Barstool Takes On The Most Magical Place On Earth | Stool Scenes

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confession time I have a confession it's an embarrassing confession it's a confession I didn't want to make I'm turning into a big Star Wars guys so I'm in Orlando people say rise resistance best ride of all time Star Wars land edge of the Galaxy they're Billboards everywhere the hardest Park to get in right now because of Star Wars I mean the Super Bowls front Court Kentucky Derbies World Series I've done it all finally I get the hookup to go to Disney World shut up Mitzi gets me tickets first thing we do we go on this ride Star Wars I love it when we did the ride I was like Oh I thought the line would be longer it's like 20 minutes 30 minutes we do the whole park Tower of Terror the uh Aerosmith roller coaster ride was down we got Toy Story Land and somebody is like only Dave would take a picture in Star Wars but not in Star Wars land so I'm walking around I see this big Star Wars thing I'm like oh they must be in there pretty unimpressive if we're being honest we walk in like oh that was a dud walk in circles I'm like is this it and like yeah we walked the whole park I text my guy Robbie Fox then he asked me you go on Millennium Falcon ride you know like what literally like my bra like what do you mean there were two Star Wars rides I went to Disney World and I was bragging how good Riser resistance is and how good the Star Wars thing was I didn't go to it all I didn't even go into that other part of the park I think I'm the first person ever who went to Disney World just for Star Wars the new attraction and just missed it [Music] [Applause] [Music] one year ago at a theme park far far away Dave Portnoy completed a treacherous journey to Star Wars land only to leave and find out that he was never in Star Wars land at all I missed the entire new part of Star Wars in an act of redemption El Perez has gathered a ragtag group of co-workers to accompany him in his return to Disney World Clem Robbie Ken Jack and supreme leader Jeff delowe have set out with their boss to conquer Star Wars land for real this time but there is a rising tension amongst the Disney boys as they plan out their strategy of attack questions about Jeff dilo's motives come to light just days before the mission of their lives thank you [Music] are you guys going to uh Disney coming up right and when Tuesday we get there Tuesday I think he made dinner for Tuesday Yacht Club very weird reservation Jeff do you love me the whole thing there's interesting Jeff D low things because he's like we got this VIP tour it's gonna be amazing we're gonna go super early morning we'll be done with Star Wars by like 8am I was like okay what I think we're supposed to be a department he also kind of start off by being like I have connections but we just pay he just kept saying I got a guy I got a guy your guy was a guy the guy was just telling us how to get the bracelets he said he's getting one for you what's up we all ordered these like Japanese or these like 70 braces on a distance are you sure the hookup's not just going at seven in the morning on your own oh we're going before the Park's open yeah [Music] how are you friends all right you're doing Disney Wednesday yeah holy [ __ ] yeah we're going before the park opens or something like super early I'm trying cool so who else is going me Jeffy Lowe Robbie Clem and uh Ken Jack call all the guys who like Star Wars yeah we're going on Star Wars all the guys that like Star Wars what am I forget Frank do you like Star Wars I thought you were saying you no I'm there well I've never even seen Star Wars Ken Jackson I said three words to get a Jack in my life I didn't do anything you're still down to go with them after the holy yodels thing yeah he was just wrong about that what a drake signature products a snack cake is too long chocolatey cake sandwiching a layer of cream that's East Coast come on this is what I mean yeah Yoda's final answer he hasn't bum oh Devil Dogs I thought you had the ones but those are they have sandwiched with cream inside oh it looks like a yodel this description that's that cake has two chocolatey cake sandwiching a layer of cream that was one cake rolled up but there's two of those yodels in a package neither one of them sandwiched honey yeah yeah they do they sandwich the cream the two things that sandwich cream sandwiches yeah they do it's our there's cream right in the middle of it would you say that then uh like a wrap is a sandwich so you would say Boston cream donuts a sandwich [Music] two chocolatey sandwich things with cream in the middle so you're saying a a munchkin from Dunkin Donuts with no you keep going Dunkin Donuts the donuts donuts a donut a Twinkie is a Twinkie and a yodel is a yodel if I show you a picture of an actual yodel if I go to the store and buy yodel take it out so you don't take a wrap a sandwich every place you can go to get a wrap you don't think that's the same absolutely you don't think you can sandwich stuff in a wrap no absolutely not I mean that's absolutely wrong let's look at the definition of a sandwich I would say it's something in between two other events item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat cheese or other filling in between them eaten As A light meal it's tough when you get old and you get out of touch with the people I'm okay now all the fat people are on my side [Music] I am old but that's not to do it no that's that's devil talk how is that stupid ass too Yodel the way the cream is it's not sandwiched a sandwich no that's not yeah thank you so much I feel like finally somebody in this room has success if you patronize you're awesome [Laughter] thank you [Music] I love these this is like the best bro oh it's the best it's just incredible [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's have some fun [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] the judges had scored this belt a unanimous draw in Raw State Road I know it's all show me and obviously what we both wanted to win but no you're the you're the [ __ ] King not sure I'm [ __ ] I'm out of shape bro I'm too old I just wanted to come in and tell you that I've got too many kids good luck take it easy oh I saw that yeah guys a [ __ ] loser yeah that kid should never be allowed back to fight ever again he's a [ __ ] clown [ __ ] another day in the office I gotta get a win that's it that's all I care about is winning [Music] foreign [Applause] I could picture Jeff being like at the ride where he has the agenda ready and if you're like 10 seconds late he's like a stopwatch he's like that just costs us 10 seconds yeah like a 10 000 VIP tour but he made us buy his wristbands just to make sure we go a little faster so that that that watch keeps you from what pulling a card out of your pocket exactly Jeff Dilo don't have time for credit cards no not Disney d stands for Disney yeah tweets like get me on the Tron Rod then sends it to the group chat he goes boost this guys it's me Dave Austin Jeff Ken Jack and Clem that's the Disney voice we all got matching shirts we're going tomorrow Jeff told us we're gonna like get in at 7am and he's like we could stay in the park till 1am so it's gonna be a long day I think yeah dude I mean this is not good like this is a dude whose shoulders and you know how they like there's no there's no Loops or anything yeah look up the rise that is crazy yeah that's bad one of those bumps those both his shoulders are gonna be in his ears I don't do roller coasters but I have made a vow to do any roller coaster that the boys do this weekend adults can't wear costumes at Disney because of pedophiles right we want the pedophiles to blend in we want them to blend in originally we were going to all wear costumes like then that's a big no adults can't wear costumes because if you see like an adult with Han Solo and the kid's just gonna go with them yeah you're right Disney has a lot of anti-pedophile rules which kind of makes sense that's good no it's good foreign [Music] [Music] I had it from uh it's not that's just a slip sheet well it is laminated but you didn't make it oh yeah foreign [Music] School ride when we think about our Disney attractions Disney then started to take this idea of telling a story and said okay what if we put you onto the planet before you even get to the ride and we've built an entire planet that you get to walk onto okay and we're about to head onto the planet of Batu let's go why are you absolutely no fun I'm trying to wipe hurts from your mind right now all right and that's the part of us we want you to walk in here and be like transported onto the planet [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no oh so cool [Music] [Music] I gotta walk forward we are about to go and fly we need two two gunners two engineers to fly the Millennium Falcon yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] you go oh my God [Music] [Music] it's my choice [Music] trust me the moment we blew up that train was maybe the greatest moment that's a great ride huh that's not despacito [Music] does it change the whole vibe though you don't own villain yeah I don't know if I want to go fill in here a no-brainer I think you got it I think I think you gotta do it well yeah I'll take this and then if I switch I switch oh yeah I'll take it there we go unreal all right thank you well it's so much fun coming to Disney with Dave's pocketbook it's ruining Disney for me and I'll never be able to come back [Music] [Music] you're not rooting for Seton Hall are you yes I am for real are you kidding me nope get it yeah like Pirates [Music] I thought Frank might appreciate the dad jokes Pete's pranks you have been pranked someone sent you a prank mailer to see if they left you a message visit the someone paid to send this in this envelope welcome to the club Frank click here to send a prank and get 10 off your order you know why I'm not gonna do that because this is lame I'm upset what I'm not even gonna open it up no I'm not opening trash it's trash is what it is trash I'm gonna track this package you pay five dollars on some stupid ass website and it sends this to somebody let me track this package I'll find you yeah I sent myself a package from Massachusetts Jack Franklin Massachusetts where hey where are you from don't start with me where's Franklin Massachusetts what have I gone home I've been home since Christmas so it's not gonna explode no it's not but he's aiming at me again it just says you've been pranked as if that wasn't evident wow showed me millions of family strikes again no imagine paying money to do this why but why you look a little nervous your whole thing and I've got my hands full it's a pretty special little guy super special keep fighting a good fight foreign but I know what you're all thinking this all looks like a lot of old junk some of it is new junk as well now I'm assuming that we're all familiar with the legend of Luke Skywalker we hear that there is another a new Jedi just everyone know her name Ray Ray that's right yes and that's why you're welcome to look ahead build this a lightsaber it's now time for you to select your kind of Crystal the heart of your lightsaber everyone close your eyes which color do you see in your mind squishy color is yours now open your eyes everyone select your Crystal okay [Music] all right but we decided the mosque Apprentice uh with your minds and feel that connection everyone said that the final stage is upon us the bond between saber and Builder is about to be forged yes then come forward everyone hand on your hips and act events good now go handle this raise your Sabers and activate congratulations Travelers till the spine that was awesome that's me you're like six years old oh [Music] um [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] great work that was that that's pretty sick that was a fire ride I think the other Star Wars fry goes absolute toe-to-toe with it we'll see in fact I can't wait in fact I may say I like the other one more another one more yes but it's four so I barely remember I'm gonna do my Park rankings still maybe what I mean I've enjoyed that more what yeah yeah unless I'm remembering it wrong as we walk in here here's what I need you to remember okay is that already not at all now we're gonna go back and do what Dave thought was the Star Wars experience on its own uh we're headed into sardines let's do it we'll see I like the old one we'll just see it promises made promises delivered I can't wait I may build it up so far it's a little different Looking ready what's the first first reaction you can tell it's older I'm right I'm right it was awesome that was awesome I might I'm right it's a great ride it's the best ride in the park it's still an awesome ride I don't know yeah you can't handle it was awesome it was awesome I don't think the two in Star Wars Galaxy were like in a different realm but they weren't like I think yeah but I'm not going we lost Bob oh [ __ ] [Music] you look terrible oh my God this is the most intense roller coaster it was a lot [Music] oh my God it was pretty sick you're sick this monkey dog right here yeah we're dropping our stocks [Music] you came to a roller coaster like a theme park menu my three-year-old loves it so foreign [Music] [Music] he likes it oh no we'll come backwards [Music] [Music] how do we get that picture what picture what picture it took a picture of us in the last turn across it's a great day I think I I loved rise the resistance but the original doesn't get the shine it deserves that still stands the test of time the roller coaster in my roller coaster guy Jeff D low was kind of like a dictator and like made us go on everything I thought we were just doing Star Wars and bouncing I didn't know I didn't know I knew I knew Jeffy low was up to Jeff Disney Beau when he said we'll be done with Star Wars by 9am and I was like I was a new freshman we were here Four Star Wars yeah that's right yeah I mean we made the lightsaber now how am I gonna get that home thanks Dave so next year we might have to do Star Wars Celebration Orlando full cosplay and that's where the Nerds they'll like unveil a new trailer and people start crying bawling got it got it they have groups of people get weird about particular things and we've all got that friend that's weird about something yeah the group that I belong to is tour guys we get weird about a couple of things and one of them is plaid I love plaid it goes on our shoulders uh the other thing we love is something that we get to win if nobody else gets to wear because everybody in Disney World gets aware of the name tag but not everybody gets to wear a cool bed maybe we should organize a cool pin for those people that come on tour it comes on a plaid background it says that you've got to be a VIP here in Walt Disney World uh it's a cool little Memento to say that you're going to have some fun running around Disney World thank you so much it is a whole lot of fun and I've got one for each of you to say thanks [Music] whatever [Music] so it's International women's day to show my female co-workers I'm an ally got this for Ebony Ebony's black the doll is black women love Barbie dolls there's another black lady there who I feel like is less likely to go along with the joke I'll be honest that was a good audible that's no drop it between them like when the Joker dropped that pool stick so I was gifted this beauty this beautiful dog from smokes from Tommy smokes I think this is how he envisioned me with pink hair it's giving bad [ __ ] happy International Day [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 431,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool sports, barstool, viva la stool, sports news, sports comedy
Id: q_BKHUanLbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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