Batman "Curse of the White Knight, End of Batman" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics torreĆ³n this is where we take our older videos and combined them into a long narrative for you to enjoy in one sitting today were going to be doing the curse of the white night series now curse of the white night was a sequel to the white night which is an alternate universe of a Batman it was the Joker became sane and tried to save the city of Gotham by turning it against Batman this is the sequel to that story in which well they're against Batman I hope you guys enjoyed it forget to stick around to the ending where I'll see you there laughter fills the halls of 1685 Arkham Manor as its current owner and ruler Lafayette to Arkham wildly charges into battle Edmond Wayne holds out his sword telling the crazed general that he does not wish to kill surrender and leave the valley and give back what belongs to him Lafayette grabs on two priests by car and holds a blade to his neck asking if he's willing to pay the price it's at that moment that Edmond cracks his whipped pulling Lafayette off of a car by his neck asking what price Lafayette shouts the Gotham Valley is cursed there are demons in these dark into forests ancient ones that seep in from the mountains no one is safe and they will turn into a monster like the rest of them Edmond tells him that he is sorry but he doesn't believe in curses he plunges his sword into Lafayette neck and he kicks him down the well and all the while Lafayette laughs as he plummets to his death current day Arkham Asylum the warden of the facility taps away at the keypad stating that all the cameras have been turned off they are all very interested in what he has to offer The Joker steps out of a cell telling him of course you are now come along we have some personal items to collect as the two walk through the empty halls of the asylum Joker asks where is everybody and the warden tells them that they had to move everyone out for renovations it's all a part of Gotham's new innate PR initiative all the problems that he uncovered while the Joker spins around grabbing the warden by the collar shouting we are going to get one thing straight right now that was Jackie Dee Pierre not me two separate people Jay got it he lets him go tell it took me years it turn the city into the capital of crime and Napier hijacks my body and manages to ruin the party the warden gets back up asking what are we here for and Joker holds up a bag telling him for the final act Batman and Napier will never see it coming this city's biggest darkest secret the beginning and the end of a Gotham a joke only I know about now there's something I'm forgetting ah yes the old disappearing pen trick Joker takes a pen out of the wardens jacket and stabs it into his neck the warden shouts asking did you bring me here to stab me Joker doesn't well I couldn't stab you earlier because that would have caused the scene and I don't like to be rushed now make sure not to spill any blood on the way back don't need Batman snooping around the old cell thanks warden during this time though at the Wayne Manor Bruce finally sits down to read the note that Alfred left him at the end of our last story the note was Alfred's final goodbyes but there's something else detailed in it something that Alfred had had no way a journal by one Edmund Wayne before Bruce could even open up the book the bat signal is shining in the sky calling him back to duty as Bruce it's up and heads into Arkham he meets with the warden and he asks what happened how did the Joker escape his cell the warden tells him that he isn't sure the Joker stabbed him in the hallway end but Batman stops him wrong an attack line like that creates a cast-off pattern and splatter on the wall now a clean puddle like what we have here on the floor the warden stops asking him what are you trying to say and Batman turns around screaming where is the Joker the warden begins to stumble over his own words yelling huh I don't know Joker went to his cell and he left afterwards Batman and Jim examined the Joker's old cell when they noticed some fresh markings on the walls Batman sticks a knife into the crack seeing a false panel and he pulls it aside to reveal a hallway into an abandoned well he shines the light on the wall seeing a message written in blood but because of how long it's been there most of the letters are faded or someone attempted to erase it the to look around and Jim sees a bone sticking out of the ground it says that there seems to be a body here but while the body is exhumed and examined over at Saint Raphael Hospital the military vet jean-paul Valley receives news that he has cancer it could have an exposure to the tactical use chemicals like napalm or Agent Orange and Jean Paul stops I'm stating I can't talk about that and as he does it begins to get a weird feeling he gets up from the table and he walks outside into the hallway and a nurse runs over stating you can't to leave here without any clothes but as the nurse reaches out John Paul grabs the man by the head slamming him into the walls shouting don't touch me John Paul then walks into the chapel falling into the candle yelling I can't oh Jesus Christ I can't and later over the gto offices batman and batgirl look over their findings and find out that the body that's been discovered belongs to lafayette Arkham bat girl says that she remembers hearing the poems about laughy and how he would be in the woods eating children batman tells her that Arkham was a British general who controlled Gotham Valley in the 1600s and Batgirl heels yeah and he was also a vampire she then asks what about the medallion that was found over the message written in blood Batman tells her that he can't be sure on those yet but there's something else a chest that Alfred left behind containing the journal of Edmund Wayne the first wing to come to Gotham what's more there was another item in the chest a whip made of bat leather they don't know what the Joker has but it goes all the way back to the founding of Gotham City and somehow involves the Wayne's backers John Paul he mops the floors of the church that he's been working at when suddenly the lights go out he asks is that you Father a voice tells him to put down the broom he's not a janitor he is the king the rightful heir of Gotham lights subtly shines out the glass window as the silhouette of a man stands there holding a sword the man goes on staining the walls that you have been through the ghosts in your nightmares God has been torturing you God has been preparing you Joker leans out of the shadows holding the sword telling Jean they murdered your ancestors they says your land and for seven generations they have sat on your throne johnboll asks are you an angel and Joker tells him yes and I am here to reveal your holy destiny he then releases the sword dropping it into the brazier and continues the shot ball the truth is behind your name the Frawley God needs you that's really John Paul takes the sword as it burns with fire and Joker tells him I need you to take the flame so that I may take the light to correct the sin that has spread darkness throughout your kingdom to do that we must slay the demon the man whose family has cursed Gotham Bruce Wayne [Music] / with Bruce Wayne he is sitting looking through the journal that Alfred Pennyworth left to him before he passed the journal recalls the stories of what happened to Edmond Wayne back in the 1600s when they tried to take the land of Gotham and he sees that Edmond Wayne was nothing more than a common thief after being caught one night he was approached by a man who would later be revealed to be Bakar and makar told him that he was meant for something greater than these mere tricks so while on their way to prison bokar rescues Edmond by killing dozens of guards but then again they seem to have more about them than just the average guards Makar spoke of a destiny that brought them to Gotham Valley and before their showdown with Lafayette they drained Makar taught Edmond how to fight how to fire a gun how to survive Gotham Valley was where his family was and where he would make his final stand however but cars help came with a heavy cost half of Gotham and that wasn't something that he was willing to grant but while Bruce was looking through the journal in his office there was a knock at his door Bruce's assistant stated that there's a woman here and she doesn't have an appointment before Bruce could respond the woman says that it's very important that she speaks with him she's there regarding their bat problem bruce tells is assisted let her in and then asks what he can do for her she sits down telling him that he and the police can lay off her clients there a mutual friend the Joker told her everything Bruce tells her that there's been a misunderstanding and the woman stops him telling him that this could go a lot quicker if he stops playing stupid and just accepts that right now she knows more about Bruce wingman even he does her name is Ruth and she created the Batman devastation fund she's also the financial handler for some of Gotham's wealthier citizens the people Napier called with the elites she was there to point out that it's in both their interests for him to make the Napier initiative go away Bruce asks if she's going to try and blackmail him and Ruth says no she's just here to tell him the facts there's a rumor going around that Bruce Wayne is considering telling Gotham the truth about Batman but what does he think what happened if he does let that go through if he does reveal the truth of his identity first the stock at his companies would plummet as the FBI seizes all of his assets it is arrested for terrorism thousands of people would lose their jobs resulting in even more crime and poverty he lose his fortune over the hundreds of assault charges from decades of vigilantism everyone who has ever worked with him would then be charged for aiding and abetting including the GCPD so it's really simple if he wants what's best for Gotham he should continue being Batman and fighting crime low-level crime and he'll find a way to help the elites by stopping the Napier initiative as Ruth believes Bruce tells it that he doesn't care what it takes to expose her she says that he should because he won't survive this beautiful Dick or Barbara or anyone else that he's roped into his insane cause the next day Gordon stands before the people of Gotham at a press meeting stating that he isn't a politician he's just a blue-collar kid who wanted to be an unpaid cop he isn't that good at a spin and he doesn't like cameras and he has no patience for BS the truth is he hated Jack Napier because he was the Joker doesn't matter what he was trying to do he was the Joker and unlike the voters he didn't have the luxury of ignoring all the horrible things that Napier did as the Joker frankly he's stunned that people have voted in Napier as a councilman it took a long time for him to see that Jack Napier brought out the best in Gotham law while Jack Napier wasn't perfect in his past did haunt him he did show Gotham that they had to be better and how they could be better and that's why they created the Napier initiative as commissioner he ended police corruption addressing the problems in places like back port and supporting programs like the GTO but the route of their problem isn't on the streets it is in their ivory towers and that is why he's asking for their support give him the power to stop the so-called elites not as their commissioner but as their mayor that's when laughter he'd be heard and the Joker walks out onto the stage holding a gun telling them my brand of comedy embraces the classics squirting flower whoopee cushions yo mama jokes impressions were never really my thing but hey let's give it a whirl Joker slaps on a fake mustache telling you well my name is Jim Gordon and I'm running for mayor not only am i an incompetent policeman who allowed Batman to ruin this city but I'm also a cheating husband a terrible dad I'm too stupid to even notice that my own daughter there's actually Batgirl well while this is going on back over at Ruth's desk she sighs state admit it doesn't look like Wayne is going to cooperate so mr. Vallee your plan B jean-paul sets his sword on the desk telling her Azrael Ruth tells him okay Azrael mind pulling your sword out of my mahogany desk Azrael leaves his sword at a telling her I don't have time for your schemes for me it's simple Bruce's family took my kingdom and cold-blooded now that's exactly what I'm going to take back Michael is a sniper at Gabriel's demolitions our specialty is disrupting enemy networks by removing key players and Gotham has a lot of key players Ruth tells him that it's not enough to kill Batman he must replace him become their Batman in an exchange they will make him rich like a king just tell her exactly what they need meanwhile over at the GCPD Jim Gordon lights his cigarette telling himself that Joker was right he's spent two years working alongside his own daughter he couldn't tell because of some silly mask he's a hell of a detective Jim points to Bruce Wayne telling him and you all this talk of trusting and turning a new leaf stating that you would reveal yourself to Gotham when exactly is that going to happen Bruce tells them that they both agreed that it would complicate things and Jim shouts well I was wrong you should come out as Bruce Wayne then maybe Joker and the elites wouldn't have destroyed my little girl's life later still trying to process what happened Bruce turns in the last person to help him the last person that could help Harley Quinn as Harley reads the paper on her balcony she says out loud that he keeps forgetting that she is the only one in Gotham he can't sneak up on Bruce steps out telling her that he needs her we have Joker in custody and we need help interrogating him Harley tells him that she doesn't give a crap about the Joker so Bruce asks what about Jack Napier she pauses for a moment and tells him Jack is gone she can't go down that road again her heart can't take it besides she has other things to worry about as she turns to show herself in the light Bru steps back asking you're pregnant and Harley tells him oh look it's the world's greatest detective with nothing else to go on Bruce returns to the Batcave to go over the files of what Gotham Bally used to be what it was back in the days of Edmund Wayne and bekar but before long the computer indicates that there has been a security leak Bruce looks of the computer in the image of a hooded Azrael appears it he tells Bruce our brothers were to define the land at live in peace however one son rose against the other like Cain and Abel God cursed Cain for what he had done just as he had cursed Gotham I am the Vengeance I am God's wrath here to break the curse and rise up against you and deliver this land form evil after three centuries the house of Wayne will finally be rectified and with that Azrael gives the word bird and with the finishing of that sentence the Batmobile starts to fire up next the bat jet flies up crashing right before Bruce just as Bruce gets back to his feet the Babel wheel speeds by with the Bruce quickly jumping onto it and pulling at its wires outside Gabriel loads of the truck stating that she's just set the charges on the mansion and Azrael tells them move out while Bruce rewires the Batmobile Azrael radios in that it's too late Bruce this is God's will without answering Bruce punches the navigation screen he begins to drive out of the Batcave as it is bursting into flames and with that the Wayne mansion explodes and Azrael and his team drive off [Music] the explosion blasts the Batmobile into the water effectively destroying it and forcing Bruce to kick out the windows just to even escape as he swims up gasping for air Nightwing shouts there and Batgirl asks if he's okay Nightwing tells it it just gets them the hell out of here debris from the mansion is still falling down everywhere when once the three are clear Nightwing tells Bruce that he's sorry there was no way to rescue him without blowing his cover as the GTO helicopter flies down Bullock and leans over asking that's Bruce Wayne dick gotta be kidding me as a helicopter goes into the air Bruce looks out watching as his home turns to ash later as Bruce sits unmasked in the GCPD Batgirl asks how the hell did this happen who would attack him directly and Bruce says that he only saw a glimpse of him a strange mask a red cloak big sword use Hatter to hack into the security systems and turned everything against him Montoya then asks how could they have found him and Bruce tells it that he's pretty sure that he was sent by a woman named Ruth she walked into his office at Wayne tech the other day and said that she was working with the Joker and that she knew everything about Batman and Bruce Wayne and the entirety of the Wayne situation she also said that she represented the elites and wanted him to cooperate and stopping the Napier initiative Batgirl says that she doesn't understand if he knew so much about him why bother exposing her Bruce says that it's because without him they can't make money on the Batman devastation fund they need Batman or a version of Batman that will cooperate with them bollocks scoffs telling him great just what Gotham needed another colorful whack job and Bruce tells him that no this one is different The Joker picked him for a reason the medallion left behind was the symbol of an ancient cult the order of st. Dumas the man and the cloak was wearing the same thing back then though Edmond wasn't alone he had a partner named Makar who wore this symbol and Edmond was supposed to give him half the land of Gotham in exchange for the help Batgirl asks is the guy who blew up her house a descendant of a car that Bruce tells her that or Joker convinced him that he was just that the group gets a call and Montoya tells everyone that Gordon is on the phone he's ready to interrogate the Joker well before beginning Bruce has one place to be it's Harley unboxes and begins to assemble her new crib she says to herself if you were supposed to have a screwdriver for this thing why wouldn't you include one just then Bruce hands her a screwdriver and Harley tells him that he's the creepiest handyman ever what does he even want her who starts to put the crib together telling her I thought a lot about you over the last year how you turn to the city against me know what the worst part of that was Harley tells him getting beaten by a girl Bruce tells her no it was losing my family Harley tells him that he doesn't have a family they're all just a bunch of weirdos in tights and Bruce tells are well wonder an orphan you make family wherever you could find it Harley then responds oh I didn't know you were an orphan no offense but that kind of explains a lot Harley looks away telling him you're just here to try and trick me to help you get Jack back and Bruce tells her it's not a trick he takes off his mask we revealing himself to be Bruce Wayne to the Harley Quinn of this universe and tells her I need you to trust me later back at the police department Bruce walks into the interrogation room and the Joker laughs shouting I missed the barbecue Bruce holds out the medallion asking who is he and the Joker yells that is my night the elites are my pawns and Ruth is my queen Jack Bruce places his hand on the table telling him I know about Lafayette Arkham Joker pauses and Bruce goes on telling him that's right we found the body thanks to the help of Jack Jack told me that he discovered the Joker there all those years of everyone thinking - you were the worst villain out there but instead you're just a cheap knockoff Joker slams his hand on the table in frustration and then tells him well well great performer shouldn't be ashamed to admit his influences maybe our accidentally found a laughy when he was trying to dig out of his shell and with me all my secrets that's when the Joker was created laughs II told me a joke written in blood the greatest joke and all of Gotham a joke who me I know the truth about the Wayne family and I've been laughing ever since just waiting for the right moment to begin the grand finale the day that I finally get to share the joke with the entire city Bru's asks what did the message say The Joker smiles you'll just have to wait and see just then a voice says that if the Joker will cooperate they know someone who will Joker looks over stating oh this is gonna be good and Harley tells Jack that she needs to speak to Jack not the Joker Joker yells oh Lord can't you take a hint it's over you're worthless weak unlovable victimhood is your superpower brusque is ready to jump over the table when it hardly stands up stopping him telling him it's fine I've been called worse Joker then seize Harley stomach seeing her pregnant and burst out laughing what are you here for child support I'm gonna guess the state - you're having twins I suppose I can spare a few bucks one of those brats is basically mine we'll have to abort Napier's though hey Batman have a coat hanging around the utility belts after it being Harley's turn to lunge over the table at those remarks Harley and Bruce will leave looking through Joker's old cell to see if there was anything that being missed and Harley says that this place is creepier without the Psychopaths in it as the two step into the well Harley asks if this is where old laughy died so who killed Bruce says that there were two men one was a pirate named baqar and the other was Edmond Wayne Buffy had survived the fall but before he died he wrote a message in blood did they pee or ever mention anything about it Harley shrug says that he never said a word she was just as disappointed about knowing the grand finale like them all so she's going to throw this out there but have the ever thought that maybe Edmond killed Makar how else did that medallion have gotten in here where's takes out a scanner and says that he thought that it fell off during the struggle but he found something another body meanwhile over at a bar in Gotham Jim and the other GCPD officers kicked back as Jim announces that he's going to be shipping down as commissioner to pass the reins on to Montoya Montoya says whoa why are you picking me what about Bullock and Bullock throws his arms around her the title ain't for me besides it's about time that we had a lady at the helm until you at the roser drink in his face asking oh is this an equal opportunity crap and everyone Jim heads out stating that he's got to work on his feature tomorrow don't stay up too late commissioner as he steps out he lights his cigarette and then he noticed his Batman in the shadows he walks over taking a drag telling him I was open that I run into you listen I'm sorry about blowing up about Barbara it's just she's all that I got left Batman but I know better than anyone that she wasn't forced into this kind of life she's promised no more secrets deal Jim holds out his hand but the hand that takes it is not to bruce's and whoever that is reaches out deal back with Lafayette swell Bruce begins that dust off the bones with subtly Harley screams Bruce asks what's going on in Harley yells that it's happening this chunky blonde is not going through that tiny passage back out Harley lays down and asks Jimmy bat strength painkillers in that belt of yours and Bruce tells her this is not a good idea we don't know how safe but Harley grabs Bruce by the Kal shouting just give me your damn drugs or I swear to God I will make him fight a pregnant woman back with Jim he's thrown to the ground by Ezreal and when he goes for his gun everyone starts to hear shots being fired everyone runs outside they see Azrael holding his sword to Jim's neck and Jim telling him told Barbara a lover that couldn't have been more proud of her just then Michael and Gabriel opened fire on Montoya and the rest of the GCPD while having cover fired Jim asks who are you and Azrael tells him I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in the darkness but shall light to the life as rather than thrust his flaming sword through Jim's chest telling Jim tell the devil that Azrael sent you the thunk into Jim's chest can be heard by everyone and as they stopped a look Bullock is shot in the shoulder Azrael then puts his foot on Jim's chest pulling the sword out kicking Jim Gordon over the legend to the alley below [Music] as the EMTs rush into Gotham Hospital no one can hear the screaming that is all around them Babs thinks back to the car ride with her father when she was younger and how she said that she didn't want to go to school anymore because a boy pushed her down when he tried to kiss her she didn't tell the teachers because she didn't want to get the boy in trouble it was then that Jim told her that if anyone ever tries to hurt her she's to hurt them back harder that's what Babs is thinking about as her father is dying on the operating table she hopes she wishes but his machine starts to let out that long ear piercing beep she knows that her father Jim Gordon is gone she rushes out of the hospital telling herself that it's not true and as she does she passes Batman Batman saw the look in her eyes and he knew he knew what had just happened he runs past going past all of the doctors the nurses feeling the same level of dread that Babs did Jim Gordon was gone later at the GCPD Babs shouts asking how could they manage a let her father's killer escape with all of them there they were all there when her father was gunned down in an alleyway why was he killed with all of them there Batman tells her it's because of the Napier initiative Jim was to become mayor then he would become the biggest threat to their enemies Babs turns back screaming no they killed him because of you because of what Batman started Jim Gordon believed in you and he was willing to put it all on the line while others hid in the shadows like a coward Nightwing tries to stop her but Montoya grabs her telling her that she needs to focus right now they're in the middle of a manhunt Nightwing snaps back asking who put her in charge and Montoya grabs his jacket shouting James goddamn Gordon did and if you're going to continue to work for the GTO you better get used to following her orders but while discourse falls on the GTO Batman takes his leave to check on Harley he climbs in through her window asking how are they and Leslie tells him that they're a bit underweight but she isn't too worried Batman pulls off his mess and Leslie asks if he's sure about this telling everyone who he really is is he really going to reveal it to the entire world Batman terms to her telling her that there's something else Jim was killed before Batman could even finish getting the words out he falls to his knees and he begins to cry back at the GCPD Babs combs through the records and surveillance tapes trying to find a clue on who her father's killers were when Nightwing tells her that they both know that Montoya is going to order her to take a leave of absence to get over the loss of her father and says that she'll just quit no one could stop her from finding Azrael they should be angry right now Bruce is out of his mind and they all bought into it capes cowls secret identities this insanity has ruined their lives but no one wants to say anything because they're too deep Nightwing turns to leaves telling her that he isn't in the habit of defending Bruce but she's not being fair they both chose this and so did her father as he goes Babs goes back to the computer when she notices they customized a military vehicle leaving the scene shortly after her father's death and meanwhile over at one of the many safe houses Batman looks over the journal that was left to him by Alfred Pennyworth when he passed away once more to try and find information of its origin and Leslie comes down with some tea she sees the pages and she asks if Alfred finally told Batman looks back asking how did she know and Leslie says that she was there when Alfred received a letter that was addressed to him at the time Batman was still a new thing and Alfred focused on taking care of business affairs the letter asked for him to come to an address that wasn't on a record to one of the older parts of Gotham Alfred knew that he had to go and that's when they met a man a man who claimed to be the last night of the order of st. Dumas he priest that priest handed alpha the journal telling him that he trust that the journal would be given to Bruce Wayne when the time was right before Alfred could ask any questions the man disappeared Batman looks at the monitor stayed into the journal spoke of a curse a blood feud between the Wayne's and the back ARS but whatever it is he needs to figure it out might be the only way to find this as real at this time over at the GCPD Babs is gearing herself up in the armory and she gets ready to leave when Bullock asks if she's sure she wants to do this does she plan on just like arresting him Babs walks up to him telling him no she does it so Bullock grabs a rifle attagirl you drive moments later Batman gets a call from Nightwing telling him that Babs and Bullock are missing they took the tumbler and they turned off the GPS he's going to assume that backup locators are in all Batmobiles ones that even the GCPD doesn't know about Batman remains silent for a few seconds and then he says that she said in a brute one near the Gotham River later across town Azrael along with Michael and Gabrielle start making their way to the hideout when settling a Batmobile slams into the side of their truck the two vehicles fall off the side of the cliff and it crashed into the canal below Azrael pulls himself out of the wreckage asking is that Batman ABB's walks over with her gun in through her tears she tells him now someone far worse her finger tightens around the trigger and actually pulls it a battering whips around the muzzle of the gun pulling it out of her hands Batman calls out to her asking what do you think you're doing and that's when Michael and Gabrielle opened fire Azrael leans up tackling Babs to the ground and bullets shouts hurry up and shoot shoot him now and Batman's a moment of hesitation Ezreal grabs Babs and knees her in the back with a loud crack before he can pull any harder Batman loses the Batarang from the gun throwing it around as riyals neck and quickly pulls him off Batman jumps on him shouting the fight is between you and me leave the others out of this as Batman pushes down on Azrael sword it suddenly ignites and Azrael says this is your retribution this is God's will Batman has launched across the field yelling I know all about admitted the car and no matter what was taken the Wayne's have been and always will be the protectors have got them Azrael walks over telling him I agree and he swings the sword at Batman's face as the rest of the gto arrived they take down Michael and when Nightwing calls out looking for Barbara he sees a shadow rising out of the smoke Batman steps out with his mask torn off holding Barbara's limp body [Music] the day after Barbara Gordon and Bullock went to get revenge and it went horrible the city of Gotham is mourning the death of Commissioner James Gordon everyone stops to pay their respects but there's one person who is not at the funeral Batman later at the GCPD Batman pulls up with Bullock yelling where the hell were you Jim died because of you and you were too busy to attend his goddamn funeral Montoya tries to calm down Bullock but he pulls away shutting now what about Babs why didn't you waste Azrael when you had the chance Montoya tells him because he and Barbara went to rogue that's why Barbara is in a wheelchair and that kind of reckless behavior is going to get you suspended Bullock Batman tells the both of them No Olek is right I should have been there after everything that happened Ike I wish I just wasn't sure I'd be welcome I didn't want to cause a fight Montoya goes on stating that what made Gordon so great is that he understood two things trust and compromise he accepted that the good guys didn't always get along they just needed to trust each other and then moving forward sometimes meant embracing their differences Bullock asks how do they move forward from this and babban holds about dis saying by focusing on the work we've always believed that Gotham began as a small village on the coast that's why the journals map is so strange it places the village in the wrong place on the edge of the large bay that extended inland in an area that we know as Gotham reservoir however the journal is inaccurate the settlement is beneath the RUS bore someone tried to erase history by flooding and that man was Edmund Wayne my ancestors with Arkham dead Edmund tried to reclaim his own inheritance but rather than honoring his promise to give back our half of Gotham Edmund killed him Edmund convinced the British to help him purge the entire valley so that they could turn it into one of the most valuable ports of the new world he then erased all evidence of a car and the Chapel of st. Dumas by damming the river and flooding the valley the villagers who lost their homes than resettled in backport headman redrew the coastline as the land below the lake dried up and that he built a new settlement by selling property to the East India Trading Company that is the truth about Gotham and it's how the Wayne's fortune started in the new world that's why the Joker sent Ezreal by reviving the descendant of a car Joker wants to expose the cover-up and destroy the Wayne legacy and if we're going to get any more information out of the Joker there's only one person that can do it so later Harlequin is visiting the Joker in jail with their children in hopes of getting through to Jack Napier Harley sits down at the glass divider asking Jack where Azrael is and what did the message written in blood on the well walls state Joker walks up stating Jesus you again thought I made myself real clear he then stops me to look around where is he parley sits down telling him that Batman's not coming and Joker says I always thought that you are pretty boring maybe that's why I kept you around you made me look that much more hilarious but this this is just stupid why would you risk bringing your children here what's stopping me from escaping and kidnapping and Harley says that he won't because Jack won't let him The Joker bursts out laughing and Harley tells him that if he won't let Jack in then they will never see her again and the only memories the children will have with her father is this nightmare Joker holds his head trying to contain his laughter telling her maybe I was wrong funnier that I give you credit for finally takes one last look at the Joker and it says goodbye Jack I love you as she begins to leave a voice calls out to her telling her to wait I I love you too and that voice came from Jack Napier once Jack is secured in a chair with a dozen armed guards around him he looks at the twins and says that they're beautiful he's so sorry that he couldn't have been there Harley tells him it's ok Batman delivered them it was a bit of an emergency while investigating laughy jack says wait wait wait wait Batman delivered my children board exactly where the Joker was born at laughy Arkham's grave if that is it dripping with irony and hardly rich is not telling him that there's more going on here than they realize if they need help jack tells us that it can't Joker knows everything that he knows it doesn't work the other way around it hardly takes Jack's hand telling him to think where is Azrael giant religious nut with a big flaming sword just think Jack so Jack tries to concentrate when suddenly he sees that the sword the flaming cross a sword at lodged in a pool of holy oil and some old church with a giant stained-glass window st. Jerome's Chapel in old Gotham Harley says it that's good very good what about the message on the wall the one in blood Jack Jack focuses on the night that he was there he can see words and they said they said oh no harley asks what is it jack tells her well I'll tell you but you cannot tell Batman Harley asks why and Joker tells her because it would destroy him meanwhile over in Ruth's office she tells Azrael that their contract has now become void he has become a liability he was an investment to fight the Napier initiative they paid him to eliminate Batman so that they could replace him not wreak havoc all over Gotham with a flaming sword Azrael puts on his masks telling her I was clothed in a robe dripped in blood and the name by which I am called is the word of God Ruth looks at Azrael sword as it hangs next to her head telling him that she was hoping that they could be civil about this and that's when Bane charges in tackling Azrael to the ground Azrael fights back stated that the mercenaries are weak they only worship money man gets up asking you think that I am weak then let's start up the juice a little he injects himself throwing Azrael across the room and starts to pull him back by the tassels as he begins the laugh he lives up Azrael above his head telling him hahahaha your faith is your weak that's when Bane feels the tube in the back of his head get cut and he drops as Riel Gabrielle is standing there and Azrael ignites his sword stating that often mercenaries leave themselves exposed Bane tells him the tube is there to challenge anyone to come in close if they dare cut it in Azrael picks up Bane by the tube telling him I will accept you a challenge and with a single cut he lobs off Bane's head Routh begins to shout asking of the not do this and Azrael recoat sis or telling her this is a special form of napalm when I pulled the sword out there's a button that will set this sword on fire if I don't push the fun than no flames however the napalm can still be ignited even by something as small as a candle he lays his sword down on a roof while Gabrielle ties her down and she screams asking what do you want Ezreal tells her I want a list of your clients all the names of the elites giving her a set time limit as it melts down and Ruth yells wait wait wait I'll tell you later in Arkham the prisoners get up in the air a pair of heavy footsteps coming down the hall they look down to see a man with a bat symbol holding a sword and seconds later a flaming sword begins to cleave through the villains one by one Joker wakes up well it would seem that someone is cleaning out the competition hi how'd you get past the security the man says they just let me walk through and the Joker asks why would they let you do that Azrael steps out of the shadows wearing the bat suit that ruth was working on tells him because I'm Batman [Music] as as rail and Joker begin to make their escape Joker says that he really wants to know did security just let you through because you're looking like a cyber metal Batman didn't even raise an eyebrow as Joker looks down at the entryway though he sees all of the dead security guards and he says oh that makes sense Gabriel hands a joker his gun telling him that they still need to fight through the next batch get ready as the metal doors slide open as real Gabriel and Joker all opened fire meanwhile over at one of Batman's safe houses Batman tells Harley that you can tell that she's keeping something from him something Jack Napier said the alter ego of the Joker Harley says does he even trust her and Batman says that I trust that you have a good reason as to why you'd be keeping something from me for now we're going to split up I'll look for Azrael while you go to the GTO building Harley pauses for a moment and says thanks for trusting in her be careful Batman Batman's first stop is the pub where Alfred first received the journal to speak with the st. Dumas priests and to try and find a lead the priest says that he has not seen as Riel since the Joker got to him and Batman asks why should you be trusted so the priest tells him because Jean Paul Valley is a very dangerous man and he needs to be stumped Batman then asks who is he the priest sits down stating that he is a knight of the order of st. Dumas a historian and a collector when he learned that the Joker founded the journal he knew that he had to get it from him he feared the Joker would use the journal to expose the truth about Gotham's curse and disrupted the peace that the Wayne's had created since he was a kid he was taught what it really meant to be a knight that every warrior must find balance and that you can't know violence unless you know peace but John Ball grew older he became angry Restless and uncontrollable so the order did what they thought best and they sent jean-paul to war they had hoped that the battlefield would quench his blood lesson that he would have returned to shed those demons however the Joker destroyed all of that by reigniting the blood feud the book ours and the Wayne's and now the entire city will know the truth edmond wayne/batman says I already know the big secret now really don't care Edmond didn't want to share his inheritance so he killed my car and then flooded the valley destroying the village that he could rebuild his fortune the priest asks is that what you think happened there's much more to the story than what's in that journal the order of st. Dumas sent Picard to Gotham on a quest to bring peace to the valley but rather than converting the sinners he joined them and so he was banished but Makar wouldn't go quietly he wanted vengeance he wanted to seize power by finding the last Wayne their goal was to overthrow the criminal empire of Gotham and the two became criminals themselves thieves smugglers pirates they became the worst of the worst and years passed and once Edmonds heart had become as dark as the criminals that they had worked with but car began the next part of his plan to turn Edmond into a killer but cars sent Edmond to laughy Arkham and the two were divided the valley in half but Bakar he had other plans however I will not give you all of the answers now sometimes one must find their own path to discover their own truths it's at that moment that Montoya shouts over the radio that Azrael is at the GTO and they need help now as the priest leaves a Batman asks again who he is in the priest tells him my name is Jason blood and I've been in this valley a very long time Batman that asks how do you know all of this and as Jason touches the mirror his own reflection becomes that of a demon and he tells him that he has some experiences with curses a short while later over the GTO building Batman pulls up asking what happened in Montoya tells him that it was Azrael he attacked with no warning they managed to get gabriel batman starts to look around asking where's harley but off in the distance Harley's dogs begin to bark and dig in the debris as Batman is rushing over after moving around the rubble Harley begins to cough and weakly says he took them he took my babies Batman Batman tells her to relax her ribs are broken lay down end but she screams I'm not gonna lay down I want my children back and I joined to go get them back from the Joker Batman tries to calm her down but Harley yells no this is all your fault you had me put up with more of The Joker's humiliating abuse and you had me become reminded of how blind I was all of those years ago and now you've exposed my children to it Batman realizes that there's no talking her down he goes to his bike at he hands Harley her cost him telling her suit up but before leaving everyone then sees the bat-signal appearing in the sky and Nightwing asks where is that even coming from so Batman looks in the direction of the spot stating looks like it's coming from the old arc of building Batman and Harley race over to Arkham narrowly dodging the traps that are in place for them Azrael sits and watches at the entryway and right when he sees footprints on thermal he begins his hunt once he's close enough Batman leaps over the ledge throwing a flash grenade that disrupts Azrael suit and he jumps in kicking him in the face meanwhile elsewhere Harley quietly walks through the halls calling out the jack that the Joker wants to murder their children we can't allow this to happen jack you need to take control the echo of the Joker rings throughout as he tells them this place is special this is where I first met Harleen Quinzel the virtuous woman who would care for anyone that's why she was turned into Harley Quinn 2br comes the biggest embarrassment and inmate that's why you keep aligning yourself with the powerful myself Napier and now Batman oh because you're weak now your children will see for themselves just how helpless their mother really is as the Joker jumps out of the shadows he hesitates shouting in pain and his skin slowly turns back to normal as Jack Napier runs over telling Harley don't listen to him you're not helpless the truth is that Joker is scared of you Harley that's why he's always kept you at a distance because you saw the things that he was most ashamed of his humanity and his compassion that's how we're going to beat him you've surpassed everything that the Joker ever did to you he said helplessly by while you overturned Gotham and Batman in ways that he never could he's humiliated by you Harley Joker's greatest enemy isn't Batman it's Harley Quinn as Jack hands Harley the twins she what can I do to help just tell me what you need me to do Jack and his hand begins to tremble as he grips the gun and he tells her you need to run I can't keep control of him as Harley turns to go the Joker takes back control the body laughing as he points the gun at Harley's back but before he could pull the trigger Jack fights for control grabbing a hammer smashing himself in the face or the Joker's face Harley shouts that he did it but jack tells her no she has to keep running the Joker will never leave them alone he'll never leave their children alone there's only one way to end this Harley as she tries to help him up Jack pushes her away and he puts the gun beneath his chin Harley yells for him not to do it and as Jack is crying tears streaming down his face he tells her I love you Harley the gun begins to shake in heels I get the Joker won't let me do it Harley take the gun stop me she takes the gun as the Joker takes control lunging at her and just as he gets her hands on her there's a single gunshot back with Batman Azrael continues to beat on him telling him try harder this is way too easy Batman groans are you enjoying this and Azrael tells it admit it we both are Batman yells we are not the same but I do not kill and Azrael tells them you're just one who doesn't have the conviction to do what must be done and if you don't you'll never bring peace and Batman screams how does killing bring peace to Gotham why did Gordon have to die you're not a knight fighting a holy war you're a demon just like the car and that's why you lost everything because you dared attack the Wayne's but then the Laughing can be heard in the distance as Joker walks up all bloody you've got it all wrong Batman it wasn't magar who died next - laughs II it was Edmund Wayne when arkham dead the cars plan was almost complete all he needed to do was eliminate edmund and so he did he could then steal Edmond Wayne's identity flood the valley and start rebuilding Gotham Edmond barely survived the fall into the well but before he died he left a message on the wall a message in his own blood hoping that it would one day reveal the truth I am Edmund Wayne as Batman begins to process this information as real slams his sword into Batman shoulder and the Joker goes on yelling always smiling because the joke I was told at Edmonds doom that Gotham's greatest hero is to send it from criminals that Batman is using a stolen fortune to wait a war on crime that his own family helped create do you get it Bruce Ezreal holds out the ring telling him once this is over I'll be taking it all back from you and the rest of the elites but before as Radel could push the sword and further Harley jumps through kicking him off the ledge into the dark pits below she then turns and points the gun at the Joker who laughs shouting you won't do it you don't have the she pulls the trigger and with a single gunshot the Joker falls to the ground Batman and Harley kneel unable to say anything as a jack wipes the tears from Harley's face Batman takes Jack's hand and he tells her that she'll be okay and Harley turns to Batman holding him as Jack Napier finally in control takes his final breath and passes on as the realization of not being a wane sets in Batman thinks back to how this all began he would often stare at the cross sword hanging on the wall wishing he could pull one down but after that fateful night he would stare at the swords and cry he would cry and blame himself for what had happened he was the one who wanted to go see the movie Alfred found the young Bruce staring up at the wall and said that he would like to propose a deal if he was ready to attend the funeral he would be ready to hold the rapier when they get back he will learn how to use it how to fight so that the next time that he's in danger he'll know what to do young Bruce sniffles asking like Sora and Alfred tells him yes like Zorro now the current day a much older Batman stares at those swords once again thinking about how the Wayne's were always Guardians going all the way back to the Middle Ages they were Nobles using their wealth to defend the people who shared their land and as Batman he wanted to honor that tradition learning the truth of Edmond waned has been difficult but never once was not being a Wayne a thought the truth is a girl's a descendant of a man who died and that well as Batman stares at the computer screen Harley tells him that he was right she was keeping something from him Jack Napier and her were worried what the truth might do to him but they both knew that he would eventually figure it out she couldn't stop it but she would at least be there for him when he found out the truth Batman lets out a sigh the joke is right there is a curse and Gotham at its Batman Harley shouts that's bull was your father a curse was your mother we're not responsible for something that we never knew about and neither are you who cares if you're technically not a Wayne you're still doing what you've always done guarding the city using your fortune to protect people Batman stops are telling her not according to this it's the list of the elites the GTO found Ruth or what was left of her after Azrael killed her there are names of every business and every investor she's ever made profit on most of its channel through one company the largest company in Gotham Wayne core that's why she didn't want me to come to Gotham with the truth I was her biggest client ollie asks how did you not know you'll Batman you know the world's best detective Batman sits back telling her that's the problem I've been Batman for so long that it's taken over my life I can't even shake someone's hand without imagining three different ways of breaking their elbow I don't even know how to be Bruce Wayne anymore I don't really know who he is Joker and Azrael have proven it Gotham will never forgive me Harley kneels down telling him yes they will after all they forgave Jack Napier for being the Joker and you know why because he took off the mask he asked for forgiveness he knew in order to help Gotham you had to trust Gotham Batman tells her I do trust Gotham and Harley asks do you do you really Batman then says it'll destroy everything if I reveal it I will have nothing left I'll just be a poor Bruce Wayne hardly takes him by the hand telling him you'll still have your friends you'll still have me later that day Barbara struggles to walk again in crutches when she happens to slip there wasn't a nurse that caught her from falling it was Batman no it was Bruce Wayne and Bruce tells her that she's making good progress and Barbara says that Azrael almost broke her spine the doctors are stunned at any recovery Bruce says that he's not after all you are Gordon and I'm sorry Barbara sighs telling him no it's not your fault I shouldn't have gone after Azrael after he killed my father without and Bruce stops her no I should have done it I should have used that gun to kill Azrael Barbara's taken back asking what Batman would never Bruce does hurt no I'm not Batman anymore turns out I'm not even away I can't fix Gotham's corruption because I'm part of that corruption the family fortune to cape the cowl I need to come clean Barbara it'll be the only way to come clean might be the only way to destroy the elites and give this city a new start Barbara asks what are you talking about and Bruce tells her he thought that coming clean was too dangerous said it was save her for Batman to just disappear do you think he'd understand do you think he'd forgive me for what I've done Barbara asks who is he and Bruce says your father Barbara takes Bruce's hands and says that he really frustrated her father not because he broke the law but because Batman was proof that they couldn't fix Gotham by following the rules that's why he took the risk and embraced Batman he admired Batman part of him wanted to be Batman if he was here right now he wouldn't want you to do that he would trust you to make your own decision then do everything that he could to support it Bruce later that evening the newly appointed Police Commissioner Renee Montoya holds a press conference telling the people of Gotham that she is declaring a citywide emergency as they begin the manhunt for the man known as Azrael he is responsible for the death of dozens of super criminals 23 police officers and those include the late Commissioner Jim Gordon but as she goes on the feed is cut in images of Batman begin to appear Batman tells everyone that it's been his honor to serve them over the past few decades fighting crime saving lives all in an effort to make this city a better place however he knew that it couldn't go on forever it's clear to him that the era of Batman must come to an end over the years things have become more complicated it's no longer a childish game of cops and robbers it's serial killers monsters and super criminals when this began all he needed was some rope and a pair of handcuffs now he is a one-man army who does as much damage to that people as he does to the criminals he has become a filament that is why Jack Napier beat him that is why as of this moment he is supporting the Napier initiative because Batman means being whatever Gotham needs him to be and that they all now need to know the truth that Batman is really Bruce Wayne as Bruce pulls the mask down he goes on stating that he recently learned that the Wayne Empire had been hijacked by those who have corrupted Gotham the most the elites that is why he is giving it all away to destroy the elites to give back to the people of Gotham his fortune does not belong to him it belongs to the people of the city all the money in the assets will be put into nonprofits to create better schools libraries homeless shelters and scholarships everything generated will be donated back to Gotham offsetting their taxes for decades Gotham will no longer be a city of darkness it will become a city of light a beacon it will be a place without shadows without Batman but first he needs a favor Azrael is still out there soon as the Sun goes down he'll make his move and as Batman he can get him but not at the cost of hurting those around that is why he is asking everyone to stay off the streets until Ash Riel is caught he is asking for their forgiveness he is asking to trust him one last time he is asking for thier permission to be Batman one final time as the cameras turned off Montoya asks you really can't help yourself huh making decisions alone and forcing everyone to fall in line Bruce tells her I started this now I need to end it you want to arrest as real without getting people hurt this is the best option Montoya says that most of Gotham doesn't even like him right now how could he be sure that eight million people will stay clear of the streets Bruce heads into the garage telling her it's a risk but if we clear the streets I'll know that they're with me and when it's all over I'll turn myself in and Gotham no one is above the law not even me as real will most likely be targeting hospitals with Routh dead he'll need a new source of medication we'll need people keeping an eye on the cameras around the cities the rest will be out in the streets looking Montoya asks what will you be doing Ezreal destroyed most of the Batmobiles when he attacked at the GTO it's only one left Bruce looks down at the very first model Batmobile he tells her yeah and it's my favorite one as everyone gets ready to head out Nightwing stops Bruce asking what happens when we catch Azrael is he gonna be brought in safely and allowed to serve his time or you have something else in mind Bruce Bruce asks what are you trying to say and Nightwing tells him I know exactly what this is about it's not worth it you'll not be able to live with yourself Batman does not kill Bruce thinks long and hard for a moment and then he tells him Batman he is dead and so wish as real the check engine light kicks on and Bruce races ahead leaving Nightwing behind with the streets clear empty of civilians Bruce thinks to himself that this is it this is his last night as Batman as Bruce stands out in the open Montoya calls over the citywide monitor stating that they have spotted Azrael east of River Highway heading north Bruce puts on his mask and he jumps in telling her I'm on my way everyone quickly converges to the reported site and they see Azrael swinging from the rooftops Montoya tells everyone that they need to quickly get ahead and stop him before he doubles back around that's when Azrael lands in the middle of the streets Bruce presses a button and as the rest step on the gas they suddenly feel their cars slowing down Bruce speeds by with Nightwing quickly getting out to check what's wrong and shuts I knew it a remote disrupter with Bruce alone he opens fire on Azrael throwing him off-balance launching a grappling hook snagging Ezreal by the leg once secured Bruce hits the brakes slamming Ezreal into the back of the car turning on the thruster as a fire washes over him Azrael gets back up telling him now that was a nice trick Bruce flips the car into reverse driving backwards all the way to the airport crashing into a plane as that plane explodes Bruce gets out of the car holding an assault rifle pointing it directly at Azrael Azrael tells him and I thought babbit didn't kill isn't that what makes us so different Bruce pulls the trigger but as the bullets are pelting as rails armor he leaps forward grabbing Bruce asking if you're no longer Batman that who are you Bruce struggles telling him I am your reckoning as you know let's Bruce up telling him I have travelled the world seeking something bigger than myself something that would repair me bring me peace but instead I found that there's no peace or someone like me only war and as I look back at the blood spilled in my wake I realize that I've become too accepting of those demons then I've lost my soul I would bring others into that war but right now I am alone trying to be a martyr in a battle that killed me a long time ago we're the same brothers like Cain and Abel not bound by blood but by destiny God put us on different paths but we ended up in the same place the city will fight you Batman even after this but then again there won't be a city left not after the flood suddenly the sound of the car can be heard as it crashes in Azrael bringing Bruce knocking them back Bruce gets back up a Nightwing steps out asking is that a gun what are you trying to do this isn't how we do things Bruce Bruce tells them as we were left to die for what he's done for what he stands for maybe bad metal tying the process maybe that's for the best maybe that's what Gotham really needs a clean slate Nightwing asks how did you learn to anything everything has happened nothing's changed Bruce takes a deep breath and then tells them it's because of me that Gordon is dead Barbara can barely stand Azrael is right I brought this war upon everyone I tried to save them and I failed because I wasn't much of a father to them knowing begins to cry telling him maybe not but you were my father and I still believe in you don't end it this way don't make me watch Bruce stops him you've always been smart enough to see the flaws maybe that's why there's always been a wedge between us because we both know who the better man is now step aside and let me end this dick Nightwing shuts fine but end it your way not as Ezreal that's Batman a short while later after putting in the report that Ezreal is planning on destroying the dam the Coast Guard orders the pilot sweep the area in search of Ezreal but as one pilot heads out he has stopped at he sees Azrael waiting in the shadows for him as he approaches the dam by helicopter Bruce rockets into the lake converting the Batmobile into the boat model Azrael and Batman's missiles both fire at the same damn but as riyals missiles miss and Bruce's hit the helicopter comes crashing down when Azrael pulls himself out of the wreckage and he sees Bruce stand there holding the rapiers his father once hung on the wall Azrael begins to set the laser sight on Bruce telling him this batarangs going to rip right through you and you brought rapiers swords to a gunfight Bruce calls out I saw the sword on your back ear adult Allah it's Arabic for God's will that that sword is God's will then that's all you need right as real as real lasts and pulls the sword out may the Lord shine brightly on each of us they both go in swinging and striking each of Bruce's the tacks removing bits and pieces of Israel's armor as Azrael swings his sword knocking one of the rape years away stating you never change always trying to disarm your opponent as Riel lunges one last time knocking away the other rapier but Bruce quickly jumps behind him slamming as Shell's head into the car telling him shields the car quickly begins to clink as the armored plating comes out and that it slams shut onto as riyals head Bruce takes the sword from him and as he pulls his helmet off Azrael grabs the blade telling him one last question for you do you think they knew your parents do they know that they were swine draped in pearls fake aristocrats bread from rotten bloodlines Bruce grits his teeth as he pulls back on the sword and he swings the sword cutting cleanly through azrael throat and the blood pouring out as Uriel tells it you finished started you eliminated the last Wayne Bruce takes off his mask running to the car grabbing the first aid kit telling him no I won't let you die he begins to stitch it up using a thread and needle as quickly as he can and as he spares as real it returns to the GCPD so that Ezreal can safely be put behind bars as everyone welcomes him back Montoya asks are you sure about this and Bruce holds out both his wrists telling her yes people far and wide come to watch as Bruce steps into the police car and when he gets in there he sees Harlequin at the wheel he asks her what are you doing and she tells him I've already lost Jack I'm not losing you like I can't be alone Bruce tells her you won't be you're not alone you're just feeling lost I know the difference I would personally like to thank you for everything that you have done without your help this whole thing might have ended differently you guided me out of darkness you saved my soul and right now I'm returning the favor I'm not going anywhere if you need anything you know where you can find me Harley she unlocked the car she steps out as she sees Bruce's hand on the window she draws her heart with the droplets of water the next day Gotham begins to heal as life slowly goes back to normal with the help of the Wayne abortion but the next question remains in the minds of everyone without Batman what kind of city will Gotham beat Bruce sits in his cell awaiting his trial when a voice asks why am I here Bruce tells the men on the military uniform that my toyo wanted someone to keep an eye on him someone who knows his tricks and can stop him from escaping the man tells him we both know that no cell can hold you do you really expect me to believe that you intend on staying here there's got to be another reason Bruce stands up and he tells him yes there is I want as the man steps forward the light glints off his nametag and it reads Todd and there you have a curse of the white knight now from what we understand this is branching off into a white knight universe led by Shaun Gordon Murphy the guy who created this entire universe I'm super excited to see what he's gonna do Jason tada what he's gonna do the rest of the bat family it's a crazy story line that I just want to see end and like how it comes together and what he does with it I hope you do too so don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to hit that like button I'll see you next time right here
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 215,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: 5-zKqlhmcBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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