Barry goes ROGUE... then panics! | Sub 10 Minute Burger Challenge Ep.3

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- We are back with another burger challenge. And this time, we are challenging Barry to make the best burger he can in under 10 minutes. - Baz, how you feeling? - Uh, I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't usually get nervous in this setup, but today I'm bricking it. - That's 'cause we've got an audience watching you. (audience cheer and clap) Baz, you have the same set of ingredients as everyone else to make your burger, but you've also brought in three mystery ingredients that you would love to add to your burger. What have you brought in? - I've chosen a hollandaise sauce, a prawn, - [audience] Ooh. - I'm, I'm not gonna lie to you, Baz, it's a big old prawn. - I didn't pick that prawn, thanks Kush! - It's not a 10 minute prawn! - And an egg. - Singular or half a dozen? - Oh, we'll see how it goes. - Oh no. Five. - There's only five. (they laugh) Right, well you might have the chance to win those, but first you've gotta answer some trivia questions. - Oh, this is where it's gonna start badly. (suspenseful music) - Our next contender in the burger challenge is Barry Taylor. Age: solidly mid thirties. Recently left Hertfordshire to head to Hampshire. Yep, he loves a Shire. Favourite dish: God knows why, green cloud eggs. And we all know him better as The Prince of Pointless Pretentiousness. He does have a unique and rather annoying skill. It's leaving the Hob on. Baz, don't you know we're in an energy crisis? That said, we're all rooting for you Bazzler. Crack on. It's back to the studio. Question number one. In our first ultimate burger battle, you made a superhero burger, and it's fair to say, the community hated it. But, what was the one ingredient that got the most mad? - Oh, I think there was charcoal and avocado involved. And what would, what would (bleep) off people more? It's gotta be the avocado. No, no, blueberries! - You're lucky I don't have to take your first answer. Blueberries is correct. Yes! (audience claps) - Barry Taylor, question number two. The largest burger ever made was in 2017, and it weighed 1164.2 kilogrammes. - What? - But where was it made? A, America, B, Germany, or C, Canada? - I'm gonna go... C, Canada. - Barry Taylor, that's wrong. It was Germany. (incorrect bleep) - Oh yeah, obvious. - Hamburg. - Hamburg. - Yeah. Obvious - One out of two correct so far. Question number three. - [Mike] Come on Baz. - In our pass it on vegetarian episode, where you blow torched a pepper. - Yeah. - You said this. (audience laugh) - "The longer X spends considering what to make, the less time he has to screw it up." Who are you talking about? - Am I referring to my, am I talking about myself in third person? That sounds, sounds like me. (audience laugh) No, I'm gonna go, Jamie Paul Romano Spafford. - Is the correct answer. (correct bleep) (audience claps) - Of course. - I don't think that's a very fair statement. - It's not a very fair statement. But Barry, I'm very happy, you've got two out of your three mystery ingredients. Which two are you going to pick? - I, I will give my, I was only expecting to get one right. So, let's go for hollandaise and a prawn. - Yeah. - Excellent. It's burger time. - Right Baz, you've got your ingredients. You have 10 minutes if you need it. Use as much as little of that as you need. Your time starts in 3, 2, 1, burger. (group cheer) - Thank you. I'm starting straight away with this. I asked for a prawn, 'cause I wanted a surf and turf burger. - Don't cut the head off! - Would you mean? What am I gonna do with that, it's too big! I've gotta fit it into a burger! Cut it in, look at- Usually it's an intestine track, but here, look at that! (group groans) What do I do with that? - Eat it! - Flavour! - Flavour? I'm not gonna put it in the burger. - Thumb it out. It's better than thumbing it in. - Ebbers! - Barry, you've not started a burger yet. - That's a roe. They're babies. It's gonna have to do. It's gonna have to do, it's gonna have to- Wash my hands. - Ahh! - Oh, wrong board! - It's the wrong board! - You asked us for a raw fish board, and a clean board. - Again, oil into the pan. Oil into the pan. - Come on Baz, you can do this. - Then, this is going in. Oh! Season. Season. I'm panicking already. It's only been 30 seconds. - Season. Season. Huh, huh, huh. (fish sizzles in pan) - Yay! - Perfect, right. Clean now, wash that down. And then, we need to focus on the burger, for the burger challenge. (they laugh) Right, so, my thinking here, I'm going for a flip flap burger. - A what? - Squash this together. - Wow. - Roughly, into one big ball. - One big ball. - A load of oil, please. And then burger in. - Okay. - And then I need to push this down and flatten it all. - Oil the pan first! - What you talking about? Why would I put oil on the pan? - You do you! - Oil the pan? What are you talking about? That's not a thing. - This is your challenge. You do you! - Right, and then push. Get it down. Yeah, oiling was a good idea. (they laugh) Right, then I wanna basically smash this out as big as possible and as flat as possible. - Has he seen the size of his buns? - Yeah. - Bear with the others. Bear with me. Yeah, happy with that, happy with that. Right, so the plan here is, that has to now, 'cause you want the edges to go really crispy, bring it together, and when you start seeing the bloody juices rise the top, you know the bottom's done. Right, so while that's going, let's get onto our slaw. So, we've got red onion. - Take control. You've got this. - Okay, now, I want this to be really, really thin. And this is gonna be like a bun, hollandaise- - Talk and do! Talk and do! - I can't do both things! Yeah, I wanna go bun, I wanna go hollandaise. And then I wanna really finally slice slaw. - So in your slaw, you're putting your three veggie items. - I am. (in unison) - Nice. - Don't need too much. We're only making one burger. So, really thin slice of that. And I want some gherkins as as well. That's curling. Do I need to put a lid on that? Yeah, I do. That'll do. (he laughs) - This is so wonderfully adlibbed. - Uh, and then- - And he's slowly scattering ingredients around the kitchen. - Shut- - You got this, Baz. - And then I need my gherkins in there as well. How's my beef looking? - Get fingers in, it's the best way. - Don't put fingers in it. - It's the best way to do it. - Cutlery on side. (group cheers) What are you talking about? - The wince from these chefs in the- - We're all friends! - Don't put finger in pickles. - They're pickles. - They go soggy. - What do you mean, they go soggy? They're already soggy. That goes in there. - Nice, Baz. - Lovely-jubbly. Okay. I think that is good for flip. - Toasting your buns? - Huh? I'll do it in a minute, Kush! - Just let him be! - And then I wanna, oh my goodness. - Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, yeah. 1, 2, 3. Huh! - Go on. Third time lucky. - Yes! - Yay! - Lovely, lovely, lovely. Right. Go, go, go. Whilst on the other side, I want to get one bit of cheese on there and another bit on there. - Yes, mate. - And then, I need to start toasting my buns. So, oven preheated. - Smart. - Bread going in. - How's your prawn looking, mate? - Prawn is still there. (everyone laughs) So, let's give that a flip. - Where was it gonna go? - I don't know. It's not the shape I expected it to be. So, let's just keep that going. I need some water in there. Water. Kettle. - Beer. - Empty. Beer is water. - That's an extra ingredient. - That is an extra ingredient. - Ahh. - Forgive me, forgive me. Right, now that burger's looking good. I need to go for a flip flap. - A flip flap? - What's a flip flap? - Flap flap is a- - We're about to see it. - I've flipped it and now I'm flapping it. - Okay. You've got all the cheese in the middle? - Basically. It's a juicy Lucy, Jamie. - Nice. - Nice. - So, that's done. Let's get it off the heat. - Turn that off. - Yeah. With a handle over the heat. Careful! - Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, right. So, there, that's off. That's off. That's still going. I hope that's gonna be cooked in time. Now I need to, hollandaise, buns! No, they're not perfect, but don't have to do. - I mean, this is wonderful chaos. - Clear down. Clear down. - I love this. - Hollandaise is now. - Yes. - I need a cloth! - Mike, grab a cloth from behind. - Hot! Hand. Shimina, shamina, shamina! Right. Lightly toasted. (group laughs) Lightly toasted, and then I need some hollandaise. - That is a perfect toast. - Now, that's going here. So, I thought Hollandaise is like, is sharper than mayonnaise. I thought that would go well with the prawn. And then I want- - I thought you were gonna mix the Hollandaise into the slaw. - Straight in the hollandaise- - Right. (he laughs) - It's all going wrong. - Come on mate. - And then I want my burger on top. - Yeah. - Sloppy. Look how, look how sloppy that is. Yes! I'm happy with that. And then... (confetti cannon pops) Flippin' heck Kush! (everyone laughs) And then, we need, Kush! That's, that's gonna melt. Right, and then, oh no, I hadn't thought this through. - Come on mate. - Huh! Yes. It's going that way around. - Yeah. Nice. - I think we need some more hollandaise on top. - Yeah. - Ring the bell when you're done. - Hollandaise, yes! - Oh, look at the dribble. - Oh, yeah, filth. Bun on top. - Ring the bell! (he screams) (everyone laughs) - Ding-aling-aling-aling! (chime sounds) - Wow. - Nicely done. What's that how you thought it was gonna go? - Not at all. But I'm sure it'll taste nice. - Let's get into the sexies. (country guitar instrumental) - Baz, that was more chaotic than normal. - Ah, I know, that was harder than I expected. - I think Kush didn't help you, if I'm honest. - No. - No. - Mainly with the massive prawn. (he wheezes) - Nothing to with the massive cannon. Right. Cut into it, and then we'll have a chat about what on Earth was your thinking. - Right. Okay. Aww! - Wow. - We need the cross section. - I think- - Look at that prawn! - I mean, there's surf 'n' turf, and then there's all the turf with even more surf. - Okay. - Oh, you've got such a soggy bottom. - Thanks, honey. (he wheezes) - Oh, that is unbearable. - What do you- whoa whoa whoa. - I've put my thumb through it. - You've got a generous piece as well here. (record zip) - Oh, thank you. - I'm not sure how- - And the burger. - And the, yep. (they snicker and laugh) - Mate, I'm gonna be honest. Your prawn is cooked perfectly. It's just, just, look at that. - That does look incredible. - Right, cheers. (electronic instrumental) - I think what is amazing in that burger, is the beef part of it, plays second fiddle. - Yeah. - That is all about the hollandaise, the gherkin, and the prawn, and it's delicious. - The hollandaise does add such a nice difference to mayonnaise. - Hmm. - It's, it's creamier, and tangier. - I was hoping the hollandaise and the gherkin to create like a, almost a tartar sauce. - Yeah. - Kind of vibe. - It kind of does. - Little crunch of raw onion is nice in a burger. And your patty is excessively sized, because I don't think you've flipped or flapped quite as many times as you'd hoped, because you were flipping and flapping in the kitchen. - Mm-hmm. - That is a really great, very sloppy burger. - Goodness knows where the egg would've gone if you got that as well. - Oh yeah. That would've gone on top. It might've been a step too far. - Right, what are you saying Jay, does it pass? - It passes the taste test. - Okay, good. - A hundred percent - Good. - And the fact that it was sub 10 minutes it can go on the board. - Okay, good, phew. - But now, in order to find out where on the board, we need you to give it a name. - Well, I think to describe both the burger, the prawn, and my behaviour, it's gotta be a Flappy Prawn Burger. - A Flappy Prawn Burger. - Don't Google that. You know what I mean? - No, I don't know what you mean. (they groan and laugh) But speedily, let's move along to the time. Your time for the sub 10 minute burger challenge, The Flappy Prawn Burger, was... seven minutes and 45 seconds. Up there in time, which means down there on the leaderboard, but damn tasty. - I'm, I'm happy with the burger. I am disappointed with the time because I could have been a lot more efficient. I feel like I, I could have shaved a decent minute or two, I reckon, if I was more organised. But- - Great effort, great fun. - Well done, Baz. (everyone claps and cheers) - And you may have noticed in the audience of that one, we had some very special guests. Believe it or not, they're up next. - But we don't just want familiar faces taking on the challenge. We want unfamiliar faces. People maybe we don't like. Maybe people we don't yet. - Yes! Comment down below who should be taking on the challenge. And if you like this series, give it a thumbs up, let us know.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 552,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food challenge, sortedfood, sorted, food, burger, best burger, 10 minute meal, 10 minutes, dinner, meal, burger recipe, burger challenge, burger cheese sauce recipe, burger challenge video, burger challenge🔥, burger challenge spicy, beard vs food burger, fast food challenge, fast food recipes, 10 minute meals, 10 minute meal prep, 10 minute meals for dinner, 10 minute meal ideas, food recipes, sortedfood beat the chef, sortedfood budget battle, sortedfood battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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