Bass CRUSHING the Fluke - MOYAK Kayak Fishing Tournament - Stockton Lake

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there's one oh that's a CH [Music] [Music] all right 2:30 we are heading out second Tournament of the year we are going to Stockton Missouri actually fishing the Missouri side this time around uh fishing a moak tournament got about two two and 1 half hour drive there Friday going to do some pre- fishing going to check it out it's my first time ever fishing this lak so hopefully you can explore around a lot from what I've seen before it should be some pretty clear water do some pre- fishing going to camp out there tonight weather's looking great it's going to be high of 70 something today high of 85 tomorrow so a little bit warmer tomorrow fish are probably sitting in all three stages I would imagine uh probably couple pre-spawn couple spawning currently couple that I've already spawned out we'll kind of kind of check things out see what's going on with the lake I think it's more of a Highland Reservoir type set up looks like it's got some good good channels some rocks some Bluff points uh but it also looks like it's got some grass and and some vegetation and and a lot of uh timber in it as well so you making fun hopefully they're up Shallow should be up Shallow should be feeding water level is about 4 ft High we've had a ton of rain lately but hopefully that pushes them up into uh some flood of Timber and we can start start flipping some bushes and and some trees and and that kind of fun stuff uh maybe find a little bit of grass here and there oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] go all right so we've got a ton of rain lately water's uh I think four or 5T high right now ton of brush back here ton of bushed it's all flooded water temperature is 69 so they're they're probably spawn inial plan is to just uh head head shallow heading the back of these Creek channels try to fish fast cover some water see what I can find see if I can replicate it there's two arms I want to fish where I launched at and then I'm going to head across the main Lake to another big uh Creek arm that connects to the main Lake start off with the popper little slower moving top water feel it out hey First cast moak tournament stocking Lake definitely some fish moving around [Music] all right good start sitting right in that grass CL up guy oh God not a bad one to start off with 15 in or so no hits on the spinner yet is surprising seem like they're eating Shad back here but You' think they would buy a spinner bait if they were the good name of the game here is just find a pattern figure out what the fish are doing think it'll be a definitely a little bit spread out due to the uh high water things are going to be shallow that first one we caught was very very shallow got ourselves a nice big stick throw this Coal Shed around see if I can get any followers water's clearing up further and further I go on it that was a big one that followed it all the way out just had a real big follower on the co Shad mainly why I'm throwing it right now just trying to try to see if I can get some followers looks like that one came out of a bush as well so just trying to get some more hints as to what they're doing Skippy wacky rig these bushes all right now time to make a move cut one back here got a follower on that coal Shad seem like they in the dirtier water in the backs of these Pockets both came out of flooded the bushes [Music] [Music] all right made it back to the second pocket back here water dirty water PES good bait around it okay little guy pull it out of the bushes again grab a little breakfast finish out this pocket back here and then I'm going to head across the lake a little breakfast burrito all right we're back having some camera problems camera was overheating so I finished fishing that pocket out didn't get too many bites I got some followers on a coal Shad cuz there's some fish there they swiped at a coal Shad a couple times but nothing nothing too crazy I think they're eating Shad is kind of what it looks like I just ran across the main Channel there's a pretty big river arm um that runs back this so I'm going to I'm going to try to run back as far as I can and then finish my way back out of it that's the plan going to run back there see what we can find probably eat some lunch back here at some point doing all right so far I haven't found anything too crazy good but uh got a lot of exploring to go so let see what we can find all right well I hope you have fun maybe hope you can catch some fish this afternoon thank you yeah oh there's a butterfly on my reel oh that's good luck yes talk to you a little bit love you have a nice meeting love you too thanks by like cruising along here been fishing down this bank for 20 minutes or so just off that main Lake Point super Clear Water I've seen some bass swimming around had some followers but nothing that I'm too crazy interested in a lot of small ones I don't seem to be feeding a whole lot think I'm going to try to get back to that dirty water just making my way back there and then I'm going to come all the way back up this [Music] good luck thanks [Music] morning welcome back tournament day think stop number three for moak my first moak tournament ever actually uh stocked in the lake conditions are looking good I uh as you saw had some camera issues or I guess as you didn't see had some camera issues yesterday camera kept overheating and and wouldn't hold the charge so I think I got it figure it out uh hopefully it stays on today but uh pre- fishing actually ended up really well so I fished uh points across the main channel that were really muddy or a couple Coes I guess uh that were really muddied up I caught a couple back there but just wasn't happy with what I was seeing so I made a big run like 45 minute run across the the lake um down into a different arm when I got into here I started seeing a lot more clear water a lot more bass a lot more action going on so ended up catching I don't know8 nine or 10 of them all pretty decent size 15 to 18 in or so basically caught them all up uh up in some flooded bushes and and whatnot caught some on a Nessie uh caught some Flippin spinner bait chatter bait so got some good stuff tied on we got uh about seven or8 minutes till lines in I'm just starting starting in this pocket it's a pretty big pocket back here but I caught probably four or five out of it yesterday so just going to start and work my way around it and hopefully put a limit on the board 1 minute till Line's in actually going to start off with a popping frog a little bit of a bold move but see see if we get any hits on it okay there it is 6:00 Lin's in oops FR fills up with water so quickly one took it good time good time get back in there got a fluke right up seen a couple fish back here so can get one of them I had one on First cast didn't fully grab it so I couldn't get a that into it there it go D it that wrapped around the tree there we go that feels like a decent one stay on stay on not too big but it'll do all right first one on the board okay get back in there had one miss it number two that's a good one that's a really good one I knew there was one in that tree there we go not bad I think I only have two flukes and they are tearing them up not good two white flukes I got I got a different color actually so should work all right small guy but it'll count I got one photo going try to glue this back together real quick not sure if it's going to work but we'll see little glue with there I have some other flots there's not white which not a big deal the water pretty clear so scoot over and fish this point before boats and stuff get on it and come back 30 minutes in got three down so far they're looking good I had one see if we can get back in there another bite oh my God freaking what happens fishing with a flute it's interesting you're almost biting it when it's just dead stick falling this guy is barely hanging on she's almost done for see if I can get one more fish out of it there's one feels decent oh that's a job oh God oh [Applause] God oh my God could get him in freaking net that's a giant couldn't get him in the net look at that that's barely H this one we are going to protect that could be big fish in the tournament oh St is 20 that's number four 19 and 3/4 thank you fish number four let's keep it rolling 19 and 3/4 that was amazing somehow this fluke survived it four fish out of a broken fluke now what I'm going to do switch to the last one I have I'm going to Super Glue this one back together and let it sit for a while see if we can get it back because they are munching it all right I got dry for a second we do have a couple other options luk wise so that's good not the same but little silver blue pearl compared to white pretty close to the same I'm breaking my fluk with a little swivel about 6 in up so it doesn't get a bunch of line Twist on it it helps bring it down a little bit in the water all right oh that looks good let's catch a couple more of those be a good limit just need one more for a limit got to upgrade a couple of them going barefoot today maybe that's the good luck my feet dry off from the Sun sun's coming up and it is getting hot one actually falls a little faster it's a little bit different I like the look at it that fish's tail was pretty beat up so right back here on a bed or protecting a bed I think they've already spawned probably but right fry Garden most of the fish I caught yesterday seemed to be fry gers actually visually saw one Garden fry and cast that and it crushed my lure coming up on another pretty good little point right here wow that was a horrible cast and that's what I deserve for that cast stuck in a bush nothing is stuck in there good oh my god oh good thing I was shallow I had a feeling that was going to happen wow that makes for a good video good thing it's me warm today move around got my fluke back we are back in Action hopefully my life jacket doesn't go off that was awesome hey you know got to do what you got to do to get your lure back and just caught a 20in fish on it 19 and 3/4 and no one was even back here to see it people always say it's just a matter of time before you tip your kayak or go in but I only did it in 3 ft of water so that's not bad that's my experience I'll take it je all right get back at it probably scared all the fish away from falling in the water kept telling myself yesterday that I was thinking about jumping in just to cool off this I was going to do that today [Applause] what number [Music] five I keep my n there this ay fish number five all right let's keep on rolling take advantage of this bite I got five one's real small so I need to call that one out the surface here is really bad so I'm just waiting to submit anything probably till moving spots are closer to the end of the day not exactly sure what I'm standing at right now inches wise but the big ones definitely going to help the water's pretty clear so I'm trying to keep myself positioned back it kind of seems like the fish that I am catching is a little bit of a further cast so I don't I wonder if I'm spooking them and getting too close or I'm going to try that out also turned off my graph too there's no point in having electronic Stone r on when I'm fishing in 2T of water so that could help there one that help that will help just letting it free fall I gu the trick number six 14 and [Applause] A2 don't typically fish flukes very often but not have a start this brand also seems to hold up a lot better this a caffeine Shad this one is spicy that'll also help that will help number seven definitely spawned out female this is super skinny number seven [Music] need some breakfast taking a second to get some water going start my breakfast it's hard to take a minute to eat when you're uh catching them don't want to stop always go with the breakfast burritos shout out to my wife mixing beforehand oh that was another one I missed it much harder sitting down right this's number eight 14 and a half ite down haven't even finished my breakfast yet oh my God that was horrible cast [Music] jumpy one out of you number nine 14 jumpy guy n down finish my breakfast some sunscreen on my feet they don't fry like yesterday just making my way all the way back around to where I started and I'm actually going to head straight across I saw a couple decent ones over there yesterday caught a good one on a Nessie thought I was stuck in a tree again time for a new one not mad about it not mad about it at all plenty of these to finish this out and then head across finally starting to dry off from my uh spill in the water 9:00 I've caught N9 so far PR good I get a couple more decent size ones that would be amazing Okay C it right out into the Middle look like they were jumping get Shad out there of course wow that was cool I saw that fish jump and try to eat another shad and I threw in and cast it at it little guy but I'm going to get a photo just in case you know if you need it number 10 12 and A2 [Music] all right about to make a run just right [Music] across quick run across going to Pish the back of this one and then actually hit the next one the next one's a lot bigger see if there's anything back here oh my God all right it's about 10:15 making a run not too long just uh to another pocket in this channel does seems pretty shallow and it's also pretty goes pretty long back so might be a lot of flooded brush back in here which is what I was catching them out of so that's that's my hopes at least so I'm I'm thinking I'm just going to shoot almost all the way to the back but I don't know can't decide what to do looks like there's a lot of Timber in here too guess might as well just fish it fish it all the way in got to hit the old sunscreen again but I can't put my shoes back on it's been good luck might have to jump in the water on purpose this time going a big bait for a minute going with the Nessy I think these fish are getting out in the middle getting [Music] shed thinking about tying a jerk bait on and sitting out there tournament ends at 2 and it is 10:48 got about 3 hours left one more big kicker would be clutch [Music] 11:30 not pulling them out of these bushes anymore and I keep seeing shad and stuff jumping in the middle so I think theyve pulled out into the middle I'm going to tie a jerk bait on I go back to that other side where I was catching them all right found some service got everything submitted let's check the standings sending first right now by half an inch out of 65 angles looks like the big fish somebody beat me by A4 of an inch so somebody put on a 20 I have a 1975 I'm sitting at 80 and a quarter service isn't very good so a lot of people probably haven't submitted yet but uh puts me in first right now out of 65 Anglers that's pretty cool if I can just get one more one or two more that are maybe up 16 15 and 1 12 16 that'll really boost me up I think my uh smallest yeah 14 I have two 14s and a half so if I just pull those two out that would be huge 12:40 got an hour and 20 minutes left if I could just call one of those 14 and a halfs that would be huge can't seem to catch anything now it's very hot though water temperature is 79 now started the day at 70 there's one please call please call please call please not going to do it 14 all right 20 minutes left basically right back to where I started today and caught majority of my fish from I think that's going to help need it to be 14 and a half I don't think it is that's it 2:00 that is the end of the tournament what a fun time that was awesome crushed them in the morning got got pretty tough in the afternoon but got real hot and I think I think they were biting Shad in the morning when the shad up Shallow and I think the Shad pulled off a little bit but awesome tournament first time at Stockton super cool Lake really reminds me of like Table Rock something like that really pretty no houses no docks nothing bunch of submerged bushes water's up like 4T 5T so I think that helped a ton but I caught uh 12 or 13 fish um finished at like 80 8.25 when I checked the leaderboard I was in first but we know how that goes not a lot of people submit covered out here is kind of rough so uh that can also be a factor but yeah I basically caught majority of my fish right here in this whole pocket um checked it out yesterday and and saw a bunch in here so came here first thing in the morning and uh tore them up so the awards are at 3:30 actually um so an hour and a half from now gives everyone time to pack up and and get to the uh bait shop for the awards yeah thanks for watching great time [Applause] [Music] we are all loaded up ready to roll back to the awards um good day fishing out there pretty late Clear Water a lot of uh flooded brush and and whatnot it's 2:45 awards are at 3:30 last I checked the leaderboard was probably around noonish and I was actually sitting in first place 8025 in but I'm sure a lot of people haven't submitted yet so we'll see how that holds up at the awards uh see you there L it the [Music] awards all right y'all that wraps up the tournament we got paid we got sixth place out of 65 so finished finished uh really really well finished at 8.25 in along with my sixth place finish I also got second place for big bass uh which paid out as well the top two paid out for big bass so mine was 19.75 big bass to the tournament was 20 so almost had big bass to the tournament as well but uh at least we made some extra money off that had a really good tournament a really good pre-fish ran all over the lake definitely put a lot of effort into it and a lot of map studying but uh turned out really well it's mainly everything on a fluke up Shallow and uh into flooded bushes had some camera issues on the pre-fish day so that one was cut short for the video got that figured out we'll uh we'll see you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Dakota Dunklin Fishing
Views: 49
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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