The 2023 Barstool Sports Spelling Bee For $5000

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welcome to the 2023 barcel Sports spelling be presented by body armor I'm one of your Two Hosts Jeff DLo alongside rone and R body armor real hydration real ingredients packed with electrolytes vitamins and nothing artificial available in stores nationwide but you can head over now to the body armor store on Amazon and get yours today ran second time we've done a spelling be here officially in the office a big one what can we expect today Jeff a panoply of big hard words for our less than intelligent Bullpen of bar stool bloggers and we have them all lined up here and Jeff it's been about 5 years since we've done one of these but we are joined by our champion at that time one Mr Francis Ellis Francis how are you feeling today oh man no oh not a friendly crowd shut the [ __ ] up what what will it take for you to repeat as a champion and how does one prepare for all of the words in the English language I think it's just years and years of better education than everyone else um that's really what sets me apart here and reading reading's big too you know that's the other thing uh but I don't I don't have high expectations in truth I think there's a lot of words that can really trip trip you up and uh it's not going to be smooth sailing lots of smart smart people here well we'll go over the rules in a second Francis obviously 5 years running now he has been the champ we have not done one in 5 years though worth noting uh you will stand up to the podium and you will get a word once you get the word we can repeat again and give you the pronunciation but after that you can ask the definition follow by the part of speech a sentence delivered all by rone and a language of origin but let's let's be serious here I don't think that's going to help much uh after you are ready to spell the word you will spell the word out and once you spell the word and then repeat the word again that acts as your final answer you either hear a ding which means you're correct or a buzzer which means you are wrong and you are out of course Dave is participating he's often said that spelling is one of the lowest forms of intelligence you think that's true Jeff uh I would probably agree well let's find out first up is Big F big F first word oh really nice crowd so far they booed Francis they clapped F EV your first word is Michigan oh good thank you [Applause] Dad what a moment uh next up surprise if we win Frank the Tank prize no prize okay no satisfaction of a job well done all right five grand cash five grand cash five grand cash Grand cash do we want do we want to give AB a chance to spell the word now no he's out but stop doing these things with no prizes what is this that's not my call priz okay this is now worth five grand cash I don't make that it's not my call Frank your word is imply imply all right imply is I am p l y imply that is correct way to go Frank Frank on the board Joey Joey kasta up next oh no claps for Joey that was interesting homophobic Joey you guys had the precent your word is ambiguous oh okay ambiguous um ambiguous a m b i g u i o u s ambiguous that is incorrect sorry to Joey Joey you've been eliminated yes by girl you will leave the set damn Kelly Kelly KS you're up next r two down already yeah a tough word for Joey you think he knows what ambiguous means uh Kelly you will get the body armor word alkaline okay uh alkaline alkaline and by Body arm a l k a l i n e alkaline that is correct that is correct SAS how do you think SAS is going to do here today Ron it it's hard to say uh he dressed for for the part he kind of dressed like the uh guy that uh shot Batman's parents but uh I I think it's a good look I think that he's he's ready to spell let's see if he has it in his him though uh your word SAS is authentic authentic oh man uh a u t h e n t i c authentic that is correct again well done sass Dave up next Dave your word also an a word oh that that wasn't an a word at all uh abundant abundant abundant a b u n d n t abundant that is incorrect stupid game Dave has been eliminated cannot win his own five grand jety up next jety your word is assemble assemble a s s e m b l e you have to okay reminder to say the word after you spell it that is that is correct Meek Phil first appearance Phil your word is concentrate c o n c e n t r a t e concentrate R do you think Meek Phil can do a good job here today yeah I I don't know but I hope he's out because he's making me uh very uncomfortable to be this close to him just uh you're like six feet away just the general Aura is a little bit unsettling Meek uh Robbie Fox up next Robbie Fox competed a couple years ago and oh myone for the second consecutive spelling be Robbie Fox your word is Chihuahua okay okay two in a row Chihuahua Chi H UA Hua Chihuahua that is correct well done Robbie Fox so Robbie fox actually got out on the word Chihuahua last time around despite owning a Chihuahua it's nice to see that he's boned up on the spelling of his own dog type big Redemption for Bob FOX also a lot of commotion from Nate already uh we've been doing this for 15 minutes Nate already upset okay here we go Grace you're up next Grace slid in here last read the email wrong T you're here and your first word is going to be enhance enhance um e n h a n c e enhance that's correct not very confident but is correct I guess duges is up next d right d your word is illuminate okay i l l u m i n a t e illuminate a bright word for a bright man there were there was there were some head shaking in there they did not think he was going to pull that one off Ria up next your word is ingenious ingenious okay i n g n i u s ingenius that is incorrect it's an IO us it's an iio us and with that Ria has been eliminated unfortunately Fran up next for the honor of the chicks in the office Fran your word is prioritize prioritize p r i o r r i t i z e prioritize that is correct Jack Mac F Pat with a January six joke for Jack he steps up spell that I bet uh oh it's chippy but that's what we like to see in we do we do like that yep Pat will be up soon uh Jack your word is correlate c o r r e l a t e correlate corate two RS there very tricky no correlation between Pat and intelligent next oh use it in a sentence himself next up is Kareem Kareem your word is acquire acquire a c q u i r e acquire very nice that is correct again no one needs definitions or sentences get wrong but he's acquired a spot in the next round for he has yes he has hubs you're up next hubs the editor this man sees word after word it would be a massive blow to not only we like spell check spell check good for editors the entire company uh your word is endeavor hubs Endeavor oo Endeavor e n d e v o u r Endeavor incorrect Hobs eliminated the editor of the blog Ed and chief of the blog it's a e a v o r he's getting chirped from the crowd right now interesting uh Jackie's up next Jackie palpably nervous as she approaches the podium let's see how she does uh your word is integrate okay um i n t e g r a t e integrate oh slow okay we had a bit of a pause from the rules officials there for a second Caroline you're up next the rest of the field there Caroline your word is legitimate oh okay um l e g I have to spell it I know that's the problem l e g i t well erase the first leeg okay restart l e g i t i m a t e that is correct a legitimate answer a legitimate job of spelling that word Gia up next about halfway through now Gia your word is necessary oh [ __ ] it's like a hard word does not seem to be happy about this word Dana says it's a Dana wishes this was his coaching from the side the C's and the s's NE e they can use the back of their cards to write if they want R just like the real competition of course struggling through air writing it out like an airplane no NES NES NES necessary NE e s wait [ __ ] how much time do I have it wasn't determined pretty much unlimited okay kind of subjective sit back and relax NE n n n s n e n e SS a c a r y who really off the off the rails there R mistake the C's and the s's NEC s easier for me because I have it in front of me but that was bad Dana B up next Dan your word is he a beard guy is he a spelling guy fabricate fabricate yep fabricate want me to wait give let's give Dana let's give Dana a clear floor here if we can just quiet for Dana quiet for Dana fabricate f a b r i c a t e fabricate oh he walked it off too automatic Dana beers in the Crowd Goes absolutely wild Marty your word is persevere imply what's the origin Jeff somebody finally asked firstever year actually comes from the Latin which on is that helpful uh uh the in Europe sentence uh origin part of speech definition all available for everybody p a yep PSE a PSE p e r s e v e r e per unbelievable Marty absolutely shocked at his own ability to spell Beast chest he is stunned right now that he is still in this competition and Marty's career perseveres fights up next your word is precise [ __ ] off precise precise exactly not easy uh P re e c i s e precise precisely up next is grenell grenell representing the spit and chicklets family will he be able to spell or will he leave his career on us he is representing everybody from chicklets today yep to up to grenell explicit is your word grenell explicit e ex c i p l t explicit maybe the worst attempt we've had today Jeff that was and unfortunately you don't get to sh back down he must he must leave that was maybe the building so far away almost none of the letters were right unbelievable uh grenell eliminated on the worst attempt we've seen so far uh next up seems to be Smitty here we go hi Smitty The General Smitty your word is emphasize emphasize can you use it in a sentence please the speaker Ed gestures to emphasize key points in the presentation it's a very good sentence can I have the word origin please emphasize comes from the Greek emphasize e l GS L Eagles there you go Smitty bang bang B gang went out all that all that weight for that uh okay he also did not he did not spell Eagles correctly did he it's a uh it's a meme from a oh it's a it's a it's a okay it's a Philly social media meme okay a thing to spell it wrong it's a purposeful joke they do spell the Flyers yes okay Kevin uh went very far last I believe runner up to Francis man spell uh your your word is where is it consequence consequence c o n s e q u n c Consequence the consequence spelling that right is a spot in the next round for Kevin he moves on again a little fist bump to Frank they seem to be friends here today vibs up next your word is Kon Chron nope chronology chronology chronology why I'm not in this R see C HR o n cronal o ronal l igy uh e o l o g y anology he was at the finish line and he ball shut up all you absolutely perfect he had it no that was was I close was I close you were right like you were on the doorstep I don't know it was the equivalent of running across the goal line and fumbling the ball as you got there it was if he would have continued that if he continued that pace I think he would have got it actually he doctor shed it a little bit he did uh next up is Rico BOS looking for a win here BOS word is psychopath uh your word Rico is acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge AC k n o w l e d g e acknowledge we can acknowledge that was beautifully done by one Mr Rico Bosco up next is clemer he was very excited about this and this was pitched him a few months ago hiding behind the mic stand that is Chris Clem he got a hotel room last night no yeah that is confirmed R he did stay in the city last night to focus on the words did not go home that is I had I had to be fully rested aware and that's why we can't afford a prize uh deviate deviate d e v i a t e deviate deviate that is correct Nate up next another editor here I think that he now Bears the onus of spelling well for the editorial staff he does a lot to show off here here we go persistent Nate Dog I don't have Trent I don't have it at all Nate does not think he knows it persistent p e r wow PR is good uh s i s ooh a n t this is Final Answer sound effect is but that was a it's an ent ent I think he might have been sandbagging us then like an ear nose and throat doctor it seemed like it seemed like a bit of a sandbag there Crush like an ant okay wait was it just it's ENT you said a an unfortunately that's wrong up next your word is reconcile reconcile r e c o n oh my pause for one second Tommy smokes has fallen off the back row r e c o n c i l e recile absolutely correct didn't even need to write it on the back even though he was prepared to do so and Tommy with a big distraction there too he got through it despite playing defense there is a defense to be played in the spelling be Frankie you're up next golf chirps from from Rico Bosco your word is negotiate all business from Frankie negotiate n e g o t i a t negotiate that is correct Frankie still alive Here Comes his Fourplay counterpart Trent Trent yeah rank he's comrade your word is evaluate evaluate e v a l u a t evaluate automatic steps up knocks them down beautifully done by one Mr Trent Ryan Tommy a Competition winner up next round you think he has it in him for this one I think that he he puts a lot of uh a lot of weight on himself to be able to win but obviously you hear the booze don't boo nobody F favorite let's see if you can spell this next word derive derive d r i v e derive potentially tricky word he gets it next up is balls GB lny balls around the corner takes a long way took a very long road there to that Podium what Lenny balls your word is encounter e n c o u n t e encounter buy balls and Dark Horse in this competition a very nice and automatic speller obviously very hydrated it must be the body armor it must be the body very quiet smart guy Glenny Pauls too of course underrated Casey up next Casey your word is deviate did I yep we did oh yep yep thank you because your word's above that one your word is determine determine d e t e r m i n e very nice steps up knocks it down reminder to say the word after you're done spelling it John Rich up next John rich a big blogger could this be a strength for him I'm nervous he spends a lot of time around words but let's see if he can spell them without the help of the computer your word is criteria CR i t e r i a criteria oh he did sound very nervous the word stumbled out of his mouth there at the end there's a lot of pressure once you get under the lights and everybody's watching you don't want to embarrass yourself and messing up would truly be an embarrassment $5,000 are on the line what if large messes up here he's a noted smart guy but says he's not a good speller easily tallest here we go large your word is Ascend a s c n d Ascend tricky word but he gets it absolutely no fear from large LGE Pat is up next we will round out the first round with our defending Champion Francis your word is adaptable a d a p t a b e adaptable that is correct Francis fiveyear running Champion your word is appropriate uh a p p o p r i a t e appropriate that is to our first round and we've thinned the herd a little bit but it seems like there were enough easy words that we still have a preponderance of competitors here the most embarrassing moment of the first round has to go to grenell who absolutely boofed that word and when we look at what Jeff vibs did I feel like he really shot himself in the foot there VI was on the right track but he he sped up at the end grenell was almost scrambling the word for us which was unbelievable yeah uh truly unbelievable but now we have you know a a more elevated field of spellers maybe it's time to give him some harder words Frank you're up first the words will increase in difficulty this round r Frank reminder especially for this round you can ask her definition in a sentence origin and part of speech Frank your word is recidivism recidivism what's the sentence for this one of course reism it refers to the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend and for example to use it in a sentence the rehabilit ation program aims to reduce recidivism among former inmates all right um re e c i t i m incorrect Frank reism with a d recidivism r e c i d IV rules gramarly does business and like we said it will get harder in this round Kelly up next Kelly has a lot to say to everybody that doesn't perform so it's really on her back her [ __ ] talk up uh the next word will be list is going to be tough here synth synthesize synthesize I need you to say that one for me synthesize synthesize synthesize synthesize Sy y n t h s i z e synthesize absolutely right automatic from the Greek and she's not afraid Here Comes SAS SAS your word is vicarious uh VI i c a r i o u s very nice very good job by saass he's crushed it so far wrong jety your word is obfuscate can you uh use it in a sentence please uh the white rapper tried to obfuscate his race so more people listen to his Music Fair um definition office Kate to deliberately make something unclear or difficult to understand are you saying obfuscate orisate obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate obate obfuscate o b p h i s c a t e obsc the the the rules obus yes o b Fu s c a t e the rules officials gave him no time to finish that word they wanted him out next up is meek meek Phil magn magnimous magnon magnanimous magnanimous magnanimous magnanimous can you use that in the sentence the only fans girl was magnanimous with the man who subscribed to so many of her accounts can I do I have a double dip absolutely not magnanimous m a g n m a n o u s magnanimous he walked off he knew it Robbie Fox your next word is INS Insidious ooh Insidious i n s i d i o u s exactly right Robbie Fox moves through Grace up next Grace your word is ineffable [ __ ] you um go for a sentence the beauty of the sunset was ineffable ineffable the beauty of the sunset was ineffable leaving the viewers in awe origin origin of ineffable is Latin ineffable the quality of being too great or extreme to be expressed in words ineffable e n e f f a b l e it's an i in word she had all the other letters correct I in the competition anymore pretty good after that first wrong word Here Comes duges an underdog in this competition No One Believes In duges except for himself your word is Galis perfect um seems confident g e r r i l o u s g that's a g a r r u l o u s but that's easy for me I have the words in front of me Fran up next Fran your word is factious oh no oh my God Francis absolutely stunned by the word shocked is Francis factious I don't know if this is a pH or an F I'm G to go p h a f i c i o u s chirp from her sister on the other side of the room Gia f a c e t i o u yeah okay got chirp by Gia on the side there I know jack maack up next your word is exacerbate he's locked in right now Ron aut focus a here's where it get tricky C as s t e r b a t e God no people really love to people love to fly through the end of these words rone next up is Kareem Kareem your word is disperate desperate desperate not desperate correct desperate use it in a two ideas presented were disperate and did not align with one another definition essentially different in kind not allowing comparison K an incredibly fast typer R I'm not sure that really applies here but he's good at typing words spell check has really eroded people's ability to do it on their own agreed disperate Di i s p e dis r a t e parot yeah a in the middle a in the middle the field is dwindling Jackie up next Jackie your word is capitulate what can you capitulate capitulate capitulate to surrender or resisting to give in capitulate [Music] um can you say it one more time capitulate can you say it slower capitulate okay c a p u c a u wait see wait one more time capitulate capitulate c a p i t you CH u l a t e no no no take out the CH take out the CH you have she has not she has not repeated the word remember it's not final to you repeat your word but she can spell it again okay c a p i t u l a t e whoa a little bit quick on the gun there a little yeah a little a little a little quick on the gun but she snatches just a reminder to repeat the word after you're done spelling it unbelievable Rome though yes one of our uh moments that we've had so far beautifully done your bandmate Caroline up next okay your word is equivocate equivocate can you say it one more time equivocate and it's a real word yes can confirm word you use it in a sense the politician tended to equivocate when asked about controversial topics e quu i v it equivocate at at equivocate okay equate tried to tried to sneak in alternate spellings to the end there but it was too late Dana B been pretty confident so far he guaranteed that he'd make it through the second round give a harder one that everybody's getting the same level of hard uh Dana your word is where is it disseminate disseminate disseminate d i SS e m this is the tough one this d i SS e m n a t e disseminate i n a t once again not I in the competition anymore big moment for Marty now who could would survive longer in the competition than Dana I beat Dana here we go Marty your word is or is it tenacious say it again tenacious Tenacious T e n a c i o u s [Music] tenacious lasting a while he's lasting two words down very much officially lasted longer than Dana on the competition fights it it is the loudest clap every time yes fights your word is resilient re e s i l i n t resilient very quick for fights rip through that one cool collected resilient Kevin you're up next your word is rigorous r i g o r o u s rigorous that is correct radio Bosco task up next how do you think Rico's goingon to do here I think that he's uh up to the task your word Rico is Panacea one more time Panacea using a sentence please while the new drug shows promise it is not a Panacea for all medical conditions might have made it harder actually that definition Panacea a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases p a n a CA Panacea unbelievable job by BOS very good job by by Rico Here Comes clemer reminder rone stayed overnight in the city why let's see if the extra arrest has helped out his brain uh your word clemer is where is it supercilious somebody did a Kermit impression I can't believe Mar bu is going to beat me in a spelling be this super is he waving the White Flag already Ron seems as if he's resigned to not knowing how to spell supercilious super cilious s u p e r c i l l i o u s one too many L's taking an L himself Chris clemer is out of the competition kenjack up next I think that's 1 1 kenjack your word is sycophant scant cantant you got it s y c h o p h a n t s y c o p h a n t copin very nice that is correct there Frankie up next Frankie your word is ubiquity all right you can you say yeah okay is uh could you say that again ubiquity as in the golf merch was in ubiquity among all of the brands at bar stool EU b i q UI t y ubiquity correct added a bit of a rogue e there at the beginning EU if he had asked the language of origin it could have helped him the EU is from Greek unfortunately that's a Latin word pick an easy one your word is Serendipity shut up Tommy s e r n d i p i t y Serendipity lucky guest Well Done by Friend R Jake we probably need some more red words in here your word is zealous zealous z e a l o u s zealous that is correct Tommy moves on Glenny your word is synchronize synchronize s y n c h r o n i z synr eyes eyes they're clapping before he's even finished they knew that Glenny right up comes casy Smith reminder to say the word when you're done spelling it that way the the rules officials don't have to determine your word is quandry quandry MHM q u a n d r y to say the word whenever you're done laundry d a r y he left out an a there quander Jackie's respelling really has created a new variable here that they can respell so make sure everyone res say the word at the end John Rich again was very nervous the first time R is he is nervous again you think I think that he has a little bit of confidence for how he did in the first round but people have been dropping like flies in this competition John Rich your word is quick soic a little bit of quick sodic quick sodic we have more words now Q UI c s o t i c I didn't say the word still wrong that's true yeah it was very wrong though large yes you're up next followed by Pat and then Francis ran your word is vastitude what v v vitude yeah uh can I get a definition a change of circumstances or Fortune typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant vitude alternate pronunciation is vitude vitude or vitude vitude or vude vitude is it vitude or vitude they do give you they do give you too but yeah the stitute okay uh v s CI tuu d e make sure b i c i SS i t u d e your word Pat is pneumonia PN EU n m i a pneumonia that is incorrect Pat eliminated with one more person left in this round and that is the fiveyear running champ Francis o n i a is what he was looking for there Francis your word is perspicuous perspicuous perspicuous p e r s p i c u u s perspicuous perspicuous very pers spicuous answer from Fran very difficult word and Francis is correct we now move on to the next round and we are only down to what is it 13 competitors right now notice Francis sitting over by himself in a bit of a Winner Circle over there Francis joins the throngs uh Kelly is up next I got it 13 competitors left and the words have been tough that was an absolute bloodbath of around some very tough words there some that people had never heard of before but that's one of the idiosyncrasies of this competition is true we use that we haven't used it right ah speaking of the word idiosyncrasy that is the word idiosyncrasy idiosyncrasy i idios i d i o s y n c r a s y idiocy that is correct a very difficult word sass second up in round three conscientious conscien what was it conscientious conscientious conscientious conscientious can you use that what is the definition conscientious wishing to do what is right especially to one's work or Duty well conscientious correct correct conscientious conscientious conscientious c o n conscientious I mean that's ridiculous conscientious conscientious is that a I've never heard that word in my entire life like a consci because of his relig Tong twister no I I get that it's a word I know it's a word okay I was going to use it in a sentence for you as a little gift conscientious conscientious c o n s c h e n c h u s what are you laughing at Nate is that your final guess yeah that's my final guess AC everything everything pretty much Robbie Fox third word for you gesticulate just ticulate gesticulate gesticulate gesticulate gesticulate g s t i c u l a t e justicul well done Bob Fox well done Bob foxs his place in round four your word Jackie is vexatious um can you say it again vexatious can you use it a sentence the word was vexatious to the girl who couldn't spell well okay feels like so TI v e ex a t i o o u [Music] [Applause] s quick on the buzzer again yep remember to remember to please remember to remember to repeat the word we you got B you got dinged early remember to repeat the word at the end so we don't wow no idea Marty improbable Journey continues your word inoculate inoculate i n n o c u l a t e inoculate you son of a [ __ ] one n you missed it not me you missed he or heard one end Francis actually already A True Underdog Story worth noting Francis almost clapped that one home he thought that was right I've got the last two that would have been they're Al they're all so confident I almost want to Google it Ron uh one only one n inoculate instead of inoculate is it one yeah one end beginning your word fights is beager I think this is Where I Leave You uh b e l e a g e r leer that is correct he was ready to leave and up comes KFC I hope it's a word I've heard before you could be the first one out of KFC radios crew right now so onus is on him I don't really want to do radio right now so I'd like to keep going Labyrinth oh the Y and the n and th and all that we sing letters out there rone that's the grenell way just scramble them all up you do have to do them in order l a b r y nth Labyrinth incorrect Kevin eliminated the word Labyrinth i n confusing word and another Bites the Dust Rico your word is ephemeral ephemeral ephemeral ephemeral uh use it in a sentence please the man who threw the high no can at his his fellow employee had an ephemeral career at the company eal uh give it to me one more time please ephemeral ephemeral e m I'm sorry ephemeral ephemeral got it ephemeral ephemeral ephemeral e f a m o r o l ephemeral that's where the language of origin could have helped him it's from the Greek so it's e p h e m e r it is there to ask not many have done it Ron but next up is kenjac your word kenjack is querulous what quer querulous querulous querulous using a sense and definition and origin all three complaining in a whining manner or full of complaints all right An Origin quarius comes Latin so it's a coral like querulous querulous querulous right the querulous Karen expressed her dissatisfaction quarius u u e r u l it's got to be like Coral right u quarius quu e One More Time quarius u e r e l o u s qu culus was a u in the middle a u in the middle a u no Trent your word is obstreperous [ __ ] you dude obstreperous one more time obstreperous uh what's the definition noisily and stubbornly defiant boisterous obstreperous obstreperous obstreperous o s p one more time obstreperous obstreperous o r o us s obstreperous he missed an r in there he was saying it correctly but didn't put the r the spelling of the word the beginning would have given it to him Tommy yep your word is perspicacious perspicacious perspicacious language of origin perspicacious I believe it comes from the Latin perspicacious yes Latin and what is it it mean having Keen perception or Insight perspicacious p r SP i c a o us perspicacious he added a t where it should have been a c pers he swapped letters there and he leaves and he left Glenny balls hanging with the high five Glenny balls your word is recalcitrant what recalcitrant recalcitrant recalcitrant I got a sentence in origin I guess yep so recal means resisting Authority Disobedience it's an adjective from the Latin and uh the recalcitrant student refused to follow the teacher's instructions so recalcitrant recalcitrant r e r e c Rec a l t r i t a n t recal a couple too many t c i a n t last word of this round either going to have five or four left cacophony cacophony cacophony cacophony a loud amount of noise c a o p h n y cacophony no no it's O that is not correct that is not correct I said you said a and Y it's an O and Y A you said a and Y a rogue a rogue ding from a rogue D on the rules officials wow wow a Rog ding so absolutely stunning turn of events that was quite shocking franchis is out of the competition leaving us with our four smartest employees into the fourth round there are four of them left it's Kelly kees Robbie Fox fights and Jackie $5,000 on the line body armor water obviously fueling these people's brains they need every ounce of it every drop of body armor for this last round if you are out here and nobody else gets it right you will still be in the competition keep that in mind keep that so not necessarily the last round not exactly yes just remember if you are out and everyone after you and they all guess it wrong as well we go again correct oh cool okay that's actually way that's that's nice Kelly your word in this round potentially the final round is smaron smaron smaron you give me the origin of that smaragd then's origin is from Latin smaragd smorag smaragd smaron SM o r a g d o narag [ __ ] you s m a r a g d i n e first I didn't say [ __ ] to you a lot of trash talking across the office Bob Fox still alive your word is fard fard fard can you use that in a sentence right here scroll that over sorry and language of origin I guess up here too it's from French fard oh he was wearing a pattern silk dressing gown with a fard of the same material fard fard fard fard from French fard fard I don't know if French is a pH or an F I'm going to go f fard f i l l a r d fard a f o u l a but Bob Fox you can stay there for now just in case next two words are the sweat it out words fights and Jackie potential chance to win here your word is kiar aurist what an artist uses the arrangement or treatment of the light and dark Parts in a pictoral work of art Kiara curist wait I feel like everyone's reaction means that I should get a different word I don't think so that's not keep mind the first two in front of you have gotten theirs wrong already okay okay okay okay um can you say it one more time heurist kiar curist kiar curist what's the definition again oh you already said said it okay what's it's an artist who uses the arrangement or treatment of light and dark Parts in a pictoral work of art Kar curist okay what's the origin it's from the Italian and Latin before that helpful no um can you say it one more time slow Karis curist kiar aurist okay no Q IO r o q s s can you say the last part again sorry I don't know if you could do that securist curist can read the whole word q okay going to start over I'll start over q u i o r i s c c you are I O U S I didn't yes a k curist i don't no there was there was at least 15 to 20 letters in there fights this is it no no honestly I don't even know what letters q you it starts with a C so you're just right you're just wrong your word for the win John last sweat it out word you can win the spelling d staff Lakey really oh what's the origin stcky sounds like it's a uh from Greek to Latin to French and the second part is originally Greek so everything all right let's run this back uh St a p h l a c staff look Hawkeye St a p l a AI staff L cocky we go again with these four people nobody wins Kelly up first all right words may be a hair easier through the hard orange final round ones Kaleidoscope oh okay Kaleidoscope we run back the final round again uh collidoscope k a l e i d o s s c o p e Kaleidoscope that is correct your word is Bob Fox to stay alive herang herang herang herang can you use that in a sentence Harang uh the politician D the politician delivered a Harang against corruption a Harang it sounds easy but I have a feeling it's not it sounds like it' be h a r r a n g Harang that is the name of a pitcher from baseball I believe close U at the end uh Bob Fox eliminated Jackie up next your word is hierarchy h i e r a r c h y got say the word hierarchy hierarchy that is correct fights to stay alive fight your word is pernicious pernicious pernicious p e r n i c i o u s pernicious we stay alive right there's three left $5,000 on the line Kelly your word again in the final round is in acious inefficacious okay uh i n e fi c a t i o u s in ficci incorrect Kelly will sit down again c i o Jackie INF fights once again a chance to win Jackie your word is cesco pelan what shut up wait wait wait cesa padan sesa alian what's the origin cesan seems like a Latin word it is latines can you say it one more time cesa pelan characterized by being longwinded you're using long words the spelling be this year has been particularly cesa pelan c e s s q u o he set CES wait this is starting over you're starting over yeah can you can you say it one more time and then we sesa pedalian cesa pedalian c e [Music] s q u o p o d a l i o u s you got say the word again uh I guess SAS I don't know the attempt was there fights once again again a chance to win ainus ainus ainus ainus a t o c p h n u s ainus incorrect again we go again ran how do you feel about the uh how hard these words have been so far do you think it's been a fair be I feel like yeah because some words I know really well and other words I don't I've never even heard them in my life so I feel like it depends are you surprised to see the competitor is that you're you're facing here on the stage at the end no no I'm not because I know that Jackie Jackie always wins stuff like she is always winning stuff low key she's smarter than you think always what does that mean that means that she likes you to think that you're that she's not as smart as she oh she likes you to think that keeps guessing John he I'm not surprised by him either all right Kelly here we go down to three yes okay one winner from these three amarate amarate could you Define it for me to make something better or approve improve to make something better or improve amarate amarate can you give me the origin also the language of origin is Latin amarate amarate amarat a iate a m e a l am e a u r a t e amiliar incorrect she'll sit down again Jackie up again your word is albumin what albumin albumin albumin albumin albumin albumin a lb U m i n l no no no no I take it all back sorry a l one more time albumin a l b u m n Albin that is correct Kelly eliminated fights has to get this right to stay alive or Jackie wins the spelling beat $5,000 $5,000 in cash fights your word to stay alive is mifu maleus malefu malefu malefu Malu you guys have struggled to pronounce yeah I'm an idiot that's why I'm not spelling mulus maleus malefu it's actually on here too um male yeah malefu let's start over fights malefu malefu malefu your word to stay alive m a l i f u l malef m a l i f u l o u s got to say the wordless that means Jackie has won the spelling be has won $5,000 the tricky word of album remember rone she stopped in the middle of the competition and respelled the word and saved herself I think that if we put betting odds on this she would have been one of the longer odds but there you have it $5,000 in her pocket the bar stol spelling be presented by body armor Jackie how do you feel I mean I don't think anyone expected it but good I could the $5,000 I could use it a lot what are you going to use it on I don't know Ren I don't know well it's not having a good answer it's being able to spell words matter here it's not about answering what you're going to do with it it's about spelling right r that is correct final thoughts absolutely unbelievable I think that if you had put odds on this you'd put Jackie at maybe 5,000 10,000 to one a long shot but at the same time as Kelly ke said she's smarter than people think she is Jackie our new spelling be Champion we have a new champion thank you to body armor for Ron I'm Jeff D L we will talk to you next time maybe next year or in five years
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 286,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool sports, barstool, viva la stool, sports news, sports comedy, spelling bee, Dave Portnoy, Barstool sports spelling bee, barstool sports smart, Rone, Lil Sasquatch, the dozen, tournament game, jeff d lowe, Frank The Tank, KFC Radio, KFC, Feitelberg, comedy, Spelling Bee Comedy, Chicks In The Office, Fran and Ria, trivia, 2023 spelling bee, national spelling bee, Francis Ellis, Large Barstool, Fore Play Golf, Frankie Borrelli, Trent Ryan, Spittin Chiclets
Id: _dyZZeQS7PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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