BARRY MORPHEW THEORY #1 - The Mountain Lion & The Plot Twist - Part 1 Series

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welcome to what's a crime i'm linda and today  we're going to be taking a look at barry morpheus   mountain lion theory with a plot twist now  that i'm getting a clear picture and asking   questions in the timeline things are starting  to piece together bit by bit so i'll combine   barry's personal theory with suzanne being taken  by a mountain lion and show you a working theory   of mine it's getting very very interesting but  before i get into it if you'd like to be part   of the it's a crime community please click that  subscribe button below hit that notification bell   please share this video where you can and  please give it a thumbs up now let's get into it when a loved one goes missing or killed one of  the first people that law enforcement looks at   is the spouse either to rule them out or  count them in and many times it is the spouse   that's responsible that's just the way it is in  suzanne morphy's case we can see throughout the   investigation that many things are pointing  to the suspicion of barry suzanne's husband   by law enforcement we see that authorities were  searching their house and for 11 days and a crime   scene analyst states with a house search for 11  days it's most likely to recreate a crime scene   authorities went back to the same house two months  later in july with another search warrant law   enforcement won't acknowledge the money that barry  put up as a reward for a hundred thousand dollars   and the other hundred thousand that was matched  from a friend the fbi are involved and well if it   was a mountain lion attack i don't think the fbi  would be called in do you let's just put that out   there and barry's electronic vehicle information  or evi on the truck isn't lining up with what   barry is saying barry's mechanical thing he did  to the bobcat doesn't line up either with what   he's saying to the authorities he did admit that  in an interview that there was a discrepancy on   the bobcat the camera footage at the broomfield  hotel was requested by the authorities as well   as in the neighborhood and barry's phone and  truck were taken by the authorities although that   could be standard in a case like this authorities  wouldn't let the firefighters help in the search   why would that be that's my question why is that  so i'm going to start off with a few key points   about barry now before i get into his mountain  lion theory barry is known to be an avid hunter   and an expert tracker according to what suzanne's  brother andy has said and tracking is the skill of   following a person or animal by the signs they  leave behind when a man or animal moves over   or through the natural environment they alter  the appearance of that environment and create   disturbances in it by detecting these disturbances  or sign and determining whether or not his quarry   or target created it a tracker is able to follow  the quarry or target now just those skills alone   he would be an invaluable resource when looking  for suzanne in the woods agreed one would think   that a huge search with hundreds of searchers with  his brother-in-law he'd be one heck of a resource   only he didn't participate and the question is why  now i'm not asking what the answer that barry gave   i'm asking why and what i thought of was because  he'd have to show up that day with his skills   barry does know the difference in animals if he  was a tracker for humans he'd know the difference   between a woman walking and a man i don't know  if he has those particular skills in humans but   he is an expert in tracking which makes this  mountain lion theory very very intriguing   now barry also has a landscaping company as we  know and he has equipment like a bobcat barry also   has a few theories about what happened to suzanne  and i will explore each one in a separate video   in a series so now let's dive in and  talk about the mountain lion theory from   barry and i also want to say that the bike  is connected to barry's mountain lion theory   as a reminder so he tells morgan his employee  that on monday a mountain lion got suzanne   and took her up the hill he tells tyson draper  in his video with them that his theory about the   cat drags his prey even though the police ruled  it out within the first few days tyson draper's   video was on june 1st three weeks later now he  also says that the police botched everything   and the evidence on sunday barry asks the neighbor  to go to the house to check if suzanne is there   neighbor says no but the cars are barry asks what  about the bike she goes back to check and no bike   and the bike is found down the ravine on sunday  night and it also rained from what barry stated   so now let's talk a bit about the mountain lion  in north america mountain lions eat mainly deer   but they also eat smaller animals such as mice and  rabbits these cats have a poor sense of smell but   they have excellent vision and hearing that help  them hunt in the early morning and evening hours   their powerful hind legs enable them to jump  as far as 40 to 45 feet or 12 to 13 meters   the carnivores stalks its prey until an  opportunity arises to pounce mountain lions cash   their prey or hide it under leaves and soil where  they can come back and feed on it over the course   of several days so they drag their prey somewhere  where they can cover it up so as a tracker you'd   see drag marks foot tracks etc and perhaps that's  why barry mentioned it rained it would wreck the   tracks or marks notable though there were no signs  of suzanne anywhere with that bike down the ravine   or traces of a mountain lion getting her or even  a piece of clothing from suzanne here's what says about human encounters  human encounters with mountain lions are rare   and the risk of an attack is infinitely small  you are more likely to drown in your bathtub   be killed by a pet dog or hit by lightning  if lions had any natural urge to hunt people   there would be attacks every single day instead  they avoid us and i did have a look at the list   of fatal attacks from a mountain lion and the one  that i read from colorado was on january 14 1991   and i did wonder why there wasn't any mention of a  bear attack or how that wasn't even an option why   a mountain lion colorado has very similar terrain  to canada and western canada from where i am from   and i do know that there are black bears in that  area now barry did mention uh there was a sighting   in the area of a mountain lion in tyson's video  so perhaps that is why barry mentioned it now   let's go to the timeline and i'm going to show you  how barry's actions will support his own mountain   theory plan if he was in fact responsible for the  disappearance of suzanne keep in mind that both   the mountain lion and the bike throughout this  is connected so let's start saturday morning   barry's employee morgan gentile says she thought  she was gonna work all day at the riverfront   property barry was hired to work on instead barry  tells morgan that he has to go make his wife   happy by doing a little hiking or biking so they  finish work at 11am notable this day suzanne and   barry's daughters are on a camping trip so it's  just suzanne and berry for the weekend my question   is though did barry and suzanne go hiking or  biking that afternoon and did barry deliberately   plant the seed of the idea of biking when talking  to morgan it's possible from that statement it   also could mean that suzanne and berry would have  gone biking and hiking in the past he says he has   to go make that a wife happy by going hiking or  biking maybe they went often now at 4 pm reports   are saying that suzanne and barry went to go get  a sandwich and after that it's a mystery as to   what time suzanne actually disappeared now follow  along on this potential theory i'm working with   and my spidey senses are tingling on this one  let's just say and it is a working theory but i   believe this is a highly likely scenario at this  point so barry and suzanne go get a sandwich f4   and then something happens to suzanne we know that  her texts to her friend suddenly stop that's the   last anyone has heard from suzanne we aren't sure  of the time yet so barry comes up with this theory   of the mountain lion and he's hanging on strong to  that theory as we see throughout the investigation   so the question is what does barry need in order  to support the theory of this mountain lion   he needs a bike a cat and an  alibi let's start with the bike   so something happened to suzanne and i believe it  happened inside their home and authorities look   like they believe the same thing only because of  the 11 day search and the second time coming back   now barry thinks of this mountain lion theory and  decides to use her bike to support it he helps   stretch the timeline by going onto facebook and  friending these guys known to andy proving that   suzanne is still at home and alive barry then  chucks suzanne's bike in his truck drives up the   street chucks the bike over the bridge and into  that ravine then he continues on because he still   has a situation on his hands he still has suzanne  so he is going to need a little bit of help so he   drives to the riverfront property which is about  a 20-minute drive away and i thought to myself   why would barry go in the middle of the night  to the riverfront property why and i know a   lot of people thought that he would go there to  maybe dispose of suzanne or do something there at   the property and even though we did see cadaver  dogs pick up something on that site ascent i'll   address that a little later so i ask myself why  and then it hits me he's not going there to get   rid of anything he's going to pick something up  his bobcat the neighbor states that she heard the   equipment running in the middle of the night for  about a half an hour and she found that strange   and barry would need some equipment to help  hide suzanne and bobcats have attachments as   i explained in the last video so he drives to  that location he goes and gets the ramps out   to load the machine he loads the bobcat and if  he has a few attachments he needs he's going to   have to load those two while running it then  he needs to secure the bobcat on the trailer   now i have a family member who has 15 years of  experience working with bobcats so i gave him   a little call and what he told me was very  interesting information i have even more   to add about that but i will do that in  another video in this series it has to   do with a possible location so stay tuned for  that i'm investigating so my family member said   that with setting up the ramps plus loading the  equipment and then chaining or restraining it down   it could easily add up to a half hour so  now we are getting somewhere so my theory is   barry doesn't dispose of the body there he takes  the bobcat on a little trek and he drives back to   the area of maysville possibly a little further  now between 12 and 4 a.m is when i believe things   are really happening after people are asleep  and the town of maysville and salida go quiet   barry would know that as he's lived there for  two years so it takes 20 minutes to get to the   riverfront from his home in maysville then about  a half an hour to load the equipment and another   20 minutes to drive back to maysville which is  now heading to be almost an hour and a half we are   hitting on around 1 30 in the morning potentially  if he left after friending the guys on facebook   and planting the bike now the beauty of the bobcat  possibly on barry's bobcat is that there wouldn't   be any gps information on it some newer series  have it but my understanding many bobcats don't so   freeze a bird really to go wherever you want one  could even park the truck unload the bobcat and   go where you need to go now an interesting little  info snack is the maysville area wasn't so warm   that evening of may the 9th and in the middle  of the night it was 34 degrees at 1 00 a.m   and it even dropped to 28 degrees that's below  the freezing point so the ground is going to be   a little chilly let's say and frosty and probably  a little bit hard and the higher you go up the   mountain the colder it's going to be and harder  to dig right now when i was talking to my family   member he mentioned a cold ground and if it was  a bit frosty it would be harder obviously to dig   and take a little bit longer i asked him about  a timeline if somebody wanted to say hide a body   and dig down make a hole then cover it up and plus  taking into consideration the time it takes to   chain up the equipment again while unload the  equipment chain up the equipment and change out   attachments depending on how many is needed i also  said what if this person is very meticulous who's   doing it and wanted to make sure it was very well  hidden and untraceable or untrackable he told me   two to three hours he didn't even know the details  of my timeline and this actually sends chills   right down me because from 1 30 to 4 a.m when he's  reported to be rambling down the road texting to   gather people for broomfield from 1 30 to 4 a.m  is two and a half hours now my question is did   barry take that bobcat with him to broomfield or  did he drop it off either at his house or back   at the riverfront property so now here comes  the alibi we know at 4 00 a.m from reports   that barry's texting and rambling down the road  at four in the morning trying to gather people   he now needs a really good alibi for mother's  day because he needs to stretch that timeline   again and have that sunday where suzanne goes  missing so he texts the workers at 4 00 a.m   morgan states it sounded like barry had the  worst night of his life you got that right   barry then stretches that timeline again by  creating the story of seeing suzanne at 5am there   are discrepancies to his story as he's reported  to give two versions but he creates the story of   seeing suzanne at five remember he's creating  his alibi so at 4 am he heads to broomfield   possibly even at 5. now here's a problem the evi  data on his truck does not match up to what he   says happened he says he was home at five evi  shows 4am in the truck on the road does he go   back home is the question or does he keep on going  so from maysville to broomfield is around a three   hour drive it's 157 miles one way and a 174 mile  to drive the other route in tyson's video he said   he went to denver to set up a job for his workers  for them on monday now there's a discrepancy again   why did the workers arrive on sunday if he was  saying he was setting them up for monday what's   the rush and at 4 00 a.m seems a little extreme to  set up a job for monday and call his workers the   way he sounded in tyson's clip was it was planned  well beforehand as if he casually went to denver   and set it up for them on monday morgan also  stated that plans changed last minute on this job   another discrepancy so now in barry's mind he  has to get his butt to denver and fast he has   to he needs that alibi or he knows he's going to  be looked at so he then will create the story of   suzanne going on a bike ride if he was home and  since they go hiking and biking together as he   stated he would most likely be on that bike ride  with suzanne on mother's day and from the sounds   of it and that won't fly if suzanne was by herself  right so especially on mother's day so he needs to   get his butt to denver here's another little  interesting info snack in an article the fire   chief robert bertram talked about suzanne and how  she likes to go biking before church on sundays   where did he get that information that's my  question did he get it from suzanne because   he saw her biking every sunday it's possible or  did he get it from barry who was feeding him that   story to match his timeline just like he mentioned  to morgan that's what i'd like to know we know he   told morgan about biking he told the neighbor what  about the bike and now the fire chief mentions   the bike ride often here's the excerpt from crime  online it says he said suzanne was known to go for   a bike ride on sunday mornings before church he  said he did not believe she attended church on   may 10th though he could not be certain  while church wasn't actually in attendance   on may 10th i checked so now barry gets to  broomfield and he supposedly sounds like he   had the worst night of his life and well barry  must be really really exhausted at this point   he'd be up at least 24 hours possibly more  he was with morgan on that saturday morning   suzanne in the afternoon and evening and out  in the middle of the night and now the drive to   broomfield my question is what time did he arrive  at broomfield what time did he get to the hotel   and did he ask for a super early check-in or even  paid double for the hotel room because check-ins   are typically in the afternoon he'd be arriving  in the early morning as soon as possible to be   away from his home and remember he mentioned he  knows there's cameras at that hotel room and if he   needed to support his theory that he was in denver  he would want to show up on camera so once he gets   to the hotel he's exhausted at this point so my  theory is he takes a shower leaves the wet towels   on the floor he goes for a snooze in the bed from  being so exhausted and not sleeping all night   but he remembers to take these insurance papers  though for some reason as mentioned his employee   jeff puckett sees it and says he turned it over to  the authorities the room smells actually it reeks   of chlorine question is why we also hear from andy  and he mentions the home smelt of chlorine as well   why barry states in an interview it's because  of the covid when it comes to the hotel okay so   then his girls call barry saying they can't get  a hold of their mom barry asks the neighbors to   go check neighbor checks cars are there barry says  what about the bike she says no here's what barry   had to say about that to tyson the girls were  running late so they touched happy mother's day so we went to where they called my neighbors and  said listen this mother's day i'm a little worried   and when you go check the house and  the neighborhood check the house   saw that her car was there she now i'd love to know what time the girls  actually called barry and i'd love to know   actually how long after that call did barry call  the neighbor and when the neighbor called back   and i'm sure barry needed some time to think and  for his theory to set emotion now sometime during   this day barry does what seems like a half an  hour of work at the job site according to morgan   i still would like to know where this supposed  job site is if you know please let me know   in the comments below i'd be very grateful  this does support my theory that barry may   have been sleeping during the day and morgan  and jeff stated that it looked like he was   in the bed and it looked like the bed was not made  by the staff and only a half an hour of work done   when he was there all day so now at 5 46 pm the  call goes in about suzanne missing not sure who   actually makes the call according to barry's  employees barry dumps out his tools into a hotel   cart for the workers even though they aren't the  right tools for the job if it was planned as he   said in the video with tyson then wouldn't he be  prepared with the exact tools needed for the job   or is it like morgan said a last-minute decision  again was his bobcat in broomfield was that part   of this job or did he leave it back in maysville  or even back at the riverfront property after he   used it where's the bobcat at this point so  after that 5 46 pm call to the authorities   he heads back to maysville again a three-hour  drive and he tells tyson he's back at 9 00 p.m   then somebody finds the bike that night who is the  question notable police did not talk about there   ever being a bike ride or a bike or ever talked  about the description of the bike oh and barry   also said it was raining that night but i did  a little digging you see and it wasn't raining   that night not according to the weather history if  you're watching and you live in maysville and you   remember mother's day please tell me what you  remember if it rained or not that night or day   because what i see is zero precipitation another  discrepancy so the bike is found and only a few   days later a personal item of suzanne was found on  the highway if we are looking in the eyes of barry   did he put it there that night when he planted  the bike or was that later also the question is   was it planted in hopes that it would be found now  he talked about an article being found by police   he said that in tyson's video again police called  it a personal item and barry even mentioned he   wasn't told what it was only that there was  something found now in a previous video i did   mention i found this wording interesting because  he did call it an article and i had wondered   if what was found ended up being an article of  clothing or what was it suzanne's brother andy   did mention that barry hung onto the theory of the  mountain lion and did not want to let it go even   though authorities were ruling it out and that's  when i think that the other theory came in with   the abduction after he started realizing that this  theory isn't holding up stay tuned for that video   now he told morgan monday morning that a mountain  lion has got suzanne and he's going to go find her   how does he know the mountain lion has suzanne it  rained right according to barry so now there have   been behaviors from barry that do contradict his  theory just a few short days after he was looking   in a trash can for suzanne's helmet and went to  pancho market and wrote what he was looking for i   do wonder if that's what they found on the side of  the road again was it an article was it a helmet   what was it then his abduction 25 second clip  of his 26 year marriage to his wife was put up   which wouldn't support his theory obviously of the  mountain lion but that was a week later again stay   tuned for that video now something else i want  to bring up that's very important and as i say   the truth is in the details i am questioning  his wording on the mountain lion i think he   used his bobcat and in a sense he's telling on  himself we see that in a few different cases   we see this in the watts case where one of the  things that cw points out is the girls blankets   and we see this with chad dabel where he sends a  text to his wife tammy at the time saying he had   an encounter with a raccoon and then the kids ends  up being in the pet cemetery so this is my thought   that the mountain lion is the bobcat and speaking  of the bobcat you know how there were hits from   the cadaver dogs in those three areas during the  search with andy mormon the riverfront property   the tree location and the addition of some sort  the reason i believe there were hits potentially   because that's where the big old bobcat was or are  so the bobcat had to return to the site on monday   morning or that week for the job the tree planting  potentially involved the bobcat and i'm guessing   the addition as well and when the dogs hit it's  obviously on the cadaver scent right and something   had to have been on the bobcat when you look  at the common denominator and ask yourself   why does barry want so badly for that mountain  lion theory to work because the cat the bike   and the alibi let's have a chit chat below  it's closing in i have a few more videos that   i do want to put out on this theory series as i'm  gathering and gaining more information stay tuned   please subscribe please like and definitely please  share thank you so much for watching see you soon
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 43,967
Rating: 4.9241166 out of 5
Keywords: Barry morphew mountain lion theory, barry morphew theory, barry morphew, suzanne morphew husband, barry morphew suzanne morphew, Barry morphew mountain lion theory, suzanne morphew, true crime, salida, it's a crime, it's a crime barry morphew, it's a crime suzanne morphew, it's a crime channel, suzanne morphew case, barry morphew update, suzanne morphew update, andy moorman, andrew moorman, its a crime, barry morphew colorado, its a crime linda
Id: 4imOjYWm5c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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