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just need to wake up I'm cleaning a little bit off oh come on Good Luck [Music] W hello crew hi crew welcome back to another episode this one is a mashup of a couple of days we went out filming and we never really finish them off but we're obviously struggling for Content at the moment because Caitlyn's got a moon boot on I am very much broken if you guys saw the last episode then you will see why um but yeah no boing well we're going to go out next week hopefully your ankles healed Enough by then next week I reckon so yeah bit of a mashup of two episodes hope you enjoy it uh go hi crew welcome back to another episode we are out on the sea Panda this morning it is beautiful out here look at it Craig's just been for a swim hello just need to wake up I'm feeling a little bit off how was you swim good bit of a headache Craig's not feeling too good this morning but we are out looking for stuff so this is the school run yeah kids are in school yeah so I've got till 2:35 yeah we've got a few hours of beautiful weather to come out and we are crossing our fingers for orcas there was orc scene out here yesterday we had some we had some crew that came out on the glassie with us they were on with Caitlyn and they went out fishing in the morning and they had all could swim past their boat while they were fishing just by chance yeah they said we know how much you guys are out there looking for oras we actually saw them this morning anyway the ones that we seeing yesterday were pretty exciting because they were actually the summer group of orcas so that's the latest that they've ever been documented being seen here at uh what is it April so end of April yeah that's pretty cool um so what that means is that both families of orcas are at ningaloo right now so and it also means we potentially could be coming into a where we might have year round orcas yes very very exciting so we are out today looking for orcas we've got the fishing rod we've got huh just put the rig away for you oh yeah uh yeah we've got we've got the fishing rod we've got hats hats hat are here we've got our eyeballs and we'll show you what we find right crew we are out Caitlyn's drinking water we are out on the back of the reef here and we decided just to Chuck a line out we got a red Ed on there and we're just trolling up this tidde line see if anything turns up um there's not a huge amount of action at the moment the other day we were out here and there was lots of bait balls busting up and lots of stuff going on but today is a little bit quieter really nice visibility as long as you're not outside of Passage slight norly I've always thought norly are no good for fishing um anyway we've got the lines out Caitlin's about to be hauling in a monster Macky I reckon so we'll bring you back when C is on hey foxy yeah [Music] [Music] going ch [Music] so you want to go to the one to the right of you on your 130 and then there's one also let go this yeah man yeah oh come [Music] on he's going what is that big dog there [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it oh I can see him Theo little turbo rocket off he goes [Music] again je he's really having a go Jesus that's enough of that yeah you get on him you got [Music] him that little redhe head's nice isn't it yeah a new L today [Music] he's going to get eaten in a minute he's really going for it out there I think it was coming straight up La that's a pretty good one though H fish beautiful little bonit look at this though woo oo working fers [Music] that yeah your favorite car back in your turn get him your turn look at him beautiful fish so pretty bye mate best of luck to you nice new L does good look at the L this little guy oh thought look good that's the [Music] new one [Music] [Music] there we [Music] go [Applause] baby yeah Triple Three FY it's still [Music] going don't let him smack into things oh so releasing all right [Music] dude got he though still going huh they're still going yeah you have a car I'm going to turn the boat away from it there it is oh it's tiny yeah it's a little tiny something bring it in feels so aggressive it feels so is it oh it's a little like M thing isn't it can you grab it on the side no the line what what is it it's a little sharp Mackie I got something yeah you did right I'm going to release him he's a bit stunned I think why is he he's just recuperating he's just been yanked out of the water by I got something yeah you did that hurt me I don't think my techniques very good Caitlyn just hooked onto a fish while she was hooked onto the fish this guy appeared don't know if you guys can see that but there's a whale shark just there didn't they Caitlyn yeah beautiful there was actually two for a second there yeah two whale so we're going to drive away from the whale shark now have a look at the water it's is Crystal hay poxy very warm too nice what have we got on the thermometer it's 27° all right so we are just at that little knuckle on the outside of the main Reef between South passage and false passage and we're just cruising around now looking for Stuff hours many hours SP [Music] got a do gong over here [Music] where ins side they do not want to be our friends so just to update you we're back in the lagoon doesn't necessarily mean we're staying in the lagoon but we're back in the Lagoon at the moment just having a little look around seeing who's here just familiarizing ourselves with the place cuz we're very unfamiliar usually well you just never know who's lurking in the lagoon so far it's been pretty quiet but we've seen a couple of D gong the whole day has been quiet I'll be honest with you I reckon what do you reckon foxy yeah I mean it seems like there was lots of whale sharks in around the reef but we're not looking for not what we're looking for today there there's something I don't know what that was the exciting news is that my friend Christine who is a whale shark researcher is currently here researching whale sharks and in a couple of weeks time she set aside a few days to spend with us so we are going to film a special little whale shark episode for you guys so stay tuned for that one that'll be really cool excited about that yeah we're got to learn something all right guys I hope you enjoyed that episode bit of a obviously a mashup of stuff um not every day on the water is full of Walkers and but we did get the mobul ray that was really cool actually yeah and lots of turtles and Duna yes we caught Duna um so I hope you enjoyed that now uh one exciting thing is the reason this YouTube channel is here which we probably never disclosed to you guys is back for our OG crew you might remember Lou there's Lou Lou's back she's back so she'll be on missions with us soon when we're doing them when Caitlyn's ankle is fixed yes um so what you guys don't know is that Lou we wereing and aring about doing a YouTube channel and Lou made us a bet that if we didn't put the first video out by a certain date we each had to pay a 50 bucks anyway we had to pay her 50 bucks but then like 4 days later we put the first video out we just didn't quite finish it we just didn't quite get it there so we paid Lou and then put the first video up and we've posted one almost every week since apart from this short break that we've just had and Christmas and Christmas yeah so welcome back Lou thank you good to be back yeah so we'll see Lou out in about Lou a ray sunshine yes also we want to know um we were going to drop patreon we've been working on some sort of membership platform cuz a few of you guys have asked for it and wanted to support the channel and make a little community so we looked into Pat we like that we'd like that not just them we'd love that cuz we'd love to bounce ideas off some crew definitely like merch ideas yeah lots of different ideas video ideas whether they're wrong have some missions together yeah um so uh we started making a patreon and then someone said oh why don't you just do YouTube membership so it's all on the same platform so what we like you guys to do now is if you're interested in that please drop us a comment down below let us know whether you'd like patreon or YouTube membership and whatever gets the most votes is the one we'll do and we'll get that launched in the next couple weeks so stay tuned cuz it's pretty much done in the background yeah yeah we've done both we just want to know which one and next week we're going to try and resume fairly normal programming cuz we actually have filmed a whale shark episode yeah next week is a really cool whale shark sciency epic episode so yeah with Christine the scientist and another bloke who talked about whale shark skin Mike Mike so Caitlyn's going to edit that while she's laid up in the with the moon boot uh in the meantime Lou is going to standing for Caitlyn on future episodes until she's better just are we good to go next week you'll see me out there crew okay and what was the other thing that's it oh we got merch dropping soon we've got some sick merch dropping soon it's ordered we're just waiting for weeks away is it yeah that's a long time well good things take time should we tell them what it is no it's a secret wow she's a good little secret keeper you have to stay tuned uh it looks like there's some moisture on the inside of this thinking that that's not good anyway uh thanks for watching crew we'll see you next week here on ningaloo crew bye bye all right crew welcome back to another episode I'm obviously standing in the backyard we're not out in the water now you've just seen Caitlyn injure herself in it's not filming yet e
Channel: Ningaloo Crew
Views: 4,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NingalooFishingAdventure, DugongsInNingaloo, CatchingMackerel, TunaFishingTrip, NingalooMarineLife, FishingWithDugongs, ExmouthFishing, NingalooReefFishing, MackerelAndTunaCatch, MarineWildlifeNingaloo, BigGameFishingNingaloo, DugongEncounterNingaloo, TunaFishingNingaloo, MackerelFishingNingaloo, FishingExperienceNingaloo, OceanFishingNingaloo, DeepSeaFishingNingaloo, CoastalFishingNingaloo, FishingInExmouth, FishingJourneyNingaloo, MarineAdventureNingaloo, TunaAndMackerelFishing, DugongSightingNingaloo
Id: a4YSDCnqDD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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