Chroma Key | OpenShot Video Editor Tutorial

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[Music] hello again this is Jonathan and in today's video we are going to look at how to do chroma key and open shot video editor and for those who don't know chroma key is basically the process of erasing a certain color or keying out a certain color from a video so most commonly seen on things like green screens blue screens etc so it's a very popular simple effect to do an open shot so I'm going to just kind of run through the process very quickly so earlier today I filmed my new kitten tan Jers on a green background so he will be our subject and I have a photo of my backyard some flowers that we're gonna put behind him so simple enough so we'll start by dragging Tanger down onto the timeline and I will then take the background picture and put it on the layer below him and make it about the same size so what we need to do now is tell openshot to erase the green color which will show whatever's below it happens to be this picture so we'll switch to the effects tab and drag the chroma key effect onto the tanjur video and you will notice a small effect icon which is the first letter of the effect like chroma key is C so there's a little green C here so if you click that it will bring up the chroma key settings which in this case the two we care about is key color and fuzz so let's start by double clicking the black key color and move this out of our way a bit and there's a button here that says pick screen color so click that and then move over to your video and select whichever color you want to key out so I'm gonna pick the green and say okay now one thing that you'll notice is it doesn't know how much of the green to erase so we need to go adjust that by adjusting the buzz and it's also important to note where the the red playhead is when you do this so I recommend moving it to the very beginning of your video and making sure that your chroma key effect is selected so once you've moved the red playhead to the beginning and selected chroma key double click on that fuzz setting and and this takes a little trial and error but I'm going to type in a number and this is basically a number that's used to calculate how similar this green color is to the color in the video so if you have a lower number for example 50 you'll notice it doesn't match as much of the green and if you increase this number to say 200 it might take too much we try 300 it's so it thinks that even part of the cat is green so you kind of have to play with this number and find the right the sweet spot for whatever your particular lighting is in this case 180 doesn't do great but it gets the job done for the moment so right away you can see that we basically have the cat and the color is mostly keyed out and it's showing through our background picture so that's fun so one thing that you will probably want to do if you can't if especially if you have more than one shade of green or of blue or whatever color you can actually apply more than one chroma key effect and so for example there's some dark green there and even some green around his his paws here so if we drag another chroma key effect and select that new effect go through the same few steps we can select whatever color did not get keyed out so I'm gonna kind of pick a color in between and then adjust this color this number a bit so you can see we've erased more of the colors and maybe we need to go a little bigger than that 1:20 so yeah so that erased a lot more of the green now that little cat little red dot is kind of messing things up so in this case you can see we're actually erasing part of the cat's face so this takes a little bit of a you have to kind of dial it in for your particular video so obviously my new effect has too high of a too high of a color there so so I will take it back down a notch and maybe we'll say 80 on this new color so this is the basic process when your green screening so you can see we've erased that now if we wanted to now this is getting a little silly but we can drop a third chroma key select it go through the same basic process again pick that one green color that keeps appearing adjust this let's say 30 and that's getting us a lot closer so yeah that looks a lot better so through this through this chroma key process you could you can essentially trial-and-error your way through it by guessing different fuzz factors and and the better you light your scene and in the beginning you know the more consistent of a color you have the better so in my case I got it lit as good as I could light it with a cheap lighting kit and then from there you can do the rest in open shot by just adding one two or apparently three chroma key effects to pull out the color and and that looks pretty good that's not near as noticeable the cat's face is still there which is fun so there you have it an easy effect to do especially if you're recording yourself in front of a green screen that the most important Jim again is to light your scene where you don't have shadows behind your head so that means kind of offset lighting and having more than one light source and then take things into open shot and just know that you can add more than one chroma key effect you can even keyframe the fuzz factor over time so a good example is maybe maybe you have a light that's shifting throughout a video right it's getting brighter and brighter and the background is slowly changing color you can actually adjust the fuzz and adjust the key the different colors over time to make sure you know it stays in the sweet spot so I hope you enjoyed that video on chroma key and videos of my cat chasing a laser pointer so I will see you in the next video [Music] go to the right way
Channel: OpenShot Video Editor
Views: 331,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, openshot, open-source, official, video editing
Id: 2sushecqMs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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