Steam Rockets : Tutorial nuggets : Oxygen not included

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and we're back with a quick tutorial on steam rockets specifically steam rockets because steam rockets are the simplest of all the rockets to put together though probably the most annoying to use you only want to fire two of them this is the configuration you'll want to do is you just want to build one up you have to build them from the ground up but steam engine and then I'm going with seven research modules though you can go with six but six is the minimum if you go with any less than six you're going to cause yourself problems but we'll cover more on that later but I'm gonna go with seven just because it's a handy way to switch into petroleum afterwards now once you have them though you still have to fill this up with steam and there are two main variants for filling this up with steam and we're going to cover them both in this just so that you can see how it works first we're just gonna build ourselves a little steam box and that steam box is gonna be fed by a conveyor loader with some conveyor rails going through it now this is not my preferred method of doing it but this is one that people keep requesting me to do a tutorial on so what we'll do a quick tutorial on its using regolith or the heat of regolith to create your steam normally I just throw power as a problem but this is a power free way of doing it so you're only going to use this to fire exactly two rockets we don't want any more than that so we're gonna quickly throw this together and then we're gonna fill it up with water by just using some of these bot limiters we don't want a lot of water in here that would be well not necessary we only want two launches so we only need enough water to power those two launches and that's it so we can already calculate that before we even start you're going to want some drywall up here because the vacuum of space will evaporate we're also called that water to the vacuum so you want to make sure you've got enough drywall in place to keep the water from escaping and then we're just going to keep filling this up in water we want about two tons of water in here shouldn't be that hard to get we got one two three four five tiles once we hit about 400 kilos per tile that means we'll have two tons how you measure that is up to yourself but I'm just going to use but limp tears because it's usually pretty quick and simple to get it done this way I went a little bit over 440 kilos that's fine we should have plenty of regular to be able to manage this now all we have to do is put in a couple of gas pumps so ventilation wise we are going to be looking at using steel gas pumps that is your only choice because we're going to be linked with steam and steam is pretty hot we're also going to put a seal in that side and we're going to want to put in some gas pipes now for gas pipes you have zero choices pretty much on this one you're going to want to use ceramic if you haven't been building any ceramic up until this point you're really going to want to it's one of those materials that it's very useful for all of these things you know what I'm gonna put a letter system over the other side to get at that mmm see here we go now I've left it one thing - I want to put some automation on there so that they can turn those on and off as needs be so we'll just say stick there down there and perfect yeah I'll just skip that forward till she's ready to go now we seal up the bucks now I've only made these at a big nice rock there's no need for anything too fancy here on this front we're just this is very very temporary like I said then all we're going to do is once we seal it up we're going to just set this box to can pick up consumable or wait no filtration media filtration medium regolith there we go we've only know and once that's set up that uh auto sweeper there is gonna start filling it that's a convenient locations over now let's check the temperatures in here how's she looking as that regulates goes through there it's going to pass through the water and heat it up and then it's gonna end up falling down I have a regular doesn't have a lot of temperature in it what I mean by that is if he grab some regulars here it's specific heat capacity is point two it's tiny water has a heat capacity of a bed for where we go yeah water heat capacity of four point one seven nine so yeah it will take an awful lot of regular to heat up to tons of water we're just going to keep dumping it in there the regulars will keep going in and slowly but surely the water will heat up and as you can see they're eighty seven point eight eighty seven point nine it takes a little bit of time but it will get there eventually I'm gonna skip this forward you don't have to see all of this you can also manually fill these by allowing manual use in your two planes will come along and fill them up I'll probably get around to that and later once I run out of the local regular supplies and the steam is starting to form now I have not turned on the gas pumps the reason being it's only just a little bit of steam and the temperature on it is very low if I try to pump that through the gas pipes right now it would instantly crack it would solidify would exchange heat with a ceramic ceramic is a good insulator but it's not that good an insulator you want to get this up to about 120 degrees that's my preferred temperature though I have been known to rush and but at 110 or something like that for the time being we're gonna let this keep running until we've got about another 10 degrees of temperature inside that water and all of it has flash to steam we don't any of that water left behind at the same time these conveyor loaders there yeah this thing's heating up what temperature is this thing at right now the overheat temperature of that is 275 and it's currently at a temperature of 266 yeah that's gonna overheat shortly and probably this is going to overheat as well what's that at - yep I will have to deconstruct these and reconstruct them they're in the vacuum of space so they're not they're not exchanging heat with anything just yet but I'll skip this for just a little bit more until all of the steam in here as it's about 105 at least oh and I'm going to go deconstruct those now that's an important thing to point out when you are dealing with overheating of something don't just repair it if you repair something it doesn't lose any heat it will simply be repaired then immediately start taking damage because it's it's still overheating so if you do have something overheating deconstruct it and rebuild it it's frustrating and annoying so usually that's why we try and build in permanent cooling solutions but for a temporary facility like this you don't care it's usually faster to just deconstruct and reconstruct at the one or two times it's going to overheat then it is putting in a spending several cycles building a cooling solution for it with a steam turbine or even hooking up we Swartz and wrote including lips not worth the effort so this is now it's up to but 404 you know no I am going to hold that until we're 110 so we have a decent solid rocket launch well that rocket is preheating let's have a quick look at the rocket calculator we've got the rocket calculator here we've selected our steam engine instead of petroleum or hydrogen and on our steam engine we have sectored seven research modules because that's what I've decided to go with and that will tell us we need 763 kilograms of steam that's this thing is so handy use this constantly it will save you so much time and effort knowing this we can then set our rocket rocket size to set the rocket size or well this Team Rocket size what you do is you just click on the steam rocket and then change this here so we'll just set that to 763 and hit enter yeah be careful you can accidentally disable it if you are say it's a tear and you hit enter you can accidentally disable the rocket engine instead of the you know yeah instead of setting it so make sure you're in here and when you would take Enter now how are we looking almost there one sweet 110 we'll get started 110 see that is plenty hot enough for me so let's just stuff that yet that can all be done the leftover regulars in there we'll keep that nice and warm and then we just turn it on boom this is very very important to gas pumps the reason you want to gas pumps is this thing takes an eternity to fill you're using any gas pipes and gas pipes can carry at maximum one kilo of gas per second which means it will take 763 seconds to fill these there's 600 seconds in a cycle it's going to take you over a cycle just to fill up the scene that goes into this rocket kind of frustrating but nothing you can do about it if you end up at one gas pump in there it's going to be even more frustrating you'll have to wait twice as long so trust me on this two gas pumps it saves you an awful lot of time once that's set up well that I get ready to launch this sucker well this is filling I might want to mention a few things one is the gantry this is something that will get people a lot they'll have a tendency to get their gantry scalded during takeoff and they won't know why here's the trick line up your gantry with the rocket get it to the point to return twice where you can actually place it and then move back one more tile so where will it allow you to place it don't if you place it there it will get burnt in the engine exhaust move it back one more tile from there and place it there then it will work now you only need a gantry for really the command capsule the rest of it I usually get by by just sneaking in ladder segments especially this early on for petroleum and hydrogen rockets will okay it'll be a different story but we'll worry about that across that bridge when you come to it oh and for the doors itself you only need to bunker doors to let a rocket in or out Rockets take up exactly seven tiles of space to about seven tiles wide so yeah that wide which means boom goes up to there which means that extra tile on the side I could theoretically put in a bunker tor tile right there and it would have no effect on the rocket or stop it from leaving rockets are only seven tiles white power wise that is currently hooked up to power but we also have to install the space canner now this is Liberty one is there Rakesh you've got to make sure on these that you set them to the Rakesh and you're going to have oh so much fun with these first off we'll just put in the wiring you know for the wire we are going to use steel why because well this is a tutorial and I don't care if I wish the steel if this was illegitimate the steel so handily I would probably go a little bit more with something less expensive but you know what we will do that all the way up to here I will go up across and go through both of those and I am probably going to play some leather segments across they aren't a you know what why not for the ladders that are going to be near your rakesh make them out of obsidian obsidian is one of the few ladder materials that won't melt it has a melting point of 2700 degrees if we try making them out of a say you know they're all obsidian yeah magic rock over here manfred Rock has a melting point of 1400 and will eventually melt make out of granite it will probably melt in the first launch yes so this rocket scanner will detect when the rocket is coming back and when it detects everyone returning it will open the doors for us which is perfect however we're also going to want to put in a manual override so we can open the docket tourist when we want to launch it so that's where a hydro sensor comes in we will make that out of copper we'll just stick that right there that will allow us to manually open the doors when we do want to ranch to launch the rocket because otherwise won't they'll open it for us and how are we looking on the steam front we are completely full so at that point we will turn off steam pumps and now we can observe one very valuable thing you notice the steam there it's 107 degrees 106.9 106.8 106.7 100 6.6 it is dropping you will notice it is dropping rapidly that is perfectly normal and so what we will do is we will just queue up a deconstruction of that and you know what we will put in that there what's going to happen here is if we don't do this this pipes are all gonna start cracking it's not a big deal but since the steam is all going to break out of the pipes we might as well just vent it there's no point keeping it around we made sure we had plenty for when we started so no destination signs no astronauts assigned Colonel Taylor welcome to the mission and now we just gonna pick a destination for the rocket for that usually the easy simplest way so you don't get confused it's going through Shore star map and then pick the planet you only want to go to the first two planets next the only ones we're going to be going to so we'll pick one there we're ready to go once the astronaut arrives and gets on board done we can open the doors well wait we'll have to wait till the automation wires finished I messed up there tonight what deconstruct that so that automation wire could be completed so we are ready to launch we hit the above signal on this to manually trigger the doors don't worry about the regolith falling down it won't take it in the way the rocket and then we can deconstruct this you can leave the gantry in place they will just get destroyed and rebuilt you could hook up power and do some automation but you're gonna fire the rocket twice putting in the power it's just not worth the effort in my opinion and then we're ready to go so planet has been selected we'll hit the launch mission rocket gets launched and off she goes first rocket launch then remember to close the doors behind you boom so why did we send seven rocket modules well it's to do with the research please check out the research down here what we want is hydrocarbon combustion that requires six hundred research points two hundred for this and four hundred for that ignore the top two lines there to do a regular research you can get those in your sleep at this point but the data banks you get from space and those are a little bit trickier so since we need 600 what's available on the stare map if you send a research module to a planet and just say you send one rocket with one research module every time you go you'll take off one of these and get a bonus 50 research points every time however we're sending not just five we're sending seven so we'll take off all five of these instances that's no problems which means we'll get 250 bonus research points from here 250 bonus research points from here when we research to these two planets for a grand total of 500 research points just from bonuses the research modules themselves always generate 10 research points anyway so we'll we're sending seven we'll get 70 points for this planet another 70 for that that's next 140 will get 640 research points between these two planets now the reason we don't send five research modules is that will give us exactly 600 research points the game will have a rounding error and you'll only get to spend 599 of them meaning you won't finish both of the researches and you'll have to send another rocket yes it's happened to me it sucks so you want to send at least 6 the reason we send 7 will become more apparent later and every time I am just going to fast forward this and we are going to go capture some I get the research necessary sir points well we're gonna get the first rocket back fill it up with the next set of steam and then send it off again rocket has returned time be just fill it up again which means we just replace the pipe instead of gas pipe ceramic boom and that will get the last of the steam into the rocket once the steam is in the rocket we can take off again and send the next one - and go go go go and perfect now if we check research researchers start getting done on solid fuel combustion and straight into hydrocarbon but we won't get all of it on this one run so I'll skip it for it again we'll launch the second rocket we'll get more research and then I'll show you why we did exactly what we did and the benefits you have going forward also will I'll rip this out and show you have to do another version using just an equity owner made of steel because it's usually faster to make the steam and well it will cost you power but usually it's a little quicker and I prefer that method when you're launching the rocket the second time go into here go into show star map and make sure you click on the other planet and make sure that green symbol moves yeah I've made the mistake once of accidentally launching back towards the same planet oh and I'm this here you'll see all of these are ticked off so we've gained they all those research bonuses and it's revealed to know it now you'll be among ice resin the hidden resources down here you see there's two hidden resources they're usually unique stuff that could be a bit like niobium ice resin or fullerene they'll be ticked off when you get these and they see the ones with the exclamation marks beside them when you take those off there when there they are revealed so it'll be when the third research and fourth research module get ticked off so if you're ruining sending say to research modules at a time you don't need to take off those two first then those two yeah not worth it if you're sending less than five research modules you're not doing it right in my opinion and that's that that should be the second rocket done and that will be the only rocket hood we don't need any more steam any more this whole thing can go deconstruct goodbye you're finished we don't need you that's the end of it you should never need to touch steam rockets ever again research is complete we've got hydro carbon question and celled fuel combustion and this is the reason why we made this whole rocket this size firstly we're going to delete the steam engine turn here and we're also going to delete this research module now anyone who's dealt with Rockets before will realize the most annoying part about dealing with these is you can rebuild them layer at a time but this way we can say put on a liquid fuel tank right here boom and I mean stick in a petroleum engine all right about there which means we can queue up both those buildings at the same time and once that's done we'll rip that out and put in a solid ah could oxidizer and we'll have ourselves a 5 research module petroleum rocket ready to fuel up and launch off into space that's the that's it that's the entire reasoning behind putting seven research modules on us well you need at least a minimum of six and if you're willing to put on that extra seventh you can save yourself an awful lot of hassle when it comes time to modify your rocket to become a petroleum solid oxidizer tank problem solved so few other things to note this entire rocket this one here is exactly 45 I believe where is it yep 45 now 45 is a decent size but I like to give myself at least 50 the reason being if you've yourself 50 you can stick on another fuel tank here and get it even further and research more of the planets which means you don't have to redesign your rocket silo for a long time to come it gives you a little bit of future proofing and if you want to be really good you could make it 55 tiles high and if you make it 55 tiles high a rocket that size can go all the way to the very end planets and carry 5 research modules so if you're looking for absolute future proofing make your Rockets out of 55 tails high and that rocket will always be able to get all the research done to all of the planets that's the whole reasoning behind the size of the Rockets and why I give myself this many tiles so last up is how to do one of these little suckers it's how to make steam using an aqua tuner instead of using regular I'm gonna leave a little regular design over here just in case anyone wants to have a gander at it oh wait no I have to finish that I'll finish it off and then I'll make sure the save is available so at the end of this so you can have a look at it this one here is just making steam using an aqua tuner it's very simple and we have an aqua tuner in here equity owner has this cooling loop that goes around like that we are going to fill that cooling live with polluted water the polluted water will pass through the petroleum jumping off any cooling it's picked up go through the equity owner pick up some cooling and dump it into the petroleum that heats that is generated as in we're cooling down the petroleum but in exchange we had to heat up the water the petroleum is effectively acting as a cool dump cool dump doesn't say might cool sink cool don't kill we're generating cooling and if you don't send it somewhere the polluted water will freeze in the pipes that's the only reason the petroleum is there as well as that since we're switching to petroleum rockets or you're normally switching to petroleum rockets having a big pool of petroleum left behind it's not the worst thing in the world you're just gonna dump it into your Rockets when the time comes so as that runs the way you see yep it's rapidly heating up the water in there yet there and I of course didn't turn those off that was silly now I've got gas in the pipes and that gas is way too chilly and it's going to start cracking the pipes really really quickly anyway yeah that's pretty much it don't just it finished this is said to shut this off at 120 C once this hits 120 seat the automation will turn off the aqua tuner and the equity owner will stop jumping chilling in there or jumping Asian they're done dust it very simple quick efficient well less efficient because it cost you power but my preferred method one thing I would really like to point out about Rockets is when you deconstruct the command module you're going to have an unanticipated side effect which is well this is going to disappear from the space counter so let's do that right now we will deconstruct this and watch what happens we have a duplicate appeareth we're deconstructing that and the moment it's gone okay boom we no longer have that mmm command module which means this rocket no longer exists and when will this change will it change ah there we go you'll notice that this has come back to meteor showers so what this means is when this when this space counter down here is detects a meteor shower it'll send a signal to the doors and tell them to open meaning your bunker doors are going to open when a meteor shower is detected yeah I've damaged quite a few rocket silos like that so just just that's something to be aware of it's when you're doing your reconfiguration of a rocket or when you chop the top off a rocket to maybe move it up or down a notch the name will change at which point you're going to want to keep an eye on this space counter and I shall replace that for the safe one last thing they may have fixed the rounding or from what I can see here I have 40 research points in solid cargo if it was a rounding or I should only have 39 point nine nine nine or something less so I may be incorrect on that but I would still recommend you send at least six research modules if not seven just to make them a migration over to petroleum much simpler anyway that's pretty much all of steam rockets or all you need to know about them and I hope this you you enjoy this or at least give you some information to work with on steam rockets and good luck
Channel: Francis John
Views: 160,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, ONI, Launch mk2, update, computer games, survival, simulation, tutorial, Mechanics, oxygen not included tutorial, steam rocket tutorial, steam rocket, steam, regolith steam, aquatuner steam, petroleum rocket, rocket research
Id: ru5WY8iy95U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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