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he is a fortnight's here so there's something else something big don't you think don't you think I think the secrecy is Big Rumble what do you think this movie is about okay uh announcement time kind of big one so as of this moment while you were watching this video I have purchased back Barstool Sports from Penn so that is right it's back to the pirate ship so welcome back back in control [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] uh everyone's in the gambling cave because all of our office is in in desks or chairs everything's been turned to dust uh without any real warning we all kind of thought I think the same thing that it would happen over the weekend it happened to the weekend that we had today to get all of our [ __ ] out we were sorely mistaken uh everything's gone and now we're all kind of stuck together the work area did you guys know about it happening okay tell us let me tell you something else we're at work we're at work so there's a big fuss about laptops you're being stolen they don't know where they are there was a point in time I didn't own a laptop and they were laughing at my face Who's laughing now I have nothing missing if you're still blogging on iPad the keyboard it's five years here full time never given a work laptop not my fault where you at Pete you're never given one no I mean it's probably gonna look really nice when they're done but I I mean Panthers they're doing desks now that was patronizing your little place the seating chart came out are you guys happy with your seats are you kidding no and the creation is I think I I thought me and Enrique were Pals now I'm like by Erica's office across from Frank the Tank I'm a Windows guy I'm a corner guy I'm not I I can't sit across I love the tank but I can't sit there I'm gonna be hearing about the medicine [ __ ] in like February new digs Frank new desk kind of like the old way better what do you sit across from I don't know yet there's no Law and Order here we gotta side seats but everybody's trying to trade seats it's like we have seats you don't know what to do what I'm told I'm a good soldier I like rules I like whoever's trying to trade everybody's trying to trade I'm not trying I just I just want I just feel like I'm out of the loop the Law and Order you gotta see you're sitting there that's it maybe Dave and Erica wanted you to be out of the loop yeah maybe they did yeah let them know so you're not happy with your desk on all of them I'm fine with every the way everything is what do you think the little battery icons going down how fast can you get a Blog out let's go let's like yeah yeah so you say you're enough it's warming up with a donut on your back then when you get electricity you have to crank out your blogs with as much battery as you have it's pressure can you blog Under Pressure completely goes out what happens go take a nap [Music] toys yeah he packed up all of his little toys and had to move across the country and have enough room for him Show Me Your Eyes I've officially traded my desk with Devlin oh no compensation needed just straight up one for one the deal is in at the megatronic kind of got offered out of nowhere I would have loved to have a window I thought about having Ken Jack try to figure out how can you give me a window seat there there was no alley to that I'm not content I'm safe over here I don't have a desk a different thing they gave me Jesus dude what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this wait what the [ __ ] I don't like this at all I don't got a desk [Laughter] there's writing on the wall and I'm getting scared I'm literally you're just gonna claim that gaz's desk again like you did Alaska Oh Billy Billy's second guessing that decision now isn't he doesn't even have a desk I want you I mean I have somewhere you can sit Philly I feel like we just washed ashore from like a plane wreck I'm also looking for our belongings like I said even seen my granddaughter would have watched situated all that this cannot be on my mind a book about drag queens vaginal telescope a hot black athlete you can see because there's um nail polish and semen on there so that's how you know it's mine there it is what is Tom Brady's ball doing here hashtag deflate game what city is in there what does she look like it's kind of blockheadish why are you so obsessed with Smitty's I'm not it's a [ __ ] it's all over my my plant walls maybe she should work from home she's not on the schedule last week there was a lot of were adults we don't need to be told where to sit and then everybody came in today and sat exactly where the season chart told them to come on I'm worried that when the full Chicago move happens the way that the New York City office is currently structured compared to the way the Chicago office will be structured we will be left in the dust in New York City but what do you mean left in the dust we'll just do it one of as much fun or no it's not about fun just about output funding uh the way we're viewed the way it looks on social the way people pay attention to Chicago compared to New York I think but you can't always control the way that you're viewed as an office I think we should be more Hands-On in ensuring our survival and I know you've had these similar conversations I've had yeah but I'm not like [Music] well I mean you you can't just Hammer me about the details when I know you've had these exact same conversations to be proactive but so let's talk about this conversation I just don't want them to say all right like wash our hands off his Ikea couches connect forever done right and so you think that that's a half-assed sex yeah the couches and connect Fours has been success I don't like when people complain without a better plan I am being proactive on that I am gathering information from everybody in the office about what we need and want and could use and I'm relaying this to the powers I want to speak for the people who are scared to speak I can't throw business more people under the bus it's not my roles not my job you can't say it there's cameras on but I can't do it that's where you were so good on a radio you help people what happened I went on Yak yesterday and they wanted me to like trash the business floor and I was like I'm not going to do that for what incompetence but I'm not going to do that why not my not my role Dave doesn't want me to be the dog he wants me to be Zen I'll be Zen whatever the leader says what do you think this meeting is about five more years a day not a probably CEO no Robbie CEO yeah we're sorry Robbie CEO of content if you think this isn't good news you're insane I think it's definitely not conducive Dave what are you doing wacky bits with me if it was bad news you marked this footage and then once they make this good news announcement in a few hours you find me I'll give you like the Jim Halpert like smirk like tone of yourself I hope you're right I am right I'm always right what's the big announcement you ain't going nowhere you're staying why wouldn't it be it's a pretty big announcement why can't you say it now because nobody's panicking me that's totally it because he's been on vacation three weeks in the last four he's fourth year for six months so no Rico today I'm sorry like people think we joke he's literally been on vacation three last four weeks yeah he worked for six months and took three weeks vacation it's incredible I've been here for 20 years I've taken one week he thought that he probably he said he thought they had five weeks he's like that's why I got the fire department is he in Aruba right now or something in the middle of summer it's crazy I didn't send any emails about the [ __ ] seating chart I heard there's a tree we're about to make some trades we're gonna get the band back keep Jack away from me oh all day that's the top of the meeting's about we're having a meeting on the roof of the Empire State Building Kareem yeah you don't have a desk no I took the Mean Girls desk why I hope they haven't been in here in do you not like them no I love them Rico figured the number two should be here for the big meeting is when Dave hands over the equity this is the moment it's been a prank this whole time yeah I think it's to go over uh the seating situation to happen this year no I think it's because he resigned thanks Robbie Foxx is the new CEO that's the other room is those the rumors it's either Dave resigned or Robbie's the new season well I mean you're here for the first time in six months um Dave's here Erica was in a pretty good mood yesterday which is strange so there's something though people said it's because we don't have a basketball court in New York City because Jack Mack hit 600 000. there's a lot of people oh jackpot can do with anybody so that's not a big deal I've heard and this is just rumbling so like I'll know that kind of be in charge now like Dave's handing off the company to me officially Robbie had to text me this morning and said did you hear what the news is about he's promoted the CEO Robbie Robbie I think it might be like Robbie's new Eric on the new days like it's like that's like CEO for Compton yeah Robbie's like convinced he's the new CEO so Tom chief of content chief of content yeah Robbie CEO got to work what do you think the meeting is about Ria um Robbie becoming CEO obviously that's what I hope it is I think everybody's been talking about it for I'm hoping it comes to fruition the rumors have caused pen stock to go up like 15 percent if you look at the ticker there's the word got out and they believe it it was a big day for me it's huge it's a long time coming I know we've been talking about it for a while for years since we started basically I didn't think it would come this fast so unexpected I wore my best shirts we'll talk about that later he demands a lot of you know doesn't bring in the page views like he used to are you gonna be sitting here no I'll be up there I'm taking over Jay [Laughter] if anything I'm the new CEO that's not what people were rumbling about I did hear that Robbie the CEO and I think it's deservedly so I mean he's got the collared shirt on look I was tinting his hands Tommy's new president of this office and much to the dismay of Tommy smokes there's a new sheriff I view myself as the new Jay [Music] it's like succession like we've known for a while somebody's gonna take over today's the day we didn't expect it am I still here yeah of course he's ready to go it's different because we're usually given notice and today it's just like hey by the way there's an important meeting earnings call tomorrow Jazz took the tomatoes after the meetings after the market closes yeah you know just earnings is today I gonna have some facts you know we follow it this year Dave Dave's here me Erica I'm here something big don't you think don't you think big cat would be here no no honestly no it's the New York office if it's not involving him why would he shut it down we just get this wall repainted you're the CEO you tell us oh for Jay oh you're taking Jay's job yeah you're staying no she's staying oh I'm out it's gas station it's the first order of business what are you doing about the desk situation situation is a tough one people are people are upset about it I think we need more people on top of each other more desks when all the guests come in to go this way instead of that way because then that would make more interaction there'd be more stuff going on like the old office when you come off the elevators I appreciate it but no I appreciate that thank you so much what do you think the meeting is about today I would say Rico Bosco's job security [Laughter] okay uh and have some time not a big one so a chakra I would actually say so as of this moment and we're going to put up a little press release in a little bit and then just did it we're no longer a pen company uh we've gone Separate Ways I bought back Barstool so I own all of it now um [Applause] thank you because they had an opportunity with ESPN it ended up being like really good for us and probably a spot we want to be anywhere anyways excuse me where we can go back to just being ourselves we don't have to worry about you know what we say what we do I have no plans ever to sell Barstool again um I've already you know made the money that I need to make uh this is just a place where I want to be like the best content on the internet and funny people working hard and that's all you got to work with uh Rico also on vacation like that type of [ __ ] won't fly that's how you know repo is now on a year-to-year contract in the next two thousand years um I can't stress this enough this is a very good day from Barstool and everybody here work hard do your job well and this should be like a happy fun place to work as much as you know the needs of the world can make it more the big thing is go make content be great at it have fun this is an electric amazing place to work this is a once in a lifetime story so I think this is great it's a very good day for parcel for sure so thank you and uh you know to another million years I guess yeah foreign [Music] I'm glad everyone's happy but I guess I'm not getting promoted it's like I'm not here it's like I'm invisible I was a contender for CEO everyone knows I was being discussed my only question is is mincy coming back only question I mean to be fair it's always been concerned about for months yeah every day comes to work crying this guy hasn't been funny in two years and now he has the chance to do it guys it's gonna be great everybody was Doom and Gloom this morning I said it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's going to be good nobody believed me eight eight good day good day parcel Sports right let's go a great day to be a team Portland man we've never had a meal together we've never you are invited I would love to wait it's not gonna be me and you so God it's so good to be back people hate this stock market up 30 percent it's DT DTG back now well that wasn't why it wasn't money I'll probably have to negotiate with them versus myself and see foreign [Music] you're coming back right [Applause] yeah I mean like that's even a question you know I told I told you I to bring watch over those other offers you were by you were always my guy always well you bet you're back I mean there's no chance of hell I'm not I mean I'm the happy I mean I can't even tell you how happy I am right now and I just appreciate you giving me this opportunity and I I just I I feel like I'm floating in space all right well we'll we'll get it all papered up we'll just switch it from Brook back to Barstool and uh we're good to go we're done all right I love it all right thank you thank you so much for everything and uh like I said my dad like almost started crying when I gave him that watch so much yeah it was a little blurry but you can see the tears through the fog but uh Missy's back we're back just straight I love it you said that just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in like I said in the Gleason video too I thought that you snapped out yeah all right I'll talk to you soon oh my gosh all right let's do it can't wait all right all right [Music] I don't even know how a canopy came to me quickly so like the pen had to go a different direction because the regulatory [ __ ] which I get uh I want to make sure bar stools you know Barstool so the opportunity basically Rose for me to [ __ ] buy it and I bought it and now you know the nates of the world are [ __ ] safe because who knows what would have happened in you know Dave less barcelis ecosystem and all these little people out there I mean Glennie balls Nate Dogg we got a lot of people there who have no life skills maybe outside these doors Oscar boss well Bosco Bosco he's gonna have to fight for his salary that was sort of the incentive me and Dan were talking like if we do this boss goes then on the hook to like beg for his [ __ ] supper every single year so I'm excited about that especially no more three three week vacations from Moscow that's ending but yeah it's a great day so what actually happened it was Saints it was it was it was seen from I mean could not be more perfect for a guy who doesn't Gamble and and lets it fly it says a lot of dumb [ __ ] on the Internet it's a great day to be me it's a great day to be me that's this is called the whole second command thing was a joke you got Equity you got a dinner I mean is that what you're wearing I did it yeah this is this is a fit right here you definitely can't wear your backpack or your hat and your glasses oh yeah eighth grade kill yourself [Laughter] I've been talking about that for six months like about how once my thing's done I'm out Ken's gonna look down the roster and go who's there cross me off yeah he's another guy probably pen would have been like all we hear is how dumb he is it's like well he hired him a long time foreign what time is it right now 9 45. we've got a couple people over here these [ __ ] don't show up I'm only in office for [ __ ] week what the [ __ ] are these idiots doing this is a disaster and we're not talking about Cy Young Ted Williams we're talking about Smitty Glennie Marty Tommy this section over here if they die nobody would notice and they can't [ __ ] get in here sorry the whole [ __ ] place is it I went with company for less than 24 hours and nobody's here crazy what time do you get in you weren't inside no I got it first day you can't beat me in I took your dinner what the [ __ ] you complain about everything else now this place is dead of [ __ ] Ghost Town how's dinner last night dinner was really good we had a really good time yesterday great day I was ended up being correct about everything uh dinner was lovely we had some sushi some steak some bread some drinks came in a little late today and at the bottom you weren't here either nobody was here what time do you get in kitties you weren't in Caroline not in nobody what were you shooting what were you shooting good so anybody probably did way more work this morning than any of the people here you should have seen the strides I was making there was nobody in there that place was dead ass empty day one of me owning and no one can show up Bobby Fox could diarrhea That's like [ __ ] uh Tommy lights I didn't I don't like driving uh early because of traffic what come on me right now taking notes baby no I'm trying to see why I wanted to run down quite the fall from graceful CEO one day the next that's what happened even CEOs [ __ ] happens and we walk in no one's [ __ ] easy no one it it was so stunningly silent voice of God yeah give me like a 15 count and then we're good I mean he's awesome that's the type of what I expected senior people seven blogs in all of July found you the whole list what else does he do nothing right he's a stay-at-home so he's just doing nothing he's robbing occasionally he comes in for pick Central he's robbing us Smitty's robbing us we're getting robbed basement Smitty God bless him he said Penn offered him for four four months maternity leave that's okay so I don't know people have babies been non-stop I was here until about midnight last night woke up in a panic uh adding everything to the prep sheet as Dave tweets and eviscerates Smitty just making sure we have every tweet on there I think it's going to be great it's just uh [ __ ] show right now but we're ready for this week I think I legit had a dream about case about uh partial radio you slept good for you how's it feel to be back on the ones and two unbelievable I mean it's next I'm gonna be doing a pizza review you know yeah we thought we had it good on the golf course and we're right back into the rat race great day for barcel for Frankie he's back on the train probably where I belong all right so I won't be using my computer today yeah okay that's fine did you see those sign outside it's who do you think is the most nervous for Dave to be like back in the office you were Costco yes welcome back to the greatest reality show on the planet Earth Barstool radio is back I felt like for the first time in maybe 10 years I was a fan again the uh difference in the company the culture the vibe was I think palpable to say the least like I hung out till like seven o'clock last night just like goofing you know what it really was everybody just hung around the clown on nape what's up dog what's up how was dinner dinner was lovely yes are you on is it my gun yeah Frankie hasn't worked in three three years [Music] saving the dog already a major change is is going to be I told Smitty like you're not a stay-at-home Dad at work like dad's out if he wasn't at home go go work somewhere else but like either be in the office or don't work here so if your Nate Dog Tommy smokes the loser pen you better [ __ ] be here you should almost want to be here you know it shows that you don't have any appreciation at all like you're you're just taking this all for granted that's what it shows it's more that it like it just kind of it's like you showed your true colors a little bit where it's like there wasn't one part of your brain that said like I should be there or I want to be there like I work from home in the morning then I I got here at 10 30. but I think the vibe should be like on the network of the office today because it's day one of like the new you know yeah but obviously in retrospect yeah like that's Robin That's steel so we gotta change that like she needs me to keep this place going awesome no music it was it was chaos you guys lose audio oh I got a notification on my whoop that I had hit a massive stress moment around like 1 30 nightmare I mean you were [ __ ] it up pretty bad but when we went live it was it was nothing was ready everything I was hitting wasn't going out to the thing I'm like so I turned around there's a guy working in there and he was like freaking out and he just left the room and I go where are you I said when you leave the room where do you go because you left room three times and he goes I'm gonna look for Pete so I walked over to Pete I said Pete you get your [ __ ] ass in here I said your room is [ __ ] crumbling that's what I said to him and he came in and we fixed it Dave Dave people are asking are we gonna get ubereats money so they cut it off we got 80 a month I thought it was 80 a day so you want to show up at noon and eat instantly yeah you know how much better my life would be if I could just show up at noon and have free food improve around this report the advances of everything so like maybe if you're good employees and get here on time and like don't stack vacation weeks on top of vacation weeks what time do you get here today I took you to dinner yesterday and you took advantage of me yeah as we're walking out like ordering extra glasses of wine and like putting them in his pot it's not true I was gonna think I just got here the funniest Daily Mail online yes Dave porn calls out [ __ ] brain dead bar so employees for not showing up in office on first day back every bought the company the picture just empty seats business is booming do it again it is Thursday August 10th back on Barstool radio live we can have uh Barstool radio with um me and Dave it could be Barcelona radio with Tommy and Riggs it could be on Sirius it could be on YouTube it can be new old there's a running theme of just Smitty getting dunked on by somebody at some point I think we'll probably hear from him today I don't know for sure but he was obviously the focal point of a lot of uh of [ __ ] yesterday I I've heard through the grapevine he is very very pissed I don't know is he if he's in or wants to come in oh no here we go here we go everyone kind of like pretend to like me here and I got you guys all these baseball bats like I thought I pretend to like you I like Smitty I so Dave has been you know going in on you did you talk with him afterwards or was there any no I was I was going to talk to him today he texted me in Dave's style uh what do you do here you wrote seven books all July had a kid on May 29th and was maternity leave until recently we'll be blocking more but things have been going on blah blah blah are you still in paternity leave not technically but like be honest like I probably should be I was offered 16 weeks by pen and I said I only needed four to six Penn doesn't own Barstow anymore I do and I expect people to earn their salaries I can't control a when my kid's born and B what Penn offered and what I took for paternity leave I can't go back in time he's gonna be like I don't give a [ __ ] what Penn offered you or what you did take or didn't take he would you know throw his baby out the [ __ ] garbage and come to work the next day I don't know it seems a little tense on there somebody walked into the baseball bat it is brutal but it's just kind of there's quite the intimidation yeah I mean if any person is standing around holding a baseball bat in their hands for an hour I think people are going to be like at this point I mean your your history with Dave is a long-storied one can I straighten up one thing that I said yesterday yeah it'll give us whatever [ __ ] about shower game I don't give a [ __ ] about that I told him this a million and one times I don't care that you fill me in the shower I don't give a [ __ ] Dave that you feel me in the shower is that clear enough Jay pointer doesn't lie he doesn't lie he doesn't lie but there's a lot of revisionist history when it comes to me some of it's true some of it's bad some of it is just like a little out there and I appreciate Dave I love Dave I I'm thankful for the opportunity that he has given me and will continue to fulfill my contract but Jesus Christ especially when I have a family and he's I'm trying to explain to him like what's going on the weaponize social media against me like that whether he meant to or not it sucked and it sucks for my family it's gonna be that way I know I know and that's what I signed up for when I started working in 2011 I don't know if I can do it after my contract yeah you're out I don't know I I I'm gonna have that discussion with my family and also to clear something up I live two and a half hours away and I've been up here pretty regularly ever since I live basically a half hour closer than Jeff and do who never [ __ ] came up but okay so this is the point I think this is Dave's point I get that I sympathize with that but that is a choice you made to live far away from your job I know I've made that choice I made that choice which was approved in 2020 now streaming and there was radio and there was a difference there's also a difference between approved and is this good for your career you made a work life choice his point of view is that is not neither here nor there because you just need to do more work that's fine but you make a choice between family and work and one of them suffers and when work suffers your boss is not gonna be happy you know it's that honestly is it fair no I [ __ ] lost uh you know I had a failed marriage why like largely because of it like it's it's it's a tough 24 hours I'll get over it I'll be fine and we'll get back to normal I'm definitely I'll be here blogging yeah oh I think that's all fortnite is always right for five years I haven't come at them five years I'm not even coming at him now like I love Dave I'm very grateful he came in here slamming the bat he's coming out hit him that's what that's what the bat down I think we don't feel a little more comfortable with the bad one absolutely this is the only thing I found this is the only thing I found from my desk everything else is throwing out oh yeah Joey apologizes for that you threw out all your stuff whether I'm here or not after three years well I'm here or not before then I'll figure it out I'll be fine I'm a big boy I can take it it's just when things seemingly out of my control get exasperated like yesterday and it spills over if you do better at Barstool it it's worse at home and when you do more at home it's worse at Barstool and that's probably a lot of jobs but it's very heightened here I'll put it out there again I love Dave I have no problems with him personally I thank him for everything there you go Dave thank you and if you you want me a minute I'm the Cherry case I'm a charity case sure Dave I admit it I'm a charity case there quoted it all right uh as far you know when you are in the blender it is everything that went I don't really care when he put the headphones on when he was coming in oh my radio was so [ __ ] back it's not gonna lie this it was tough for me to keep my mouth shut this is good I'm happy I'm ready to roll let's go how you doing you look fabulous yeah wow this looks like this looks like a phone operation right now hello Dave I promised I would never touch him again and I almost tried to tongue kiss him but I pulled away it was a good recovery but he was like do you remember you know like it was like you remember you know look at him the Bold showings ready to roll [Music]
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 667,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barstool sports, barstool, viva la stool, sports news, sports comedy, stool scenes, dave portnoy, smitty, barstool nate, $1, portnoy yells at employees, $1 deal, penn stock, barstool radio, el pres, barstool sale, business, mintzy, penn entertainment
Id: UC94xsIMf1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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