ChatGPT vs BARD, Which is better?

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sometime back Google released chat GPT competitor called Bard and that chatbot was pretty bad recently just few days back they upgraded Bard and now Bart seems to be performing really good in this video I am going to be asking few key questions to both of these chat boards and we will see which one performs better and towards the end I will mention some key differences between these two chat boards I have opened bar here by going to it's free anyone can try and then in the other window I have chat GPD open I am using GPT 3.5 model which is the free version of it now let's start with this question where I want to know the price of the Tesla stock today and if you have used chatgpt you know that chat GPT can't answer the questions related to the latest information because the model is trained only up till September 2021 in the case of badhara however it can go to internet and pull the latest information see this is the price okay uh if you want to Google it you can just click here and then you can just find some prompts you know which are similar to this question for this question you might have done Google search as well using this prompt and if you go here you know you will find the price okay there is some difference here like some decimal but it's correct information so this is the thing I like about bar that it gives you the latest information it goes to internet pulls the latest information out of it okay so in this particular case I am going to use bar because I care about the latest information let's move on to the second use case let's say you have a manager who takes things personally and who is giving you on reasonable deadlines you want to talk to that person you want to send an email and and you want to discuss a matter how do you do that well you can take chat gpt's help and you can say okay you know I have this manager who takes things personally write me an email and I want to discuss about unreasonable deadlines and let's see how chat GPD is going to do at the same time I'm going to ask the same question to Bard as well now see I asked it to write a 10 lines email it wrote me a huge email see my manager would not like to read such a huge email so it is making a mistake it is not 10 lines it is actually 10 points okay uh this is 3.5 maybe GPT 4 is doing a little better than this but overall if you read this email it has done a good job see first you are expressing your appreciation okay you say I value your guidance and expertise in managing your project your support has been instrumental in our progress thus far and this is a human psychology that if you want to give someone a negative feedback first talk about their positive okay that way that person becomes receptive of your critical feedback this is a psychological technique that people use and chat GPT is smart enough it is figuring that out and it is giving you the body which can you know convey the message in a right way let's look at Bard okay I'm writing you today to discuss the deadline of the project I've been working on this okay it wrote it in 10 lines but I don't see that element where you are you know first are talking about something positive about your manager but I want to point out something here bar has this feature where you can view multiple drafts for the same question if you want to do this thing in chat GPT you have to regenerate the response and it will kind of write the whole thing whereas in bar it's kind of conveniency you have three responses alternate responses now if I look at this one see I have already put in lot of work I am confident whatever blah blah blah I would like to propose okay I don't like this one as well uh I'm concerned I've been whatever okay overall it did not do that well but I was just running this uh some other time and I noticed that it had that human empathy element it was talking about positive okay so let's see if it can do this I okay overall I think it's doing a reasonable job uh so here I would say both of these are doing pretty good in case of chat GPT it is writing me a big response so I'll probably use bar in this particular case one other cool feature that it has is you can export the response uh into your Google Docs or Gmail let's say you want to use Gmail to write an email to your manager you just click here and it will create a draft and then you just say open Gmail see it's kind of a handy feature here and it also gives you some tips you know be respectful professional be positive blah blah blah the next use case I have is I want to test chat gpt's knowledge on my YouTube channel I have this YouTube channel I will say who is the creator of this particular Channel and it says uh it's a professional call umland who the hell is the whole Patel okay let's ask the question same question to bar and by the way I asked this question to check GPT three times one time it told me it's Powers but Powers but is another YouTuber but of course he has a different Channel then second time it says some Aman Grewal something so chat GPT is outright line with so much confidence whereas if you look at Bard it just says okay towel butter is the creator of this channel you know at like technology whatever see it's giving me very accurate information here it made one mistake his YouTube channel has 1.5 million subscribers maybe in the future we'll have it right now it's 800k you can see it here so it made a little bit of a mistake here but overall the main question you know who is the creator that question was answered correctly now I want to trick chat GPT and I I want to say no it is Rita Mehta let's see how it behaves see I apologize it is incorrect the channel is there have been changes then I am not it's always good idea to verify see okay it just Bluffs and if you do the same thing uh to this no it is if you do the same thing with but I do not have information about this see it is giving me a proper response here so for testing knowledge I would use bar in place of chat GPT now let's move on to my favorite one which is I will ask chat GPT to write code let's say you have a CSV file where you have player scores okay and you want to find an average score of every player Rohit Sharma played in two matches 80 and 100 so the average score will be 90. Maxwell played in two matches 60 80 average score will be 70. this is a general like data analytics type of code that you want both of these chat boards to write so I will give a proper information I will say okay write a python code here is my CSV file three columns and you know you need to find an average score per player let's do the same thing with this particular thing and you will see that once you read the code I mean I've gone through the code it is pretty accurate okay it is pretty accurate it tries nice comment the code works you can also say rewrite the same code same code using pandas and it works pretty well okay so 100 out of 100 for chat GPD in case of bar however it is making a mistake if you read this code it is wrong folks it is wrong code Google guys wake up I know it is an experiment stage uh maybe I will give a it's a wrong code it is a wrong code I'm going to help Google with this particular thing but anyways here it is printing wrong code maybe you can look at other drafts okay let's look at the other draft other drafts number of matches maybe other one is correct but the first one it got me wrong whereas in the case of chat GPS damn accurate so for writing code I am going to use chat GPD Bard has this additional feature where you can just export the response to Google collab so here I will just say export to Google collab and if you open it Google column is a cloud version of jupyter notebook it's a product of Google and say you can just run this code here so this is once again very convenient I would definitely use it if bar has given the correct code or maybe see the structure of the code is still uh good enough I can maybe change a couple of line here instead of just the one number I can use a list or I can use a player count you know I can make some changes and make this code correct all right the next use case is writing LinkedIn post I am very active on LinkedIn and I use cat GPT and bad sometimes to write my post so let's say I want to say write an eight line highly engaging LinkedIn post on the topic why AI will not replace data analyst jobs folks AI I don't think is going to replace data analyst job let's see how chat GPT is doing in terms of LinkedIn post and see why AI will not replace data on its jobs I like the fact that it is using all these emojis and also it is having that scroll stopper in LinkedIn when people are scrolling you want to have your first line such that people want to stop scrolling and they want to read further so here cat GPT is doing good job with it you can read through it it is it is kind of okay you can also regenerate the response why AI will not replace stops and it's fine actually now let's do the same thing with Bard and see how that goes and by the way what I will do is I will ask it to rewrite and add some storytelling and humor okay so let's see how the new one looks like and in this case see in this case okay it looks good but it's not as good as chat GPT okay you can read it uh AI can have whatever it's not using emojis it doesn't have that engaging first line okay and I will say okay now add some humor and storytelling to it now let's move back to chat GPD and see what kind of humor it has added okay why a data analyst will not replace your let me tell oh my God it created a story Kingdom of data driven decision there was a you know Arthur Arthur oh my goodness see it is doing a good job it's a long post I can reduce it to reduce this pose to only 10 lines okay and this is challenging okay whatever overall I have used 10gbt and it is doing pretty good job whereas in the case of bad okay I know what you're thinking is taking over the world so it is trying to add some storytelling and humor but it is not as good as chat GPD so the conclusion is for writing code and for LinkedIn post I will use chat GPT let's move on to our last use case where I want to ask a question related to ethics the question is Rahul commits a murder Sheila is a judge he's giving she's giving that sentence to Rahul after the death um isn't Sheila responsible for the death of Rahul and should be punished you know as a human we know it is judge's responsibility so it's okay but I want to see what kind of reasoning chat GPT gives for this ethic related question and I will ask the same question to uh this one as well and here it says judges are responsible for upholding the law answering whatever see in this scenario presentilizer did not physically come either but rather whatever the response of the model realized with travel the person who committed the ACT see it is giving the response but actually you know it's not very convincing whereas if you read bars a response judges are not responsible for the death of convict this response is very very high quality it's very very human readable as if I'm talking to some human okay so in this particular ethic related question Bard has outperformed cat GPT folks these are free versions I would suggest that you go and try it out and you read the response with a Calm Mind you'll realize Bard's response is more human readable it is as if some human is talking to you explaining things in a very simple language where this is using some abstract language there is some confusion to it it's not as good as what Bard is giving to you so overall out of six questions that we asked Bart did pretty well in four and in remaining two which is coding in LinkedIn post chat GPT did pretty well now this is a huge Improvement the initial version of Bard was so horrible that no one would want to use it but now Google has made huge improvements and they are in neck to neck competition with kgpt asking sixth question is no way to measure the performance of these two chat boards it's a very small sample size as I use these two for next few days I will get better understanding but was just released three days back so this is just my first impression of it I would suggest you guys also try it out but I am very hopeful Google is doing improvements or people are going to give the feedback and their their next version is going to get back better and better so the AI race is heating up and Google is making a big progress now let's talk about the three key differences between these two chat boards the first one from the Tesla example you know uh that Google bar pulls the latest information out of Internet whereas chat GPT at least 3.5 version pulls it till September 2021 uh even if they release new chat boards in the future maybe they will have trained the board tell some data fine whereas that is not the case with Google language model Google uses Lambda which is Google's language model for dialogue application based on which chat GPT version you are using underlying model could be gpt3 or gpt4 so chat GPT by the way is a front facing final product or an application whereas gpd3 or GPT 4 are the model you know the AI models which Powers this application that model in case of bar is Lambda the third difference is as of now Google bar is free for all whereas in case of chat GPT gpd4 is 20 a month whereas gpd3 is free but sometimes it's not up you know it might be down Etc uh so overall pricing wise I think Google bar is better now obviously Google is not doing any charity in the future probably they will also come up with a free version but this is the state of the things as of now now folks remember one thing AI will not replace your jobs but a person using AI will so make sure you start using these tools to improve your productivity AI you can treat it as your friend which can improve your productivity we looked at all these use cases you know writing email writing code LinkedIn post Etc start using AI tools that will make you more and more productive if you like this video you can give it a thumbs up and click on like button so that the YouTube algorithm becomes happy if you have any question there is a comment box below thank you [Music]
Channel: codebasics
Views: 12,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, chatgpt vs bard, bard vs chatgpt, bard ai
Id: f-Zf5eWSW3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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