First Colorado Kayak Bassmasters Win! Red Willow, Nebraska

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[Music] she's in the grass there yes let go with that fish yes see you dude and in fourth place with a $100 gift card let's keep the Matt's rolling 78 and A4 Matt Collins all right guys um that's the wrap on day one uh we're in the truck I had to go to Walmart I lost two jackhammers yesterday or today um cuz I think I had some phrase in my line on the spool so I'm going to respool that and then rig a few things but yeah we ended up taking fourth place which I'm super happy about for the uh Colorado kayak Bass Masters ckb uh even though the event is in Nebraska there are only five limits super tough day of fishing out there um but yeah we got another tournament tomorrow it's the separate tournament but same lake so we're going to go back out try to do it again we going to hit that spot and then I think we're going to hit north um try to hit some of the other fish that we caught on pre- fishing and some of those Coes so um yeah stay tuned we'll see how that one goes [Music] [Music] there we go good luck [Music] guys all right beautiful morning out here it's uh 4:45 6:00 is Lions in we're going to go back to the same spot as yesterday fish that for probably an hour or two and then who knows it's pretty tough out here so I'm probably still going to beat the banks up but we'll see it's going to the wind's going to really pick up this afternoon um but yeah hopefully we can get a limit again this morning that would be awesome I'll be happy if we just pull a couple fish out of this spot um to get us going but [Music] [Music] [Music] it's always fun feels different about today I I don't know I think it's going to be tougher I mean obviously I'm saying this we haven't C [Music] fish that was a tree okay uh yeah I just saying this now um but do think it might be a little tougher bite today hopefully not h a bu bait back up on nio go post start recording good fish is that a bath is love this need go yes you stay stay put dude spot lock yeah guys this Fe Bend hook does not come out of them that's a good fish a good fish right there I'll just first one of the day 19 and a quarter see dude [Music] come come out number two that's you [Music] that's a good one one again up little come [Applause] on get in there yes now relax relax relax oh just fell out golly that's a different fish it's another 19 and a quarter number three 19 and a quarter again Jason's got a spot too all right um we got three fish they're all 19 or better so think maybe we just missed the mark and didn't hit the um the Nico in the right spots yesterday um cuz they're right on the edge of this grass [Music] here all right we're moving um still stuck at three fish we are going to try to hit some of these Coes that you can see we hit up and we hit those in prea in uh pre- fishing so this one here um and then back here we actually caught something as well so there are some Coes back here we're going to give it a shot and see this actually looks pretty good right here there a extended flat off of it so might fish that that's going to be beat up in the wind though so I'm hoping I can kind of Tuck into these two and hopefully pull something out I I'm just looking for like a a 12-in bass uh two of those one would be great 115 1/2 incher would tie me right now at first but um so yeah we get another 18 or something that I it's crazy to say but that could actually do it on a day like today where it is pretty slow but there's going to be people that get him Josh Gardner yesterday he doesn't post until he's done and he had 80 some inches uh 80 and change I think but yeah we'll see get on there oh my god oh you're 12 12 and a quarter and the M all right let's see what that did for us so that puts us in second 69 and 3/4 in all right let's get one more guys let's get one more one more that's five yes that's five that's a good five dude all right you're going to be 12 crazy round Tails you're 13 girl you're 13 yeah girl 13 and a qu guys let's check this out Jason love all let's not be going crazy now I got 83 in all right all right guys so we got our l we're sitting at 83 in I think right now um what do you guys do when you have a limit um I know how I caught the big ones I could go back there and and swing for those the rest of the day um I think there's big fish over here as well um they came off of beds and they're probably hitting the structure it's also super windy today but let me know like kind of what's your strategy post you get a limit things are good but you got got I got two that I can Co up I got a 13 and 1/4 and then a what 12 12 1/2 or something but uh yeah let me know what you guys would do to co up in this exact situation it's I will say it's going to start getting pretty windy so going back to my first spot uh where I caught those 19s I did catch a 20 there on pre fishing or no uh day one I caught a 20 there yesterday and then I caught an 18 and a qu they pre fishing so there's another fish on all right this one's a little better maybe might be 14 Chill Spot this is one of those okay I don't think he's going to help he's pissed off that's for sure n he's not even 12 yeah he's not 12 little Breezy guys it's very very very very windy we're going to go back get to something a little bit safer before this picks up any worse so we'll get on the other side towards where we launched at sitting second still we got to get a I think a quarter inch coal uh which would tie us but we got big fish if that holds so let's go out we're going to throw a jackhammer on the way out of this crap and uh just hope we get into something so let's go for is that's it yes no you're not going anywhere dude you're staying right there you're probably 16 too death grip this out of you you buddy your own tail gotcha hold on get these out of you okay you're okay you didn't even bleed dude yeah you're 16 oh you're 16 oh that's a three and 1 half 3 and 3/4 in coal 40 minutes left 16 hope it does it oh yeah a [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we are into the top [Music] three I think way to make this exciting sorry I had a I couldn't think of nothing I'm under pressure bring all three of them up there n too much pressure uh in third place and had a heck of a weekend and 76 in Justin brickin walking away with third place Hardware from today and some first place Hardware yesterday coming at you in second place with e32 now you can just tell us how you did and in first place with 6.75 another rookie who joined us but is not a rookie and he is your 2023 ckfc angler of the year and showing some consistency with these hammers Mr Matt [Music] Collins done yeah all right guys uh that is the wrap we did it we won we got uh our first shield from the Colorado K Bass Masters first season with them super happy about it um uh love today it was it was a tough day um ended up catching that 16 Nicole at the end of the tournament uh with about 30 minutes left I think there was like 40 minutes left and and uh yeah it was just awesome um a crazy windy day one of the guys even one of the guys even flipped um Matt Kern he was good and safe that's all that matters um I think he lost two rods but everybody helped him out and that's really what the community is about that's what I love about um the kayak Community is everybody stops what they're doing hold off Awards we help somebody out and then you know we get back at it but um glad glad you're okay Matt um but yeah congrats Jason love all took second and then um third place was Justin who won yesterday as well on the first day of the tournament so uh he had an awesome weekend especially uh just just uh being his first season here but anyways uh that is the wrap 86 and 3/4 in is what we had next stop is Trinidad I won Trinidad last year for ckfc we're going to be there with CK in uh 2 weeks I believe so let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Matt Collins Fishing
Views: 259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayakbassfishing, oldtownfishing, oldtownkayaks, kayakfishing, ecofishingshop, mattcollinsfishing, coloradokayakbassmasters, ckb
Id: a9sd6i2NYDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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