Bassem Youssef on the Holocaust and hate of Jews | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

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you mentioned 1948 the knba but before that 41 3941 to 45 the Holocaust what do you do what do you do with the Holocaust like what uh how do you incorporate into the calculus oh yeah of what's oh it's terrible of morality that that leads up to the displacement of 700,000 uh Palestinians from the land how work it is terrible but like I mean what the the the systemic annihilation of Jewish people under n Nazi that is like like a carefully engineered thought for planned it was terrible it was like kind of like the human Ingenuity put into like something that is very evil but also it is not just not just that happened we need we we need to remember that otof Frank the father of anaf Frank has his Visa Refugee Visa rejected by the United States there's a lot of people that were rejected by the United States rejected by other European countries and then they were pushed into Palestine so you have to put yourself between like and the Arabs okay we're sitting here okay come and then all right you don't have a a home or a country anymore that that that that kills you I mean you see if I'm not an Arab and you give me that kind of piece of like terrible human trag like oh my God that is terrible but then I'm an Arabs like yes I'm so sorry but what do I have to do with that what why is it that my fault the the persecution of the Jewish people have started since the the eth and 9th century because they they were like they were first anti-christians they were like with criminal immigrants they were like conspirators this this this is this is this is the the anti like people kind of like as if Europe kind of like throw anti-Semitism on us you understand that like Henry Ford Henry Ford is one of the biggest anti he was he was the the inspir for Adolf Hitler this is how anti-semitic Henry Ford was and you kind of like gloss over that and then suddenly we as Arabs have to pay the price why several questions I want to ask there so but one just zooming out why do you think hatred of Jews has been such a viral kind of idea throughout human history oh it's very easy it all started from Christ they they killed Christ they killed Christ they kill Christ they're the killer of Christ that's a very sexy that was so yeah that was and that stayed for years that stayed for centuries I'm sorry centuries they're the killer of Christ and then the C the Catholic church church did not allow usury but they would work in usury so they become rich now the people that we hate that we accuse them of feeling Christ are becoming rich so that's Envy now and that's that and and and that's hatred I I mean when you talk about ghettos ghettos were not just a secluded Parts in cities sometimes those ghettos were outside the cities Jews were not even allowed to work a lot of professions they were not allowed to get into the syndicates of certain uh professions so they had to go work usually and they got rich so people hated them more the first the first Cru St didn't kill a single Muslim all they killed were Jews and when they finally arrived to J Jerusalem all they killed were Jews they they almost annihilated the Jews so it was all this and of course you have the Dark Ages who do you need as an enemy the Jews all right they they're the killer of Christ there's nothing bigger than this and then you you fast forward I mean one of the things that I that I found out that was very very very very crazy when Henry for word imported the the protocols of the Elders of Zion by the way in the Arab word Protocols of the Elders of Zion is so popular and for obvious reasons and for the people who don't know it it's kind of like a bunch of like stories and basically it's like the the the the the Jews saying like we going to control the world and we're going to do this and we're going to do that and whatever what people don't know that the that is a work of plagiarism M it was plagiarized from a satirical play called conversation in Hell between M and and monteu and it is just it it is and it is kind of like based on one chapter or one scene or something it it's crazy but it's crazy how sticky it is like yes weird yes because if I if I hate you that's great but if I have a story to support that hate that's even better but it's like one of the one of the best stories one of the sticky stories about hate of course it's probably the the most effective cuz like there you know a lot of peoples hate other groups of peoples but that that's just like the sexiest story of them all because humans need to concentrate their hate their insecurities and their shortcomings into one thing that they can practice that that hate on if it's a it's a it's a person great if it's a group even better but how do you into this calculus incorporate that the that group is pretty small there's 16 million Jews worldwide and you mentioned how is that the responsibility of the Arab peoples you know everybody should be to blame for not taking in Jews after the the Holocaust but you know the reality of the situation if we look at the religious slice of this there's 16 let's say million Jews and there's I don't know how many Muslims but one .8 billion yeah yeah how do you that difference that uh 100x difference do you incorporate that into the sense that Jews in Israel might feel for you know the existential dread that we might this this small group might be destroyed Jews in Israel have every right to feel afraid because of everything that they see and everything they've been told everything but I I I would say that the calculus or the numbers doesn't like of course like being small it is of course a factor but it is never an excuse in order to take something that's not yours it's saying like hey you have 300 million Americans and we have 52 52 give one state for them there's too many of them to too many of you just give them something you know it's like the fact that I have something and you don't and I have there are too many of me and there is little of you and then you come in and and it's not really Israel against the Arab word or the Muslim because we have to say we up big time but it is the the the the the the Palestinians that are in and they are being subjected to that so it's not really like the 1.8 billion and the 16 billion Jews and the 1.8 billion if you look at them some of them like don't care some of them live into regimes have being oppressed and those regimes are supported by the United States in order it's easier for me as a as a as an Empire to to take what I want from this country if I control the dictator and I tell them that his power is linked to my ability to to my my desire to keep him in power so that's why you have a total disconnect between people in power in in the Arab and the Muslim countries and the people themselves e
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Keywords: ai, ai clips, ai podcast, ai podcast clips, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence podcast, bassem youssef, computer science, consciousness, deep learning, einstein, elon musk, engineering, friedman, joe rogan, lex ai, lex clips, lex fridman, lex fridman podcast, lex friedman, lex mit, lex podcast, machine learning, math, math podcast, mathematics, mit ai, philosophy, physics, physics podcast, science, tech, tech podcast, technology, turing
Id: e59dH1x2jYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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