Bassem Youssef: Israel-Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, Middle East, Satire & Fame | Lex Fridman Podcast #424

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if I hate you that's great but if I have a story to support that hate that's even better uh one of your favorite words Jihad that's my favorite hobbies it doesn't matter now who do you vote into power they will not listen to you they would listen to the people who paid them to be there when the military came in people were walking to me like pointing their fingers like don't speak about C you don't speak about the Army huh we love you now but don't you you don't would like that so I called John was like I don't know what to do and he said the most interesting thing ever and say if you're afraid of something make fun about the fact that you're afraid of it the following is a conversation with bosam youf a legendary Egyptian American comedian the so-called John Stewart of the Middle East who fearlessly sazed those in power even when his job and life were on the line boss is a beautiful human being it was truly a pleasure for me to get to know him and to have this fun fascinating and challenging conversation this is Alex Freedman podcast to support it please check out our sponsors in the description and now dear friends here's bosam Yousef your wife is half Palestinian and I've heard you say they've been trying to kill her but she keeps using the kids as human Shields so have you considered negotiating a ceasefire well the thing is every day every minute of the day in a married life is a negotiation everything can blow up into a fullscale war starting from a simple sentence like good morning what should we do with the kids today what should we do with that piece of furniture any sentence can lead you to heaven or to hell in the same time so you do negotiate with terrorists oh yeah yeah 100% yeah and for her I am her terrorist too so it's equal Terrorist on both sides on a more serious note when you found out about the attacks of October 7th what went through your mind if I'm allowed to use a curse word I I was like as many as possible I like oh part of my stand-up comedy is I describe a situation where I was in a restaurant with producers and there was a bombing two blocks away in Chelsea New York in 206 and of course this is the like damn what's going to happen to us now and and and there's like two different reaction there's like the white reaction which is like oh my God I hope nobody is heard this is terrible I hope everybody's okay and there's the Arab reaction what's his name what's is his name what is the name you know because you know what's going to come it's kind of I was scared what's going to really happen in that area and it's like oh my God it's going to be horrible and the way that it was reported I I didn't know how to handle this so I basically I went into hiding for a few days 3 4 days and I talked about Piers Morgan uh Team talking to me two times three times I like no I can't how can I you defend that how can you defend the rape the decapitated babies and whatever and then I started kind of looking in the news a little bit and then I started seeing people coming on the shows and saying things that I know as an Arab as a Muslim as someone from that region that it's not true but I didn't know how to how what to say how to say it so I said by the third time when they asked me I said like fine put me on and I went there it was more of a figurativ speaking a suicide mission and uh because it's a l lose situation I can I can lose stuff in Hollywood I can I even I remember my manager like Bess be careful I mean are you sure you want to do it are you my managers was like please don't do it please don't do it and on the other side if I don't perform well whatever well means I'm going to be rejected by my own people so it's a it was a lose-lose situation because whatever I say it will never be enough and whatever I say will not be good enough and uh I was going into there and I I felt that I was going into a trance for the 33 minutes that I was on the on that interview for the first time you blacked out I blacked out I blacked out and a lot of people ask me is the earpiece was that a bit when the earpiece kept falling it's like no it was really falling off and it disconnected and I had to save it because I cannot see them all I can hear I can just hear them and I could expecting at any time okay B thank you I like I I I was fighting for every second to say words to put stuff in there yeah for people who don't know this is your conversation interview with Pierce Morgan and you could see I couldn't see I was just like the lens with the camera and I just a real dream or nightmare yeah hello W like hello W like hi and it could end at any moment your career and everything everything yeah yeah so what was the drive that got you to actually do it to overcome that fear multiple things first of all I don't want to say it's just my wife's family because my wife's family has always been there but this time was different the the the bombing the attack they they usually one of those people that they are away of everything when whatever happened in Gaza they are always in safe places but this time it seems that there was no place safe and already we heard about like two three of the of the cousins and the uh uncles already lost their home so this was too much so I I I wanted to say something for those people because I know that you know I I made I made one of the jokes that I made about like oh you know it's Hassen her cousin he's a loser he's a doctor he's a doctor and he every time a hospital was bombed we were worried about him so I wanted to to say that because I felt that these are this is a family that I have never seen in my life I've never she she actually hardly saw an uncle or two because you know they cannot leave but I I said like I need to speak at least I do something for those extended family that I have never known but also because when when when P Morgan team called me a couple of times said okay let's let's see what's going on in the show and I just watch the stuff and the lies and the one ided reporting that made my blood boil and then I thought like what why am I what am I afraid of I'm afraid of if I say something I can lose my career like wait a minute but that was the reason why I left Egypt I said wait I left I came to United States I came to the land of the free where I can say anything I want and yet I have limitation of what to say I mean I thought we left that behind I mean what's happening and I understand I understand the connection of how sensitive it is when you you speak about Israel and all of the readymade accusations but as a as an Arab as a Muslim I don't react the same when you talk about Saudi Arabia or Iran or Egypt or any of them it's like hey you you want you want to diss some of these countries I'll I'll do that with you because I have strong opinions about what happened and I already been expressing them but when I talk that's why I and I speak and and there's a lot of Jewish people who come to my show and they understand that they understand that the separation but that kind of a grouping of blackmailing people and saying and not saying what they have in their mind it is that kind of like one of the things that kind of like push push me to go on the show the thing that was bothering you was it what was being said or how it was being said both because there are lies which is usually in the media but there was the total disregard of humanity you talk a lot about in your show about human suffering and I felt that here the human suffering was not equal I felt that's why I came up with this like what's the exchange rate today what's the exchange rate today there's there's of course it's terrible to see anybody die but when I feel that like is it isn't our life not worth anything yeah you had a chart um to crypto from an invest you analyze it from an investing perspective of course in the dark and you were saying that a certain year was a good year yeah 2014 2014 was a good year for in invest me purposes and also to to refer to the to family member that you called the loser you were saying that uh you you called him had a conversation with him and he keeps saying that he's not using anybody for human Shields and you called him a loser what do you you can't even give a job a liar he lied to us because I have to believe but this is what the one thing it's like it's also one of the things like how it was said it was stuff that I've been hearing I don't know what what turned on on my head but it's stuff that I've been hearing all my life from the media Israel warns civilians before bombing them and that's okay but that's not okay Israel is trying to minimize the civilians but killing them anyway and that's okay but that's not okay so it is kind of like the indoctrination that we've been hearing as if it is okay and then suddenly it's not yeah there's a kind of several layers of almost sometimes hiding the obvious horror of the situation with kind of politeness and all this kind of stuff just the basic value of human life that said it's a difficult situation it is it is what would you do if you were Israel BB called you aome big fan big fan of your comedy mhm um first of all would you hang up right away would you hear him out no I definitely hear him out like that like wait a minute that's Mater that's that's material man I like so n called me I was sitting with my family just like my phone like oh nyaho yeah just shows up that way I mean what would you do what would you do in the situation to answer this question we need to understand how Israel thinks there is an incredible speech given by gon Levy the famous Israeli repor ands and he describes a situation where he was in the West Bank and there was a checkpoint and in that checkpoint there was an ambulance with a Palestinian patient and it was there sitting for an hour and a half not moving and then he went to talk to the soldiers like guys why are you not letting them go it's like I let them go like and and then he told them imagine if he was your father and the soldier stood up like what these are pigs these are not humans so when you tell me what would you do if Israel would do it really needs to we need to ask how does Israel look at the Palestinian and view the Palestinians because they do look at them less than human and there is an incredible talk uh by mior Meyer he was a holocaust Survivor and he said I learned in aitz when I was there in the concentration camp that in order for a group of dominant group of people to dehumanize another group they need first to dehumanize themselves and Israel looks at Palestinians as lesser people as lesser beings as some people who are dispensable and the way that they treat them is that they don't really care about like that's why that the exchange rate thing so for me if I am Israel I it will be like what would you do if you're the United States in the time of the Native Americans they were killing people with the millions when you dehumanize a group of people you really don't care so if I was Israel I would do exactly what Israel is doing right now because there's no one is holding me accountable there's no one stopping me and I can get whatever I want throughout my history through violence I think a lot of the things you just said are a tiny bit slightly exaggerated so let me let me try let's lete try so not everybody in Israel of so let's let's look at um several groups so people in government IDF soldiers and citizens that are neither of those and not everybody of any of those uh sees Palestinians as less than human just some percentage so what percentage is that in your sense it's the people who have the power so it's mostly the focus of your commentary when you say people in Israel you really mean the people in power the people have in power but but but as much as like I of course I mean the people in power because when I speak about even when I speak about America I speak about people in power when I speak about Egypt I speak the people of power because like I can't really talk about the 100 million people in Egypt or the 11 million people in Israel of course not there are people who go in and they demonstrate against Netanyahu and they want him out of the government but we have to admit that the isra society at a whole have moved quite bit to the right and has been has been like many extreme and you know what happens when you go to the right or you go to the most extreme the other person go to the most extreme and extremism breeds extremism so thank you for the clarification but like I really meant with the people of power when people criticize the United States States for going in Iraq of course I'm not criticizing citizens but you made another point which is an interesting point and it's very difficult to see in the heart of people but I wonder if you look at the average Palestinian and the average Israeli and when they look at the other do they have some hate in their heart well everybody probably has some what is that amount you know when you look at a person that looks different than you how much hate is there it depends on what do the living situation of each person so in the Berlin Film Festival just like a few couple of weeks ago there was an Israeli and a Palestinian receiving an award together and the Israeli director said we're going to go back to Israel he's going to go to the West Bank he will have no rights and I will have full living rights these people manag to work together and be friends and they have empathy to each other now the average Palestinian it's a very difficult question because is it the Palestinian in the diaspora or the Palestinian in Gaza or the diaspora in the West Bank or the one in the citizen of as a citizen of Israel who still have less right than a romal citizen of Israel as a Jew and it really depends if I am there are people in Arabs in Israel who are having a great life and there are people Arabs who are having a a miserable life but definitely people that living in G or in the West Bank is kind of like on the lower tier of the living conditions now let's talk about the hate what does that Palestinian see from the Israeli the Palestinian see oppression limitation of movement limitation of Freedom they have and then when there's something happens you see the full force coming in destroying their home taking away members of his family there will be absolutely no reason for him to love the other the Israeli because he you know he doesn't have the power but he lives under his government all he sees is the rocket or whatever but like he sees the reaction and he doesn't see what happened to those and as humans we are selfish we see what really affects us as humans and I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live as a Palestinian and I'm not even talk about Gaza because everybody talks about Gaza but let me give you an example and I'm not going to talk about the 12,000 kids killed in Gaza let's talk about just like the four weeks in the West Bank March 4th Amar Nar H1 sitting next to his father shot in a while he's sitting in a car next to his father by the IDF solders Muhammad zad 13 years old March 3rd shot in front of a un School while in season with his friends Muhammad ganim age 15 March 2nd he shot while standing in front of a St front during a night trade February 23rd s Jal he he was killed by a drone fire February 22nd F San killed while standing in front of the top of a Red Cross building uh Nel Nel zad February 14th Valentine's Day killed a shot in the head while leaving school February 11th Muhammad katur US citizens killed while being in a park car and mu Shams February 9th killed right in front of his home because a military came reversing back to him and then somebody opened the door shot him and leave this is a daily life of people in the West Bank what is the the justification that IDF provides terrorism terrorism or I don't know I mean you cannot really say like human Shields but they would say like they were throwing rocks there was a guy who went on Chris Rock and he said like his son a US citizen would kill and like they were throwing rocks so we killed him even when they were throwing rocks you kill him but the thing is you see this is how easy for them to get rid of Palestines I mean I love like I I was I had to say I prepared a little bit for the podcast because you are in Tech so and I I am ignorant in tech there is a movie called The LAB it is uh directed by an Israeli director called utam Feldman and he talks about how the the military uh uh industry in Israel is very Advanced and what is really mindboggling is in that movie he shows how the military tests its weapons in the field in urban areas on Palestinians it it it is it is heartbreaking you know as a doctor there's five stages of Trials there is like uh there's Discovery preclinical clinical and then uh market and then postmarket evaluation by the FDA the FDA value approval and then FDA post Market five just to take a pill and you go in and and he interviews people as like where did you test this they test it in the field so when when you just like when human life is so is so cheap and it is so indispensable it made me it gave me a vis reaction because you know we as hum this has been actually the the the state of humanity Humanity have lived and survived and th by actually killing each other but there was kind of like we were remotely we were removed from it people in Greece didn't know what the Alexander the Great was doing he was killing and paging like we call him the great because but he was killing he was he was conquering he was invading Julius Cesar all of the greats he would doing but killing was difficult killing had to have some sort you have to be with your enemy then you go back catapults then cannons then a little bit back from and then you're kind of like starting remotely now you're killing people behind the screen with a button with a push of a button you know a lot of people say terrorism they killed you with a knife killed one person with a knife shot you that's terrorism but if you fly A $64 million F-16 and you drop up an a84 bomb that CA $16,000 that's not terrorism because it's remote you're behind the screen so what happened what Israel is doing it is removing itself like America too drones and then when you push someone to be in to they always about bombing them to the stone ages what happens when the screens and the all of the obstacles that you have been put between you and those people that you have treated them this way when this is a breach and you come face to face you will come face to face with what you have created yeah there's a lot of interesting things you just said so one is the methodology of killing if you want to look at some horrific large scale killing people of talk about the Holocaust but that's visceral you can look at hollmore by Stalin where the murder is through starvation by by by Churchill in India in Churchill in India uh and the Great Leap Forward by Ma y so starvation is a thing we don't often think of it as murder because it's quiet it's slow and the interesting thing about starvation is that the people don't complain as they're dying because they're exhausted MH that's one and the other is the value of human life it does seem that every culture has a unequal valuation of human life so those two things combined create a complicated um military landscape of the world yes but the thing is is that how we look at technology as the Savior as talk about how AI disrupt will disrupt will disrupt will disrupt and now if you go you talk about like going to the West Bank the people in the West Bank walk and they don't see humans they see people shouting them from Towers or behind the screens or doing and they have like Biometrics that is developed by basil system like that's done by HP or or Google and Amazon who are like part of project Nimbus and and you see IND division developing all of this like metric and surveillance and all of that stuff and then you have like something like the gospel that like people have actually said that that the gospel can actually create a Target list using Ai and give you a green yellow or a red to go go ahead and now ai is not just disrupting the market it's disrupting our humanity and it is we became so comfortable killing people from afar killing people with a push of the button and now it is it is like it's like dating apps you know when you when you swipe left and right you it's like oh right it becomes so like cheap it's not like meeting someone it's like oh it's like a lot of fish in the sea same with AI boom 500 people killed boom they killed it's so easy it's so easy it's so easy and then it's so far removed from you so when you put these people in this condition you have literally put them in a different Universe than yours you are behind in your air conditioned screens like pushing them blowing up a un a university it's amazing but then you meet the the what you have done that you meet the Frankenstein that you have created and then people are like oh look what they do to us you just gave me this image of a uh a dating app from hell where leaders are just sitting there and kind of swiping left invade destroy just Bor puppet government yeah and then turn off the phone go to sleep uh so I got you know I traveled to the West Bank and I mentioned to you Offline that I really loved the people there just um you I've met a bunch of people like that in in Eastern Europe where I grew up uh yeah like the flamboyant the big personalities all of that U I also met uh a person who's in charge of a refugee camp who was shoping IDF solder and um I'm not sure the words he said are important as the consequences of the thing that you mentioned which is the Deep hate in his eyes mhm that was didn't feel reparable at all it was pain it was like a foundation of pain and on top of that a hatred and it was like wow this is what you kill you kill one person that's is what you create because we have kind of like a front row seat to what's happening we we think we're in it but we can't really grasp it I mean people like oh we just going to go in get Hamas out and we're going to get them back in m and what about the people get back in how do you think they would look at you what have you created what have you done my show in Egypt was all about propaganda it's all about the use of words words are very important the decapitated babies were not chosen randomly because you see it it plants certain image in your brain imagine if you're going in what a baby can do it can smile cry and poop that's it is absolutely no threat so when you tell people 40 decapitated babies they are so animalistic they didn't see the babies women raped of course he's anamal to do that and they would go through that and they would what was very frustrating about the conversation is the Gish Galloping the Gish Galloping throwing you see the dist ractions you see what happens like like what's the proportionate response can Israel defend itself do you condemn Hamas does Israel has the right to exist decapitated babies raped women why don't the Arab countries take them why don't the musl Muslims kill Muslims look what happened in Yemen in Syria in Iraq like see see how they kind of distract you they throw little things at you so you don't know what to do oh the honor the unn anti-semitic October 7th October 7th October 7th and then suddenly you are distracted and pulled into discussing all of these little things and you discussing what's happening right now it is basically stalling giving them time to do what they do so there's uh there's some degree to the propaganda the so the beheaded babies and all this kind of stuff that is so over the top that it shuts down actual conversation about actual wrongs war crimes on both sides M so it's overstating it to where everyone on social media and everywhere in the press and everywhere is arguing almost become desensitized to actual horrors of death which are more mundane they're not so dramatic as beheaded babies because people people a baby is shot but decapitated babies there's like a knife blade that goes into the skin the trachea the flesh the spine decapitated like how like you can just like he's dead no you go in this is the hate so much hate and you know that's why you have made me laugh at the darkest you're such a beautiful person your dark humor is just wonderful but but you see this happened to Jews before remember blood liel where did the blood liel come from it come from these rumors that Jews suck baby's blood this is what they did to them that's what's in the cup exactly that's a very delicious baby delicious baby but but this is what you do you you tell people something and it happened with the Native Americans when they were here when when they went and they wipe a whole tribe so and and and and and Jewish people one of the like the minorities that were persecuted and had this used against them for a very long time and it is terrible and it's terrifying that's been used again so I I just did a very lengthy debate on Israel and Palestine and the really painful thing from that there's two historians it was it was deep it was thorough it was fascinating but in constantly asking about sources of Hope or Solutions there was none there was a there was a sense of like a really dark sense of it's hopeless from both sides it's hopeless uh so you know I Look to You for for source for a source of Hope do you have is is there any hope here Solutions shortterm long-term Obama have kind of summarized this beautifully in his book He said the reason why the Israeli Palestinian conflict is so chronic is one side have so much power and the other side have absolutely no power and that's what one he said he said like you have Israel that fa basically don't listen to us because they are supported by people who are bigger than the president bigger than Administration they know that they can I mean like you OB like Netanyahu was caught on tape many times saying like he's basically like belittling Americans like I we we control 80% of the population we don't care they this has kind of like non chalen kind of like uh we we have them and there's nothing really that compels Israel to give up anything because at the end of the day what is compromise compromise is like I give something you give something Israel is not giving anything and they project that on you so for example how many times have we heard like oh Palestinians were giving like four five 6 seven 15 chances and they said no to them and yet when you read the history that's not the case at all like for example in 20 the whole idea about like Arafat walked away from Oso that didn't happen and there is an Incredible video by you know uh what's his name Joe SC scoro with Misha and they were hosting her father uh brazinski he was the uh National Security adviser and Jo carabo said like well you know like Arafat left the oo C and the Palestinians and then bis are like this is like embarrassingly shallow it's like listen what happened was there was a lot of catches on the oso Court it was very unfair to the Palestinian so AR said like I agree but I need to take it to the Arab capitals and and and they went to ins and they went to Sharm they came to Egypt and he and H Barak went to there and then bar left because there was election and he lost theel Shon came and it was Destro this is one of the reason why people it is it's kind of like facts don't matter as much as what is the narrative that is being controlled but what what were the biggest barriers to peace there do do you think it's fundamentally leaders don't want a two St solution or was there nuanced small differences that if solved could have led to us to two State solution I mean there was a maybe there was a certain point when the Israeli leaders were more open to compromise but I can't say that because each time Israel gives back land it it has to be after some use of force the the 1973 War the Ina the first and second the the the the casualties in Kaza they never give up land willingly and because of Peace because if I have that much military I can do whatever I want why would I give up anything I have that much power why would America or China give everything if they're so powerful and especially if they are have this kind of open check from the United States so it is it is really about what can push Israel to give up something because you are so much stronger than me what could compel you to give up something and this is why the whole thing about like trying to equalize Palestinians and the Israeli state and government it doesn't make any sense so what is the source of hope you know John Stewart who will'll talk about it from many angles uh somebody you admire a friend uh he proposed a two-state solution look look look to the comedians for Hope yes well everybody's talking about the two-state contion but Israel has said many times on nyaho and Ben like there there's going to be no State solutions they in the past is like even even neali Benet he came in on the on on hard talk us like yeah maybe in the past we wanted two State Solutions but like look every time we give them land they kill us so no State solution and they openly saying it that's perhaps rhetoric rhetoric that is supported by action because look at what they're doing in the the West Bank that you said they are cutting it illegal settlement me peac mealing it so how is if you have an intention at all to give them anything why would you keep do keep doing this and you've called it a bunch of little Gaza yes it's a nice little picture of what's Happening peace mealing itum because it is what happened in the past 4 months the Palestinians have been micro doing on it for a very long time little by little little by little and we would shout every time when it gets too much and then we shut down and then little by little but this time it was hard it was hard to see the blatant oppression and the word said maybe the Hamas Ministry of the health are giving us the bad numbers maybe it's just human and I I I laugh there's 13,000 babies killed does that mean that there 13,000 military Target hiding in their diapers because it is so it doesn't make any sense to kill that maybe just like oh oops is out of our head it's hard to know what to do with those numbers I mean I just one baby is enough but you know what happens when you hear so many numbers numbers become numbers and you become so desensitized and this is why there's a difference between saying 13,000 Palestinian kid did it's like milain an Israeli baby 10 month old she was killed in her crib and this is what we hear from CNN we never hear a story about a Palestinian kid that's why thank you for giving me the space for saying the names of the Palestinian CH children that were killed just for four weeks do like it's it's because humans needs context they need depth they need like a a 3D look at what they can look at but if you just get numbers oh they don't mean anything is there some degree to where both leaderships Hamas PA Palestinian Authority Israel all want war like Perpetual War to to remain in power there is that's that's an interesting uh question but I mean let's admit something the Arab regimes in the in the area have actually used the problem of Palestine in order to stay in power in order to take get excuses like have this enemy and Israel the the Israeli government has used that too and maybe the Palestinians but but my problem with when going into discussion this is that the the two sides are not equal they're not equal in power they're not equal in influence and they're not equal in international supports especially with the United States so Palestinians can the people who have made changes in history were the people with power the people who would have the ability to change things and the Palestinians cannot really change and what what can they change well is that true though with uh how much support the Palestinian people have so just like you said there's a lot of Arab states that are uh that will voice their Pro Palestinian position in order to distract from their the own corruption and abuses of power in their own countries but you know I don't think if you look globally there's a complete asymmetry of power and public opinion here maybe in the press in the west but if you look globally but do they have the same kind of weapons that the Israel have so literally power no there's a major asymmetry of literal power some money to their leaders does that make any difference I mean and also when you say Palestinian Authority which authority are you talking about Hamas or the Palestinian Authority who has been kind of a domesticated kind of like a puppy for the Palestinian who basically have been an informant for the OWN on on their own people and this is the the thing also that kind of like really pissed me off when I was hearing the thing about about they think like Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas like we have Netanyahu on tape confessing that he supported Hamas gave him money in order to cause factions in the in in between the Palestinians so it's just like it doesn't make you just told me this m you just told me this you just told me support H like but ham like what I mean to which degree does n yahu represent the Israeli people is is a is a real question to which point does Trump or Biden represent the American people and to which degree does Hamas represent the Palestinian people does none of these represent it but who have the power in order to make the decisions it really comes down to that well who does have the power are are you you're giving a lot of power to Israel yeah but the the Arab League what should Hames do what do you think we should Hames do continue doing what a charter says which is trying to destroy Israel and the role of the Palestinian people is to overthrow Hamas and get a more moderate leadership probably and the role of the Israeli people is to vote out this right-wing government and elect a more moderate leader so that there's a chance at peace with two moderate leaders so before h even got to control 2006 Gaza there was AEL Chiron in 2000 MH and we all know what happened and I Shon kind of like had made came up with this amazing policy of like breaking people's uh kids bones in the in so he baraki was also like I mean which one is moderate me I think is Hamas is a product of what happened I mean we can if if there was no aperti in in in South Africa there will be no NFC there will be no nson Mandela if there was no Nazis in in in Paris there will be no French Resistance and I'm not saying that and and again I'm not I I would don't want to be in a put in a position to defend Hamas or anybody because you know what that entails but there are those are like Hamas again not defending them they went into October 7th what was their what what they why why did they did that like release our hostages the people in prison because if you're talking about people who were kidnapped Israel kidnaps people every single day and when they had that the first Exchange in November 4th Israel Le 400 people 3/4 of them were women and children why are those people in prison there's one in four kids that are in prison that stay in solitary confinement which is by international law a form of torture and you're putting kids through that is it possible so first of all ceasefire yes and longer term is it possible for Arab states and the United States to get together and with power through diplomacy en force a solution it's a very very ideal solution but you know and I know that the Arab states don't really have the power all of the powers are in the hands of America they have the power see I would I think they have the power I don't maybe they don't want to use it they don't well that's maybe because there's a benefit like the dark the dark sense I have is that a lot of people win from the suffering that Palestinians are going through because they can point to that and distract from definitely def corruption in their own States and then obviously Iran can benefit also from the same kind of dynamic uh distracting from the uh the authoritarian nature of their regime definitely but what is the core of the problem here is it the Arab states using the suffering or the actually the the the suffering itself and the suffering comes from people being displaced their homes were taken away there are 7 million Palestinians in diaspora 7 Millions 7 million went out there and now they're living in Canada and America and Europe they had homes there they cannot go back to 1.7 million people of the people in Gaza don't belong and Gaza they were pushed from other places the the peace meal thing of people are being you know in in Germany I'm I'm going to shift gear a little bit it's going to be a little bit of fun there is a there's a book that I bought the rights to and I want to turn it into a movie and i b i optioned the right for two month for for two years in March of last year before October 7th after October 7th I bought the permanent right mhm that book is called the Muslim and the Jew and it is written by an author called Ron and Stein I read an article about this book in 2016 and I chased that book for rights for seven years I didn't have that much money but I wanted that book and that book was translated into English called an and Dr helmy and that book tells the incredible story under Nazi Germany where Arabs went and droves to Berlin in 1920s after the first world war in the vi Republic and they became doctors and engineers and journalists for two reasons number one it was dir cheap very cheap because of the inflation and two a lot of the Arab nationalists didn't want to send their kids to to England or France because they were the occupiers and Dr helmy was the hero of that he's an Egyptian doctor and that's why I kind of like I personally kind of connected with him and he went to scho uh medical school didn't find a place to live so he lived in the Jewish ghetto like many Arabs he didn't find a school to work at a hospital to work in so he worked in a Jewish hospital so these are there was a lot of ARS who lived with the the G and actually the the first director of the Berlin mosque with a Jewish con convert who converted to Islam and he was a gay activist I'm telling you this is like a crazy story and this all this is not a fiction story this not this is actually like a nonfiction it's written actually based on the statement the documents of the Nazis Ando Dr heny he was in this hospital and the Nazis came in and they killed and tortured and beat up the Jewish doctor and he made they made him the head of his Department then he was now he's surrounded by Nazi doctor they didn't touch him because he was an Arab there was kind of like a thing between Germany and the Arabs because they wanted to appease to them mhm in order to have kind of a a grassroot base in the Arab word where he want to go next mhm and this is why 1934 1935 the racial laws of norenberg they had a name change first they were called anti-semitic then they changed into anti-jewish because also Arabs were semetic so they wanted to appease the Arabs now what happened to Dr heli when that happened to him he would go back to the ghetto and he would see the apartments next to him the Jewish apartment become more and more and more flooded with people because they were moving Jews and pushing them and putting them together pushing them to the side and each H each plat each flat each apartment instead of one family it would have three four six seven families and he was there b it home and he looked he was he was there this is where the people he grew up with he he he lived with and now he's seeing that kind of discrimination just because he was an Arab and then he he started to kind of like atone for like because he felt responsible because he wasn't treated the same way and he started to go and treat Jewish people in their homes because they couldn't go to hospitals and then one family gave them his daughter it's like this is Anna save her he took her pretend ended to cheese his niece put a hijab around her taught her Arabic called her Nadia my not my daughter's name by the way and they and and he hid her in plain sights for seven years in front of the Nazis as his nurse it's an incredible story and then not just that he went to prison and then he went out and he formed with the Arab people that was in prison with him a network that saves 300 Jews you see that kind of story this is the Jews that were living in the Arab Ward I'm not saying that the Jews living in the Arab Ward was living like an in life of course as a kind of minority they did not have like the full power of their full you know advantages of the ru that's that's normal but we had this kind of a a relationship before Israel was erected in 1948 and then of course everybody looked at Jews at the time as fifth column and of course the nationalistic regimes use that and this is why what Biden said was very dangerous when he said if there's no Israel no Jew in the world will feel safe you are the leader of the Free World you are the president of the United States do you mean that you're telling me that the Jews in your country in the United States of America are not safe that is wrong on two levels number one America historically and right now is more safe to Jews in America in the world than more than anybody they are safer than the Jews in Israel they never had PS or or the Holocaust like Europe they live here a good life not perfect life but they are better second of all if you are the president and you're telling that a group of people will not feel safe unless there is a different one you are already feeding into their fifth column they're like you're Russian you come from there and there is a group of laws in the Russian Constitution that says that Russia will protect its citizens everywhere in the world what happens if the president says like oh you're Russians you're protected by own country you don't belong here this is terrible yeah you're right that's actually an indirect threat yes uh you know even saying musl cannot feel safe in America or something like this that means like a that's a threat but what what would a Jewish person in Beverly Hills or in in in in Brooklyn feel if he hears that you are already telling people you need to have be loyal to Israel I mean Israel is a foreign country I am sorry but Israel is a foreign country Israel is a client country that we sponsor and it is should actually be responsible and held accountable for what they do you mentioned 1948 the nakba but before that 4139 41 to 45 the Holocaust what do you do what do you do with the Holocaust like what uh how do you incorporate into the calculus oh yeah of what's oh it's terrible of morality that that leads up to the displacement of 700,000 uh Palestinians from the land how do you work that out is terrible but like I mean what the the the systemic annihilation of Jewish people under the Nazi that is like like a carefully engineered thought for planned it was terrible it was like kind of like the human Ingenuity put into like something that is very evil but also it is not just not just that happened we need we need to remember that OT Frank the father of annafran has his Visa Refugee Visa rejected by the United States there's a lot of people that were rejected by the United States rejected by other European countries and then they were pushed into Palestine so you have to put yourself between like and the Arabs okay we're sitting here okay come and then all right you don't have a a home or a country anymore that that that that that kills you I mean you see if I'm not an Arab and you give me that kind of piece of like terrible human trasy like oh my God that is terrible but then I'm an Arab is like yes I'm so sorry but what do I have to do with that what why is that my fault the the persecution of the Jewish people have started since the the eth and 9th century because they they were like they were first anti-christians they were like with criminal immigrants they were like conspirators this this this is this is this is the the anti like people kind of like as if Europe kind of like throw anti-Semitism on us you understand that like Henry Ford Henry Ford is one of the biggest anti he was he was the the inspiration for Adolf Hitler this is how anti-semitic Henry Ford was and you kind of like gloss over that and then suddenly we as Arabs have to pay the price why several questions I want to ask there so but one just zooming out why do you think hatred of Jews has been such a viral kind of idea throughout human history oh it's very easy it all started from Christ they killed Christ they killed Christ they killed Christ they're the killer of Christ that's a very sexy story and that was so yeah that was and that stayed for years that stayed for centuries I'm sorry centuries they're the killer of Christ and then the C the Catholic church church did not allow usury but they would work in usury so they become rich now the people that we hate that we accuse them of feeling Christ are becoming rich so that's Envy now and that's that and and and that's hatred I I mean when you talk about ghettos ghettos were not just a secluded Parts in cities sometimes those ghettos were outside the cities Jews were not even allowed to work a lot of professions they were not allowed to get into the syndicates of certain uh professions so they had to go work usually and they got rich so people hated them more the first the first crusade didn't kill a single musl Muslim all they killed were Jews and when they finally arrived to Jerusalem all they killed were Jews they they almost annihilated the Jews so it was all this and of course you have the Dark Ages who do you need as an enemy the Jews right they they're the killer of Christ there's nothing bigger than this and then you you fast forward I mean one of the things that I that I found out that was very very very very crazy when Henry Ford imported the the protocols of the Elders of Zion by the way in the Arab word Protocols of the Elders of Zion is so popular and for obvious reasons and for the people who don't know it it's kind of like a bunch of like stories and basically it's like the the the the the Jews saying like we're going to control the world and we're going to do this and we're going to do that and whatever what people don't know that they that is a work of plagiarism it was plagiarized from a satirical play called conversation in Hell between mcki and and moniku and it is just it it is and it is kind of like based on one chapter or one scene or something it it's crazy but it's crazy how sticky it is like yes weird yes because if I if I hate you that's great but if I have a story to support that hate Ah that's even better but it's like one of the one of the best stories one of the stickiest stories about hate it's probably the the most effective cuz like there you know a lot of peoples hate other groups of peoples but that that's just like the sexiest story of them all because humans need to concentrate their hate their insecurities and their shortcomings into one thing that they can practice that that hate on if it's a it's a it's a person great if it's a group even better but how do you into this C incorporate that the that group is pretty small there's 16 million Jews worldwide mm and you mention how is that the responsibility of the Arab peoples you know everybody should be to blame for not taking in Jews after the the Holocaust but you know the reality of the situation if we look at the religious SCE of this there's 16 let's say million Jews and there's I don't know how many Muslims but 1.8 billion yeah yeah how do you that difference that uh 100x difference do you incorporate that into the sense that Jews in Israel might feel for you know the existential dread that we might this this small group might be destroyed Jews in Israel have every right to feel afraid because of everything that they see and everything they've been told everything but I I I would say that the calculus or the numbers doesn't like of course like being small it is of course a factor but it is never an excuse in order to take something that's not yours it's saying like hey you have 300 million Americans and we have 52 502 say give one state for them there's too many of them to too many of you just give them something you know it's like the fact that I have something and you don't and I have there are too many of me and there is little of you and then you come in and and it's not really Israel against the Arab word or the Muslim because we have to say we up big time but it is the the the the the the Palestinians that are in and they are being subjected to that so it's not really like the 1.8 billion and the 16 million Jews and the 1.8 billion if you look at them some of them like don't care some of them live into regimes that being oppressed and those regimes are supported by the United States in order it's easier for me as a as a as an Empire to to take what I want from this country if I control the dictator and I tell them that his power is linked to my ability to to my my desire to keep him in power so that's why you have a total disconnect between people in power in in the Arab and the Muslim countries and the people themselves can you speak to 1948 you know cuz you mentioned taking land that's not yours um maybe parallels with Native Americans mhm yeah there was a war the the Jewish minority fought that war against several Arab states and won that war how do we incorporate that into the cathis yeah well that's a also a misconception uh like a misinterpretation of the event because it seems that it was uh like the small the it's kind of like a David and Goliath kind of story but and I was all like how did we how did we not do that but in in reality with numbers uh I I can't pull it up right now but if you look at the numbers the number of Tanks the planes the the trained officer because those many of those Jewish uh Fighters came from World War II they were season Fighters and they actually had more planes more tanks more artillery more pieces of weapon more of the all of other combined because they the the the people that really like fought was Egypt and you have to 1948 some many of those Arab countries didn't even have their independence so they would kind of like send like a Cavalry or like a people in horses but in fact the whole idea was like we won against Seven Nations the numbers were totally in Israel favor they were better equipped they were better trained they were they had like more tanks and and and artillery and and and and and airplanes and they plan planned better so they yes they deserve the win because they planned and we did it so to you there was an asymmetry military power even then but what do you do with the fact that the war was one so like if you look at the history of the world MH there is wars fought over land I agree with you this has been the history of humanity Humanity was not living peacefully it's all about like people taking people and E killing people taking their land but there's two difference here most usually the Conquering power like for example England they had England and they conquer you India and after the occupation finished they go back to England uh France Greece Persia Egypt they would like go in expand and Shrink expand and Shrink it's always been there what is different here is exactly what happened in Australia and the United States a group of people came in not just to conquer and take the land but they completely changed to replace them and get them out or kill them it was very easy with the Indians because they had small parks there was no social media they did it over 400 years they had time the problem is what is happening right now I agree with you it might not bad be that new but we are there and we're watching it happen and so now we have to confront the realities of war and Empire and conquering because you know what's the problem we told ourselves we can be better yeah at after 1948 there was the universal Declaration of Human Rights it means that we are going to be better humans we're not going to kill and take land we're not going to displace people we're not going to take people for what they there's now laws there's international law there's International court of justice and now Israel is giving the middle finger to all of them so isn't in some fundamental way this whole thing that we're talking about is us as a civilization on social media in in uh In Articles and books and uh in newspapers we're just trying to figure out who are we as a people I I think the the shock came from the fact that we thought that we as Humanity have evolved and now we are what have actually changed is that we became more advanced in effectively eradicating a group of people because of the technolog that we have and the fact that we can do that under the eyes and ears of all the world and we are watching it on our phone we have a window we have a window to the war you know 1945 people didn't know what was happening in Japan what well we heard about it in the radio like oh today our forces came in and they launched we don't know we heard it we maybe we saw pictures after that and it's quite edited but now we see it we're into it and it is it is so much for our for for our psyche and we can get it and it's like and then the Arabs are say like guys you told us we came to the West because we were told that we were equal you know the universal Declaration of right one of the co-authors his name is Stefan Hassel he's a Jew he is a survivor of the hola and you know what happened to him he died by the way a couple of years ago but he before he died he was cancelled by so many people and he was called anti-semitic because he joined the BDS movement and he spoke of of Palestine that is the author of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that we value so much and we think that that would Define our Humanity but then we go in and we are shocked it's like maybe we were sold something maybe that was false advertisement you shared a tweet by an account called awesome [Music] Jew uh it reads Islam Nai comedian bosam YF comedian and quotes by the way yeah yeah yeah of course because I'm not funny so Islam Nazi comedian bosam YF is now denying the octob I love that you retweeted like this like twice yeah I guess suppose because it's advertising some upcoming dates he's now denying October 7th Massacre the Muslim radical bosam YF is notorious for his radical radical said twice for his radical hatred of Jews in Israel in a recent clip he claims that the atrocities committed on October 7th are fabricated we looking for all information regarding any of his upcoming shows as well as the venues which host the scumbag where Jews feel safe around this Nazi Nazi yeah I've never this is my first time interviewing a Nazi so this is honor it's my first time I actually get called a Nazi first time first time I have been called so many things in Egypt so in Egypt I was called um a CIA operative amused byy a secret Muslim Brotherhood a secret a secret Jew secret Jew uh there was also an article that was published about me in the state FR media saying in details how bassim has been uh recruited by CIA agents using John Stewart in order to use satire to bring down the country I was a Freemason an Infidel um uh a member of the uh the the the the Knights of the temple something like that and there's actually people the the Muslim Brotherhood on their show they would say like he is actually an Israeli and they have forged an Egyptian ID for him to come so it's kind of like when I get like I I said I had I left all of that behind and I come here it's like boom anti-semitic Nazi damn I mean I really covered everything I don't know what else I mean I think I have it's kind of like I'm collecting phds I'm just like getting like all of these credits how do you deal with that how do you deal with the attacks I mean this goes back to the decision to uh do the interview with Pierce Morgan like how how do you like psychologically throw all of it these kind of attacks at the beginning it's fun but when they evolve into something else so for example I was like laughing off all of the stuff about calling me this calling me that but then when people would come and and thread the theater because it's not the people who are making those accusations that would come to you it's the people that will hear and see those accusations and act on it and there's always the fear of like I mean we have we have in the airboard a lot of things that somebody would hear something about someone else and go kill him and whatever like anybody else so there's this but somehow I want to make fun of it and and it is to be cold and N an Islam Nai it must been the funniest thing ever because it doesn't Islam Nazi wow how did you how did you and a radical Muslim me a lot of islamist hate me they call me a secular Infidel so it's kind of like who am I maybe I have an identity crisis and I need the people to tell me who I am let's go to the beginning let's go to your childhood you grew up in Egypt K Egypt well let's figure out how you came to be who you are how do you become an Islam Nazi yeah exactly it's a long journey I do like the swasa tattoo on your ass which I didn't how did you see my you know what you did I know what you did it was very inappropriate you're also obviously a sexual harasser of me is this is like a me to this this like 2020 someone will come up it's like okay clip it this is your me too moment um all right so Cairo what's a what's a what's a meem defining memory positive or negative from your childhood my me memory in general was was cool it was cool I went to a Catholic uh uh school until the for for primary school elementary and by the time I'm done uh there was kind of like a start of a decline into the public education and my parents they're like middle class working officials you my dad was a judge my mom was a business professors and she and they were like one of the people was like they didn't have that much of luxury my dad like drove like a regular like car a Fiat which is like the equivalent for the in in Russia thank you for speaking to the audience and um well so would that be a good car or bad car it's kind of like kind of like the minimum and my dad was not a command of of of showing off he whatever money they would do they would put it for us education give everything to their kids this is kind of like a very very typical mentality uh and I'm sure it's in many cultures but like we grew up with this like everything that we have is like for kids so they will put us into education so uh Middle School uh that was the beig 1986 was the beginning of the explosion of like international schools private schools and these schools were relatively expensive of course now with today's currency it's ridiculous but at that time it's was very expensive so I went to that school and from there was this moment was like you feel less right away I mean of course there's the regular bullying and stuff but it's it's not that it's kind of like you always feel less you don't have that much of like purchasing power that can allow you to go to the same outings or travel with them and even like how you dress it will be modest compared to them so I was always an outsider I was uh and I compensated with that by two things being good at school and being good at sports so I was not like the typical nerd was just like I was like I was playing football basketball CR field and I was like one of the people would like to have me on their team so I wasn't like kind of like ah he's in there get him away but I never had a girlfriend I never had any kind of I was not like I was not boyfriend material MH so that's kind of like it it leaves remnants in you that you're not good enough but psychologically you were always like when you were by yourself you felt like an outsider yes all the time and that's why kind of like I'm more of a loner I don't have a lot of what do you call friends I have acquaintances people people that I do stuff with but I don't I've like the people that I tell them everything when I went to medical school now medical school is a different Animal Medical School is where all of the people from the public schools go public schools are very like they are not they they don't have like they they don't have English uh language as like a strong partner but they are brilliant people so because they would mostly they study in Arabic but they are brilliant and they are very very very smart very sharp but then I go there now I am the boy from the private school that comes into medical school now I'm an outsider again and I go into uh I I go into residency and I pick up salsa so now I'm a salsa teacher while being a cardi thoric uh surgery resident and I'm an outsider for the third time because in salsa I'm kind of like the respectful doctor and in Resident I'm the guy who is just dancing so and everything of course as a medical resident you will mess up a lot yeah so they would always like oh because you're a dancer oh because you don't care about medicine you just like want to go there and dance with women which is true but but and so all of my life I felt that I'm an outsider I'm not part of the team I'm not part of the core group so and and I have a story that you would love I right before my residency I was so much into Sala so I I had all of the m and then you saved that and I was working in summers and I was doing extra jobs and I took that money and I went to Miami in order to to learn R de kazino which is the Kuban kind of like Circle salsa kind of thing and I and I went there in the summer of 2001 yeah and my return ticket was 912 2011 Universe has a sense of humor I got to tell you that no my n 912 I was supposed to be on a plane coming back to Egypt what happens thank God I ran out of money 10 days before that just like all right I changed my ticket and I came back 911 I'm kind of like my mom wake up wake up what what like and I see like the two 4 was like my's like oh you're here you're here you're here thank that and I was like I was like I should I could have been in guantan MO right now F flying at 912 and but by the way I was in Miami they were they when they went to the the flying school in Miami so I mean I I I I had like 911 written all over my face you'd be all over the news all over and my's like what he went there to dance salsa I didn't know that salsa is like a name for terrorist why salsa why why why did that attract you and what like can you explain what salsa is so I I mentioned to you Offline that I've been doing a little bit of Tango try learn it yeah like you know samb Sala Pata Maring it's kind of like Latin dances uh and uh it's like um you know I I don't know how you describe Sal couple Dance One Latin beat and uh I I did it because I I once I and I talk about that about my in my Arabic stand-up comedy not the English I talk about like how I was you know I didn't have like really like a great like social life and I my friends went there one day and I go go into a place which it was called eletto negro no no it was called Big Fat Black Pussycat and then I think they they they thought it will be like racist or something to change it to elto negro anyway so great great I know great decision I know so I went there I like damn music and women M and my doctor a doctor dancing salsa that is electric magnet yeah 100% we know we do you know we do everything for for that all of even power even money all the wars we've been talking about women the day the approval from the other sex we are we are babies we would we are terrible people yeah so of course like I mean that was like that was like great but then I as as a nerd I went in so hard and now I became a salsa teacher yeah and I earned more money from salsa more than I did as a doctor's res I didn't know this part of you that's hilarious I know I was I was making I was making killing amount of money like huge amount of money and I I was just like you know I I would go finish my my my shift and I go to the salsa class and sometimes I would have like 70 people in My Salsa class oh wow I had like the biggest salsa class in Egypt in the the beginning of 2000 and it was fantastic and it was an outlet because you go there and there's the shift and people dying damn and they go salsa Escape you must have been good I I was okay I was cool I was fun there were people better than me but I I I I have a a thing about teaching I like teaching people so you mentioned heart surgery so what what motivated you to become a doctor it was a a choice of exclusion I mean there's nothing else you can do with these high grades other than doctor engineering I hate math so go be off this the Middle East what do you expect it's either a like I in my joke in my show I said like there's it can be one of three things in the Middle East a doctor an engineer or a disappointment it is that that is the choices that you have so years after a Bo yeah I am you're damn good at it though that's a hard path though yeah right and it's uh it's a fascinating one for can I tell you something that actually I was thinking about why did I actually going to medicine and why did I always choose the hardest thing although I didn't love it and I have to tell you I had an epiphany only two weeks ago and I don't know if that's actually related or not you know remember when I told you I went to this school and I didn't have that much money and I didn't have the luxury of time or money to be with those people and do what they do so by the time I finished school and everybody was going to University all everybody in my school went to the Au the American University in K of course probably like American Education party time like I mean of course they're brilliant and everything but they have yeah they they have a different you know social life and part of me now I I kind of like I realized that just like very very recently maybe I went to the hardest school ever so I don't have space to use other than St because if I have that much space what I'm going to do with it I don't have that much freedom I don't have that much money I'm not I can't compete with those people going out so maybe I need a solid excuse that I'm in a place where I don't have that much of a spare time is it also possible I like how this is a therapy session where we're psychoanalyzing is it also possible that you always just pick the hardest thing you could possibly do maybe but maybe that's the Piers Morgan thing too like what maybe but like when I left Egypt and I came here I still had the choice to go back to Medicine sure but I hated it I hated medicine traumatized me the amount of like you give up you know my my brother in Egypt he had a daughter she's a brilliant basketball player she is in the national team amazing I I used to play basketball also in the Egyptian League but I never I was kind of like my favorite position in the court was the bench and I was not as good as her but she and then and then he he it was time for her to go into into college yeah and he he didn't talk to me for 6 weeks I said tell what what's happening to Farid where College like I didn't want to tell you she went into medicine I said what medicine why did he do because he knows how I hated it I was traumatized like she's and and I said like dude she's a basketball player make her go like to an easy school like n so that's kind of it's fine he still did it he still did it I still did it but I don't know is it because of the difficulty or because because of what I told you maybe I needed something maybe because I was not very confident in my social life so I needed a distraction not to be to have that much of a social life oh wow okay you understand I see yeah uhhuh it's it's kind of loud because I will always have an excuse I'm studying I have something I have exams and I don't know I kind of like self- sabotaged my own thing because I couldn't compete with with those people on on the outing and the money and whatever so I need an excuse to be like oh he's a doctor he's studying at least in your own mind you can compete yeah yeah I I I always felt as less because I mean I I didn't have any girlfriends in in in school I I had very late in life I everything to me came to life so I always felt even stand up comedy it came very late to me in life so I always feel that I'm not good enough I feel that I didn't spend the time of to build the foundation that other comedians do so I always feel that I am too lucky I always feel that this is a fleeting thing and when I went had the the the height and the fall the fall all of in Egypt when I would like the top of of everything I was like so so famous and then everything was taken away from me that's like ah you see I told you that happens when you don't build Foundation you fall so I always feel that I that I am not good enough or if I am in a position where people think I am deep inside I am not do you know that I have a speech imped that I was not meant to be a TV presenter I have an in Arabic it's very obvious I cannot troll my RS mhm I cannot say I cannot roll it so in Arabic like Spanish it's very obvious M so when I did my first video on the internet that made me famous and then I got my television deal back there there in Egypt my partner at the time he took the video and he went to a producer I said like are you giving me a guy with a lisp he couldn't he should that's why when I came on television I was the first ever guy with a lisp I had two things going for me the lisp and the big nose and I was always bullied for two for these two all the time so I always felt less see but that's a foundation of like creating a great person yeah because if you're pretty you don't need to do much I probably wouldn't recommend it but it is it is true that so if you are pretty do some disfigurement find the flaws and and uh be extremely self-critical about them so you saw John Stewart on TV for the first time in in uh 2003 I believe how did that change your life I was in a gym and I was running on the treadmill and at that time CNN was coming up for on like on cable uh and uh I was watching and there's this studio I don't know what it is so I put the the earphones on and I started watching and I was so taken by this that I stopped the treadmill and I just like St stood for the 20 minutes like this on the treadmill and then I and I just like standing there I didn't know what we was he was saying I didn't understand what is Democrats what is Republicans what is what the those names that he's saying what is Fox News I don't understand but I was fascinated there was something you know when you don't understand the music but you get the Rhythm mhm it was that I wonder what that is that you saw it's like the timing of the humor I mean there is John Stewart is one of a kind like his biting criticism of power I would say and also ability to highlight the absurdity of it all but you understand I didn't understand any of that but I didn't understand any of the references but it is the the Rhythm the Rhythm you know sometimes when you even see like a comedy that is that's a language you don't understand but there's a rhythm boom boom there's something there's something in the music there's something so there's something with the videos and the pictures and he and the face and people reacting yeah what is this what is this yeah what is this and we we had the uh the global edition so I went to the YouTube and I just like started to kind of like watch every single episode that I can I said like do you think we can have this in Egypt I said nah never and then 2011 like I had a a friend of mine who was also a YouTube Partner it was something new at the time he said like let's do something on internet let's do something I said I want to do John Stewart it's like do Ray William Johnson John Stewart will not work I like I want to those so that was in there yeah it was in there and and and I and I and I did it and it it can you talk about 2011 I mean uh what what is the Arab Spring what is it uh people here in America you know depend depends on which side something happen or what depend depends which side of of the equation you are because for a lot of people it's a conspiracy it's American made it is a Muslim Brotherhood it's the islamist it is Israel it is everything else other than people oh but it's a pure Revolution it's a pure I I I I I think we put too much weight on conspiracies I think it is normal human behavior that then become get maybe used or abused or taken advantage of by other powers and then the conspiracy M starts but at the time uh the Arab Spring didn't start in Egypt it starts in Tunisia bazis um a fruit vendor blew like burned himself up uh like the American soldiers who did that a few days ago and uh that kind of sparked protest in Tunisia and Benin Ali was a dictator in Tunisia for about like 20 years and they removed him so suddenly it was kind of like a domino effect so and then Egypt started and and it just took 18 days and you know people hindsight this 2020 say said like you know just bubak became like a burden on the military because the military are the real rulers of the country you you might have a president that kind of like have certain powers but at the end of the day when the military sees that a certain president is like too much of a burden too much of like a you know so they cut him off and muar is the leader of Egypt at the time he was there for 30 years 30 years by the way speaking of which CU it was a joke in you Mark Twain speech I got te te ey just watching that that was great you're like great like what you did with Mark Twain awards for John Stewart it's great I mean your comedy is great in general and I wanted to go to your show I I definitely will uh but that's a that's like a little stroll in the complete tangent of just the masterful introduction and celebration of John Stewart anyway Mubarak yeah so I and and it's a joke that I say also like V had like was a president for 30 years like oh my God you had a president for 30 years like is the Middle East it's a very short first term it's like it's like we're still warming up baby warming up I thought like we need to plan ahead we need to plan our our our our vacations our careers our jail time it's just like we need to great so uh true so we had kind of like the shortest nicest Revolution 18 days and we thought oh 18 days we can change the country in 18 days so but of course we were naive and we had this kind of hope so Mubarak was removed there was an interm uh period by the military took it for one year then they did elections Muslim brother came to power they stayed for for one one one year and then the military removed them and in these three years my show started it started by kind of like a YouTube video it became famous overnight overnight five five to six videos boom went out and at that time I was waiting to get my clearance to go to Cleveland I I I I I already accepted in a fellowship as a pediatric heart surgery in in a hospital in Cleveland and and I said all right I'm just going to do a couple of videos maybe I'm going to put it in the internet and maybe after a year or two after I come back from the fellowship somebody will come hey why don't you write a show that looks like John Stewart that P My Mind took five weeks I had my first contract of of television and overnight the exposure and over a the next two three years I had 30 to 40 million people watch 30 to 40 million people watching every episode a lot of it's like wow that's too much that is terrifying yeah because it means that there are 30 million people who have an opinion about you yeah you said there's a lot of aspects of that sudden Fame that were just horrible it's toxic it's toxic it's unnatural it's unnatural when people started to recognize me in the street and take pictures I was awkward like why do you want to have a picture with me why why is it because I didn't feel that I'm worthy enough to be like a reward for someone to have a picture and I didn't understand it I was actually I was kind of an ass sometimes because people thought it was arrogance no it was confusion and I remember like my director and my producers and people are they always saw me in a very bad mood it's like why are you why are you not enjoying this it's like because this is not natural this is not natural this adoration this love and this have to end somehow and it did and in because at at a certain point you are a human you and people kind of the Adoration and the fun and the love comes because they see you saying stuff because you do your job basically political satire is basically us making fun of politicians in the media and a lot of people have a lot really strong opinions about politicians in the media so we came that we articulate that and we give it to them and we make them laugh so for them we made a great job so why don't you do more but you are limited and at a certain time you can't and a certain time you're afraid because we're humans because you're afraid about like if I continue speaking up not like something will happen to me I'm kind of like maybe have some protection because I'm have I'm F people see me but are the people around you mhm and we I've seen that so that's why at a certain point like that's it I can't I mean there's a lot of things to say there but one of the difficult things of Fame in your situation is you're not just having fun you're criticizing power yeah and and and and and it is loved by the people but it comes with a price because at a certain if the power is too strong and you're not into a situation or or or a or a system that allows that that gives you that kind of safety so what happened what happened I was so when so the height of our my fame when the Muslim brothers were uh Brotherhood was in power and at that time they had their media and I had one show I had like one hour Peri week and they had five channels 24/7 and they were like you know I'm B John Stewart said it beautifully one it's like we say and you say and we just say better than you this is exactly what John St like we're just better we're just better at saying back yeah so so basically I had one hour and they have like the five thing that they were like you know they're calling me all kind of names not just me like all their enemies you know and then I just had one hour and I would kind of like annihilate them in one hour a week so at a certain point they would they would even like kind of be side with the Army against the the the the kind of the the liberal seculars whatever you call it and at a certain point the Army kind of like flipped everybody what do you mean like kind of like they they made they they they they yeah they removed the Muslim Brotherhood they came to power and we I I can I have to say I admit it I supported that in the beginning because I I had daily threats I had I was actually interrogated and arrested on in the Muslim Brotherhood I was in in an interrogation for 6 hours and they were asking about the my jokes and I use that in my stand-up comedy describing exactly what happened in the six hours and it is so funny okay well it's hilarious but what slow down you were interrogated by thehood the general prosecutor the general prosecutor and it was based because of complaints by the the the officials in the government because in order the general prosecutor to do it it has to have a high up mandate to bring that person into questioning oh so they went through kind of official channels oh yeah yeah absolutely so it's all yeah it was official it was legal legal very legal so I went there and and and I and I asked and and it's kind of like a bunch of like insulting Islam insulting president spreading false rumors and I went there and I and it was funny because I I go into the building where there's police officers and their judges and all of them are big fans of the show and some of them were taking pictures of me and then I'm sitting there and it was the most ridiculous interview ever because he was asking me about my jokes it's like what did you mean by this joke and it's like nothing it was there for six hours he's just reading he reading my jokes and he's reading the jokes and the junior judges sitting there like cracking up I like I remember that it's like guys guys that's dark is it's kind of like and I'm laughing but in the same time it's like the whole situation is ridiculous but then at the end I I was released on so I went back to my show and I make fun of that and you have to be honest the Muslim Brotherhood were in power but Egypt were like right out of the Revolution for there was kind of like an equal spread of power between the people there was not like someone who come in and just like the Muslim brother didn't have that power yet but they were kind of people saw that they were moving towards that and then the tension Rose and then there was like a kind of a a confrontation between them and the Army and then a lot of people were killed in the street it was terrible m Massacre and and then suddenly I am blamed for all of that it's like you made fun of us so now it made it easier for people to kill us like dude come on you doing that to me too I just did it better than you and the fact that you sided with the same people that flipped against you that's not my fault did you criticize the Army at all did yeah so uh after that show I did like one episode against the Army and I was canceled the next day and then I went to another channel did 16 episodes in a different season and it was I was walking on exell and then it that was canceled again and then my the production company that was doing my show that we SE severed a ties because there we didn't have the show they had their their offices raided that have people like having death threats so at I woke up one day 11th of November 2014 and my lawyer said like leave the country right now there is this legal case that we that that they kind of like they're coming for you but I said like you cannot it was an arbitration case and I lost against my my the channel that basically canceled me and I said like I don't but there's no jail time in arbitration it's like yeah tell that to the judges leave so I I jumped on a plane the verdict was 1200 noon 11 November 5 afternoon I was on a plane left Egypt and I never came back since then was there a worry of non-legal things like assassination I can tell you something I was so stressed because of the show because of everything I sometimes I would wake up in the morning and I hope that like bullet will come and finish everything because I was so stressed it's like I would love because I'm too much of a chicken to kill myself so I would like rather to have someone else do it for me so uh I I I I I was I was so under so much pressure and I remember the day that like my show was canceled indefinitely the second time under the Army and I was like I don't have to worry about what kind of script I have to write next week because this is you know remember when you asked me about like that tweet about like the all of say those accusation doesn't bother me Infidel spy uh secret Jew Zionist slamon Nai that's what is really what really leaves a mark is the criticism to your craft and your work so you're not funny goes deeper yeah certain things get to you better than others especially if you have like a secret suspicion that you are like maybe not funny maybe I'm not because I was put into that it's like because that to your insecurities like I know but you shouldn't say it out loud you shouldn't say the truth out loud you shouldn't say it out but what about the weight of the responsibility of uh speaking truth to power so like walking on eggshells like what did that feel like well after the Muslim Brotherhood were removed you have to understand like when the military coup happened it was a very popular coup like people love the AR the AR the in Egypt the Army is more sacred than the religion people love the AR but the Army can go no wrong so me going against the Army was I mean the Muslim Brotherhood was not very popular they were popular for their own basis but people accepted the fact that like we make fun of them but CeCe at that time he was a God and I used to go to this high class Club called gazer club and this is basically kind of like the kind of upper middle class upper class kind of people MH and I during the that year of the Muslim Brotherhood I was the most popular ever people come yay when the military came in people were walking to me like pointing their fingers like don't speak about C don't speak about the Army huh we love you now but don't you they would like that so I called John Stewart was like I don't know what to do I don't know what to do and and at that time all of the channels were like closed down all of the the independ I was the only one left because it was difficult for them to get rid of me very quickly because I was too popular it was kind of like peace peace mealing kind of like going and I remember like I don't know what to do he said like you don't have to do anything just your safety comes first and he said but I can't I mean I've been doing that for 2 years and I cannot just like say bye-bye guys I have a responsibility I have a team I have people working for me and I also I cannot just like disappear and he said the most interesting thing ever and say if you're afraid of something make fun about the fact that you're afraid of it instead of talking about that something brilliant yeah so there was like a whole episode that we did not even mention CCE we did not even mention it but the videos did all the thing and the whole episode was me trying to avoid talking about him MH and that that that how the comedy was created the fact that I don't want to be here and then I so he said like if you will be surprised how people can relate to that because there was a lot of kind of like oh we love him but we feel we cannot speak so just by doing the simple thing about be mirroring the society that goes a long way and I kind of try to do what I can under the I mean they they came up with a machine that treats AIDS and hepatitis C virus and basically every single and I went to town with that because people think it doesn't really have to go in to go to the bigger po like you're an no you talk about their propaganda you talk about what they want people to perceive them at and it's a failure and for that that kind of hit them even more because what do authoritarian figures do they work on two things fear and propaganda and from that it gets the respect so when you go into their propaganda and expose them they have nothing else that's brilliant so like you are walking on X shells but you're doing it masterfully that you're revealing sort of the the flaws in the propaganda the absurdity of the propaganda in so doing are criticizing them and this is why comedy is very specific because people say you were not as hard on him as you were in a Muslim brother yes because under Muslim Brotherhood we were like just like saying to each other yeah but now the the the ceiling was like here so it's kind of like how can you do something from here yeah exactly that's the art form yeah in the in the Soviet Union under Stalin the a lot of the criticism came from like children stories and uh and children's cartoons double meaning double in window stuff that means other stuff that is the that's the Brilliance but everyone knows everyone knows because you are like putting a mirror like you're mirroring the society it's fascinating actually and that's why I was canceled twice and that is a scary one the Army you see that in Ukraine everybody supports the Army that's why uh zalinsky getting riding getting rid of the head of the army was a big big deal it's a really dangerous thing cuz everyone support and everyone's afraid to say anything negative about the Army especially during war uh in that case and in this case maybe there's Civil War that kind of thing but think about it actually an army during peace is much more dangerous because think about it I don't really have an enemy to fight but I have all of this power all of this tank why is this actor have more money than me yeah I'm protecting him why does this businessman think that he can get onto his private uh plane and go to Paris and why I'm here sitting like not having all of this so and there there's a lot of time on your hand because your job is to go fight when you don't go fight and we when you have the lack of that's why that's one of the thing I love the United States about is the fact that the Army cannot really get power but the kind of like the Army is the power is actually in the military industrial complex which is a different issue yeah it's kind of like a different kind of issue but if you have all of that power like what why am I sitting around just like playing guard for you guys that's why iron that's terrifying cuz you have this military that it just becomes a police force that turns against its own people yeah so you're you're you're a famous guy talking in the middle of all that yeah and and I when I left I went through a very dark side dark dark dark because all of the insecurities all of the stuff that have been like working on my head now came to life and now I'm in America and I'm a nobody yeah I'm a nobody and now it's like I have to do something have to earn some money so I started to do standup comedy 5 years ago and I sucked because I it was my second language and I was new and now I would go to these comedy clubs with like kids and 21 22 people and then I'm there with the family to support that I'm going there to doing it for $15 $20 and and I was bad I was bad you're you're bombing bombing big time eating eating Big Time dying up there big time and I would go back home and I would cry and then and then what made it worse is sometimes like a fan like not a fan a bunch of fans from Egypt oh B you they come and disappointment on there that kind of like face of adoration that goes and I could see it in their face I think he's going to drive an Uber in a couple of weeks that that kind of pressure and I would go and I would and and I and and then oh you left you you you you gave up you were a sellout you're a coward why don't you speak from abroad you're you're safe now like I I don't I already spoke I don't want to be because I don't want to be an activist I was doing that for comedy when it was good for everybody but now they want me to go go into YouTube and just like throw rocks from outside and like you know I understand I have family there and and and it was this kind of like thing like that I am being like attacked for not doing what I should do in their face and attacked for not being funny and not doing good being and now I'm feel like maybe it was wrong and I was I didn't know I I really it was so traumatic that I don't know actually how I went through these years and I blocked so many details from my brain because I have been using this technique for a while now that I have been erasing a lot of my there is a lot of memory gaps in my brain and I'm trying to suppress it because it was very very very traumatic and a lot of people told me you have to go to therapy but I I don't I can't I don't know I I I'm I'm worried to open the floodgates and I'm think as if as I'm functional and I'm not killing anybody I'm okay it's like I think Elon tweeted uh never want to therapy it's going to be on my headstone yeah [Laughter] tell you best butts okay I mean that is like terrifyingly difficult to like after being a a surgeon after being a superstar Super Famous going to eat at local tiny clubs in the United States I mean eating period yeah like bombing is really really really difficult really difficult for 20 year olds imagine when you were 45 46 and and then people like is this his midlife crisis what is this I I I I I went through a lot of pain and a lot of like the doubts and it was terrible what I mean how did you survive I know you blocked most of it but what what gave you like strength through all that because I didn't have any other choice because I started that and the only reason that I could is to continue I I I I I don't know what else to do I don't want go back to Medicine I don't want to do go I don't I don't want to do that and I don't I don't know I was and bit by bit bit by bit I started to kind of like be better be better be better and I was at a certain time a year ago a year ago this is where I started to kind of like hone the craft and kind of sell more tickets and sometimes even sell out some shows and sometimes sell a theater so like it was going and the money was flowing and it was good and then I was like why didn't I I want it faster I want it more I want it now I want it I want Netflix deal or whatever and then the PE Morgan thing happened and then I blew up and then suddenly I'm selling out everywhere and it's like ah if those people came if that that the war happened two years ago I will not be ready so now they come to the show and by the way my show had nothing to do with the October 7th my show is my thing that I've been crafting and working on you know how difficult is to do the first hour that the the hour that I've been working on for 5 years and it's all my personal story all about like what happened to me in Egypt me as an immigrant coming here to the United States finding Trump as a president finding myself in the middle of a guns rally finding myself in the middle of a bombing kind of like talking about how I got my citizenship it's all like funny stories about like my origin story so they come in and they expect October 7th and all is my personal story but it's good and it kills and they love it it's like if that if that kind of like blow up in America happened to me two 3 years ago I would not have people would come and be I gotta say the timing of October 7th is very suspicious oh my God please don't say that I don't know I'm just asking questions I'm telling you one of the funniest thing a guy he I was in Dubai and like a TV anchor came to me bassim youf he flourishes during revolutions and War it's like wait wait wait what what dude you're you're making me sound like a bad woman a very bad woman yeah you Hamas and BB together orchestrated all oh my God that's the the that's the trilogy you guys should go on the road together I'm telling you that phone call is coming yeah but Hames has to open and they would really bomb right that would really bomb Oh I love dark humor you do a show like you were saying in English and in Arabic MH so and the story is very different totally different two different stories I would love to just just the language difference because the music of the language is also different so like what what's how can you convert it into words but what's what's the difference in the in the music of the languages I'll tell you because I thought about that a lot all right all right okay so when I was doing the English first yeah I was I actually had good jokes but I was missing the delivery because the Cadence and the music and the rhythm is different the way that an English speaking American uh a member of audience will receive it it will be different than how I receive it the energy everything is different so when I kind of like got it I didn't know how to switch back to Arabic oh wow yeah fascinating because here's the thing with English standup comedy English you have a huge Library you have like a legacy you have like years and years and years and years of people doing comedy but in Arabic it's a very new very new to us and most of the Arabic stand-up comedy especially in Egypt is very um tamed mhm this is kind of like imagine the stand-up comedy seen in America 1960s before Lenny Bruce oh so no swearing conservative swearing nothing conservative everything like yeah it's kind of like very so I didn't know what to do with Arabic so I broke the bars I became Danny Bruce I became Geor KH so I went in and I went and I and I changed the whole thing seven words you're not allowed to say what for me there 15 words but a lot a lot Arabic is a very rich language yeah so when I did here's the difference between the Arabic and the English show the English show surprise surprise is a unifying language even for a group of Arabs so if I give the same exact show to the same 1,000 me audience members in the same theater and they're the same people same makeup of like Lebanese Egyptian Syrian Saudis English will be a unifying language Arabic is a dividing language because you have 22 dialects and the dialects are vastly different and like maybe Egyptians understand a little bit of Lebanese but not that much but the referen is Algerian Moroccan Tunisian totally different animal that's like a totally different Lang Saudi emirati Kuwaiti totally different people understand the Egyptian dialect because it's the dialect of most of the artwork and the movies but the reference and the everyday Street Talk might not be understood by them so now I have to go in and talk to all of these dialects together so I formed my big big part of my show is like what are you guys expecting of this this is what this is we going to when to go do profanity and you're going to like it this is the problem with that the show as a dialect and I I construct all of these sentences formed of so different different words for example an iron in any in any in in any Arabic dialect is an iron in Saudi Arabia it means ass that's one example yeah that's one example you know so imagine if you can actually construct sentences having all of these things in one so I would I would construct like a whole section of my show about that so it's really very much about like self-reflective on language and the limits of language that's allowed and the limits of language and I tell them part of the show is like I know what's a problem with me doing Arabic it's like if this was an English show and I was telling you and you'll be H but if I do one swear wordss all of you will scr yeah it's like why is it because we are ashamed of our own so it's kind of like it is it's not just like about swearing it's about like there's a lot of philosophical Pathways in this yeah there's profanity and we we when people have fun whatever but like it is about like what does how do we treat our language and I tell them we speak Arabic as Arabs but it's not the same Arabic it's crazy right and you're doing the show in America also which is another level of OB oh yeah actually the Arab diaspora in America is some of the best audiences I have they are like wonderful and they come from they just and I did and I do and I did it also in the Middle East and maybe I'll do like an Arab tour in the Middle East in the fall which countries would you go to and not I wor did Jordan Lebanon I'm doing uh UAE I'm doing Kuwait Egypt Bahrain Egypt I don't think so I don't think so is it personal is it worry about your safety well I have the American citizenship right now so I am relatively safe there's a block sure honestly there's a block there's a person there is there is um there's so much that happened and I don't and I never I I never bad mouth Egypt it is my country it is some like it has all of my marriage 40 years of my life I lived there but when you get hurt so much instead of trying to kind of I don't want to take revenge I don't want to like that I just want to avoid because Egypt gave me so much Fame and so much love and so much hate and so much Rejection it is a very it was a very tulous relationship very very difficult and it's uh and a lot of people tell me well don't you miss Egypt and I tell them every time the Egypt that time is is not there anymore it's not bad or good it's not worse or better it's just I'm different and the places are different and the people are different and the circumstances are different whatever image you have of the of what you love is not there anymore that's why a lot of immigrants especially Arab immigrants they they live here but they're there and then when they go back for a vacation they get disappointed because they didn't find what they want and then they come back here and they're disappointed because this is what they want to come back but it's not there anymore yeah their view of that place is from a different time I have that you know my parents but everybody that left the Soviet Union I mean it's such a complicated relationship with that it's sometimes borders on hate disappointment in the uh in the case of the Soviet Union perhaps similar to Egypt is the promises sold when you were younger and the the promises broken by the possibility of what it was supposed to be with the Soviet Union I'm sure with Egypt is the same Iran is the same so they have a very complicated relationship with that yeah that's why like for example people from Iran you I remember I remember quite well the World Cup that was made in done in in the United States and the Iranian team were play in America and there were people people in the audience or wearing Iran they hate the regime but they have this kind of connection with the country yeah and this is this is the whole thing you can actually love the country and you not have to agree with the regime would would uh would you ever perform in the West Bank no Gaza because if I go there I have to go to the Israeli checkpoints and I don't want to go through the isra I don't want to have an Israeli soldier telling me what to do yeah there's a demeaning aspect to that whole even even in subtle ways yeah yeah yeah I mean I have so many Palestinian friends with an American passport US Passport living here they are born here and they they talk about the humiliation and the intimidation and the harassment that they go in it's like I do you want me to try yeah that little bit of a humiliation little bit oh sometimes it's major but I noticed that you know even the little bit is uh has a after a lifetime of that it can turn to uh it can turn to hate towards the other yeah and resentment resentment and then how do you do anything with that resentment I have a friend of mine he is from Palestine from blest back he's American here is born here and uh we talk about you know we have of course all of this discussion what what happened and he tells me you know in October 11th in the West Bank in and there was a village called K KRA and on that Village like the the settlers went in around the village and they send a message on Facebook as like you rats going get out of your sewers and we're going to be waiting for you intimidation through technology and then they went er uh the it is KRA have like another settlement next to it called ish kodesh ish kodesh they have people there who were training something called mishar Yesa which is basically the Guardians of Yesa and it's like a paramilitary group that trains other settlers on military combat give them weapons and do like military drills and they went there like militarized and went there and and it was actually co-founded by a Jew from Brooklyn not even and and and and like an Israeli and he is like one of the Disciples of May Kahana I'm sure that you know Mah is who was the Jewish defense lead the people who assassinated Alex AA here in the United States and and they were they were there with their weapons outside intimidating people now this story carries everything that is wrong with the situation you have people from Brooklyn from outside just because they're Jewish they can't come and they can claim the land from the people there anybody from po just because he's Jewish you can come and take the land from other people they're using technology to intimidate Palestinians they have unchecked military power these are not IDF soldiers these are settlers and they have free reign in order to intimidate and to kill the people and you understand this is the daily life of Palestinians not in Gaza in the West Bank what do you do from your what do we do what do people do to nudge this towards uh peace towards flourishing here's the thing I want to talk to the people of Israel what is Israel doing right now is not just unfair to the Palestinians it's unfair to the Jewish people in Israel no it is unfair to the Jewish people around the world because the way that Israel links itself to the Jew to Judaism at a certain point you know remember like Isis and Ka And when everybody hated Muslims you know sometime human humans are simple they cannot have the nuances to separate so anybody who with a Muslim name with a Muslim face with a beard who looks Muslim he would do it because of that actions of those atrocities you have the power as a person to separate yourself from an abusive power a horrible power and be yourself I am really worried because the rise of anti-Semitism and the rise of hate against Jews is not because of the Jews it's because of the actions of a government Jews do not have to be on the side of aparti Rony castels he is a Jewish South African and he fought shoulder Tosh shoulder next to Nelson badel he was part of the African National Conference ANC and he had an article say like I know what aparte is and I saw Israel and this is what they have and the thing is Israel the Israeli government should listen to other people you cannot call anybody who who criticize you either an anti-semite or if they're already Jewish you call them like self-hating Jew you cannot do that you cannot continue doing that because we did that when I would go in and criticize the islamist like oh you're self hating Muslim you're not really Muslim you're an Infidel you're secret you're a secular whatever we have the power in order to reform the course by holding people in power accountable and the thing is it is very stupid to actually call this anti-Semitism like I my my idol is John Stewart I voted for Bernie Sanders the Sarah taxer the one who did this amazing documentary about me tickling Giants she's a Jew she is married to an Israeli Jew we have a good Rao because we know what the right is they don't have to associate themselves with the action of the Israeli government uh one of your favorite words Jihad that's my favorite hobbies it's his favorite hobby it's my it's my show it's like what's your favorite I talk about like how when a white shooter does something think he talks about all of his family and his Hobbies like what if we did this like for Arab for for Arab terrorists what are his Hobbies Jihad you see you should be a comedian yeah wow you're making me feel good okay Sam Harris uh has has done several episodes on Jihad and uh people should go listen to it even if you disagree with it but the basic idea that he's proposing is that this idea of jihad in the negative connotation of it uh of martyrdom is a thing that gets is counterproductive is destructive to the possible future flourishing of Palestinian people what what do you think of that there just the idea of I totally agree but like people don't wake up in the morning and say like I want to declare Jihad think about it why would anybody choose to end his life by taking other people with him and end that life his life must be miserable he must be pushed into that nobody chooses death over life willingly one of the first suicide bombers in the Palestinian resistance were Christians we don't talk about that I think he would say that the presence of a story that you can tell yourself when you're in a really shitty place that you can go to a much better place by sacri I ing your own life just the fact that that the presence of that story is there is is is harmful of course but these but here here here's my problem with Sam Harris and usually people would they have free range talking about the Islamic faith and nitpicking the stuff that makes it put in a in a in a in a bad light I can go and nitpick every single religion there are Jews there like benir who openly say spitting on Christians is not a hate speech all right they are I mean I I you can bring me like all kind of videos of Islamic jihadist saying horrible things on on YouTube and I can bring you Jews who live there they I like we're going to have the whole world enslaved for us and everybody would love to be slaved for the Jews you know I can use the talmudic argument that if you tie a man to a tree and he dies of thirst and hunger you didn't kill that man and this is kind of the same arguments like we're not killing Palestinians it's just like killing they Dying by themselves you know so it it is the nitpicking of of of a certain narrative religious narrative that is separate from the political context and what what's happening right now it's very very unfair because I can read if you want to have a deep dive into religious text nobody will be happy and I can bring stuff from that almud and the and the Torah and stuff that is horrible but like you know this is a way again of like distraction I dare you to talk about Buddhism and jism though well you know the people who killed the Muslims in Myanmar were there Wen they Buddhist yeah well J let's go Jaden okay I'll find the religion I have to get back to you I'll have to find yeah the the the the flying monster the the the Church of theing moner spaghetti as a person who tries not to eat carbs I'm deeply offended by that I mean there's Scientologist all they do is actually buy real estate I think there's a books written about the fact that they do other stuffff as well so even there I Mormons sometimes there some of the nicest people I've ever met but I'm sure there's also Darkness there too oh boy religion uh there's soaking in in Mormons there's what soaking what's soaking okay so I don't know how much so soaking basically like you if if you get into the woman and you don't move that's not adultery that's not like oh interesting so you go and you just say there's a loophole there a loophole this the thing religion religion has a loophole yeah yes and with Muslims we do that the whole time we we pick and choose our our sins the stuff that we enjoy it's just we you 72 virgins waiting for all of us maybe if I converted you as a Jew I'll get you 80 I don't know you know like you can negotiate but I also have questions about whether a very good deal I'll give you and maybe I'll throw there a Camry I have to be CER it's pretty good what year I don't know 1998 best year ever well they last a long time so I'm not sure I want 70 I 72 I I'll throw five in the mix and see how we feel yeah can we if you want to upgrade yeah can we can we do a trial period but in general if you just zoom out uh do you think religion is in what way is it good for the world in what way is it harm for if there was no religion humans would have invented religion because think about think think like the early Humanity like you're like a cave man or whatever and then like you see your family members killed and then you say like what I'm going to be like the the the or the gazelle that just like ends and perish I need to have I I am more important I think I think with the development of Consciousness humans like thought that they are much more precious and important than the other animals because they have now intelligence so my life will not end like that they will my death will be even more important there's consequences for that there's consequence for what I do and then the the early man was like there in the desert and all of these like natural phenomen they didn't know what to do they were afraid MH so they need to have Refuge they need to have something to take care of they need to have a reason for everything because if there's no reason it's chaos M it's chaos it's terrifying it's terrifying it's Terri there's nothing thing is there there has to be a reason there has to be a reason there has to be a purpose has to be like a cause something it's it's just I'm not just going to be like die like like a coach being stepped on and that's kind of like part of it is ego the whole world rotates around you in a way it's the ego so the religion actually got a lot of it from Humanity itself like me us like us being humans and there's and and and many religion is a collection of of of stories and those stories based on things that humans did themselves and they attributed it to gods and there's an aspect of religion where you humble yourself before a thing that is much greater than you so that has a I would say a very positive effect of humbling it will be great if it stopped there but here's the thing if you humble in order that your ego kicks in and feel that you are better than someone else who's not humbled in the front of the same God go there that means that I will have all that train that I can use that because now what what does mean being humble I'm Divine yeah but I'm so I'm way more humble than you H but you're not so you you see how they kind of like the oxymore I'm humble and I'm surrendering but in the same time I am better than you and I'm more entitled isn't it crazy yeah it's beautiful it's crazy I mean look at look look at like like the Muslim Christians and Jews and every like it's like all right Muslims we surrender I I'm talking about the extreme ones I mean like people like people like I surrender to God good keep it that way yeah like if you go there I surrender to God that means that I am closer to God than you then you should die okay Christians Christ is love and he loves me and we going to be together but you don't get into his kingdom and you you see it is the same thing yeah yeah it's just if you stop stop there stop stop where you are humble and you feel that you're a piece of and you are worthless human being and you are there stop there but you says like oh that makes me a better person than you and it makes me more with God than you so that would give me the entitlement to kick your ass yeah we always ruin a good thing don't we that you go uh you've been outspoken you know with Piers Morgan but just on this topic uh and you uh talked about uh the Superman story mhm which I would love it if you were in a Superman movie uh but have you lost job opportunities uh because of this because I I there was other a couple of things that were going on but they stopped again I don't know if October 7th or tell the Superman story just so yeah what role were you uh okay when did you audition for yes okay okay so in June I was traveling to Dubai and right an hour before I I get into the car and go there my man said like best I'm going to send you a script read it it's the for super Superman it's like oh Superman you know I I I'm not really good in auditions I'm not as SE actress so I like okay I'm just going to do it send the tape I do the they ascend it I go to the airport and and I read and I can I think I can talk about it now because they said they changed the script so basically what I found it interesting in that new script is that there is like a a dictator in a country that invades another country and Superman interferes politically that's the first time we ever see Superman interferes politically Yeah so basically was like Russia and Ukraine but because of me it was like it had it couldn't be Russia and Ukraine so it had to be something kind of like with a flavor so I read the role as if as a mixture of trump and Mubarak I I I I I I I did this mix like you know uh I like the kind of the midd but also like kind of like the the the the the essence of trump into it I went to the airport it's like an hour it's like James gun saw it he loves you like what I never had an audition that fast I mean I I I had a few roles but not that fast not like that and then I said like well the the strike starts like tomorrow and we need to be on the phone but after the strike we cannot talk the S after strike like we're the writers and the actor strike so like but I'm going to be on a plane right now it's like okay once you land have a zoom call with James gun I have a call with James gun he's I am a huge fan of him the guy took like something like Guardian of the Galaxy nobody knew about it made amazing Trilogy and he is like a really cool guy I like I like what he did and it was like really nice and and he started to talk to me about the movie and you know like I talk to people uh before casting them so I know that everybody's on set have a good chemistry it was amazing so in your mind if you're an actor what does that mean you got the part and he told me you got the part month goes by strike goes by October 7th happens I do Piers Morgan one and two and then I go to my Australian tour my manager called me B him the Circ was over it's like you don't have the part anymore I was sad very sad but for 3 days and said like I need to stand up with it I'm actually doing very well alhamdulillah and then when I went to Chris KO I after I finished the show he told me did you lose any opportunities mhm and that was off record after after the show was like we concluded and I said I talked about Superman and I found myself when I was talking I was angry I was bitter and I went home it's like why was I angry why was I bitter it wasn't meant to me and I'm I'm living a good life now I I I don't need so when I was asked again the next day in two different interviews the BBC and the other and another one was salong with my friend I said the story in a different way I said I don't have any anger as a matter of fact maybe if I was Wonder Brothers I didn't talk about Jim G I thought it was the studio if I was Wonder Brothers and I'm a Muslim I wouldn't have a like a Zionist or a pro Israeli in my movie but I want to tell them that like when I criticize Israel I am not a threat to you as a Jew and we can actually have more in common so I was more of a kind of empathic so when I said that the internet went crazy and you know jimes gun have Hatters because you know the the Snider verse and all of the that it's just it's a word that I don't understand and James gun like had all of these attacks on him and I was pissed of how it was handled I wasn't angry at James gun but I thought it was handled so my publicist just like B him stay calm don't speak it's better like to to like not talk about it I said okay so as a there's nothing wrong about me but I see the heat is rising against Jameson and that is a guy that I had a personal connection with even through Zoom MH and I didn't like what was and then he called me and he explained to me I said Bim you know I actually use like have camera test before people before finally I didn't know that and I and then we changed the script and it was the strike so I didn't call and I also I thought to myself I'm small I'm a small actor I'm not that important for him to call me to say we're going to change the script so I think still think that like the timing sucks and everything but then I went and I did a video explaining exactly what I'm telling you because I didn't want to be famous for the wrong reasons yeah because that would be unfair because that that was already people were and I was having like interviews can you come about this some like that's that's it I'm not going to talk about because this is another issue and I did I didn't and I when I talked to James on the phone I felt how sincere he was so I I I didn't want someone to because of me will have that kind of attack because I know what it means to be on the other side of that kind of attack it's terrible and it ruins your life and it ruins your day and nobody deserves to be doing that and I don't want to be the reason for someone else to go through that pain and you also said that you don't want to be a victim I I don't want to be I'm doing a great I'm doing great I'm selling out everywhere I'm having a wonderful loyal audience is coming to me why I would be angry about the role of it's Superman yes it's great to be in the superhero movies but so what you know but you know there's um there's a wisdom in that even if you weren't doing great that's a choice a lot of people can come to which is like do I play victim here or not it's great it's great it they want more attention they want to be more into the thing they want more and more and there is so much to go around to be enough for all of us but it is great it is ego ego ego ego I need to be in the center I need to be victimized I need to I need to be people feel sorry for me and love me it and it is not the right way it is not because it is fake it is fake it is made up and I did not victimize myself when I left for Egypt I mean in the time that I was now I speak about it now but in that dark times I was detained in airports I didn't have my American passport yet I I was still traveling with my Egyptian passport and I was detained in an Arab airport I was going to be delivered to the Egyptians I had shows when I was still starting I had hecklers being sent to me by the Egyptian embassy and Egyptian Council in in New York and in London to curse me and to take videos of that and then ended to statr media in Egypt and I didn't speak about that because I felt that like if I speak about that I feel about like what was going on to me I would be victimizing myself it's like if I'm going to be good I'm going to be good because of what I do not because of what people's perception of what I'm going through yeah and that becomes a slippery slope and somehow victimizing yourself goes to more victimizing yeah and then you cannot leave that habit you can only exist and Thrive if people feel sorry for you yeah I mean Israel and Palestine currently both have that Temptation I would always push back when you do the comparison because one of them is not really in the same kind of power I mean yeah for sure very easy to say why Palestinian will victimize them but Israel with all of that military might man it's too much what Israel is doing is the dev victimizing the Jewish experience and I don't think a lot of and I don't think it is fair for a lot of Jews I don't think that they should use the Holocaust and the persecution that happened to Jewish people all through history in order to push an equally oppressive agenda that is not fair and it's not good for the Jewish people living and it is basically a disrespect to the memory of the Holocaust I told you I want to make a movie about the Holocaust I I do because what happened was that kind of engineered torture should never happen again and it should not be happening now so to you what Israel is doing is leading to more anti-Semitism in the world 100% And I think and I know can I be a conspiracy theorist for a second please the Earth is flat we all know this a part of me thinking maybe they are doing that intentionally because if there's a rise of anti-Semitism in Jews there were always like points like see they hate us so we can do whatever we want because if if because because you see if we let let go of our might and our strength we're going to go back to the concentration camps because you see how the word hates you and and again when you say they are people in power yeah oh yeah absolutely listen it's always the people in power I believe that humans are easily corruptible and easily repairable but the corrupt corrupt part is much easier but you you people could change but Power people and power are very dangerous very very dangerous especially if you have religion which is Power by itself military might political support and money dude that's the that's a very very very dangerous recipe that you know all that said I I do believe in the power of the little guy the individual to overthrow the government you know I don't know if you heard but the Arab Spring uh you know happens but but but okay here we we here just among friends we are Americans right we're Americans yeah allegedly we're Americans and how funny is that like just giv our two backgrounds we're americ we're Americans we're Americans it's like we're americ there's one thing about like the power of the little guy that I am very sad about because you see I'm I love America by the way I I consider it my new home and I want my kids to grow up here I have I'm very grateful for the opportunity that I have in the United States and I criticize the United States politics and I criticize it out of love the same way that I was criticizing what's happening with Egypt out of love what is worrying for me is how the power of the little man is diminishing it doesn't matter now who do you vote into power they will not listen to you they would listen to the people who paid them to be there and it is very concerning because I can see the American democracies turning not even slowly very rapidly into an oligarchy if I'm I'm sure that all of the millions of people who are voting they don't vote for the NRA they don't for vote for APAC they don't vote for the pharmaceutical companies they don't F vote for the military industry complex and yet the people in power they come in they take your vote and my vote and they are loyal to those people not to us and it is very very very concerning very concerning and it is this is the danger of American on the American policies American politics and American democracies it is dangerous because basically the vote becomes just like a ceremony that that the the someone with the more uh like funding will get to power and then he's not loyal to you still the fire I mean we are in Texas um everybody everybody's armed to the teeth here yeah but like what are these arms going to do in front of Tanks well you said the the the American Military is unique in this way I know but for now for now the tanks are first of all I believe Russia has more tanks than the United States tanks I don't know you know I'm not an expert in military uh strategic deployment of arms but uh the United States uses different kinds of weapons it's uh they have drones and they have the lasers and they have they're sitting comfortably behind the screens it's kind of like it turns like a big Xbox game yeah and they they they sell a lot of those things to everybody it's crazy because the the defense budget is 68% of American Military it's like almost $850 billion each year MH and most of that weapons we don't even need it yeah we just do it because of the contracts there was like an incredible 60 minutes I'm sure that you saw it the one about like the gouging of the prices of the the department of it was one of the most fascinating things that I've ever seen they say like a valve a safety a safety oil valve that used to be sold for $329 now it is sold for $9,000 why because there's only five uh weapon companies and they can control the prices and in 2006 the whole apach Fleet over the American Army in Iraq was grounded because there is one valve that they were like gouging the price and didn't want to give them the Stinger missile mhm that just like the missile the the the the one that you carry and and it's like the anti-aircraft it used to be sold for $25,000 now it's sold for $400,000 and nobody is doing doing that you know why because the dod has fired 130,000 people including engineers and negotiators so now in order to cut expenses now we're paying more money and the thing is we do not have a say in this we do not have a say in how my tax money and your tax money is being spent because I'm sure you don't want your money to be sent to Israel like that I'm sure even if you're Jews I'm sure I'm sure that like I don't want my money to be given to some Muslim countries who kill other Muslims I'm sure but it is it is not here's the thing what kind of power do we have other than speaking so what is left for us is free speech and now when you speak they call you anti-semitic you see why I'm angry but still I mean America's holding pretty strong despite the criticisms on the Free Speech front uh but if you look at the free free freedom of the press freedom of the speech index uh America is not at the top it is not and this is why for example it is very dishe Harting for me to see that the Western media Western press that used to be the beacon of Freedom Is Now using as mouthpieces and it is funny how the New York Times Nixon got angry in the New York Times in 1971 when they found leaks about him lying on about the Vietnam War since the beginning M and now he hired the plumbers you know the special unit in orders to go in and find the leaks this was Watergate basically because he was angry to see who leaked that instead of fixing the problem now the New York Times have published this story about the the rape that was a hoax that was written by Anna Schwarz who someone who have no experience and now when it was leaked instead of them correcting themselves they went in and they had their own investigation to see who leaked the New York Times in 2003 became the mouthpiece of W bush of the wmd and now as an American I see that the New York Times becoming a mouthpiece of a foreign country why do you do that one of the things that's really difficult to know is where to find the truth it does seem that both sides use propaganda and both sides lie a lot but both sides as in both Israel and pal Pro Palestine pro Israel there's a lot of lies I know but it's a lot of inequality man are you like yeah there's like a lot of people on the internet but like who have the mainstream media siding with yeah but you know thanks toia I'm yes thank God for social media because now it's individuals they are people yes they're people you're you comparing BBC New York Times Washington Post what world street joner with just people with a Tik Tok account yeah who has more power in your view now it is actually very very fascinating to see the little man having that power over the media in fact disproportionately so like they like this is my problem that's not but you cannot call people with Tik Tok propagandist while people being pay to give you the the news and they deliberately lie to you well yes I can they're both propagandist well prop okay yes yes but like but the mechanism and the intentions are different because because here's the thing I'd rather have the tiktok guy than the like the Tik Tok guy is a tiktok guy all right but if you have the New York Times being told that they being exposed to be lying and then they get this like un report which is like a disgrace and you just put the title and you don't talk about it's like I'm fine with CNN and Jake Tapper and all of those people like spreading the rape allegations for years they didn't I don't even want them to refute them I want them to bring the Israeli reports saying that it didn't happen the Israeli media them they didn't even bother not once is that balanced that's not so that's why people Tik Tok and because they have to take matters in their own hand yeah but the the problem with the people in Tik Tok is the drug the the dopam and Rush of getting a lot of likes so instead of talking about the death of civilians they will talk about beheaded babies or the equivalent of they they're going to actually make up stories because the make madeup stories are going to be more viral and so now we're just in this sea in this muck of lies and there's a lot of people who actually expose those lies on Tik Tok so you have both you have yeah you have both and it's kind of like the Democracy of the social media as we always call it but if you have the street run media that is the Legacy Media CNN BBC New York Times news all of those people and they are like spreading lies and they're not even doing their journalistic job in order to at least bring the other side yeah that's problematic and that's that's worse you're supposed to be journalist yes it's supposed to be report report you know report yeah but you know I see that this is like a catalyst an inspiration for the citizen journalist to to rise up this is what you're doing oh this yeah this is what you're doing no this is what you're doing because you go into a deep dive this is like like a no filter thing there's no spin the long form long form is going to save us uh I see why you hate the Tik Tok like a damine rush you know stupid Tik to hours later I saw the resentment in your face I can't can't look away for like like those like 30 seconds I do 4 hours I mean both have a place both are exciting and you know but I I can't it is very dangerous like you can't look away and I almost never maybe I'm doing it wrong but I almost never feel better ever after having used Tik Tok makx two of us I can't I cannot I cannot I have a team by the way I give my my my my my passport to like a team I don't even go there because I went I once in a dark night night very late at night I went Tik Tok and it was like 2 hours what yeah what I said no no no no no this is dangerous I'm I'm I'm I'm already like an Instagram and Facebook guy I don't need that even there and I barely get out of Twitter I mean like X I don't I can't X is a sess pool X is just like too the concentrated hate and it's too much it's too much I can't so you you don't check it at all you try not to check it at all it is very I don't I don't I don't I don't I can't I can't I just like I post something and I run posting ghost uh so you're you're doing comedy here in the United States right now yes Joe Rogan has the the comedy Mothership which is an incredible Club have you considered doing that club I would love to I mean I do you know Joe of course no who would H does a new Joe I mean I feel like it's a small world of Comedy that's why I no I I think like Joe Joe's story was like uh what he did and stuff he that he did in the UFC and his podcast and it just it's it's very impressive the fact that he's there and he's bringing all of those people whether in comedy or his podcast is very impressive and this is what this this is what is the media is all about what is like the internet is all about to give you the experiences of stuff that you might never experience MH and that is very important I mean you do it with people like you go into their brains mhm he goes take people and they take their experiences and and and their lives and their story it is very interesting and this is the beauty of of of that art form because you have all of these experiences at the tips of your hands and it is there for you to learn from you know and and what he's doing like when he moved to Texas and we did the the comedy Mothership anybody who would like push comedy forward that is the most difficult art form and the most demanding and the fact that you do that and not even be making money out of it but he doing that because of his passion that is enough yeah he's he's the he really believes in creating this like uh place where comedians can be really free and one of the cool things about the comedy mothership is like comedian is King there yeah like there we have to like you have to bow down to the because you know the comedian who came there came after like eating dying out there if you you are basically you're a saint I have eaten for many years have eaten now I'm going to give you ah it's great you already told me what you think about the state of politics in the United States but now tell me what you really think what what do you think of the choice of Trump versus Biden how do we end up here I don't know man I mean like the fact that like you have two people over the age of 90 yeah it is I think it's over 100 but that's all right all combined like 170 it is so sad it is so sad that this is what we can produce as as a society like like a demagogue and a sleepy Joe I just he's too he's he's not there man he's he's gone he's gone I mean he could you know like when old people could be like a danger for themselves he's a danger for the whole world I mean like the whole world like if if if if if an old person would die who would like you know have like a hip replacement we can need them at like a new planet because of one decision it's but it's not just that it's not that it's um what are when I came here listen I am I'm I'm a Democrat I always like and I told you like I I vote for Bernie Sanders I I I like I I supported him like 2016 but I couldn't vote then and of course a huge fan of Obama and uh one of my is like he's the first Muslim president was like but he killed Muslims like that's things Muslims do but anyways I love that line uh and uh it just I I I think the the the the whole idea like my shock is I I told you about like what what Biden said about like I'm a Zionist okay we are a Zionist but then like Jews are not safe in anywhere other than like dude what the hell are you saying and if you don't care about me and you don't care about my misery why would I care about you winning or losing you know and I have a joke that I told people like why would even Biden listen to us he just raised $145 million in California alone from pro-israeli uh groups I mean what what can we Arabs working in The Vape business do to him it's like we cannot compete with that I mean like practically I mean it's like life is like life is unfair the guy is a politician he needs bills to pay he needs a campaign to run he needs money he will go to the people who will give him money Joe Biden is the highest paid politician from Israeli lobbies $4.6 million over the years yeah but I also believe in um great leaders that go against all of that but unfortunately you know Bernie Sanders was like that Bernie Sanders yes but also age I don't want to be age course of course no no but even with like cuz I I remember listening to Bernie Sanders 20 years ago on Tom Hartman show and I don't want to say anything uh against Bernie but like he was sharper then of course there's a thing with age of course no I I I I think I'm a huge fan about like putting a limits on your working years because you don't want to have like a mitch mcconell moment every now because now the whole thing are like what is this is this not like a a hpy scare home it just it it it is unfair it is unfair and that the whole idea that you have like unlimit like you have a limit for the president but you don't have limit for congress people and and Senators that's what do you mean this is basically you can go in and and and be in in in governance for forever and you know the longer that you can get the more corrupt you will get yes that and that is very concerning for Americans everybody everybody becomes corrupt after for I mean that's why two terms is a good limit for everybody yeah and you know maybe half a term for for Egyptian years well you know our half term is 15 years quarter term you should come back and run for uh for for office there oh my God no no there's a curse in Egyptian uh off Egyptian presidency no nobody nobody comes there like is dead or in jail yeah it's uh it's not the most appealing job they might make a statue of you though make you look good after my death I look look very good dead in a statue uh yeah when you look at uh what happened with naali since you kind of really thought about this in Egypt what happened with navali in Russia what do you think about that yeah but what happened inali in Russia is not something new in Russia I mean Putin have like this whole history of poisoning and killing people and it's kind of like pretty much he's I I I would have to Sude credit Putin he's like bringing us the essence of the Dark Ages the Middle Ages it's like you know we know like basically Putin is like is the living example of what happens if Game of Thrones was reality it's like death by poison like a blow up a plane it's like mysteriously disappears it is so it it is it is very dark but it's like wow it's like a it's it's it's a it's a it's a television show maybe that's what attracts us to that part of the world is that it's so much on display this game of uh of power of geopolitics yeah of war no but the same happens in the west but I'm behind closed doors it's not that open it's not it's not that pronounced you know it's like oops uh ipin yeah it's like we just like I think I think because of the West is more advanced like in movies and Cinemas we kind of direct it better yeah I think I think the outcome is like the way that you kind of like said the scene like scene and scene that's why people about like landing on the moon they're like I get it but you know we haven't gone back there's the flat uh all right if we zoom out do you think there will always be war in the world always be suffering yes yeah but here's the thing I don't think for long I don't think that will happen for long wait a minute yeah yeah because here's the thing humanity is destined to to have War especially it will have War but that something happened in the last 50 years we have had now we have much more lethal weapons MH the problem is the beginning it's like swords against swords horses Cavalry like cannons catapults me missiles CH but now you like for like you know like a press of a button you can annihilate the whole planet yeah and this is the problem Wars will all continue the problem is when is going to be the Tipping Point where we are actually going to destroy ourselves and it is so easy now to destroy ourselves the amount of weapons and the the quality of weapons that we have it is designed to kill more effectively more more more it just it is crazy it's like we can create our own destruction in ourself and I and I think we're not that far away from it just look at nuclear weapons the fascinating thing about nuclear weapons as I've gotten to learn recently just how few people are involved in a full-on nuclear war that kills basically kills everybody yeah well three plus billion people right away and the consequences of of the nuclear winter it's unlivable but all it takes is I mean one president can do it so it it could be even a false alarm misunderstanding like what happened in the Kuba Missile Crisis but again and now there's uh more nations are prepared and ready to launch yeah I don't know and and and you have a media and a 24 hours kind of like thing that makes you like at Edge the whole time that's crazy there's a dark perspective on this where there's certain members of the media that would kind of enjoy the prospect of nuclear war like a little bit just just let's get as close to it as possible you have another factor that will contribute to that religion and remember how like uh the radical islamist talk about like the end of time and whatever but like most Islamic don't have that much power problem is with Christian Zionist now being on the top of the world with America they have been pushing for that kind of conflict to kind of escalate escalate listen to Sarah Palin like God wants us here like car Trove all of the new cons the dispensationalist Reagan there's an incredible book called like forcing the hands of gods oh beautiful book I read it's like it's published 1998 but it still matters today the whole idea about like especially the the Zionist Christians who love Israel but they hate the Jews they're antisemite but they love Israel because of its role this is all basically formed because of the interpretation of of the Bible of scoffield and how they talk about the end of time that Armageddon and then the late great planet Earth and then left behind Sirius and all of that it's all about like we're heading to Armageddon and the problem is Islam has there people that believe that the end of time and then we have the Christians that believe in the end of time and then you have Israel happy that those people are using it for the end of time and then the whole idea about them pushing as many weapons and troops and people in the Middle East to be there for the nuclear Holocaust and John one of the of the pastors talk about that about the brim stones and it's going to be a nuclear Holocaust all of that people it's crazy how people are so despising life that they are wanting death so now you have you all would had these Revelations but these Revelations mean nothing if you don't have an effective weapon in order to make it happen and this is the crazy thing and I'm worried that that the end is going to be by someone that wants to meet God a little bit earlier uh uh somebody who's really in a hurry mhm uh well I have good news for you uh maybe we'll become a multiplanetary species maybe Ellen musk will will lead us lead the way to get out in space maybe he's one of them he a secret lizard um I asked you offline to not me mention the lizard people they are there's like a whole people that believe in the lizard people it's crazy I actually have to be honest I haven't fully looked into the lizard people I probably should you should yeah well maybe I'm afraid of the truth uhing my removing my face I mean what so let's say let's say you're wrong about the end of the world and and we it all turns out great and Humanity flourishes why would that happen what what gives you hope for that trajectory for Humanity younger people the people of Tik Tok that you don't like uh I I I yeah there is a lot of like there you know after you saying this people just keep sending you Tik Tok videos these younger people be this woman showing her boobs that that woman that's going to save us that's all right bosome thank you no there's like I think uh there is a wealth of you know remember like the joke that said like we thought that like when we have Internet we going to have like be more you know more informed and now we we watching twerking videos and that is true but on the other side the fact that you have the in availability of information I I'm learning a lot and there's people who are using that platform from that it's not the majority because you know it's not very interesting and exciting but I think there's there might be a Tipping Point where there's enough people that will be aware and maybe they would collectively do something in order to bring back the power to the small man and maybe it sounds very naive maybe but we don't know we don't know because we you have already seen the Legacy Media and the Legacy politicians shaking in the past few months they're getting nervous they're getting nervous because people are calling them out and those people were like hiding behind their desk behind in their offices and not like not holding account for that but like people now are calling them out and it is not going to happen like this year or next year but I think it's something what advice would you give to those young folks I will never give advice to those people get off Tik Tok I know I will never I will never because like their input is different than mine yeah but like there's there's one thing I learned when people saw me did the Revolution fail in Egypt did people that the people re I like listen the revolution is it's not an event it's not like hey we go in with to the government it's not a revolution A revolution is a process it's a very long process and maybe the pro that proc I mean as much as we don't like what happened in the Arab world but the people there the awareness that happened and the discussions that have been opened that were you didn't even imagine what happened in the Middle East is happening and maybe the beginning of any any hope of change is that people start talking speaking out talking about stuff they were not allowed to to speak about like for example Israel the revolution continues ah yes uh bossome you're you're a beautiful human being it it's truly a pleasure and honor to meet you I can just feel the love radiating from you I hope I get to see you perform live I hope to get to see you many more times thank you for being who you are thank you so much and I would love to invite you for my new special the islami Bim that should be the title of you're autobi thank you so much thank you brother thanks for listening to this conversation with bosam Yousef to support this podcast please check out our sponsors in the description and now let me leave you some words from John Stewart The Press can hold this magnifying glass up to our problems bringing them into Focus Illuminating issues here to for unseen or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden unexpected dangerous flaming ant epidemic if we amplify everything we hear nothing thank you for listening and hope to see you next time
Channel: Lex Fridman
Views: 361,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agi, ai, ai podcast, artificial intelligence, bassem youssef, elon musk, joe rogan, lex ai, lex fridman, lex friedman, lex jre, lex mit, lex pod, lex podcast
Id: sG8u6owzad4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 13sec (9793 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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