The Life of Dobby (Origins Explained)

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A character in the Harry Potter series that touched all of our hearts was the kind and innocent Dobby the house-elf He brought so much to the series with hilarious lines Don't even to me Helping our hero through his journey and is one of the most loyal and honest characters in the series the film's Unfortunately did not do him justice Only having him appear in two of the movie skid a much larger presence in the books which I'm going to elaborate on in this Video I'm gonna go through his entire character arc throughout the whole series Dobby was born into enslavement to the Malfoy family Specifically Lucius Narcisa and their son Draco Dobby is a creature called a house elf who are loyal Magical creatures bound to serve one family for life most families that have them are the oldest and the richest Wizarding families House elves magic is a bit different than wizards and they're even able to do some things that wizards might not be able to do an example of this is that they can apperate and dissipearte in areas that are prohibited for wizards to do the same thing they also don't need wands to channel and perform their magic the way wizards still house elves physically punish themselves for what they consider failure or Disobedience to their master if their master presents them with clothes that means that they are set free for most house elves this would be An awful thing to happen as most of them like to serve Dobby on the other hand was different He's a very rare elf that did not enjoy having a master this might be because he was especially Mistreated by the malfoy's the point that they would threaten dummies life on a daily basis and what's held uh be to punish himself Dobby is always having to punish himself for something sir. They lets dobby get on with it sir sometimes They reminds me to do extra punishments while he was serving the mouth voice he overheard lucious's plans to reopen the Chamber of Secrets Which is a secret hidden chamber in Hogwarts castle last time it was opened a student died when dobby heard this? He was immediately Worried for Harry Potter the boy who would stop the Dark Lord Dobby was somewhat obsessed with Harry and was in all of him Harry Potter such an honor it is Because of this he was worried for Harry safety when the chamber would be opened again He came up with a plan to intercept Harry's mail over the summer if harry potter had thought his friends had forgotten him harry potter might not want to go back to school sir He then went to the Dursleys house that same summer and warned Harry about the plot that his master was planning something He would have to punish himself severely for he told Harry that he couldn't go back to school But when Harry asked him why? Dobby wasn't able to tell him because he would disobey his masters and that he had to go back to more than he could not do this and that he couldn't go back I don't belong here. I belong in your world at hogwarts it's the only place i've got friends dubby now desperate to stop Harry from going back to school made the cake that Harry's aunt made fly in the air Then don't be mush do it sure for Harry Potter's own good He then made the desert fall to the ground Harry would not only get in serious trouble with his aunt uncle but also with the Ministry of Magic Harry was blamed for da B's use of magic because the ministry can't tell who cast the spell but can only tell the Location in which the magic was used and because Harry was the only Magically gifted person on privet drive the ministry thought it was him this of course breaks the law that underage wizards Aren't allowed to use magic outside of school Dobby was hoping and this would get Harry expelled So he wouldn't go back to school But Harry only received a warning from the ministry Dobby came up with another plan to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts which was to seal the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4 So Harry couldn't get on the train it blocked both Harry and Ron But Dhabi's plan once again failed because Harry and Ron still made it to school using Arthur Weasley's flying car Dobby thought his plan had worked, but later He found out that Harry still made it and he was so shocked that he burned the Malfoy's dinner which he was severely punished for Dobby was so desperate to save Harry from the chamber did he bewitched the bludger and Harry's Quidditch game to make it only attack Harry Hoping the bludger would give him an injury They would send them back to privet drive so he would be away from the chamber when it was opened the plunger ended up breaking Harry's arm and Gilderoy Lockhart tried to mend his broken bone But instead he made all of Harry's bones in his arm disappeared the point is very clearly the bones are not broken broken There's no bones left Harry was sent to the hospital Wing and had to stay there overnight while Madame Pomfrey grew his bones back in the middle of the night Dobby Operated in the hospital wing something that Wizards wouldn't be able to do because all witches and wizards were blocked from operating and disapp rating on school grounds Dobby confessed to Harry that he was the one that blocked the entrance to platform 9 and 3/4 and the one that bewitched the bludger how he was so angry that he threatened to strangle Dobby better clear off before my bones Come back like strangled youth I'll be done begged Harry to leave and accidentally let slip that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before but he refused to tell Harry who did it Dobby then disapp rated when he heard people coming Dhabi's Master Lucius Malfoy Threatened a few witches and wizards into signing a document to get Dumbledore sacks Final 12 signatures on it eventually Harry figured out that it was a fraction of Voldemort's soul Inside a diary we would later find out as one of his Horcruxes there was opening a Chamber of Secrets And Harry put an end to it Dumbledore was reinstated as headmaster and Lucia scam to see for himself He brought along Dobby this instantly made Harry realized who his masters were they'll be prompted Harry to realize that Lucius was the one to Plant Tom Riddle's diary on Ginny Weasley. I think he hid the diary into Ginny Weasley's Colvin fat Diet Diagon Alley Harry then came up with the plan Harry took off one of his shoes pulled off his slimy filthy sock and stuffed the diary into it mr.. Malfoy I've got something for you, and he forced the snellie sock Andalusia smile for his hands what thought mr. Malfoy ripped the sock off the diary and threw it aside, and he turned to go come Dobby I said come but Dobby didn't move he was holding up Harry's Disgusting slimy sock and looking at it as though it was a priceless treasure Lousiest was enraged and went after Harry but Dobby stepped in front of him And said Lucie is flying backwards Harry then made Dobby promise to never save his life again And they said goodbye Harry Potter is greater by far than Dobby knew farewell Harry Potter after Dobby was free He started looking for work that paid which was unheard of for house elves because of this he wasn't able to find a new position Another house elf that Dobby knew that was named Winky said that freedom was going to his head a few years after Dobby was freed He finally found a paying job when he was hired by Albus Dumbledore to work in the kitchens at Hogwarts with the other house elves Dobby asked for one galley in a week and one day a month off Dumbledore had originally offered ten galleons a week and Weekends off but Dobby was frightened when he thought about the prospect of so much leisure and riches Dobby likes his freedom miss But she isn't wanting too much miss he likes work better Bobby's friend Winky was also hired by Dumbledore after she was let go by her master Barty Crouch And her reaction of being freed was not the same as dobby's she was devastated And started drinking a lot of butter beer and Dobby would have to take care of her when she did this How are you Ron and Hermione went down to the kitchens and when Dobby saw Harry he ran over and hugged him Dobby was still wearing the sock that Harry had used to free him along with a bunch of other odd clothes including a tea cosy fur hat a tie a pair of kid shorts and another sock that didn't match the one that Harry had given him he tells the three that he's Using his wages to get a jumper next and Ron promises to give Dobby his yearly Christmas sweater that his mom makes for him every Year when the three left Dobby tentatively asked Harry if he could visit him and he beamed when Harry said yes a few months later Dobby visited Harry and his dorm on Christmas morning. He was sitting so close to him They were nose to nose and so Harry woke up and yelled at him Harry gave Dobby a pair of socks for Christmas They just made a mistake at the shop Harry Potter day is giving you two of the same Rondon gave doll be a pair of socks as well and Dobby was thrilled that he could mix them up Ron also gave him the Jumper that he had promised Dobby months earlier Dobby gave Harry socks as well one was bright red with a broomstick Pattern and the other was green with a pattern of snitches both of which Dobby made himself He bought the wool to make it the little money He made from working in the kitchens Dhabi then left to prepare Christmas dinner with the other house elves that year Harry was in the Triwizard Tournament and for one of his tasks He had to breathe underwater for a long period of time the night before the task Harry still hadn't figured out a way to do This Dobby overheard a conversation between McGonagall and moody they were discussing ways to breathe underwater for a long period of time and they mentioned gillyweed Dobby broke into Snape's office stole a ball of gillyweed and went to the library to wake Harry out he had fallen asleep the night Before still trying to find a way to breathe underwater He had 10 minutes until the task and Dobby handed him the ball of gillyweed and told him to eat it before he went underwater because of Dobies help Harry Succeeded in the task when he continued to drink a lot of butter beer and Dobby would sometimes bring her to the Room of Requirement A room that gives the seeker whatever they may need at that very moment when he would say Twinkie in there He would find antidotes the butterbeer and an ice elf sized bed that he would tuck her in to you while she slept it off Dobby continued to work at Hogwarts into the following year one year earlier Hermione had started a campaign to raise awareness for house-elf rights called SPE W She'd started making hats and socks that she had put out in the common room so that the elves would take them walk cleaning Dobby Was the only one who took the clothes and he wore all eight hats that he found at once the other elves refused to clean The Gryffindor common room because of the hidden socks and hats Which they found very insulting that same year Harry started a secret? And eventually illegal Club due to UM bridges new rules called Dumbledore's Army where he taught everyone defence against the dark arts they couldn't find a place to hold their meetings and so Harry ass Dobby and he Excitedly told Harry that he could do it in the Room of Requirement the same place that he would seek Winkie when she drank Too much the room was perfect for what they needed And they held all of their meetings there when Harry arrived for the last meeting before Christmas break He found the room decorated with thanks hanging down from the ceiling all bearing Harry's face that red have a very hairy Christmas Howard took all the decorations down before the meeting insuring that no one else would see them later that year Dobby ran to the Room of Requirement where Dumbledore's Army was holding a meeting at the time And he warned Harry that umbrage was on her way Harry ordered Dobby to go back to the kitchens and ordered him to lie to Umbridge if she asked if she told Harry because of Dhabi's warning people got away But Harry was still caught when Sirius died he left everything to Harry Including the black family house-elf creature who Harriet order to work in the Hogwarts? kitchen along with dubby Winkie and the other house elves how he called creature one night when he was in the hospital wing and when he arrived he and Dobby were fighting on the grounds creature will not insult Harry Potter in front of Dobby EE will shut creatures mouth for him Ron and Harry broke up the fight and Harry ordered both of them not to fight one another Harry then ordered both of them a tail Draco Malfoy to find out what he was doing Because Harry was suspicious that he was behind several attacks that had happened that year the two did as they were told And when they gave the report to Harry on what Malfoy was doing Hermione was outraged at Harry for making them work so hard Dobby hasn't slept in a week Harry Potter They told Harry that now for he was going to the Room of Requirement And he had people keep watch for him Harry told Dobby that he had done brilliantly and told him to go get some sleep How are you on and Hermione did not return to Hogwarts the following year as they were on a mission trying to find and destroy? Voldemort's Horcruxes the three were captured and brought to Malfoy Manor Bellatrix was torturing Hermione while Harry Ron and a few others including Luna, Lovegood Ollivander Dean Thomas and Griphook were locked in a Cell they had made the cell so that no witch a wizard could operate or Disapparate in and out of it how he was desperate for help as he heard Hermione screams He looked inside a piece of a two-way mirror that he would received him as Godfather sirius black before his death Aberforth who was on the receiving end of the two-way mirror Sent Dobby to the Manor because Dobby was an elf he was able to operate and Disapparate in and out of the cell Harry ordered Dobby to take the others to Bill Weasley's house in shell cottage and then to come back to Malfoy Manor Harry and Ron Went upstairs and began a duel at the mouth voice along with Bellatrix Grayback and some Snatchers so Bellatrix held a knife to Hermione's throat Harry and Ron dropped their wands seeing no way out of the situation until they heard a grinding noise from above Dobby let the chandelier drop forcing Bellatrix to release remaining Bellatrix whose wanted and lost in the fight ordered her sister Narcisa to kill Dobby before narcistic could do anything however Dobby disarmed her You'll take a which is Master Toby is a free Adobe has come to save Harry Potter and his friends All of the heroes dis apparated out of the manor Bellatrix threw a knife where they disappeared Harry Feld Dobies hand jerk as they were spinning in nothingness on their way to shell cottage when they finally arrived Harry asked Dobby if it was the right place Dobby Dobby the elf swayed slightly stars reflected in his wide shining eyes together He and Harry looked down the silver hilt of the knife protruding from the elfs Heaving chest hold on hey, dovey no Don't die don't die the elfs eyes found him and his lips trembled with the effort to form words His friend And then with the little shudder the elf became quite still Harry decided to honor his friend by burying him the muggle way rather than doing it with magic they dug his grave in the cottage Garden Harry placed the elfs tiny body and arranged him as though. He could be resting Luna then spoke It's so unfair that you had to die when you were so good and brave Harry trying not to break down said goodbye w Harry's accent spoke louder than his words Harry stayed to carve something on Bobby's grave and Harry stood up the stone read Here lies Dobby a free elf You
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 3,394,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: JczzDGg0W2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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