Rico Bo$co Gets Suspended For Throwing A Tasty Beverage At A Co-Worker | Stool Scenes Episode 342

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what quarter you think you'll leave i won't leave do you think it's gonna be a blowout it's not gonna be a block there's a reason to put it sunday night what quarter are you thinking i'm not leaving i'll leave in the fourth quarter when there's no time left and i'll walk out of here with a win so if it's chiefs 28 nothing in the first quarter you're going to stick it out no you think there's zero chance no no there's never zero one to a hundred i told you um [Music] casual homes get covered travis kelsey gets hit by a bus i don't forget some directions tyree kill forgets where the stadium is and chris jones has diarrhea i'll probably take chiefs minus three and a half so that's so foolish it's funny because we were talking about it's like the steelers they can't stop the run and they can't run the ball it's like the two things you need in the playoffs yeah no but [ __ ] i'm rooting for big i think there's actually no way the steelers lose this game this this is what the nfl wants everything is fixed they want big ben to go out with a super bowl i think it's just fixed i think it's destiny team of destiny how were the emotions last night jerry where you were watching that ending sad angry then happy then super happy i mean just up and down the whole night this is amazing they don't give a [ __ ] man yes yes [ __ ] you brandon walker for wishing this was a tie go [ __ ] yourself you better not ever look at me in the office don't ever look at me don't ever look at me ever again ever you see me in the office brandon don't look at me don't make eye contact with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] the devil bro i'm walking over here talking to brad and i get a text from jerry the texas goes stop talking to him don't talk to him on the show today i have to you don't have to do anything i legitimately have to talk to him on the show he smells great today he's gonna get canceled so soon he does this uh blue collar character that's all a lie and he tries to i don't know why he came at me but now he's got an extra character so good for him just more to the act of course he'll be gone by this he got here at 11 he'll be gone by 2 30. so that's all i got to do is wait him out three and a half hours first of all this is the most people in this room has ever been for much to line they used to just be like let's sit down and talk about whatever's on my what thoughts i have or whatever let me tell you it wasn't working it kind of was working but it wasn't working yeah it was fun but this we have a schedule we have a calendar we have this week we have island boys right now we're dealing with the island boys coming on and then bryce hall is gonna crash the stream which should never be a sentence for mush the line and just fight each other i'm like whoa didn't see that coming and then we got the cousins tomorrow then we got little mo mozzarella and then we got sammy adams doing like a diss track against dave coming on thursday and then next week we got braxton barrios arnold schwarzenegger's son like random ass people this is unbelievable i want the most i want to do like celebrity sun tuesdays we have i have uh jerry rice's son on my instagram uh brandon uh pamela anderson's son we got uh yeah shaq's son we got a bunch of sons we got the month of january oh we need we need to get steve aoki ken aoki founder of benihana but yeah so uh i wanna just this is the pre oh yeah bryce about it coming in two minutes uh stefan and then we're gonna test it and hopefully the island boys show up my dms to them are very funny it's just like you can kind of see it it's just like hey man i love your music what one minute after they answered and then everything else is just yup yup okay yeah so we'll see what happens i don't even know what to ask these maniacs i'll just i'm gonna i know you wanted to interview with dave right yeah he went on dave's show i didn't watch that one i only skip around to the inside possible every time i what what's the time till we say they [ __ ] us 245 yeah we're getting a 15 minute grace period yeah i think yeah two forty-five okay so we're gonna get ready to do this i don't know if you're right when is this oh [ __ ] from before all right kelly's show jerry what do you think you think they show up so basically no no yep bryce is showing up he is he is in contact are you in contact with them right now i was in contact with them yesterday they said yes okay and then when you add some meetings everyone shut up 2 227. this show dot so fast if they would show up shut up no i'm just [ __ ] around i mean they said yes it's that's why i waited to let them i even said don't put out the guest list until they say yes and what does that say yeah because i'm an island yes just don't show up for future stuff [ __ ] us over monday morning boys come on have some positivity huh where are we gonna be we got bryce well we don't want hold on we got one they see that no they can't hear well it's 2 31 and we're behind the clock do an instagram video today marty i just i'm calling that yeah cause i got it turned off that makes sense yeah [ __ ] at least got their number what do you mean get that number always ask myself yeah yeah i don't know i don't want the [ __ ] island to sell dude well you want them on your show though well i mean they said yes yeah it's one minute too they're not i need yeah we need positivity dude if you thought the island was gonna be on time you're out of your [ __ ] mind they're gonna show up like 10 minutes late what time is it now 2 30 we'll be here at 2 school like they 40. see me no like we're keeping you backstage and like they can't they'll only be able to see you once we click you on oh that's [ __ ] hilarious and they'll [ __ ] lose their mind why do they hate them again well like bryce yeah i don't really know why don't they like you i mean they just started making videos about me and then i kept replying the uh because one video came out that like bryce was worth like two million dollars or whatever and the island was like what and were they said that the island boys were only worth like 200 000 and they got very upset about that i know that and then they held a lot of cash the same watercat that's the same cash like that's like a problem yeah like there's like don't spend it they just keep doing that all right so i'll i'll spend the link and everything and then um yeah just stay thank you i'll keep watching yeah all right gotcha these guys are like at the beach or something this is bad relax i can't believe it therefore i wonder i went all in on this and used my resources to get sammy adams for the show yes sammy adams really buying into much of mine too he's been tweeting at us he's interacting with everything in about two minutes we got to think of a backup plan because do we want do we want to address the fact that the island boys aren't going to be on and then we work with a crazy person dave tweeted about a benchmark being a jv show obviously he's going to do that and talk about it and he wants that reaction what are you doing what's up woman what that was that's when you had it at time you got like a bad locker and you were fighting you gotta throw the chair a little bit you gotta complain i worked and then i got thrown out of work what do you mean you just got thrown around tommy big time big time time he said get out of the studio what's wrong you got a little slow three times a year where are you sick no performers lose their voice where are you going well so you're not a duke fan no you're not no you're not you have one no you're not a duke you're a bama fan fact that one eyeball i don't care about you asking for free sandwiches in that area that's dave we didn't ask for that i want to talk about the tickets already you asked for the you asked for the fat boys to come paddle you what about the frat tweet who's got the best who's got the wildest guys on campus what oh so rome doesn't do that ass swipe is a video b we're doing a video too you [ __ ] yes i do a video every time so dog this is craziest boys i'm you're my friend i know so don't yell at me for saying that i'm yelling at him i'm not even yelling you i don't care who tweeted it was it your tweet was not the best pizza [ __ ] [ __ ] we made [ __ ] contracts you've gone for fun that's right i have a [ __ ] job things are getting too heated for the game which boys on the campus put out the most we want to come by i'd [ __ ] a college kid if i could keep my job i'd [ __ ] them if it meant they kept the joke because right now the job security is in an all-time low the craziest part about you rico is you hate dicky v you are dickie me when dickeyv fills out his bracket and he's like my photo force duke kids kentucky and ucla baby that's you every year i would take the big scene for more people oh no god damn it you know what and i would root for you to beat cancer i'm like how you rooted against dicky v you wanted cancer to beat him you said i hope i hope cancer finally whacks this guy he's like i hope cancer takes this guy out once and for all why do you hate the badgers what do they do to you don't do some laundry i'm your friend i come in your hole all the time you never come in ever you've never come in my old once no that's serious that's true you refuse to come in my hole yeah i have a lot of money [Music] a lot of money it's a week it's week i've spent a lot of money in an athlete i don't give oh [Music] [Applause] can you admit that's a crazy thing to say when a guy blows his knees down you're worth multi-million dollars okay so you you stand by it okay that play it didn't matter but i would wear pants i had soft dave with him so pile on [ __ ] rico wake tonight funeral tomorrow everybody [ __ ] pile on helps your case it makes sense he saw you burn me burn me that makes sense stop talking to rico brandon psycho i'm just gonna say this right now the second half is for the national championship and the game of the year this room better tighten up this room better [ __ ] tighten up anyone here talks to rico in the second half mental head case it needs to go to betterhealth.com pmt talk to a therapist today go run your [ __ ] face you understand that you [ __ ] understand i'll [ __ ] put it right through you [ __ ] [Music] stop everyone stop everyone stop am i taking crazy pills just shut up for a second it's it's not it's not crazy to have everyone just [ __ ] chill out for a second started the whole thing oh my god we i want people to see it it was the craziest [ __ ] i've ever seen in my life it's an office [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's up what's going on um [Music] everything all right yeah you should land and apologize which is more than i expected um it is what it is [Music] every tuesday yeah never a dull moment already so what happened this morning chuck um yeah so we're sitting here i think we're talking about the bets from last night's game and uh you know they're poking fun at rico losing the alabama bet and then i think he said something to the fact that maybe i should just be a low-level employee that wears orange and roots for a team in the south that's a weird one so then big t kind of took his headphones off and he started saying terrance which then agitate him to the point where he wound up and looked like roger clements in his prime and through that high noon uh high noon which he kept so then i went over and started videotaping talking to big t and he kept saying terence and kept saying it and rico just got up and it got real real fast um i knew i had to get on camera and then it started getting real thank god dan came in uh he broke it up real fast perfect hopefully that doesn't happen again crazy morning crazy start to the morning never ends yeah never ends it felt like it was bubbling over like last night there was a moment where brandon read a tweet about captain khan's coming to the stream and rico started like slamming the water bottle against the wall it did hit me a little bit but rico's always been really nice to me he's always been great to me so he apologized all fine and good when i was getting ready to come to work today obviously my twitter was blowing up and it made me get ready faster because i wanted to come into the office to watch the drama um obviously tossing a high noon full high noon can in someone's head is not the best it was like eraldis chapman just little more thing in that [ __ ] yeah it was it was it was like a 100 mile an hour pitch i would say um but definitely the vibes have been kind of ramping up for something like this to happen and i mean like i said i love rico he's always been very nice to me i am glad he would never throw a can in my head congrats on being one of the first in the office today by the way uh what were your initial reactions to today's actions um look i hate trauma i hate when people don't get along so it was tough to see but it was [ __ ] amazing my god it was amazing it was the best tuesday morning i've had in [ __ ] years it was the fact that i got in just when i did i got in five minutes before that i what are we doing you do this too you do what rudy does where he doesn't put the camera on me it doesn't matter we're [ __ ] cameraman they don't put the camera on the record camera let me know this is a running school scenes bit they never put the camera on though anyway it was great to witness live but you know i i'm glad it missed big t otherwise it's a very different conversation right now man was it exciting okay real quick here before i take off heading back to uh florida the rico bosco incident as the commissioner jury judge executioner of my guys in the content um the attack on big t here's what we're doing it's a serious thing yeah we can laugh because rico is a psycho but we can't have that in the office we just can't have it so here's the punishment effective immediately one month suspension for rico all barstool activities no part in any of them um court ordered anger management therapy that he must attend um and an apology to big t and a zero tolerance policy on it if he threatens any violence ever again no ifs ands or buts about it so that's it uh one month suspension effective immediately anger management therapy must attend apology and a zero tolerance policy that is the court's decision and it is final um can't have it can't win with it can't win with it can't win with it dana do the circle take please data do the circle k tree do the circle kt [Music] you can make yourself harder [Music] [Music] all right we're good ready let's get everyone yeah let's go let's do it all right here we go playoffs this [ __ ] matters oh my god are you wearing that capital girl yes no yes okay what do you mean we have the balls downstairs okay here we go richest people dressed let's do it barstool sports advisors playoff edition wild card weekend we are joined as always with anna tommy and a very special guest [Applause] jersey jerry in dave's uh seat davis in miami jerry don't anyone uh in the youtube comments mention his turtleneck looking a little too tight that's not an issue at all he said he was gonna slim it down for me he's gone under five of their last six playoff games and in general since uh 2003 unders in the wild card round are 46 and 28. that's good john yep that's really good stat tom yep the under was jeff nobody was listening right when you think about pittsburgh when you talk about the steelers they think of jersey cherry i'm an icon in pittsburgh i'm the biggest thing in pittsburgh the steelers are packed big ben is back tedenvelt roosevelt [ __ ] bum i've been to pittsburgh twice uh 86 88 extremely traumatic experience what happened you did too much cocaine no no no no i was dead straight for this one i had a friend in the car he had a loaded gun with me and um basically we were paying a bookmaker that i owed money to because i was shut out with every bookmaker on long island in new york because i lost so much money i needed a new bookmaker and i lost and he was very kind he said to me student don't you think you should stop gambling i'm like no no responsibly as my buddies packing just in case it got a little weird right it didn't get weird 86 and 88 uh no 86 was no gun 88 was a gun got it got it okay good to know come on oh bernie again no no how about levitating i'll do a little bit i don't know do you want to know any of how about something from a broadway show jersey boys no i don't know jersey really what's your favorite song okay i got it strangers in the knife frankie nice nice [Music] [Music] phenomenal power of example yes and just a all-around great union thank you no i just but it's god i love you bit of a woody here we go jersey jerry first time on sports advisors how you feel feel good it was a great show i mean stu i knew he was electric i didn't know he was that electric it was always still it was always the advisors how do you feel about this weekend i feel good about this weekend it's always the steelers um it's my mortal lock give me the steelers give me the dog hungry dogs run faster it was always mike tom and it was always the boys [ __ ] everything jersey jerry is the salt of the earth a legit blue-collar human being wears his heart on his sleeve there's no [ __ ] about him there's no pretense about him he loves people he loves bostol he loves steelers and he loves you and more importantly i love you you ready for lunch today oh absolutely the lunch will be capital grill on wall street how we roll i get a private room and we're treated like kings and queens where we have at least two waiters whipping around on us every second folding our napkin we will have chris style we will be having lamb chops and lobsters and steak and for potatoes and dessert and smoking blunts it's going to be arguably the greatest day of my life not counting having sex [Music] all right [Music] still fancy some rich ass [ __ ] i mean i deserve it but i don't know what y'all do i am the gambler yeah that's true that's true i don't deserve i just stumbled my way into these situations in life somehow well that's all of us yeah if anyone was anyone but not the gambler of the year it's this guy and so i'm pretty lucky to be sitting at this table as well got jess the server jessica right and yeah so all your boys are already here how do you like the setting already how do you like accoutrements unbelievable one of a kind right the bank as you see here from york safe and lock company beautiful ready to roll hi how you doing good i think where we work anything goes to make a joke yeah are you pro or against me dying no i would die if you don't okay i love you unconditionally you know that that i don't you didn't think that was a great tweet it was fun no i was fine like the superstar died the superstar died [Music] but rico of course you know what happened there face you understand that you [ __ ] understand i'll [ __ ] put it right through you well i i asked on sports advisors um for some leniency because since he's missing this which is an epic fail right you've learned this yeah that should be his punishment this is a [ __ ] up group that we got here about as random as it gets but it's solid first let's uh well you have to have a sip no well you're not gonna even have to say no no no okay good give me give me a lesson we'll give it to ev um listen first to your accomplishment with which i think is outstanding it's one of the most impressive things i've ever heard in my life thank you seen it all done at all but 635 document you can pull it up on the internet i love it and that's number one number two your show is uh fabulous thank you it's an honor to be part of it you've always treated me like family so i love you and thank you thank you nicholas ev god bless you i love you i will die for you ev is the only winner at the company i heard this year as he was the gamer of the year i never knew that ev it is an honor to be in your presence still living god bless you god bless now this first of all um this gets mush off his being a deadbeat right that 500.00 no he has nothing to do with this you you offered this are you are you offering this in place of mush yeah i want to squish his debt you're taking care of that no that's dead that's not over yeah that's over all right this is it then tomorrow much [Music] oh [Music] phenomenal belly full of lamb chops and fillet belly full of dom perry on it's way to go out on top sue doesn't suit us that right stu is a living legend he's an icon he's a king he's a god amongst men he brings schlepps like me and mincy and brandon walker from [ __ ] mississippi and louisiana to [ __ ] capital grill in the city in the [ __ ] vault in the vault of wall street banks money i don't have any of that [ __ ] i'm just fat i just talk about sports [Music] hearing some airing of grievances in the dozen supposedly the word on the street is the belt holder chicago are refusing the challenge from the experts brandon and fran and pft i have a real problem with this chicago is an eight c and i believe either 500 or one under 500 and they got a title shot at us that they did not deserve and i wondered when that happened how they even got a title shot with the 8c they hadn't earned that at all i'll give them credit they beat us fair and square i know i sound like i'm being sour grapes but how do they get the right to refuse anybody when they just got in there as an eight seed i love the dozen i love being a honker i love jeffy low but this had to be sad all right fran what's your take on this dozen drama uh i think that's chicago that's a coward move i also think that perhaps jeff should have let us all know that you can just decline challenges that's something that i don't think anybody knew mincy was just saying maybe they would have declined chicago's challenge if they knew they could just decline so now we're just living in madness chaos we got to get a handle on what's going on here we can't just be declining challenges stick you gotta come on you want to talk big game you want to be number one you gotta play the person who wants to challenge you we want to challenge chicago and they're not they're not stepping up to the plate so is this more on jeff or is it more on chicago because obviously he was tough with trista last yeah a couple seasons ago um no it's mostly on chicago because there'd be no problem at all if they had just accepted so that's where the problem started it could have been resolved very quick quickly if jeff had said that's not allowed but apparently it is allowed morning jeff what up so fran and others have expressed some concern about the dozen trivia do you have any word on number one chicago ducking out uh for the crown challenge i think i think brandon is a is a wrestling fan and i think brandon should know better than anybody to let let the drama and the entertainment play out maybe just chill out for a minute there could be there's a lot of things going on a lot of things up some people's sleeves maybe it's more entertaining to let it play out let it happen let's put it back also i think they're in a problem with playing in a week anyway that's my prediction so i think again i think brandon wrestling guy he knows wrestling as well as anyone i've ever met in my life let the fun play out breathe a little bit and i'm playing tomorrow it's next week relax a little bit we'll see he's gonna probably yell me when he walks in so he was very heated yesterday with me so we'll see we'll see how he acts all right stay tuned
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 446,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool sports, college football, dave portnoy, el presidente, football, high noon, sports, stool scenes, rico bosco barstool, ryders barstool, stool scenes barstool, stool scenes youtube, Barstool Sports headquarters, barstool big cat
Id: dLoQVAj6qTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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