How to Adjust your Scope for Long Range Shots w/ Ryan Cleckner

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quick contractually how many times do I have to say you're doing great up he did we said five but that's permanent open and blu-ray John that's right [Music] good job dead freakin Center I'd hate folks welcome back I am joined by Ryan Kleckner say hello to the folks hello folks hello folks anyway we've been doing some long-range precision rifle stuff having a great time this is not my old stuff I used to be a door kicker Ryan was a sniper in 1st Ranger Battalion so anyway we're collabing he's been teaching me the ropes we've already done a couple videos where we learned just basic sniper rifle setup and then another video on the in Soleri equipment and essential gear that kind of stuff now it's time to shoot so I've got optics these this is done in Mills I already have some background thinking in MOA and whatnot but I don't know how to do any of this so what's a quick simple way without learning all the math and going through sniper school that I can do this so you're exactly right is that people get a little freaked out when I start shooting a distance just one thing to remember is the bullet has no idea how far it's traveling so you pull the trigger the same on that rifle at 100 yards as you do it a thousand yards same trigger control same fundamentals same breathing same stable platform same sight picture everything is exactly the same nothing that's actually why we talked about how the junior guy in a sniper team is the shooter right because he doesn't need to know what's going on right matter fact we had fun running a course and I was just telling you put your scope here look at that target and we were getting great hits because the spotters allowed to run the show that's just a testament to the fact that what you do is the same but the problem is you get out to this distance you go holy smokes we're starting at 700 yards yeah at this time this range here we're starting at 7-under what even do I do to my scope where do I start well in that accessories video I showed you some that ballistic software and some of the range finders that sync up and everything well already we've already seen the folly of those yeah dope is what we call the data that you have that you refer to in the future to make an adjustment so at a certain distance your dope is how much elevation you have well we use the laser rangefinder with all the cool bells and whistles and the ballistic software and everything and it told us what we should be using I call that tri dope like let's try that to see what works for your gun but every scope every gun every ammo different so it's never gonna be perfect and sure enough we were on up close yeah but at each further distance we had to fine-tune it so that's what we're gonna do here we're gonna get some try dope we're gonna say it should be about this distance we're gonna shoot it and we're going to watch what happens you're gonna reload the gun and call that shot guys call your shots if John pulls it you're not gonna pull a shot I know you're not we've been shooting a while I can shoot I've got good fundamentals and we stretched this tico we stretched it out to what 600 or 680 I think yeah the range yeah and we were making hits it was great but if he does do a bad shot and he doesn't tell me I can't make an adjustment that's be honest with yourself right and I'm supposed to call left right down up to say I missed in that way yeah so what I see and we're trying this try to open maybe the bullet impact slow if John tells me oh that was low I know that you pulled it low and I'm gonna have you do it again I'm not gonna make it adjustable if he tells me that was a good shot and it was low well we're either gonna do the math which we won't get into here or we're just gonna use our radicals and use them like rulers and measure well that was one mill low we're gonna come up a mill and we're gonna shoot again another wind that's just gonna take years for you guys to get used to right we're gonna try something I mean if we have wind blowing right to left don't hold up the center the target right you might as well at least hold a little to the right and see what we can do from there but good communication right getting somewhere good to try dialing it in and then writing it down check out your notebook here so even branded no other dope book works except for this letter for sure yeah of course yeah and so we've already got some notes in here we dialed it out to 615 yards this is with AK and when I take that cane off it's going to shift the zero hopefully the adjustments still say the same but we did shots at 253 11 380 415 480 545 and then 615 and we have our Millah justments here so the big goal here is all right let's go out you're going to give me my approximate what Evers we'll use some technology to do that as well laser rangefinders and your relays are range finders giving us the adjustment so we would use that to get there and then will you record it and so the big goal is is now I am synched up and I just know based off a different distance I generally already know my elevation so that's the cheat sheet is people and this is theoretical this is what should happen that is what does happen with a you and your rifle and this is why I like index cards or simple field notes book like this this is all you need for your data getting the books to have all the information in there who needs that that's handy next time you go to the range you pull it out you make the adjustment you get some hits we're zeroed I have my fundamentals checked out he's taught me his language for spotting and now the thing remains for us to stretch this out even farther we're at 700 and this will go out to how far going on to a thousand here can I change the shy of a thousand yeah alright awesome so you're gonna just come along and watch me fail forward here so let's see this video is sponsored by interstate guns they set us up with all the goodness and anything we mentioned in the long range videos whether it was one you already watched or whether it's this one all the links are provided down below now I can't link directly to guns because violates YouTube's policy so I made a blog first link down below and it's gonna show you all the guns the Rings the optics range finders spotting scopes so you don't get the wrong thing anyway let's go ahead and check out the video it's going to be awesome here we go alright the first target which is target number four I am set I want you to try four point eight please four point eight Mills so what do you think for a wooden called John what's your guess sooner if you shoot quick at the center you're right sinners shawl was good good what's your dope at 4.8 4.8 yeah I'm coming just to confirm nope here at 3.8 that's four that's four point eight never mind I hate counting is hard back up off of me well I at least it made sense I was able to walk up and guess what was happening all right good deal all right Center old Senate listen for it yeah take some time to come back from somehow yards doesn't it yeah it does that was a hit with authority that was I want you to do it again for some confirmation okay focus only on the reticle steady pressure on the trigger center hold there nice job write it down it's your dope 700 700 even yes well 698 we'll call it 700 there's not a difference in those two yards you can point eight next target at target number five that's the tree yep got it I'm there I'm getting a reading for you Oh finally I'm waiting on you five point four mills so come to what you think five point four is and then come up another mail everybody's got jokes he's got jokes he's hilarious okay all right what do you think the winds gonna be um sinner okay there's something deceiving going on in that Valley you're gonna need a hold left but try the center just to see what it does I'm gonna favor left alright right okay do it again if you call it right let's get a good center head which meant I held actual center of the target correct can you see how well can you see the target right now well darkest spot lower third on the right edge was you gonna sit where [ __ ] hold hold left center come up one tenth Center hold Center Wilson yeah you got hung up good to go let's move to the next target target number six what's my dope for this one oh we confirmed you tell me well it's confirmed their whatever's on your scope is it I'm five four five point four how far out are we oh I'll get you the distance again just second 760 okay well I think I'm five five okay there you go moving to the next target eight hundred and forty yards let's see it give me six point two mils favor right call your shot at the reticle move at all no good shame to waste that that was a great shot I don't know if I got another one of those all right I'm ready very right center how's the center I was maybe a little bit more than the favor right it was almost on the hold right all right half smile left listen yeah nice job John thank you write down your dope size six point one or two whatever you see it as is what matters those 840 yards I was at 12 power just so you know was it easier for you or no yeah so my big problem is losing the target when I first started in doing all this stuff I was using all the magnification I could but then after a shot I would lose it and then I would have make an adjustment and it took me forever to find the target again so target 7 well you got to be so close to me I don't like being this close to your crotch on camera apparently yep continue up the tree line all the way to the left you'll see the main target with a white flag above its head with smaller targets to the right copy are you're on it there's a mole in it focus only on the reticle half mil left call your shot I don't know okay is that an acceptable answer yes that's perfect I really I only need to know if was good or not and I don't know means it wasn't good yeah it was just moving a little bit too much for me I should have backed out and rechecked my position yep or don't worry about it don't make sure just as long as you're not doing that monologuing ahead of ready ready ready there as long as you don't do that you'll be fine one mil left Center one and a half left Center one on three quarters left listen yeah one and three-quarter mils left and pretty big graduation on the wind crazy right would you hold on that wind call I tried to do one and a half hour one in three quarters and it being about one and a half come up another tenth of a military quarter left-center listen yeah that's a nine hundred and twenty-five yards John holy smokes that's a record for you yeah well we've all of these are records that your filter after six hundred I am 7.2 okay super-fun man so we have completed a respectable dopesheet we started it around 250 after zero at a hundred zero should be at a hundred for precision shooting and we went out to 925 so got a pretty respectable dope sheet here for the tikka and we also just did another one for the begorrah and that's why we're at a different range so I've got my dope sheet and let's say I leave you your tutelage high branch out of the nest on to my very own and I'm just not making hits what are some of the things by way of atmospherics or other goofy stuff that I need to know I'm picturing you're going out of the nest on your own I am you won't just why don't you call your spotter anymore you don't call your spotter enough so yeah we have concrete data that we not only figured out on our own we confirmed it and tested it so we know that's what happens with gravity we never are gonna know what's gonna happen with wind I mean we can write down and say when you have a 10 mile an hour wind this is about what this bullet does you can do that but it's so hard to determine what at em on our wind is from one space to the next and you're gonna have some environmental effects that will change so there are things like temperature and the air pressure and the humidity and all those things that actually do affect the flight of the bullet and they determine how much drag that bullets gonna have and how fast it slows down and therefore how much it drops you really wanna get rapped on the axle go figure all those out I think you should just keep in mind and learned the basics of hey if I go higher in elevation the airs thinner she's my bullet is it gonna slow down as much so if anything my dope the numbers might actually be a little bit less I might not need to go up as much got it or the temperature is one of the biggest ones you're gonna have a hot chamber hot air that bullet is gonna burn faster and hotter bullets gonna fly further or faster but they're really good way to do it is what we just did here record this data and the environment where you were at the elevation and the temperature for the day okay don't peak out on too much but take the time to go to Alaska or go somewhere else where the weather is drastically different pull out a fresh dope sheet and do the exact same thing again right and you'll see how your rifle performs from one to the next and keeping those logs without too much extra information you'll be sad just get out shoot look at dope sheets and the biggest thing I'm finding is men use that laser rangefinder that seems to be the most important piece of kit for me you need to know how far the target is right yeah you really if you don't know that and then the other thing is to range it using mil-dots which we're not talking about everyone in this video so the Ryan's super obnoxious and this is why it's because he can spot the stuff is an experienced spotter usually in a two-man team it's the spotter who's the senior guy and it's the shooter who is the more junior guy but you know I'm like alright well how do you tell the wind and some people have got the wind me or the Kestrel right here and then some people are like no it's the debris it's the it's the leaves grow you're at the grass and all this misinformation he's been busting up I'm like well how do you tell then he's like I look at the wind I'm like yeah the wind is transparent Ryan you can't be the wind and he's like oh I can first bat best badly shut up man it's like the matrix guys watch it once you see it you see it are you are you you're trying to see that wouldn't see that well try not leave here here's how you guys can see the wind get an optic off the rifle spotting scope even binoculars work look at the target back the focus off till about 2/3 of the way and still try to look at the target it's gonna be blurry and you should see slight waves or slight disturbance we call that the Marat and you'll see it you can even see it in the snow it doesn't need to be hot outside and depending on the angle and the characteristics of how that Mirage is flowing you can actually see the wind and he sees the bullet trace which I very rarely see any bullet trace I just can't see it yet because I suck even when I was spotting for you he was a crushing it is the spot in man with a good spotter as long as you have good fundamentals which I do I mean a good shooter as long as I have a good spotter but each time is off nope nope wind changed hold left hold right now have in every single time it seemed we were immediately on and I'm like aha spotters are important so that all your shots is important too I want to leave you guys with that is so while we're complimenting each other here John's calling his shots is making it easy for me if you guys are out there shooting and you're pulling the trigger and you're giving me bad data well I'm trying to make a judgement off of that so the reason I'm able to make a new wind call so quickly is not even just seeing the wind I just saw a bullet go through the wind I get to see exactly what will happen with that gun and that bullet in this environment so the sooner I can get a good call from John I can see what happened and I can make an adjustment the better off we're gonna be right yep well cool guys I hope you learned a lot I learned a ton man and it's kind of the rubber meets the road brass tacks kind of stuff where we're not all computer stuff out here we can immediately pop down and from you know nine hundred yards up to 200 yards really really quickly just within a few seconds we're making hits and then very quick adjustments so if we didn't hit the very first one we're probably two shots away from an actual hit and some of those were just immediate hits at seven hundred eight hundred so that was really impressive that all the gadgetry and whatever it's more about the experience and the hard data and the yeah anyway yeah I agree this is tactical practical what are you calling a shooting versus bullseye shooting this is more fun for me and I appreciated all the nice tips because it's I'm not as much interested in the sporting aspect of it that's nice and that's cool but I want the practical stuff where you know you're kind of hunting bad guys and so even when I'm reloading the gun goes dry and I'm supposed to take one round and put it in the chamber allow my bolt to go forward then drop this and reload it and keep eyes on the bad guy while I reload to this and so all that just natural of course that's the right thing to do from a warfighting perspective but I appreciated that kind of stuff as well anyway guys this is Ryan Kleckner and he's got a lot of good stuff to teach about long-range precision shooting this is not the only video we're in we're also have links for his stuff but check out the other videos we've done and we've got more coming so all that good stuff is awesome we want to thank interstate guns for supplying the blasters and stuff and sponsoring these videos subscribe comment like hit the notifications bell bookmark the page send us Christmas cards and train hard trained smart you kind of remember all that stuff it sounds tough
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 404,768
Rating: 4.970787 out of 5
Keywords: how to shoot, pro tip, army ranger, navy seal, special forces, special operations, john lovell, veteran, ranger teaches, SEAL teaches, rifle review, review, warrior poet, warrior poet society, home defense gun, BCM, Daniel Defense, geiselle trigger, surefire, unity FAST mount, upgrades and accessories, Ryan Cleckner, Ranger Sniper, Sniper, Long Range Precision Shooting, sniper rifle, vortex optics, Vortex, Interstate Guns, Barrett, MRAD, Tikka, Bergara, dope card, DOPE, 900 yards
Id: DtDlipBG1bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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