go ahead and start making our gravy and the first thing you want to do is add in your bell peppers now i chopped up previously green bell peppers as well as red bell peppers and now i'm going to add in my onion i chopped up some of that as well okay y'all trust me this is gonna be so good okay then you're gonna add in a knob of butter just to kind of get those little good pieces off of the skillet and i'm also gonna add in about a tablespoon of cornstarch or flour either one that you choose is fine and from here you just want to combine all of those ingredients it's going to get kind of pasty kind of thick and that's exactly what you want because you want your gravy to thicken up and you're just going to combine all of that in your skillet and then we'll move on to the next step [Music] okay yeah so this step right here is important that you do not add too soon i always add the garlic in right at about the end of the sauteing because i don't want it to burn all right and then i'm going to squeeze in some fresh lemon juice this is totally optional but it does give your gravy a nice little zing okay it's really good all right and then we are going to add in our heavy cream so you just want to add in only enough to cover the surface of the pan and you want to reduce the heat from medium high to low heat and then we're going to add in some more of that cajun and seasoning blend that's going to also help to flavor our gravy and give it a nice color and you're just going to stir that in to mix it and get it thickened [Music] [Music] and to even this gravy out we are going to add in about three to four tablespoons of chicken broth or as much as you would like or as little as you would like and it's going to look a little bit distorted but honey i promise you it's going to come all together i just wish y'all could smell my kitchen right now it smells so divine and you're just going to slowly stir that together i know it looks fast because i sped the video up but slowly stir it you don't want to over work this okay and get that all well incorporated and then i'm going to add in some paprika to darken this up just a little bit because i want a nice color and then we are done with this gravy make sure you taste it so it's to your liking and adjust as needed but honey if you follow my instructions it will be perfect and at the very last moment feel free to add in a few little bits of dried parsley or fresh parsley just add a little bit of color and now we are ready to plate honey [Music] [Music] so and there you have it your beautiful shrimp and grits with cajun gravy and honey your house is going to smell like the deep south and it's going to be so good do y'all hear me so let me know if you tried this recipe and you found it easy to follow in the comment section let me know what you think okay i want to know all of your comments all of your reactions i enjoy reading them and i enjoy sharing these recipes with you so if you enjoyed it go ahead and hit that like button and if you aren't already subscribed subscribe to my channel and i'll see you guys next time in the next video bye
Channel: ThatGirlCanCook!
Views: 252,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp and grits, shrimp & grits, cajun, easy recipes, quick recipes, cajun gravy, shrimp and grits recipe, the best shrimp and grits, the best shrimp and grits recipe, shrimp&grits
Id: _2oyuNhKjU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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