Suzanne Morphew Case & Barry Morphew - Where There's Smoke There's Fire 🔥

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welcome to it's a crime i'm linda and today we're  going to be talking about a fire that occurred   six days before suzanne morphew was reported  missing in my triangle theory video there was   conflicting information about a fire  that prompted me to make that video   in this video we're going to be exploring that  fire and potentially show you how it could tie   into the suzanne morphew case but before i  get into it if you'd like to be part of the   it's a crime community please click that subscribe  button below and hit that notification bell to all   please give it a like if you support this and  share this out where you can now let's get into it on may 4th 2020 six days before suzanne morphy was  reported missing there was a fire that occurred   on mile marker 207 in maysville colorado according  to cad reports for those of you who don't know   what a cad is a cat is a computer dispatch but  most of you probably know and in this case it   was dispatched to the fire department now it shows  at 404 pm there was a fire it also states that it   was human caused and according to an article from  out it states that the fire was   started by a small tree branch on power lines  now i'm assuming here that it was first called   in and reported and marked as human caused and  then the firefighters found out that there was   a small branch on a power line that caused it more  on that in a minute also the article reported that   it was a driver that reported the site of flames  and there were also several reports received   that smoke was seen from salida now the article  said firefighters were able to contain the high   elevation blaze before it destroyed the historic  log cabin situated on the pass at mile marker 207   the fire burned an estimated 5.5 acres here's  what's odd the historic log cabin is actually   in the triangle area where i showed you in my last  video the triangle area that barry morphew pointed   out and this log cabin is not on mile marker 207  this is what got me first on the hunt for this   fire and where the cabin is in the first place  because either it meant that the fire was at   mile marker 207 and the cabin is just down the  road but they said you know they saved the day   and it didn't hit the cabin and the way it  stated in the article is just not quite accurate   or that fire was actually in the triangle near  the cabin also the article says in a facebook post   chaffey county fire protection district revealed  more about the cabin explaining that it was   located at the town site of arborville  on private land west of phusis creek   arborville is an old ghost town it says reportedly  known for its parlor house in the mining days of   the county and i described that in my last video  as well and arborville is actually where that   old cabin is where i mentioned which is in the  triangle near suzanne's house but it's not on   private land west of phusis creek that's where the  fire was here's the actual facebook post they even   showed the cabin as a picture and it says this is  the structure our firefighters saved yesterday on   the mile marker 207 fire on monarch pass it's an  historic cabin in the town side of arborville on   private land west of phusis creek strong work  so you can see how one could be confused right   the article states that the fire started tuesday  but that is false it started on monday as we can   see in the cad report and the crew did continue  to clean up on tuesday so what's weird of course   is that log cabin that i'm aware of is the one  in the triangle called arborville and i can't   find anything that is a cabin on mile marker  207 unless there is something there that i'm   just not aware of if you know that answer can you  please put it in the comments below or better yet   show me on google maps where that is or send me  an email at it's a crimean shame and in   the subject line put location of cabin on mile  marker 207 i'd really really appreciate it and   i've also been asking all kinds of people about  where this location is and some simply just won't   respond about it some have the same conflicting  information and so i just decided i'm moving   forward with this and it bothers me enough to keep  searching and when something bothers me i know not   to let it go and to explore it more now i did  however get an answer from someone who's been   helping me do this research and find out where  exactly the fire is and he's been an enormous   help and you know who you are so thank you so  much also i did ask a reputable source about this   fire and i was told that the fire department  didn't even know about this fire and that it   came from barry uh stating that it was a fire but  there was a fire and it's a big one and there's so   much conflicting information not just about this  fire about the whole darn case what are your   thoughts let me know in the comments below now  let's go back to the west side of this triangle   here is mile marker 207 on the map here's where  i was told the fire was and it is from a fairly   reputable source where it came from and we do  not know exact exact coordinates of where the   fire started on the power line but we know in the  general area and here's where the power lines are   there are actually two sets of power lines they  have the high tower set and then the regular   power lines they actually go along from that mile  marker 207 you can see it go along foosa's creek   so i do question where the origin of the fire  actually was on those power lines because it   seems to have started over a little more west  so i would love to have that information as well   now let's go back to the cad report in the cad  it says two acres were burned and that's when   it was first reported in the article is stated  5.5 acres which is not a small fire and i did   some conversions because i wanted to know just how  big that is and it says 5.5 acres is actually 239   580 square feet that is not a little fire and  how can this fire just vanish into thin air   like suzanne did i want to know was barry at  this fire since he is a volunteer firefighter   and the family more than likely knew that there  was a fire because of the smoke and it's near the   house and we heard in the beginning from a few  sources that barry was at firefighter training   that weekend suzanne went missing and then it  changed that he was in denver in broomfield   doing that wall job so as i said there's so much  conflicting information we think we need to go one   way and then we're diverted to another now i want  to show you something that's very important let's   connect some dots let's take a look at the map and  paint a picture of what we know we will start with   the triangle that barry talks about and that i  covered in my last video the bike is found in the   northwest corner of the triangle the article that  was found was just outside the triangle heading   west as barry described on video in the dr oz show  dr oz said that it was a helmet that was found   barry also mentions on the video that he found  some men's clothing at phusis lake which is at the   bottom of the triangle notable is where the area  going west where an article was found is right   near mile marker 207 also notable where phusis  lake is is also just south of that mile marker 207   now here's where it gets further interesting i'm  going to play you a short clip where barry talks   about the article going west and then what  he says just after that we've covered all of   this really good this triangle with search  and rescue so we're pretty comfortable that   this is not in this triangle between the rv park  your truck this road and then the next road but   what seems to have happened from the  investigators and they don't give much   and i've got private people working for  me is maybe she was abducted right here   and they found an article going west  of hers they won't tell us what it is   so they sent another team  after they found the article   that covered this hillside all the way down  to the river pretty good my concerns were this way and that way if it was the cat  because the cats they dragged their prey up   the mountain and out of people's we can't find  sign for the cat but we got rain like right away   yeah washed away sign so he just said that  so they sent another team after they found   the article that covered this hillside all the way  down to the river pretty good that hill that he's   talking about that was covered all the way down  to the river really good this is the same hill   that was where the fire area was and i don't  actually think it was searched in september   again conflicting information if you were in  the search and you did look in that area can   you please comment below send me an email at it's  a crimean ashame and let me know the   ins and outs of what took place in that area or  just a general idea if you were in if you were   searching and here's the map from profiling evil  of the searches it doesn't look like that area   was searched although it may have been it's just  really hard to tell and now let's take it another   step further as i just found out just a couple  days ago about the area that was hit on by cadaver   dogs i knew of the hit by the cadaver dogs but  i didn't know of the location i've been waiting   for this information and i just found out and it's  in fact in the triangle this is no surprise to me   in my opinion so thank you to profiling evil  for that info because this is very important   and it's actually not only in the triangle  but also right near arborville's cabin very   interesting and i've been talking about this  triangle over and over and over again since   june pretty much since we've heard about it if  you are a regular viewer you know what i mean   and if you are new be sure to check out some of  my prior videos i'll put that in the description   below and in my opinion there's a bit of  or type of guidance if you will by barry   he asked about the bike and then the bike was  found he was looking for the helmet and then   the helmet was found a couple days later he  mentions the triangle and where not to look   yet cadavers hit on ascent and of course his house  and suzanne's house is there as well he mentions   the hill and that it doesn't need to be looked  at because that the search is searched real good   and yet there was a fire there also it's where  the men's clothing was found according to barry   and the fire i want to give another thanks to  profiling evil because on their site i found out   a little more info snacks that caught my attention  it's not related to the fire but it is important   and so i thought i would put it in this video you  may or may not heard of this yet but on may 4th   which is actually the same day of the fire there  was a permit that was submitted by davis plumbing   and on the 8th of may which was on the friday was  submitted by davis mechanical which has a very   familiar name on it george davis who's barry's  friend and the one he was staying with while   burying suzanne's house was being investigated  and searched and remember that was where we heard   barry was pacing back and forth looking out the  window hoping he can see suzanne now by monday   may the 11th the day after suzanne was reported  missing there was an approved inspection on the   insulation under slab it says and for the plumbing  berry was also on site that monday morning and   it was reported that the concrete was poured  that day so now we have a fire that occurred   six days before suzanne was reported missing it's  a fire that would be very close to suzanne and   barry's home and it would be quite threatening in  that area and to their home fires spread fast i've   personally witnessed this in very similar terrain  in canada barry may or may not have been at that   fire since he's a volunteer firefighter but i'm  sure he knew about it and either way it's kind   of hard not to know about it since it would  potentially threaten your home in that area   and it's only minutes away and of course according  to reports it's 5.5 acres in size so i would   think it would be hard not to notice and i've  mentioned this before i'm not sure when their   girls actually went camping on the camping trip  but i'm certainly wondering if it was on a monday   and i'm naturally curious at this point also  there's a discrepancy on who the girls went on a   camping trip with more on that later and so let's  go back to that location of the fire again here is   why i also bring this up and i've been wanting  to talk about this a fire brings warmer ground and a warmer ground is a warmer spot perhaps  to dig especially on a frosty night in may it's   possible it's talked about on the video where not  to look just like the triangle and interestingly   cadaver dogs hit in that area i'm also looking  at another part of this area as well as   the person who's been helping me has brought forth  some very interesting information once i connect a   few more dots that may be a future video and one  more thing i want to speak to real gone adventure   media right now uh gonzo if you're watching as  i know you've been watching some of my content   and commenting so i appreciate you uh please check  out where this fire area was even just to see for   yourself where this 240 000 square foot fire was  and where it could have been potentially started   i'm curious and concerned all at the same time  and i'm very grateful that you are there boots   on the ground looking for suzanne it's time for  her to come home please subscribe if you haven't   done so already please like and please share  thank you so much for watching see you soon
Channel: It's A Crime
Views: 62,624
Rating: 4.935739 out of 5
Keywords: suzanne morphew, suzanne morphew missing, barry morphew, it's a crime, it's a crime suzanne morphew, it's a crime barry morphew, true crime, barry morphew update, suzanne morphew update, suzanne morphew case, suzanne morphew missing update, suzanne morphew story, suzanne morphew news, suzanne morphew latest, barry morphew timeline, its a crime channel, true crime cases, true crime youtubers, bring suzanne home, maysville colorado, morphew, colorado, suzanne morphew husband
Id: HCbMwDqoPig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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