ALL NEW DINOSAURS, KILL ANIMATIONS + SKINS!!! - Jurassic World Evolution | Cretaceous Dinosaur DLC

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[Music] is this gonna flop hello earlier welcome to the showcase of the newest dinosaurs in the newest patch or that is the cretaceous dinosaurs a DLC for Jurassic world evolution this includes Dredd Noctis or Dredd notice carcharodon the source and Iguanodon the one I'm actually most looking forward to so we're gonna release all the Dredd notice have a look at them look at the skins all the skins that we've got because I actually this is the Battle Royale account or save files had to go back through 5 stars on a 5 star planet in order to get the jungle and everything in the woodland skin to show you guys all of the awesome skins so well I'm not gonna focus on the basic skin as you can kind of see it right here so there's no point really seeing it so we're gonna release all the Dreadnought us first so I think the first one is Alpine so this is gonna be really pale oh wow it's a very dopey looking face already it's more memento source because Brachiosaurus bent over the top where his mind momenta sores didn't do that so the animations more like that so this guy took absolutely ages to be done in the hatchery oh God bloody toler's its neck [Music] it's kinda like falling survey oh my god doubt frigging - all is it jeez its massive okay the next one is the tundra Patton more of a brownish color there so you can see you've got dark on top for both of them so it's kind of like just changing the palette a little bit the skin like texture and tones don't really change it'll just be like a little like system where they could just change that certain skin color to make the skins so we get a different view maybe a more front of your call what is that that's a weird sound effect the way it stands my god it's like some just stretched its neck into oblivion so let's have a look there social need is three max at base stats they need a lot of forest well tell you what there's not too much forest in here and they probably do need a lot of oh don't say missing forest that's quite handy so this one I think is step no jungle step then al-ra'd so no oh no wait is this is jungle right yeah jungle so this is the the recent sort of skin that was added or not not the recent scheme but the one that Deinonychus could have because they've added way more skins because the challenge mode is now available and every island I'll tell you what we're getting close above it next just just with the alt shift - I think it is - see ya I get a good lovely close-up of the skin tones so yeah every island now has its own that one looks nice step-step looks quite nice so every island I repeat this four times you can have another two skins unlocked and there's like serratus or skin Dilophosaurus skin all this jazz the other big difference that the frontier added to the hatcheries or sorry to the feeders is that now you can choose to dispense this certain thing earlier so if you have dinosaurs that there's too many of them in one enclosure and they start starving you can actually dispense it quicker as opposed to having to buy another one however you cannot and I mean they each have like a certain timer so they dispense every seven minutes I think so zero meant until dispensing so it's good dispensed pretty much now but every seven minutes it will dispense you can't change that however you can manually dispense it so that is I think that was the step and this one the last one is the Herod I think I prefer this one I prefer this step okay so we're gonna get a lovely big close-up so this guy doesn't really add any changes to the game per se which is a little bit annoying because it's just it's just another practice or momento source so you're ready go on good there we go so now we just need to make it look cool oh god no I've done it again change the field of view so we get a lovely a lovely jubbly close up and get very closer so there you go you can see the inside of the mouth there look at the look at that look at that for a shot and she beautiful they already said really tell the detail that they go to with all this herb mapping to give it like a real ish realistic texture I like I like the little nose schnozzle on the top that's quite nice all the detail of the teeth ooh [Music] unfortunately I wish there was more to say about red notice but there isn't it's just another really big herbivore and of course it's it's not happy because there's too many of them so if you want to have a load of them you're gonna have to change its genetics to make it so that they can have more of their own species the only thing is if it goes below like the threshold doesn't change just it moves up and down so there will be three speed like three of them leeway whether it's zero zero two three five to eight they will like it is three two less or too many it's not gonna be happy so I'm beg they're gonna be very picky so if you put them in an enclosure with dinosaurs that might drop like flies they're gonna get pretty annoyed pretty quickly now we're now now now on to my favorite the one I'm looking forward to most and this is the Iguanodon so I come up with skin this is oh it's so cute little bambinos I like it I look at the the muscular forearms there and then the huge thumb cause that it has it's kind of holding itself a bit different to the other hadrosaurs I guess it's because it does have these huge forearms let's check the other one out Oh Oh a little bit of a Parasaurolophus Colbert whoa what's this one let's have a look should say woodland alright I prefer the woodland I think looks more camouflaged I mean that it depends if they're all the way it seen oh my god unique animation that's awesome using it so close there that's craning come oh here we go we got a newcomer oh this has to be the jungle yeah after a tiger oh my god ah is beautiful ah are we gonna get this is it gonna cook the water and drink I don't think it would do that but that'd be awesome woo it's interesting because you get that the first the start of this of the sound of it was unique and then it went to like a parasol which is cool I don't know which one do I prefer oh there it is I like this one I like the dark one that's nice what's this was this vivid okay so each call sort of does have a Parasaurolophus lost world so feel to it so Coastal's more dark I don't know which one I prefer I just love the animation it's got there oh that's so good okay so that like the difference the way I've read like this akwonton is the fact that it can actually or at least it's been shown to fight off carnivores which is the only hand result to do so just because of those like thumb claws there so we'll get a really nice shot oh man I mean we can't fault frontier they do an a fantastic job of making these guys look realistic I mean that you cannot fault this game it looks beautiful especially if you're on PC and you can enter this ansel mode from Nvidia art look at that look at the textures I mean the skins I mean they're all kind of the same they're just like different variants so like you know one's darker you mean the pattern itself doesn't really change it's just the color which I'm not too fussed about I mean it does give you oh we got a little bit of a communication so let's have a look at the stats so it has an all right pop ulation limit its social I think it might be okay by itself actually I mean we can easy check if we just go if you know James is clever and actually just goes into the hatchery I think I'm pretty sure they tell you on that Bourjos to make sure I'll go into here and we'll go into the the social stuff so what do we have yes it's completely fine by itself and 1 to 10 and population 1 to 20 so it's yeah iguanodons one of those go to dinosaurs that you can stick into any enclosure because does a decent population number with 20 and it's fine by itself and a 10 max social limit is really good so now on to the dinosaur that's probably gonna cause the most fuss the car karaganda Soros oh my God look at you he got a better sight from this side wow what are you I mean I don't cut corners what kind of skin is that so anybody like it oh I like that cool that's quite nice we're gonna hear a couple more times when I release the other ones so now the thing is with big carnivores like this Oh God okay they would kill hadrosaurs instant oh we got a blue one oh I like that Oh what does that remind me of that's like an old-school sort of dinosaur skin tone like Ray Ray Harryhausen I don't know oh cool a little bit different okay Oh is he lining up now we saw in its battle animation that it could easily kill an Iguanodon by running out it and performing an attack now we'll cut card on a source be able to take on sauropods that would be interest at don't think so okay let's so let's check the other one listen to its roar again oh we've got a dead Dino oh well there you have it looks like Iguanodon and it gets killed just as easy by huge carnivores unfortunate I thought it was going to be different actually apparently not maybe it's only medium carnivores like toast sort of like Carnotaurus like majungasaurus like serratus ores that could be the case actually and so keep there we go Wow and there is the kill so it's like a quick attack on the belly and then a roll so very similar to what we've seen in the past so these are all the skins for carnotaurs goddamnit I'm not too fussed on it out of everything nut skins all right oh oh there we go this must be vivid ooh deep purple oh that's quite nice actually I like the the distinct difference between the dark skin and the light goes that's quite nice I don't know which one I prefer I think I prefer this one and I don't know why I just do okay so iguanodons cannot face off against like super huge carnivores I thought they would be able to now let's have a look at social so it seems to be just one one Carcharodontosaurus I could be wrong it's populations actually quite low for a big convert oh it's already attacking its own species that's fantastic now the only way to check what its demands are for sure is if James knew how to do it he would and click on the dinosaur and go and then the information actually I think it does tell you in the information but here social one to two so we could have two and a minimum population of well 15 or maximum I should say not too fussed about so okay so what I want to do yeah these guys are going to kill each other you know I'm not to first I'm gonna retire because our data sources just because I don't want them to attack anymore iguanodons and that's what they're gonna do because I've deliberately I thought they'd wanna tons of you to fight back however I'm completely wrong because I've genetically engineered this Iguanodon to have a hundred and fifty-three attack so I do want to check out its animation and down goes our last Iguanodon unfortunately I think is it yeah yeah that's them old gone unfortunately okay although with these new dinosaurs it does mean that we are gonna have to do Christmas right go down your there ya go someone nah the splits nothing's as graceful why that does okay so we got a Carnotaurus in the way and now we have a Iguanodon that has a hundred and fifty three attack now I want to do some tests with this guy because technically it's it's got more attack than a t-rex now I'm wondering if because the difference between a base Iguanodon and a base clock card on the source is so big that that means they just instantly get to they instantly kill it whereas this one's got plus ninety eight attack and even some defense so we're gonna test it with a Carnotaurus and i mean it should I'm hoping contours doesn't take it out if it bloody well does I'll be disappointed and then we'll test it with a small carnival like a velociraptor and because Velociraptor would be able to one-shot any hydrosoul and then we'll test it with something like and the carcharodontosaurus again except for we'll just make like a base card card on the source and in fact we'll just make one without any skin shall we were just will make it the base one Omega this one Carnotaurus no modifications no scheme and completely stops so this guy shouldn't be able to face up against Iguanodon it should lose to it we've never seen a hadrosaur fight let alone you know stand a chance so it looks like they're already starting to get ready to fight against one another wow this Iguanodon has so many unique animations it's got like its own grazing animation or at least it looks unique if it is a copy and paste and the girls are awesome do oh it looks like this is it oh yes yeah here we go oh my god yes oh this is awesome we've never seen this before so Iguanodon this is all unique animation let's see is it kind of charger is gonna swipe with its thumb Oh oh my god standing upright intimidation damage 4500 I like it it's it's own unique animation standing tall intimidating that's really oh god sorry HIPAA Mouse I'm so excited I'm loving this this is really cool right so medium carnivals they have a chance to actually die to an Iguanodon the large carnivores don't oh boom there's the swipe again oh we need to get a good shot of this for the bear hug the iguanodon hug are you ready don't topple over do not topple over gonna try God I got you look so cool look at that that's also oh you can really see the thumb in the back of the neck there so yeah this is every medium carnivores worst nightmare now the bear hug of death Oh Pam and Aurora victory dead dinosaur so that takes its it will actually get combat infamy as well plus 95 oh that's so cool okay so the next thing I'll get rid of toasts body so we tested large carnivores who tested medium carnivores but both will a raptor still be able to pounce on top of santa koala dog and kill it in one shot just like a large one cuz that would kind of doubt that were just cheapen the like Carnotaurus hadrosaurs are always the first one to die as you saw when i released all of those um carcharodon the sources all of the iguanodons die now if Iguanodon fills in the same type category as an kylo saw and triceratops types that means that they are able to be in an enclosure with small carnivores and actually I think that's probably what's gonna happen I don't think this velociraptor it may square off against it but I don't think they're gonna fight each other oh oh really okay be so cool if you grind on just brown plastic just swiped it but I don't think there you go in sync synchronized look to each other it would be cool if the villa oh oh they are squaring up to each other there you have it so Iguanodon fills in that category it's just like a trike just like an ankylosaur oh my god if it just like swiped it and killed her now that'd be amazing oh my god [Laughter] [Music] and Velociraptor so it is like an ekala so except for they can actually fight each other oh wow Iguanodon you keep on surprising me so there's gonna be a uni death animation right I can't remember what's oh here we go so how does Iguanodon finish off a velociraptor what are you gonna do is this gonna flop his legs go I didn't see that coming that was awesome oh my god a cry done you are my new favorite it fights everything except for large carnivores so we still need to perform the test so that now I mean this this Iguanodon has over 50 attack and about this same defense as a large carnivore like this card on this awesome wow this car does look pretty baller not gonna lie but yeah this would be interesting whether that type is in at all day so those attack stats mean anything when it comes to large carnivores Oh will the Iguanodon go down exactly this era days there it is oh I just I was just moving these guys and yep it doesn't matter how strong an Iguanodon is its gonna die to a large carnivore that sucks well we've got our resort but before we end this episode I do want to see what happens when an Iguanodon gets killed by a small carnival ok so I have released two of these velociraptors both have amazing attack higher then this Iguanodon and when they decide to fight which these to look like they might do we're gonna see how an Iguanodon dies to a raptor it does seem like usually the death animations are slightly different to the kills so the Raptor were probably pounce on its back and then take it out but yeah well let's see how it goes shall we let's not speculate and just watch so because their apt is so much better he should attack first oh god is it down already oh god it's almost down I tell you what though I couldn't make a Raptor stronger than F max that work wanted on so Iguanodon will would be able to kill a raptor if I think they're both base either that or a modified iguanodons better than a modified Raptor okay slowly just like down it goes right are you ready Oh like feebly swipes too but then he gets taken out oh well we may as well look at the thumbnail while we're here and there you go oh well that about wraps up the best dinosaur to be added to the game Iguanodon I was a bit worried to start with that maybe Iguanodon would only have like one type of like animation which was the like hugging to death but it has unique eating animations unique death for medium carnivores unique death for small carnivores and it can even kill small carnivores and medium carnivores it's eating and drinking and running and it's basically a new animation type and I freaking love it a dinosaur a herbivore that can not only be killed but it can also kill carnivores and one of the few that can actually fight small carnivals adding just a little bit uniqueness to the dinosaur roster and if you've enjoyed this video guys leave a like and until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,311,594
Rating: 4.9008832 out of 5
Keywords: jurassic world evolution gamingbeaver, gamingbeaver jurassic world evolution, cretaceous dlc, Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World evolution part 1, part 1, episode 1, ep1, All dinosaurs, all islands, play through, walkthrough, jurassic world, jurassic park, jurassic world game, fallen kingdom, indominus rex, indoraptor, gaming beaver, fights, death duels, dinosaur battles, full game, complete, dinosaur fights, t.rex, gigantosaurus, spinosaurus, dinosaur breakout
Id: pwGLnYlzMNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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