Barty Crouch Junior Origins Explained

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one of the most loyal and fascinating death leaders in my opinion is Barty Crouch jr. they touched on his character a bit in the movies but it didn't even come close to doing his character justice although David Tennant who I'm a big fan of for playing the Tenth Doctor and more recently playing killgrave and Jessica Jones give phenomenal performance in Goblet of Fire I'll be welcome back like a hero in this video I'm going to explain Barty Crouch jr. entire life story starting from his childhood to his final confrontation with the Dementors Barty Crouch jr. was born into the pureblood Crouch family his father was a man named Barty Crouch who he was named after and his mother and mrs. crouch was described as a wispy looking witch who dearly loved her son while he was growing up his father was obsessed with his job at the Ministry of Magic and his pursuit of catching dark wizards as head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement along with voting up a good reputation to become Minister for magic one day he was very well respected and many of you will believed that he would one day be Minister for magic because of the job Barty senior didn't pay much attention to his son which may have had an influence on Barty juniors choices later in life Bharti jr. grew up and eventually went to school little is known about his schooling but it is known that he received 12 o WL so he was a good student if we were to take a guess as to what house he was in I think would be a fair bet to say that he was in Slytherin because he possessed many qualities that Slytherin thought so important and especially because he was from a pureblood family which is the most important quality that Sylvan wanted in his students Bharti jr. joined Volta more in his late teens and got his official death eater mark when Voldemort fell at the hands of Harry Potter Bodie jr. and three others Bellatrix Lestrange were Bastion Lestrange and Rudolph Asst escape capture from the ministry for some time in that time the four went after frank Longbottom an or or a dark wizard catcher who was also in the order of the Phoenix Dumbledore's alliance to fight Baltimore and his Death Eaters they tortured him thinking that he had information on the whereabouts of Voldemort and what happened to their master when he refused to talk they tortured his wife Alice Longbottom both were tortured so severely that they were tortured into insanity making them essentially like vegetables this was especially tragic because they had a young son named Neville Longbottom who would grow up not knowing what his parents really were like before they were tortured the Longbottom's were very popular and many people were extremely upset at the situation and even shared when the four were sentenced to life in Azkaban the trial in itself was a big ordeal Barty Crouch senior had made it his life's work to lock up dark wizards and to build up a good reputation for becoming Minister for magic all of that changed during this trial however when his reputation was tarnished as his son a supposed Dark Wizard stood before him and he was described as a boy in his late who looked nothing short of petrified hoping to keep his reputation intact he treated his son like any other dark wizard he ignored his sons fleas as his wife and mother to his son sat in the stands crying father I didn't I didn't I swear it father don't send me back to the Dementors when party senior asked the jury to decide it was unanimous decision and every member raised their hands Barney jr. then cried out to his mother no mother no I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't know don't send me there don't let him Barney jr. was trying to fight the Dementors and yelled out one more time to his father I'm your son you're no son of mine take them away and may they rot there these words may mrs. crouch you give a gasp and faint the first few days in Azkaban Barney's jr. screamed for his mother but eventually he stopped due to the Dementors depressive influence Barney jr. was already in poor health and he got there according to Sirius Black and his time in there with a Dementors made his health even poorer after this dramatic showing and how weak and scared he seemed you would think that Barda jr. really was innocent but in reality he was one of Voldemort's most loyal followers after about a year of Barney jr. being locked up his mother was dying and she asked Barney Shinya to save their son as a last favourite to her but a junior later said that the reason why he did this was because he loved her as he had never loved me mr. and mrs. crouch went to visit Barney jr. and Azkaban and give him a draft apologies potion containing his mother's hair then mrs. crouch took a draught the Polyjuice potion with her son's hair in it and they switched places they got away with it because the Dementors are blind and they sensed one healthy and one dying person entering and felt one healthy and one dying person leaving mrs. crowd start shortly after the switch took place she was careful to drink the Polyjuice potion until the very ends she was buried with her son's name and appearance and everyone believed that Barty Crouch jr. was dead Barney senior then staged mrs. crouches death in a quiet private funeral but the grave was actually empty the crouchers being a pure blood family had a house elf named Winkie who nursed Barney jr. back to health Barty senior used the Imperius curse on his son a curse that gives you control over the person making them whatever you want the Imperius curse was used to subdue Bharti jr. and to keep him under control Bharti jr. was forced to wear an invisibility cloak night and day and was always with Winkie who was his keeper and caretaker Winkie pity Bharti jr. and persuaded Bharti senior to give his son occasional treats and rewards for his good behavior as Bharti jr. got stronger and stronger he started to think about finding his master and to help return him to power one day a woman named Bertha Jorkins he worked for Bharti senior in the ministry of magic came to the House of papers for Bharti senior to sign Winkie told her that mr. Crouch wasn't there and went back to Bharti Junior birth I heard Winkie talking to someone and she went to investigate and discovered Bharti Junior who had supposedly died in Azkaban years ago Bharti senior covered it up by putting a very powerful memory charm on her to make her forget what she had seen but he made it too powerful and it ended up damaging her memory permanently making Bertha have a reputation of being rather slow Winky talked to Bharti senior about allowing Bharti Junior to go to the Quidditch World Cup and it took months of persuading but eventually he agreed it was the first time that he had left the house in years and he loved Quidditch as a boy so this was a big deal he had to go in the invisibility cloak and Winky and Bharti junior went to the top box where Harry and his friends were as well Winky told everyone that she was saving the seat next door for Bharti senior but really Bharti junior was sitting there under the invisibility cloak making it look like the seat was empty unknown to both Bharti senior and Winky Bharti junior was grown stronger and becoming more and more like himself and when he was in the box the World Cup he awoke and he said it was like awakening from a deep sleep ball in the box of the World Cup he saw Harry's wand sticking out of his pocket so he took it he had not been allowed to have a wand since before he went to Azkaban Winky didn't see this because she was afraid of heights and her face was buried in her hands after the game Winky and Barty junior went back to the tent and then they heard a group of Death Eaters causing a huge scene and torturing the muggle caretaker who owned the lands these were the Death Eaters that escaped going to Azkaban and that Barda junior thought were unloyal to the Dark Lord he wanted to punish them for giving up on their master so he cast the dark mark in the sky to scare them ministry agents came to the scene of the crime where the mark was cast and standing there out in the open was Harry Ron and Hermione and linky and Barda jr. hidden behind bushes Bharti jr. still in his invisibility cloak the ministry agents shot stunning spells at Harry Ron and Hermione some of which were shot into the bushes where Bharti jr. and Winky were stunned Amos Diggory went into the bushes and saw only Winky because Bharti jr. was still under the invisibility cloak Bharti senior waited for the other ministry agents to leave and when they did he went to look for his son where they had found Winky he found him and put the Imperius curse back on him already seen you're fired Winky publicly after she had failed him and also he had to do something so it was reputation want to be ruined any more than it already was it was just Bharti senior and Bharti jr. after that one night a little bit after the Quidditch World Cup Voldemort came to the Crouch house in the arms of Peter Pettigrew after he had found out that Bharti jr. was still alive he found this out by torturing birthda Jorkins and getting through the memory charms that Bharti senior had put on her and she told Voldemort all about Bharti jr. being alive and he found out that Aleister or mad-eye Moody was teaching at Hogwarts and of the Triwizard Tournament was taking place that year at Hogwarts Voldemort put Bharti senior under the Imperius curse which was a great delight to Bharti jr. now my father was the one in prisons controlled Voldemort made Bharti senior act natural and go about his ministry business as usual and forced him to free his son Voldemort then asked Bharti jr. if he was willing to risk everything for him and Barty jr. did not hesitate to say yes Voldemort devised a plan from the information that he had gotten from birth to Jorkins when he relied on party jr. being stationed at Hogwarts all year to make sure that this would happen Peter Pettigrew and Barney jr. prepared Polyjuice potion before hands and went to Moody's house and although Mooney put up a good fight they were able to subdue him and lock him in his own trunk they took some of his hair and added it to the potion then I took his fake leg and his fake magical eye and party jr. became mad-eye Moody Arthur Weasley came to the scene of the crime after the muggle neighbors heard the disturbance and called the muggle Police Board a junior disguised as moody told Arthur that he had heard someone and he shot spells all around trying to hit the intruder and everyone just thought that moody was being his normal paranoid self after so many years of fighting dark wizards Barda jr. then packed at including the trunk with the real mad I in it and went to teach at Hogwarts bought a junior question the real mad I to find out all about his past and learn his habits so that he could successfully for everyone including Dumbledore a longtime friend of Moody's when questioning him he found out that moody only drinks out of a hip flask because he's paranoid after being an order for so long that someone will poison his drink so Barty junior used that flask to put the Polyjuice potion in to ensure he would never turn back into his normal self and take the Polyjuice potion every hour what Sonny's drinking dance policy I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice pick up the real moody alive so he could take chunks of his hair to put in the Polyjuice potion when he ran out of the potion he stole the ingredients to make it from Snape's office one night Harry almost discovered a secret through the marauders map he thought he saw Barty senior and Snape's office when Barda jr. was stealing ingredient to the Polyjuice potion because they had the same name Harry just assumed it was Barty senior and not his son Barda junior used his authority as Harry's teacher to take the mat from him to ensure that his cover wouldn't be blown part of the plan that Voldemort made was to make Harry play in the Triwizard Tournament so moody put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire under a different school than the three competing ensuring that he would be picked throughout the school year he fought off anyone that could threaten to hurt Harry because he knew his master needed him in good health for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament he nudged Hagrid to show Harry the dragons to help Harry be prepared for the first task he then made Harry realize the only way he would be able to beat the dragon was if he flew on the broomstick which ensured Harry's victory in the first task when the second task came he gave Neville a book on plants to show Harry gillyweed which is a way that he could breathe underwater for a long period of time which he had to do for this task unfortunately he didn't take into account Harry not asking everyone he knew for help you have a streak of Pride and independence they could have ruined all so Harry didn't ask Neville as Marty jr. at plans for his back-up plan he made doubly the house self over here his conversation with McGonagall about gillyweed to ensure that EE would hear it get some from Snape's office and give it to Harry before the task and once again how he finished the task because of Barty juniors help well Barda jr. was at Hogwarts Pettigrew returned to care for Voldemort and watch over Bharti senior who was still under the Imperius curse after a while though party senior began to fight the Imperius curse just like Barda jr. did and Voldemort decided it was no longer safe for him to leave the house sui forced Barty senior to write letters to the ministry and say that he was ill and Peter would make sure that he remained at the house Pettigrew didn't do his job very well though I've already seen your escaped and he was heading to Hogwarts to tell Dumbledore everything including him helping his son escape Azkaban Voldemort sent word to Bharti jr. and told him to stop his father at all costs so he waited and watched using the marauders map that he had taken from Harry when he finally saw his father on the grounds he put on an invisibility cloak and went toward him he found him on the edge of the Forbidden Forest but he couldn't do anything to him because Harry and Victor Krum were there and he knew Voldemort needed Harry unhurt and he didn't see away stopping his father without hurting Harry fortunately Harry ran back to the castle to get Dumbledore and Barda jr. took advantage of this and he stunned crumb and killed his father he then dragged his father's body into the forest and covered him up with the invisibility cloak that he had worn out when Dumbledore came out with Harry Barda junior doubled back and acted like he had just gotten there and Dumbledore told Barda junior who he still thought was mad-eye moody to go find Barty senior brother junior went back to the body and he transfigured it into a boom and he buried it in front of Hagrid's cabin he then told Dumbledore that he couldn't find the body anywhere for the third task of the tournament he offered to carry the Triwizard cup into the maze before dinner and he turned it into a portkey so that when Harry touched it it would take him directly to Voldemort which would finish their plan to bring Voldemort back to full strength he used his fake magical eye that he had stolen from the real Moody what's good see through things so we used it to seed through the hedges and curse many obstacles out of Harry's way he went out to the other champions that Harry was competing against stunning Fleur and putting me Imperius curse on Crom so that he would finish off cedric and lead harry's path the cup clear how he touched the cup and Barda jr. had done his part of the plan perfectly when he felt Voldemort call off his Death Eaters he knew that his master was back to full power he didn't think that Harry was coming back because he thought Voldemort would kill him but when Harry did come back after Voldemort failed he took Harry away from the stadium he and Harry talked in his office and he slowly started to blow his cover when he said the Dark Lord and I have much in common both of us for instance had very disappointing fathers very disappointing indeed both of us suffered the indignity Harry of being named after those fathers and both of us have the pleasure a very great pleasure of killing our fathers to ensure the continued rise of the dark order imagine how he would reward me right before moody was about to kill Harry Dumbledore burst in and stopped him he said he knew it wasn't the real moody because the real moody would not have taken you away from my sight after what happened tonight the moment he took you I knew and I followed him bodies jr. turned back into himself after not taking apologies potion and Dumbledore then forced him to tell the truth about what happened Barty jr. told him about how he escaped Azkaban the plan he had with Voldemort and then he smiled and said he's back ultimate attack buddy jr. was all the evidence that they needed to confirm that Voldemort had returned all that they had to deal was take him into custody and have him testify unfortunately the Minister for magic Cornelius fudge brought a Dementor with him for his own protection and when they got to Barney jr. but the mentor got carried away and gave him the Dementors kiss this means that he took Barney jr. soul making him completely useless and like a vegetable this meant that he couldn't testify Barty Crouch jr. suffered a fate worse than death ending the epic story of Voldemort's most loyal follower [Music]
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 3,148,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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