Ranking all of Voldemort's HORCRUXES (By How Well They Were Hidden)

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Voldemort is stupid maybe I'm stating the obvious here but when you dedicate your entire life to achieving immortality but then spend your free time making enemies and chasing down the one boy with the power to kill you it doesn't exactly scream high IQ does it but there was this one time when our friend vdi actually had a smart idea I mean splitting your soul into several tiny pieces and hiding each part in a different object all of which need to be destroyed in order to kill you is actually quite smart for someone whose main aim is to avoid dying that is Until you realize that Voldemort is about as good at hiding things as I am at avoiding the bakery section on my weekly shop so let's have some fun I'm going to analyze all seven of Voldemort's H cres by how well they were hidden and rank them from worst to best before we get started please do hit subscribe this is a brand new Harry Potter channel so why not jump on board now so in a few years you can say hey I was here since the beginning but with all that out the way let's jump into our list starting with number seven Harry Potter yes Harry himself was of course the one H Crux that Voldemort never meant to make and for that same reason I guess he has to be the worst hidden HW crck as well because well you can't exactly hide something that you aren't even aware of can you anyway there's not really anything else to analyze here because of that so let's just swiftly move on to the six H cruxes that Voldemort did actually mean to make number six is Nini Voldemort's pet snake was arguably his most impressive HW crck I mean this is an actual living creature with a brain that contains parts of Voldemort's Soul crazy anyway I guess because of that fact that Voldemort never actually tries to hide Nini yes he does keep Nini closer to him when he realizes the golden Trio are hunting down HW cruxes but he never technically hides her he just keeps her closer to him I guess so for that reason she kind of has to go very close to the bottom of this list in fifth place is Tom Riddle's Diary well we're finally on to the H cruxes that were actually hidden so I guess this list can properly get started however Tom Riddle's Diary is perhaps the perfect example of how not to hide an object that literally contains a part of your soul why because Voldemort leaves the diary with Lucius effing Malfoy yes that's right the Cowardly man who's happy to do anything it takes to protect his own skin and shows absolutely zero loyalty to anyone who isn't his own family Lucius eventually plants The Diary in jinny Weasley's possession as he suspects the ministry of planning a raid on his house soon as we all know this decision to give one of vw's prize possessions to a Hogwart student is what eventually leads to the diary being destroyed talk about a massive stinker from old vdi number four is the gaunt ring Voldemort left the gaun ring in a golden box hidden under the floorboards of the gaunt family Shack for decades in addition Voldemort added some protective enchantments outside the shack but that was it I mean it's not the worst hiding place ever I'd imagine that protective enchantments left by Voldemort would be pretty hard to penetrate and even if you do get through through those you've then got to try and find a tiny golden box in the middle of a ruined Shack not a piece of cake but there is one massive issue he left it in a shack that could be directly linked back to his own ancestors I mean sure this might not seem like a massive issue because how many people actually knew about Voldemort's past well the smartest wizard in the world and the one most likely to want to try and bring down Lord Voldemort one alus Dumbledore certainly did and in the end it's Dumbledore's insight into vot's family tree which allows him to find and destroyed the Haw rcks number three the diadem of Ravenclaw well there's one reason and one reason only why this hiding spot failed Voldemort's naivity so he HD the diadem in the room of requirement on paper this seems like an incredibly smart idea just ask the room for a good place to hide somewhere and the room will provide also and more importantly Voldemort believed at that time he was the only person aware of the room of requirements existence and this was his downfall you see what Voldemort failed to realize was that if a someone found out about the room of requirement and B realized there was an object in there that they needed to find the room would also tender to their needs therefore giving them access to the originally hidden object of course this is exactly what happens and Harry is able to find and destroy the diadem number two is slytherin's locket okay I think a lot of people would have been expecting this to be in first place and I understand why the locket was hidden inside a deep cave and whilst it did have a slight connection to Voldemort's past this was very small and if anyone did make it inside the cave you'd have to drink a potion that would render the Drinker completely unable to actually take the H CRS and probably unable to even get out alive however as we all know there was still a major floor in this plan you see the boats inside the cave that takes you to the island holding the H Crux was only designed to carry one adult wizard however there were ways around this just because it couldn't carry two adult Wizards it doesn't mean that it still couldn't carry two people it could take for example an adult Wizard and an underage Wizard or an adult Wizard and a house elf as we know regular black discovers this and enlist the help of creature to steal the locket finally when dropping off the Haws in the first place Voldemort completely underestimated house elf magic this was obviously how regulus originally discovered the lockit hiding place as creature was sent to help Voldemort drop off the locket but when Voldemort left creature to die in the cave creature was able to disapparate out of there this is then what finally allows the locket to be stolen as creature dis operates with the locket himself after himself and regulus have gone back to take it once again Voldemort's sheer inability to acknowledge the fact that somebody might have magical powers that he himself doesn't have is what ruins the hiding place of yet another Haw Crux and number one hufflepuff's cup and our winner and the best hidden Haw Crux in my opinion of course is hufflepuff's Cup this H CR was hidden deep underground in the L strange family vault at grots now of course this hiding spot wasn't perfect none of them were that's kind of obvious given the fact that all the H cres were destroyed but but it did take a very specific and from Voldemort's perspective unfortunate series of events for this one's location to be discovered I mean how could Voldemort know that a former gringott employee would happen to have his life saved by people tracking down Haw cruxes who happen to have maybe the one super rare item in the world that this ex-employee desired and in return for it would help them break into the bank also there was literally no evidence Left Behind as to where this item was hidden it was just bellatrix's slightly panicked reaction when she thinks the golden Trio had been into her vault at gringo to steal the Sword of Gryffindor which leads them to suspect that there might be a HW Ro in there ultimately though grots was supposedly the safest place in The Wizarding World except maybe Hogwarts of course and its deepest vaults are incredibly well protected by enchantments and Dragons so on paper at least this made hufflepuffs cup the best hidden HW cruxs and that's my list let me know what you think and please hit subscribe if you enjoyed we're on that road to 1,000 Subs thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Zogwarts
Views: 4,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, voldemort, hogwarts, horcruxes, wizarding world, nagini, potterhead, zogwarts, magic, harry potter essay, harry potter video essay, movie flame, supercarlinbros, supercarlinbrothers, harry potter youtube, harry potter tiktok
Id: mRgGljJ9rF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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