ChatGPT vs Google Bard vs Bing Ai - The Ultimate Comparison Test

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I put chat GPT Google bard Ai and Microsoft Bing AI to the ultimate test against each other and I gave each one 10 different types of prompts to see who would come up on top and I used both versions of Chan GPT so you'll see the version that is free to everyone and you'll see gpt4 with web browsing in this test I'm going to assign a score from one star to 5 stars for each different categories I have five categories that I'm going to rate all these AIS on one is going to be based on setup and how easy to use and some of the features it has built into it they'll review helpfulness accuracy creativity and finally speed and I have these on split screen so on one screen you'll see on the right side you'll see Microsoft Bing on the left side you'll see Google bard and then on this window you'll see Chad gpt4 on the right side and chat GPT 3.5 the free version on the left side and with chat gpt4 I do have internet browsing available but I'm not going to use the plugin since right now you could only turn one of these on so let's start with ease of use I want to see how easy it is for anyone to jump into one of these and set it up and start using it Bard is from Google right so you could access it at and billions of people already have a Google account so they have a leg up because all you have to do once you go to this website is use your Google account to sign in and since Google already has all kinds of different products that we all use like Gmail and YouTube that makes it really easy for someone to sign into Bard with an existing account and because of that I'm just one click away from Googling something I'm just one click away from composing a Gmail email and on one click away from exporting this to a Google Docs and saving my work for later so that's going to be really hard to beat Now Bing is a little bit more difficult to even start with because it requires the browsing on Microsoft Edge which is the web browser Google could be on any browser right so Microsoft Edge has to be in installed so if you're on a Mac it does take a few extra steps that I covered in how to start using Bing so doing that does limit how easy it is to use and set up but they do have a really really good app for IOS and Android that I've made a video about so Bing does get a score there where chat GPT and Bard currently are only web-based and do not have a iOS or Android app and Microsoft Bing also has the search option so inside the chat window if you scroll down you go to the search section that is not very useful in my opinion because most of us are not using Bing to do our searches we're Googling things right so this one does not really provide a benefit to me because if I wanted internet access to look up things like links I'm still going to use Google so Google has the Google It option but Bing basically just gives you Bing search which again A lot of people are not using all these years anyway and Bing also has an option for you to choose a conversation style so that makes it really useful because sometimes you want to be more creative or more balanced or more precise and when you give it a prompt it also suggests follow-up prompts so that is pretty unique and I really like that because sometimes I don't know how to take the conversation to the next level or exactly what to put in my prompt box to follow up on that conversation so this does help you none of the other ones right now give you a follow-up suggestion now what about Chachi PT is it easy to use well chatgpt also have a website at openai is the company that makes chat GPT and Microsoft Bing actually is running chat GPT version for the latest version of chat GPT is actually how Bing is operating so they have a partnership there so some of your answers if you're using gpt4 is going to be similar to when you use Bing but here you have 3.5 and you have chat gpt4 and they're rolling out new versions all the time so it may be a different number by the time you see this video but here's the problem with GPT 4 and I'm gonna compare gpt4 with the answers for the rest of the test gpt4 is 20 a month so that was no big deal I have two paid accounts but now that we have board and we have Bing that has gpt4 that 20 a month seems a little bit steep right because we have now two Alternatives that are totally free again gpt4 also has a limitations on how many messages you could give it right now it says it caps at 25 messages every three hours that's the only reason I started using Bard and being in the first place because I was hitting limitations on my paid service right but they do have cool things like internet browsing available again those other things have that too so that really takes 3.5 out of the race because without internet browsing with older data right now the data set is from 2021 that makes it really not not as usable as some of the other options and you also have this cool plug-in store so there's a whole world of plugins it looks like the App Store where you could download all different apps again call plugins for gpt4 that is something the other ones don't have so this gives it access to a whole different set of databases so that does give it a point but the way it's set up is not very useful because right now you literally have to choose between internet browsing the internet access gpt4 has and plugins and it's only available to the paid version of GPT so it is easy to set up most people already have an account but all these different limitations with it really do hurt it when it comes to comparing it to being embarked so the very first score ease of use and features I'm gonna give chance your PT 3 stars for the limitations I talked about I'm gonna give being four stars and I'm gonna give Google five stars they definitely win this category next let's test a few different prompts to test how helpful and how complete each of them are when it comes to giving an answer so the first prompt I'm going to give it I'm going to say compare chat GPT 3.5 versus Chad gpt4 versus Bing versus Bard and see what it does so Changi PT 3.5 it keeps telling me that the knowledge cutoff date is September 2021 so a lot of these tools came out in 2023 so that makes the answer not very useful at all so let's look at gpt4 and it looks like you use the internet browsing option here so this plug-in kicked in and it tried to search the internet but it's had difficulties again using the tool and it gave me some answers but again it's based on the cutoff date so I'm going to try to regenerate the answer for this to see if it gives me something better now let's go back here so Bard gave me a really good answer I'm not going to read it right now you could do the prompt yourself but also has different drafts so I could click here and see these different drafts and one of them right here has a whole table which makes it really really useful right so I could actually extend this out and look at this table it tells me the different models I basically try to find it gives me their language model the data set the size right as you can see gpt4 is way bigger than the other ones right now and Bing is the same as gpt4 because it's using the same model it's going to give you the capacity of them it's going to tell you the capability of them the availability is going to give you a lot more information and you could use a combination this one has bullet points this one also has the table but it actually did its own testing on accuracy fluency creativity so this is a useful chart to compare them now let's go to Bing and see what Bing came up with so this is the answer Bing gave me so Bing does something unique it actually credits where he got this information so it does a web search basically so it did a search for exactly what I typed and I found this information from some Publications and then it's going to give you all the sources so I do like that although it makes it a little bit more messy I do like that it's giving credit to where you got the information and as usual it does give you follow-up and Chachi pt4 looks like it's working and it looks like he had the same exact problem as before with again telling you has a cutoff date even though he tried to search the internet something for some reason Bing was able to do GPT was not able to do that and it's still going but again if I was to compare these on this version Bard definitely is winning so far so let's do a follow-up now I'm going to say summarize this into a simple paragraph So when it comes to summarizing text it could take a large amount of information that it creates and summarizes him or you could give it a large amount of text yourself you could copy and paste into all these and ask for a summary and they all do a really good job so between Chad GPT barn and Bing this is pretty equal when it comes to summarizing information if you generated the information obviously it's going to have some problems summarizing something that wasn't accurate in the first place but this time check gpt4 also gave me some resources here but now I'm gonna say give me a detail Health table and compare everything in a visual way okay so same prompt as you can see Bard gave me a really nice looking table here so I could see again all the things that it created from the first prompt but now you put more so you put cost if it has a free or paid option this is gpt4 has a paid option Pros cons best for very very useful chart to look at in a nice organized way Bing just didn't create one at all it says it can't generate the table but I could give you a summary well we already got the summary so this does not help sometimes it does work but right now in a live test I give it the same exact prompt as Bart and it just gave me nothing so let's look at GPT 3.5 M4 so this time actually 3.5 did a better job so it gave me a table that has Bard being and all four right but look at this one it says I couldn't find information on Bard AI so it's not part of our chart so that makes our chart not useful right we're trying to compare these three different models if Bard is not in the race again because it couldn't fetch it same thing on the Bing side right using gpt4 they couldn't do it and here they did it but again some of the information is going to be a little bit out of date and they all have this issue too that I should point out right now because I didn't do a test for it so a lot of these have this issue with hallucination they basically give you an answer that seems right but it's actually not correct so that is going to be a problem we look at accuracy in a second but as you could see again this is not very useful in fact Bing chat also has a bunch of unknowns if I go to Bard it gave me a useful table of content here Bard is going to get five stars and Bing and chat GPT I'm gonna give them three stars just because some of the other things they did well like summarizing it explaining like I'm five years old those type of prompts they did really well in the table generation part and because the data is just not available to them they just couldn't get the right information to me so again Bard wins this category too next is going to be Act accuracy the very first basic test on accuracy I'm going to give it a complex math problem I'll give it to Bard Bing and chat GPT and see what it comes up with and how it breaks up the work so I give it a math problem that's differential equation from my son's homework and it's pretty complicated but it looks like Bard actually give it to me for some reason and code snippet so I could copy it right here using the copy but it shows up in this kind of format but again they do have different drafts so if I wanted to mix it up and get the simple version of it this is it so this time I'll just use the first one because that's the one that showed up by default but you can look around in the different drafts that makes it really useful it doesn't have to generate every time and this is the answer it came up with which is the correct answer it looks like this version 2 on the Bing side also came out with the same answer but it's really interesting because this actually didn't give me any of the work right it just gave me the results in this case again the same prompt this in every version of it gave me some version of how it got to that answer this is a very detailed version of it that got to that answer as well on the chat GPT side on 3.5 again you gave me the right answer and he showed me ton of the work in a really easy to understand way and on the four on gpt4 it also gave me the answer it did not show me ton of the work though so I could again try to use the free version to get more of the work or just ask it a follow-up question to give me the work so the accuracy which is what I was testing out not completeness is all correct when it comes to doing things like this again this is a little bit more of an involved math problem but he did a really good job very quickly giving me an answer across all four my second prompt for accuracy is going to require real-time data so I'm going to ask it how much the Super Mario movie has made so far so Bard gave me a pretty up-to-date answer so if I went to Box Office Mojo on Google and look this up this is pretty close it's within a couple of days of the total box office of the Super Mario Brothers and on the big side again exactly where I need this to be very close and it gave me the sources if I want to read more I could go to for example this got the information it looks like the source is Wikipedia so this time he actually showed me the source again I could Google it to learn more or I could go to the search tab in the Bing side and learn more about it this way so that is useful let's go to chat GPT so now here's where Chan GPT again falls behind on the free version so if I was comparing just all the free ones chat GPT would completely lose because it just can't answer that but again this is something you may just use Google or Bing for anyway not even the AI you could just do a Google search I just wanted to show you this limitation but on gpt4 as long as you have web browsing available and activated it found the answer very very quickly using this web browsing option so it did again give me an accurate answer so the only limitation here again is the free version of chat GPT not being up to date on this information but again when it comes to scoring these I'm going to give Google and being a five star but again I'm going to give Chachi PT just three stars because if I was to use the free version or a lot of times this web browsing version takes a little bit longer it doesn't find the right answers quickly so that is definitely not going to be up to par against being embarked let's actually see how creative each one of these are now I'm going to ask it to create a mid-journey prompt which is a text to image generation platform I have different videos about but I'll ask it here to create me a prompt for mid-journey so here's the prompted came up with on the Bing side is this is basically the prompt it's a little bit on the long side but I'll go ahead and take it and I'm going to give the mid-journey bot that prompt on the big side you give me multiple different prompts and they're pretty short so I could basically take this information this is all the prompts that it wrote for me and I could choose between these so it didn't give me one and then again gave me some tips I did not ask it for some tips but he gave me some tips on exactly what to do to get the best results on the chat GPT side he gave me a very complete mid-journey prompt it has location lighting poses Expressions props so way way way more than I need but let's see what it comes up with if I copy and paste that and again gpt4 gave me a long description as well so I'll just take one of these to show you what this came up with okay let's see the result here we have Bing so Bing gave us this prompt that gave us these four different images pretty good now this one is barred again I left it kind of open to see what they come up with right so I didn't give it a lot of prompts here and this did a pretty good job too in this case I think actually being did a better job creating something more ultra realistic here let's see what this other one gave me from Chan gpdn look at this completely different way more cinematic way more of a different approach to what the other ones gave me and from all the tests I've done so far Chad GPT is definitely far more creative I mean look at this prompt and the details of this prompt compared to the prompts the other ones gave me even when I have Chan GPT write me poems or write me short stories it does a better job than Bard and Bing only does a good job if you change the setting so when you have a new topic and you have a conversation style if you change it to more creative you're going to get something that is going to be on the creative side so if you want to do poetry if you want to do things that chat GPT I showed you that is doing you need to be on the creative tab so this one is kind of nice because you could change the conversational Style with the other ones you can but you got to give it the text prompt this one actually has a toggle to go in between so in this case chat GPT wins with a five stars and being embarked I'm gonna give only three stars and I'll do a coding test just to show you the speed test so I'm going to actually ask it to create a game for me that I could run on my computer so GPD 3.5 is super fast they actually spit out the code in maybe 10 seconds and then it wrote the rest in another 10 seconds so in 20 seconds you told me exactly what to do and I actually told it I don't know anything about programming so he told me exactly how to do it he wrote me this code in Python I could copy the code and then they told me step by step exactly what to do so where to get python how to download it how to run it on different computers I did this test by the way and I was able to run this simple guess the game or guess the number game in couple minutes from getting this prompt and following it step by step now GPT 4 is still going right so gpt4 definitely gets the lowest score on speed right but this time is actually far more accurate against GPT 3.5 as far as the details that it's giving me now board was the fastest you actually give me this whole output and the code's a bit longer in maybe three seconds I had this whole output and I got different versions of it too with a little bit more detail but this one actually had a little bit issue with the details of the steps you gave me so with Bart I was not actually able to follow step by step when I followed the instructions and on the big side it looks like he actually gave me a follow-up question so I'm gonna tell it you choose and it's all also creating the same guess the number game for me so they all decided to the simplest game they could make is guess the number game which again in a couple minutes you could run on your computer and this one is giving you the code here that you could copy but as you can see it's again just as slow as gpt4 right because it's using the same engine here so right now Bard wins the test right now by far for Speed GPT 3.5 was fast but not accurate Bard also didn't give me the detail step by step but that is related to some of the other things we already scored but when it comes to speed test Bart definitely gets five stars is super fast three seconds to get this whole code and GPT 4 and being definitely way too slow right so they're going to get only three stars on this one so at the time of this test right now in all the five categories combined I'll show you here on screen board definitely is on top but it is changing very rapidly they are literally changing this all the time so I'll make sure I update this video every couple months to see which AI model is coming up on top and maybe meta joins the race too so this makes it a little bit broader of a race and I'm also putting together an entire AI education platform Netflix style platform where you could watch everything in the world of AI as they get released with complete courses tutorials download resources and an entire community of AI enthusiasts that is almost ready make sure you sign up in the link in the description of this video I hope you found this useful and I'll see you next time
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 84,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, google bard, bard ai, bard vs chatgpt, google ai, chatgpt vs bard, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, google bard ai, chat gpt 4, chatgpt vs google bard ai, what is google bard, google vs chat gpt, chatgpt how to use, Bard google ai, chatgpt, Bing ai
Id: 0diejS58ouM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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