Battle of AI Titans: Bard vs. ChatGPT

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chat jbt is out in the wild but googlebard has entered the race let's see how they compare welcome to today's video where I'll be comparing googlebard with chat gbt yes that's the scripted output that came from gbt I asked it to generate a video for me today but it didn't quite hit it I have been using GPT to generate some of my video summaries which I then use as a prompt for me to record a fuller version of a video but today's video is a little bit special because I've only just got access to Bard and while gbt is certainly useful I'm going to be doing a few live demos and so I've got to throw out the rulebook formulate is not going to work here and we're going to have to make it up from scratch if you're new around here welcome my name is Pete Moriarty I help small business owners get their Tech right and we have only just got our hands on google Bud because we live in Australia and our business doesn't have access to it yet again Google are letting their competitors get ahead of them in the race by only rolling out features and functionality in stages now Google have released Bard initially just for Gmail they're finally saying as of today that they are announcing it for Google workspace as well however us down under are still stuck without access and so just like many of Google's other features whether we see it or not who knows but at least it's going to be delayed and unfortunately that means that I'm getting my hands on Bob for the very first time as I create this video now for me to get access to it I wasn't able to even sign up with my workspace account even after enabling it in the admin panel my team had to sign up for a dummy Gmail account pretend we were based in the United States and get access to it that way so that's how I'm going to be accessing Bard to make this video now I've been using GPT for a number of months now it's pretty much become my default search engine I didn't see what the big who are was when I first logged in after I first started using it yes it was certainly useful but it was nothing that different than what I'd seen on Twitter and other spaces but I found that the ability to ask GPT questions that I would normally ask my assistant or I would normally ask someone on my teacher research for me or I would normally ask Google and end up searching and researching myself has really made it quite compelling and I found myself going to gbt as my default search engine to to find information and also just help you get my work done now in my workplace primarily my job is to create videos for YouTube and so I've been using gbt to help me create video scripts and summaries and what that's allowed me to do is cut down on the time that I would normally spend writing a video or coming up with bullet points sometimes GPT has given me pretty good results and other times I've had to completely throw it out and start from scratch but one of the things that I do like is most of the time GPT will give me a pretty well-rounded idea and I can just fill in the blanks sometimes gbt will even give me suggestions that I hadn't thought of and I really like that as well so I can make sure that my videos are complete for you my audience let's go ahead and load up bard oh [Music] and we're in I finally have access to Bard so to really give you an idea of Bart's capabilities I want to give it the same prompts I've been giving GPT and see what the results are because I know which prompts have been useful and which ones have not been so useful and I want to see how they compare first up we may as well start for the prompt to this video this is one that I tune here this morning as I said I wasn't very happy with the results but I'd like to see what Bard thinks of this here was gbt's response and here's Bard so this is really interesting there's a couple of quite interesting things about this response number one is I don't know if this is bias on Google's part but Google certainly seems to favor Bard over gbt it does raise the point that Google has access to real-time information on the web which GPT failed to mention that but also says that both of them are easy to use however Bard is claiming that it is generally considered to be more user friendly than gbt because Google's answers are more readable and formatted in a more consistent way I'm yet to see how that claim goes now Google says that Bard is currently only available in beta and pricing has not yet been released whereas gbt pretty confidently said that it was available on a tiered pricing model on Google Cloud now personally I haven't heard of it being made available on Google Cloud I assume that will there will be an API of some sort and that will have availability but that's not really really sounding like they're giving consistent answers there so let's find out what the real truth is I'm going to log in to my trusty Google and it looks here that interestingly Google triggers an AI chat bot on Bard UBS estimates alphabet will incur a 0.3 Cent to three cent in incremental costs on top of its bait search query but that's not a public price that's Google's priced interestingly I can't find any pricing information for Bart I haven't looked too hard but I'd like to move on okay next up I asked GPT for a definition on mid-market companies in Australia let's see what Bard comes up with now GPT gave a pretty good answer to this and I gotta say that Bard's answer is pretty good as well Bart gave a more comprehensive explanation of where I've got its data sources for and I really liked that because it gave me a little bit of extra you know guidance and I guess the confidence that it was a well-structed answer based on information that was readily available but what it also did was it gave me a little bit more of an explanation of how I should be careful on the data to rely on because it wasn't really clear on its answer I do like that and that's really Google showing that hey I found the answer or what I think is the answer but you may not be able to trust this 100 so tread carefully damn Google have done really well here I gotta say I'm pretty impressed I didn't ask it to put it in a table but Google has automatically created a visual guide on how to compare these two machines now I actually found it challenging when I first Google this inside gbt earlier today because I had to read through and kind of like understand all of the information myself whereas Google has made it really obvious one is faster one is slower one is longer one is shorter on Range you have clear differentiation in costs and although there's not much explanation around it Google's made it pretty easy to compare the two I guess once I've asked it for the difference between it's automatically gone into comparison mode and it's decided to be as helpful as possible by creating a comparison table now one thing that was missing here I guess was a bit more of an explanation of what what are the slight differences between the two and if a gyrocopter isn't powered by an engine what's it actually powered by is it just magically powered by the wind let's ask Google a bit more information and see what it says okay that's a pretty sufficient explanation and to be honest the first time that I asked GPT this today I didn't really understand what was powering it and I just ended up feeling a little bit more confused even more so than when I first asked the question Google's given me an explanation that I now actually understand and so armed with this information I want to go back to GPT and see if it can help me explain how a gyrocopter actually works now one challenge I'm finding with GPT right now is it is so darn slow I don't know if it's just today but gpd4 has taken a long time to generate responses for me and that's been extremely challenging something that I definitely trust Google with is to have a excellent back-end infrastructure that built everything they do on top of Google cloud and they have the ability to scale very very quickly and so I do know that even Fresh Products from Google tend to be able to scale up quite quickly because they're always built on Google's Cloud platform and even after I finished telling you that the response is still being generated inside gpt4 let's wait a little bit longer well it's only taken a minute but I finally got my answer from gbt that was really not impressive at all it's pretty darn slow although I did get the right answer and it did kind of make sense again it's just giving me text after text after text something that Google has done a pretty good job of being better at so far time for our next question [Music] so this one's interesting I actually have to give the answer to GPT gpt's response was specific it was accurate to my knowledge and Google's was a little more wishy-washy it didn't really give me a clear understanding in answering my question it was really more just giving me generalized information I can understand that Google probably want to stay on the default side of being accurate rather than being as comprehensive as possible in their answer but Google kind of lacked the confidence that I was looking for in the answer that I sought also I thought that Google didn't structure the answer very well GPT was very clear and specific in answering each part of my question I asked about one tree in Portugal and I asked about one tree in Morocco and was able to clearly identify the answer for both of those Google didn't do such a good job with two different questions in one statement so here's one that I'm hoping will be a bit more of a challenge I asked a three-part question about drone laws in Morocco and I'm going to give Google the same challenge okay so the first question is not too bad but I've got to say that Bart has done a pretty good job here of answering pretty much all the information I would like I'm still interested in some specifics so I'm going to go ahead and ask my follow-up questions now this is interesting they've actually used different examples of people who've gotten in trouble GPT mentioned a French tourist in 2019 in Casablanca Google have gone still in 2019 but a British tourist in married cash I'm curious to know which one of those are actually accurate and whether or not either of them happened I'm inclined to trust Google more on this let's fact check GPT so that's interesting when my first search result has brought up a 27 year old French tourist in 2019 in Myanmar not in Morocco Strangely I can't find any evidence of this actually happening maybe I'm using the wrong Search terms or maybe this has disappeared from the internet but this is getting a little bit fishy now my final test here is to ask a follow-up question about the specifics of what's been shared with me and to see if they can both answer now GPT did a pretty good job of this let's see what Bard's response is now I'm not sure if this is because the the age of the information I don't know if maybe things have changed in the last couple of years but these are wildly different I'm not sure what the right answer is but again I'm just inclined to emotionally trust Google because they tend to be more accurate on things and they've said from the beginning that the aim of Bard is maybe not to be as helpful as GPT but at least to always be accurate I'm going to have my team research the specifics of these and see whether or not they were actually correct now here's an interesting one I asked his post question to GPT twice and I got different answers each time I don't know if it was because the formatting was slightly different or if it just understood the question differently on a different day sometimes it does give different results from time to time but I'm curious to see what kind of answer Google gives us because I got very different answers from GPT in the two different times that I asked what I thought was the same question now this one's a bit of a challenge I really like the answer that Google is given they've given me the technical details and they've actually given me what I really wanted from this question was to explain not only the different ranges but also the different variants within those ranges of different portions however the answer that I got from gbt was also useful what I liked about that answer was it actually told me what the different vehicles are known for and I assume it's scraping forums and discussions on the internet and bringing together a collection of information to bring that together I assume Google is looking more at technical documents and trying to make sense of technical information for it to then share it with me Google has something called the knowledge graph which it uses when it calls websites and it looks for different types of data and I'm assuming that Google is relying on some of these tools to generate its response now I've got to test it let's see if Google gives me a different answer if I actually name this correctly interestingly Google just gave me the same answer but this time it decided to give me a table with the information as well that's really curious I didn't ask it to do anything differently but I guess somewhere in its brain it's decided this is how I'm going to outlay the information again with these AI tools there isn't really a clear answer as to what's going on in their mind when they present the information but sometimes an extra prompt another question or just trying again can yield you the results that you're after now here's an interesting question and this one is more of a social question I'm curious to see how these go because GPD had trouble with this one given its cutoff of data is in 2021 but I'd like to know what Google thinks now keep in mind here I'm deliberately not giving these systems much information I'm kind of wanting them to fail and I'm wanting them to ask them for more information or I'm wanting them to force me to feed it more information just to see how well they go completely out of the gate unprompted or not fully prompted and then bit by bit I'm feeding bits of information to the algorithm so they can get better and better with their answers but ideally I want as much of the work possible to be done by these apps so it's not me having to do the thinking I would dream of where I can just kind of think something give a couple of words to an AI and it will automatically guess what I'm thinking and give me the answer and that's what I'm trying to aim for here even less than telling somebody else as a human what I need or what I want to know now Google gives an interesting answer here which is actually wrong and before I loop back to that let's try the second question and we'll come back to that one this one had a spelling mistake and I'm going to leave that one in and see how it goes now this response is really confusing there was a typo and I think Google think I'm asking if it's okay to walk in front of a car but the answer seems to be about riding in the front of a car I I don't quite understand what the answer is here and you know I can see that it's talking about some of the Social Challenges and social norms in Morocco but I don't really understand what it's thinking about this doesn't really make grammatical sense to me I mean it's perfectly acceptable to walk in front of a car however as a woman you're not obligated to do so who says ever who should walk in front of a car this just seems completely odd to me I don't know what's going on here and I don't know if Bard are like too busy trying to give a socially acceptable and politically acceptable answer that it's missed out that there was a clear typo in this question now Bard has given me the same answer when I put in the right question with the correct spelling but it's still a bit of a confusing answer if you're a man visiting Morocco it's perfectly acceptable to ride in the front of a car however if you're a woman you're not obligated to do so I didn't ask if anyone was obligated to ride in the front of a card and ask if women were obligated to ride in the front of a car right I only asked about men it's up to you to decide what you feel comfortable with yeah that's certainly interesting now here's the real answer to this question because I asked a couple of the Rideshare drivers why they kept asking myself to sit in the front of the car and my girlfriend to sit in the back and what they actually said to me after a little bit of translation was that the Rideshare app that I was using here in Morocco is not quite legal yet with the government and so in order to not have any undue attention drawn to them they wanted to have at least somebody sitting in the front seat and somebody sitting in the back seat so it wasn't confusing and no police basically saw that they were potentially part of a ride share operation now let's say our bot goes to creating emails it's been criticized that it's not as creative or not as inventive as GPT for creating new content and I'd like to test it out now GPT did very well here not only did it create an email but it also gave a script of what a collaboration might look like it even gave some dot points on a partnership outline and it even gave a recommendation area and a list of testimonials as well I was really impressed with this as a response and it was completely flushed out Google's effort not so bad I mean it was okay but it wasn't quite as well fleshed out as GPT I really thought that GPT gave it the extra color it needed for you to be able to go in Cut Pace make a few quick changes if you actually wanted to send this and then off it goes from your inbox I'm going to ask Google to improve it and see how it goes Google doesn't seem to be getting it I want to create an email script and I want the two to be combined together but it just keeps kind of like missing the Mark it's not a bad effort and I'm liking the responses that Google's giving me it wouldn't be hard to fix its work and cut and paste and put it together but GPT nailed this in one prompt which I love so that's a wrap what do you think let me know down in the comments I've got to say Google have done a pretty darn impressive job at creating something that accepts the national language and gives me really clear answers back some of the answers that Google generated were better answers than gbt and I've got to say there is an emotional trust in Google to give me accurate answers I was able to verify everything that Google actually had in the answers that it gave me and I liked that but gbt have that extra Creative Edge where it had a bit more Flair in the answers that it gave I guess on account of it's a bit more loose with the truth let's say and so the interesting thing is going to be where these two tools end up you may have noticed I'm using a tool called AI PRM which is a plugin for Chrome which adds extra features to GPT this gives really really great prompts that you can automatically add into your questions and that gives you much better answers now I didn't use any of those helpful prompts with my gbt this time for this video because I wanted to give you the raw experience so we were comparing Apples to Apples but they really helped me to enhance my questions and they help me get much more out of the software now Google I'm yet to see any additional plugins to help you with prompt writing but overall learning to write great prompts and learning to ask great questions of these tools will help you to get better results let me know what you'd like me to test next and if you'd like to hear more stick around for the channel we've got plenty of other videos and helping you with everything Tech in your small business oh I'm still waiting for that gyrocopter question to be answered if you like this content please hit subscribe and hit the Bell notification so you can be notified when we go live or drop new content on the channel if you'd like to connect with us hit us up on social media or join our free community group all the links to that are right below this video if you'd like to learn more about Google workspace and the technology ecosystem you can join our free genius academy by transferring your billing across to it genius or you can join a workspace Basics boot camp now if you're a business owner and you're interested in an audit on your technology stack or your workspace account or you're looking to do a project in the tech World well you can take advantage of our free consultation and if you need help right now then consider joining concierge or taking up a quick fix with our team for professional support for your Tech stack [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: itGenius đŸ¤“ Biz Tech Experts
Views: 10,100
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Keywords: Battle of AI Titans: Bard vs. ChatGPT, bard, chatgpt, google bard, ai, bard vs chatgpt, machine learning, artificial intelligence, bard ai, chatgpt vs bard, google bard ai, chat gpt, gpt-4, google ai, natural language processing, chatgpt vs google bard, google bard vs chatgpt, chatgpt 4, chat gpt 4, openai, ai battle, bard google, bing, chatgpt vs bard vs bing, ai showdown, ai technology, google, google bard demo, what is google bard, #chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, open ai
Id: wflrjDv2qxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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