Best Service Challenges featuring Gordon Ramsay | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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you're the red team you're the blue team did you see the dishes that's what you're making holy crap you have to make enough to feed 120 diamonds if you see the clock behind me oh it's already ticking three hours until your guests arrive and start cooking let's waste no more time every second counts your recipes are in front of you he is back oh my God and now we're doing a Marco service challenge this is like all the hard things of the MasterChef kitchen combined in one with Marco Pierre White we've pretty much gone smack bam into this horrible combination of service challenge the pressure test and microphobia while it's running it all this is like the MasterChef nightmare suddenly a shadow appears on my bench and I look up and it's microphone [Music] how many portions three a portion 210 in total it's a lot of plants how long do you think it will take yesterday to a different time it's going to take a long time come on faster faster faster you should be doing four prongs a minute that's ridiculous what does he think I am so today our entree is an aromatic Golden Duck broth with duck breast a Duck and Ginger tortellini and some shiitake mushrooms I've made pasta a lot it looks like something that I can achieve but knowing how much work there is to do this for 60 people it will be a challenge I need to break down 12 Ducks I know that that's going to take me a lot of time so I start doing that why are you using a veg knife and why are you shaking no use a boating knife taking the wishbone that helps isn't it yes ma'am no fapping Around clean thanks is a tough challenge with Marco in the kitchen we have to do things absolutely perfect I'm watching Matthew yes Marco we need to make sure that everything that we put up meets his exacting standards the first thing I need to do is cut down and clean 12 Lam necks and then they need to go in a pressure cooker for like 90 minutes so I need to get moving don't allow me to slow you down no problem there is a lot of Lottery going in today I've got a lot of meat to break down very very time consuming so I really need to push myself to keep up [Music] for the main we're making baked Snapper with roast tomatoes zucchini flowers stuffed with a scholar mousse and basil oil the first thing I get onto is cleaning and building the fish it's the biggest job on my recipe so I need to get that out of the way I haven't fill it in 35 fish before in a row because I've never had to cook for that many people before so definitely feeling the pressure there's a huge amount of prep to do with these fish I have 35 whole fish to fill it and trim and then I have to pin bone them it's a really fiddly and time-consuming job Marco comes over and I think you can see that I'm pretty slow at it are you right-handed yeah to the left Malcolm X everything look easy you see we should open that up it falls open just what I'm saying I can see what he's doing I just can't do it at that speed I hope I can do this fast enough it's quite a big job isn't it it is a big job you struggling no you're sure yes you've got Marco Pierre White kind of circling us like a great white shark just wanting to make sure that we do everything correctly you just don't want to put a foot out of line first order first order free duck one pull how long 30 seconds [Music] quickly quickly quickly so we have all the elements we've got peed champagne sauce the Emulsion and batons and that's the Finish it's beautiful that's beautiful pulling up Marco is that enough for us yeah free up Marco good waiters waiters waiters the first plates go out and I feel a sense of relief we've started service Seven Duck away push Matthew and smarter the pressure is amazing the guests are there the orders are coming through the waiters are waiting for our food but we're going to get this done we have to feed our guests we can't disappoint them we can't disappoint Marco Freemasons can you go down the end and just put a little bit of parsley and then some broth I don't know if a dish is going out every 20 seconds like Marco wants but we've just got our heads down and going as fast as we can good work guys keep it going keep it going keep it going you just keep calling prawns and I'll keep making them for you yeah Zara we need the prawns give me one prawn quickly yeah beautiful baby we're bringing this dish together we're putting on the prawns the butter sauce and the Pea puree Marco seven prawns away now seven prawns push come on keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going I'm really happy with the dish I'm happy with all of the elements and I'm happy that I was able to get it all up at a good time I just really hope all the flavors are there and those prawns are cooked perfectly why not good I can't do the donuts because we need to fry them down there so did you have the Donut eggs yeah yeah so why don't we fry them up there's donut mixture is ready but it still needs to be deep fried that's gonna take too long so we're doing the donut yes or no Ronald no day nuts yes no you can't fry that to water because that's gonna set us behind a lot so I have to drop that element Reynolds yes I like donuts but there are not why I have them mixed but I just don't have time to make it I'm really upset and I wanted to have everything on the plate and today's the day that you don't want to be in the bottom push come on we're on the home stretch come on we can do it we're tightening up it's looking good Rigby girls four more yes yes keep on thinking about that last place in the final immunity of the year yeah all right keep pushing girls we can do this I'm really happy with this dish it's really um I think we've got all the elements on the plate I've left off an entire element I've forgotten all about the sorbet oh my God oh my God I get the sorbet out of the freezer and we start painting desserts with sorbet better now than never waiters quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly come on push push push saw be on sorbian yes Marco so sorry guys don't worry about it babe this dessert has definitely not been easy I really struggled with that puff pastry earlier on but I'm happy with the poached peaches the sorbet is on just and the Diplomat creams there I'm just really hoping that the judges like the puff pastry from what I mean I get into it an hour and a half left to go and Cubed cheese marinating woolgo is marinating and now it's a matter of getting the tuna ready for the tarashi salad [Music] I'm just getting these tuna into some really nice little cubes we don't have to cook Japanese or just Sushi we can cook anything but of an Asian theme trashy basically in Japanese is just a an array a mix so this literally is a mixed salad the other elements to the trash salad are the edamame beans I've also got some crisp radish and some deep fried shallots on top and the Trashy salad dressing it's going to be really Punchy an hour and a half left oh no but I will get it done I'm being positive and I'm going to stick to it and I'm gonna get it done this is ridiculous I know in 100 plates huh I'm feeling completely vacant in my mind at this point 100 dishes each I am a bit Shell Shocked I'm just so glad we don't have Bloody jock yelling at us right now oh my God that would just tip me over the edge I think it's just the three of us in the kitchen today and we're trying to keep each other's spirits up Ready Set gosh [Applause] but you can tell everyone is very stressed and very under the pump because we all just want that immunity all right guys here's some Kingfish I um prepared a little bit earlier I'm leaning more towards a Japanese style of menu I'm going to die set up I'm going to get a whole lot of beautiful aromatics in there this Kingfish needs to be packed full of flavor it's a very delicate dish and it's going to be a tiny serving so it really needs to smack you in the face with flavor start the train [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi ladies yes look at the train oh my God why not 45 minutes ago [Applause] 45 minutes darling this is like the next level yep this is the most epic challenge five different dishes and then when service starts we only have 15 minutes to roll out each of the different dishes I've got a lot on the go at the moment I really need to push myself at this point and I need to get this Mahal gome this is literally the one that I've been the most worried about getting prepared for today mahore is really lovely it's a very traditional Thai Dish pork prawn this is the most time consuming dish out of all of them and there's still lots to be done [Music] I was totally kidding myself that I could get this mahore dish done in half an hour 10 minutes to go and I start plating my Kingfish Ceviche and I don't want it to be too small so I give quite a generous pile it's a blind tasting so if the judges won't know that my dishes are on the White plates until after tasting has finished I've had seven plates of my Kingfish shop it's got beautiful color and it tastes beautiful so I'm really happy with that one I think it was a good idea just to go with something easy and fresh just to get the train moving so I can keep going on my next dishes so my first dish I want to do something cold first so this is going to be pumped out first I prefer to do the tuna tarasha salad as the first course because I want the palettes to start off with something fresh something light but Punchy I just need to get my dishes on the plates and they need to go out soon I've got the brown plates today and it's really important to try and keep all the dishes looking uniform I've got a little mold where I'm basically using that as my guide as to how much I'm going to put of that trash salad pop some of that in and out it goes [Applause] excuse me can I use some of this space here please Amina yeah yeah go I really need to push myself at this point I need to get this Kingfish Sashimi dish plated up so I'm just going to focus on getting the first 10 out [Music] I'm still cooking the mar ho and I realize now I'm going to have to start splitting my time be cooking while I'm serving and prepping where have we gone I haven't even finished prepping my first dish yet I'm going to have to move between the two [Music] I'm really going to have to keep my mind on the ball so I can get this plate out this is it guys Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go guys the train is departing the station oh God I don't have enough kingfish my Kingfish is going out and I've realized I'm going to run out of kingfish it is an absolute disaster I definitely uh ran short of my Kingfish so this is going to be a slightly less generous snack than I would have liked to give I'm really worried now these portions are going to be completely inconsistent and I don't have time to make any more ceviche come on that looks so good yum oh it's chilly in those ones first Cavs one team Kingfish with shiso leave [Music] it smells good smells really fragrant-racy sort of Southeast Asian Aromas [Music] look for the first White dish it's not super finessed like a look at the size of that piece of Kingfish yeah compared to that he's a kingfish look at that compared to the I had quite a lot in my mind portion sizes are inconsistent four five six seven eight nine ten corn that means that half a prawn per person that will be perfect come on Trace you got this thanks bro come on girly I'm definitely feeling very behind I'm cooking on the Fly [Music] but at least I've got my Kingfish dish out fry baby my first dish I was a little bit short with the whole 20 serves and so I really need to make this chicken karage super generous this month you can jump in Amina you all good yeah thank you I'm making now the rice ball dish so I'm just getting all the elements prepared for it they're the rice balls that are seasoned with the seaweed and the sesame oil and of course that Joshua kimchi you okay babe the worry that I have with these Korean rice balls is that maybe jock and Andy might not quite grasp the concept of it but I'm hoping Melissa will because you know it's a very modern Korean style snack food these are almost done just need to get my kimchi and they should go out soon so welcome it's so homely for me to have all the seasoning with the kimchi it goes so well together [Music] you're yummy it looks amazing myself Omaha is the second dish that I'll be putting out today and it's taken me so much longer to prepare this dish than what I thought I really should have started it earlier Tracy just breathe dinosaur is just it's fun deep breaths it's like giving birth deep breaths yeah the pain will pass but I'm really happy with this dish tastes incredible and it looks stunning on my black plates I hope the judges recognize the amount of work that's gone into this dish oh is this a new round the sushi trains leaving the station and it's time to send off my chicken karage on my plate of chicken I've got a little pool of mayo on the bottom and I pile up the chicken and a little wedge of lemon [Music] hey Andy if you can't hear a big one just let it go to me all right I reckon if you've got this big boy at the back here what is so incredible doesn't it [Music] good Ness wow hang on is this where's the pickle oh my God [Music] I forgot the pickle on it forgot the pickle of my karate there's no pickles without a pickle um my heart has just sunk God [Music] I cannot believe I forgot to put the pickle on the plate I'm just devastated would it have been better with the pickle I feel like it might have been better with the pickle only because that little bit of acid just to cut through it I think the courting on this is fantastic and it's a super well seasoned like it's yeah I agree okay second Brown plate shall we rice balls with gogeturi how'd you say it pronounce it I'm glad you got that one it's like a type of kimchi quick kimchi if you like okay [Music] the rice bowls are like last night's fried rice fried rice you know and the only thing that saves it is when you eat it with the kimchi kind of disagree with you though I love the kimchi element to it I thought the heat the textures the acidity you know super Punchy flavors you need something neutral to go with it and I think that this as a dish is quite balanced I'm in the middle of you too I don't love it but I don't hate it no I didn't I didn't hate it but definitely not my favorite today well there have been some absolute bangers today so yeah that's the thing we're talking about a pretty high standard sushi train right now oh my God yes kimchi is super hot it's quite nice yeah [Music] I'm definitely feeling very behind I don't have everything prepped but right now I'm so happy it tastes incredible there's a really good kick of chili and with that sweetness of the pineapple I really think it just it just really finesses this dish so the second plate for the black foreign [Music] crunchy peanuts you know and the sweetness of that pineapple nice I went for me yeah delicious the monster truck for me is that a little bit of shred Cafe Lime Leaf on top it just makes huge perfume and a massive difference to the dish small touches can make all of the difference yeah if I was at a sushi train and this came out I'd be getting another one for that one [Music] okay ready the red team is going to be mirroring huxtable's menu today we're gonna learn how to make an entree a main and dessert in an hour but we can't write anything down hey welcome how you going Trent Matt nice to meet you thanks for having us you ready to get started Dan's ready to rock and roll is there any chefs why it's he's got everything laid out it's time to just take it all in first one the entree is a lightly smoked Kingfish with horseradish cream pickled baby beets shave kombu and pear so now I'm going to show you how to clean up this Kingfish so just go underneath the bone like so around take a skill off piece of cake right I can fire up the old Smoking Gun maybe leave it for five minutes and then give it another go so two yards of smoke yeah yeah then we've got some fresh horseradish over here we've got some Quark got the pear we've got some red sole press which is going to be the garnish as he's rattling off the elements of it I'm just seeing it stop so that's enough so what was that called quack quack quack I'm going to keep talking while you're trying that okay okay well that beat is epic Daniel's Moving so quickly this menu today he's gone from the entree to the main and I'm not even sure that the entree is sunk in yet next one is a charcoal grilled wagyu beef with a shiitake and oyster tempura Fritter Sesame broccolini and a little bit of ponzer as well I'm just trying to take in as much information as I can but it's pretty overwhelming we're gonna have to move fast now okay beef how does that look pretty good you can always cook it more but you can't uncook it I was going back up dessert is their favorite classic flexible dessert dark chocolate delis with Jaffa sauce raspberry sorbet and a little pistachio kind of number these dessert's got it all there's quite a few ingredients as you can see here so yeah there's a few processes so we've got some milk that was 55. got some glucose Dan's grabbing ingredients and sort of just pouring them all in and we're standing there going wait what was that what was that how much was in that and and it's like a runaway train you know we're trying to keep up but he's just full staying ahead and if you eat these quantities aren't spot on it won't work you'll find out I think we're starting to sweat a little bit all we have to do now is plate the dessert it's quick and easy I don't believe you [Music] come on man all right this is really really starting to hit home that we've gotta we've got a big job on today I've just been briefed on a three-course meal from Huxtable without taking any notes and it's blown our minds good luck thanks on your bike and remember all those numbers 200 100 55. my head is just all over the place there's a lot of pressure for Matt and I to try and remember every single step in mate I'll draw a couple of sketches of what these plates are going to look like at the end I just need to get the team across how the finished dish is going to look because it's so important that we replicate huxtable's dish perfectly the entree or the kingfish and shaming so where's Harry King Fish we get Harry Anastasia and Elena on the entree okay so you're gonna take care of the kingfish yep we need to fill the fish clean it and smoke it and get 36 plates out within half an hour if we get this wrong it's going to put us out for the whole rest of the service stunning every dish needs to be perfect it has to mirror vegetables dishes to the tea come on keep pushing this looks stunning Let's Go Blue that's not big enough not thick enough great team blue team on Trace needs to be served now let's go take it out you come with me Ellie okay it's the moment of truth it's time to deliver these entrees to the judges now boys thank you I place the entree next to the clash in front of Daniel it's it's really nerve-wracking there's always those things in the back of your head was the kingfish sliced properly was it consistent well Matt you want to see how you've done It's Tricky that memory how did it work ready [Music] a little bit more clunky on this side I dare say but everything's there a little bit of bleeding on the beach route but it's not bad let's see how it tastes wow thanks boys enjoy thanks shall we I'm so intrigued if it's got enough smoke it's a red pizza perhaps a little on the firm side cream's delicious well seasoned it's pretty good how about eating your dish once but the balance of flavors yeah is actually pretty damn close the lightning smoke is really good there's a light smoke on there it's great make sure everything is centered guys we've done a cracking job yet again I think the Main's looking okay all right yep all the elements are definitely there it's going to come down to the the details and the technique of everything and here is your wagon [Music] one of the things that we're worried about the most was the cooking of the wagyu we're just gonna have to wait and see well Matt how do you think you've gone I'm really proud of what we put on the plate ready to see how you go yeah wow wow really bloody close gee you know I reckon you could shuffle them yeah and and we'd be heartbreak that's a really good job yeah well done thank you you better get back and get into that guy thank you thank you that's great I'm blown away it was about mirroring the dish and I think they've done a great job yeah really good let's taste [Music] I thought they were going to overcook it you know there was a lot of a lot of flame a lot of smoke over those charcoal grills and I thought yep for sure yeah they've cooked it too much but that's absolutely smashing look at George he's just smashing the light I love it pretty bloody good Daniel if one of your shares put this dish up from the red seam on the pass would you let it go to the customer yeah I don't reckon there can be a more flattering thing for the chef to say than I'll put it up on the past in my restaurant that means the red seam have put up an amazing dish yeah I agreed keep talking boys yeah keep keep eating I think so that the custom on their mousse and crack it open but it also has to be thick enough so that I can demold these things can you free up some space in the blast printer for me every time she opens that door that glass pillow gets 10 degrees warmer they can go in the blaster it's time to take the chocolate leaves out of this mold they're actually really soft so that is slightly stressful I really really need to be careful with these if I don't get them out nicely the whole team is in trouble [Music] yes no oh my God good job that looks so good good job Cecilia honestly she did a phenomenal job on those spheres they were perfect I'm I'm happy with the ones that came out yes very happy yep [Music] it looks beautiful I couldn't be I couldn't be any happier let's go China I feel damn proud taking these out to the judges yeah it's good happy oh pretty happy yeah [Music] are they gonna look the same that's all I care about I'm pretty confident in the plating should we see yep [Music] well I reckon you can probably go about now bam I'm happy I'm really happy with that Daniel yeah you know I can't really complain I'd like to it great stuff Matt well thank you well done wow nice looks amazing let's see if it tastes as good as it looks look at that foreign good crunch on the chocolate all the textures the flavors yeah I can't stop eating it I know I'm really really impressed they seem to have nailed every element you can see your sorbet is sitting there and hasn't melted at all whereas this sorbet's starting to Garb it but really in terms of flavor I just can't believe that you sure they weren't writing notes on their hands or they didn't have a little camera in their pocket amazing effort I'm speechless I really am the pork looks good it's been sitting to rest I want to have a chat with Chris about how we go about carving it I'm just worried about how wide that's all you need like that why I want him to trim the edges off both sides so he's got a clean slab to work with and then get me 16 portions out of each clean slab of pork belly when it goes dry in a heartbeat stop slicing the pork who's going when it seems like that and we slice it what happens it goes dry slice it as we need it it's pork belly pork scratching it's not a banquet it's a restaurant come on me I'm confused at this point it's Ben's kitchen sorry Chef on me Gordon's calling the past that I'm communicating with Ben come on and I'm like looking at him looking at band bent I'm gonna go you told me to stop I'm unsure about who to listen to pop them back in and keep them and hold them okay so I get the pork back in the oven just gotta put my head down and they can sort it out [Music] the attention you could come with a knife isn't it exciting so exciting I actually love it because early on Gordon was a bit subdued he is well and truly out of the cage now he's on fire we haven't finished yet come on yes chef [Music] entrees are almost finished eight Place guys come on yep Services thank you the thought of people finishing a course and leaving off to the Gantry it is a little bit hard because you just wonder what if something goes wrong and we don't have enough hands to help around quick quick quick come on guys I'm hoping that everything runs smoothly and we just need to be really efficient with time all right how are we going over here guys with Mains yeah good good good getting ready but over the desserts it's a bit of chaos going on let's just see you all these first because they're tricky to get out bro they're a bit start PO let me know when you've done the last Harlot please yes yes chef today I'm making an almond orange pastry with spiced Ginger brulee with a little branded Apple underneath so what do you do if you go like this and then go like that don't don't no they're breaking both holy we're breaking a lot of shells go easy go easy go easy the tart shells I made them too thin they are breaking left right and Center we've broken more than we can I'm in trouble oh give me a time for the uh dessert please uh a dessert yeah for me to see um this will show me one tart so I get my head around the dessert things are starting to fall apart and Gordon is asking for a sample last table guys come on entree is nearly served our custards I don't even know whether are cool down enough oh come on where's the urgency let's go I am starting to have a meltdown I just need one more full tray 4h4 no that's it probably let me know when those toilets are done please holy this is bad how did this happen it's only three elements and I've just managed to still shoot myself in the foot okay I have to do more tart towels okay last table guys come on we are now nearly the main course and I'm making new pastry shells how many do you need to make 12. it looks like an absolute Inferno around me but I get my touchels in the oven and just cross my fingers right give me a time and first call how long please let's go can we get a pork fish Jake Paul please let's go hey let's go please Chris get a stranger dead knife so I can go through the crackling come on guys pork looks like he's been chewed by a bulldog so let's get that pork Nice And even Chris yeah Paul coming now yes yes service is really frantic but we've got all the elements up double three table four yes good I want to see that pork glistening listening listening listening the pork looks juicy I think the apple cider gravy is phenomenally good and I'm happy with the mashed potato bring the shoe please come on all that pork just sat there exposed dude look at that there you see how dry it's gone tell me where it's all nice and moist really slice it glistens okay let's go no one wants want to be the one that lets the team down I'm hoping that's not the main course come on guys I'm on Blue Team and blue team arrived all right thank you very much wow that's a big generous piece of pork very generous piece of pork okay so blue team's pork belly they've got pork belly with cauliflower potato puree I mean visually who doesn't love yellow from the puree I'm gonna try [Music] I think that pork is really really yummy it's really good it's cooked well we got crispy crackling so that's a big thumbs up my puree it's a little stodgy it feels like it's been a little too overworked yeah potato is the one here it didn't shine yeah as good as the pork was as nice as the apple sauce was for me I can't see pasta potato then I say we've had two sort of potato fails here because this wasn't great it wasn't perfect and also the entree in the Green Team study center potato as well yeah not really understanding produce it's the best they have come on Blue Team come on come on come on let's go blue team we need more pump hey poor police Chef now yes chef we need that pork the service in a restaurant is supposed to be the easiest part you have all your prep done and then it's really just a matter of like plating up and making sure everything's perfect but there seems to be some lack of communication going on where's that pork I'm worried about the inconsistency of the size of the pork some pieces are really big others smaller I'm getting a bit worried that this hasn't been done correctly Ben yes chef Porsche has gone super small half a side your team nowhere near the same standard nowhere near the same plate do something about it Gordon starts to lose it a little bit you know portion sizes aren't right if I'm sat opposite with this stingy little piece of bacon based on the first plate would you be pissed off I'd be well pissed off pissed off come on demand the best we're not sure of pork belly we need portion control to be bang on as it was for the first one this dish has to be better than perfect because we set the bar so high with the entree cut it thicker or two slices but someone get it going against this nicer Chef now how much more of your left there how much pork have you got left I'm trying to talk to you guys no is that no that is it yes four bellies [Music] you're kidding me they're perfect season fingerprints nine tables to go thank you stop looting come here all of you come here what just happened bring me the pork that's what we've got left right I've got one two three four five six seven eight nine tables four knives are 36. and I've got enough port for eight portions oh my God oh my God oh my God bring me that waste there where's the rest of the waste I can't believe we're gonna run out of pork is that it and there is no backup port just throw any away no of course not we did four full bellies well you said 16 portion yields yep I said be smart trim what off that take it down to fourteen four times fourteen there's not 60. the reason there was no backup pork is because we had a plan four bellies 16 portions come off a belly you count them out I thought that was happening it's nine tables I'm not bullshitting you no I don't think you're lying to me do my job the problem was portion sizes aren't right you've given up too much pork we can't take it back I can't run out to a table and say excuse me you got too much and I need it for later I'm not laughing I've got nowhere to go I look more stupid than you I'm supposed to be running this kitchen so we are in a deep dark hole and we need to find a way out can we come together as a team and come up with a solution to how we finish this please yep otherwise we may as well switch off and head into elimination of Sunday nights yes yes a gay heads up by the way yes yeah now I'm the captain that is my job to get us out of this deep dark hole so that can be saved down the middle trim trim save where you can from that save where you come from that split that so I quickly grabbed Reynold and throw him on that station to help Chris out in getting out Those portions when a 36 give me 36 people portions of pork everyone back to their stations back to what they were doing but it's possible but whoever slices it needs to be absolutely precise we'll do it we'll do it we'll do it good let's go come on blue team we may be down but we're not out come on [Music] come on the lamb is blushing each and every time I'm so glad that we came to the decision to grill it Ben Linton Hayden and Callum well done thank you main course is finished the lamb looks fantastic well done the debacle over the pink lamb versus the sous vide lamb yeah I think you made the right choice last dish has left the pass it's time for us to leave the kitchen head up to the Gantry get out welcome you're getting yourself ready for service you've got gastro sugar yeah perfect yeah and now it's up to dessert to bring it home for us just hope that they get those desserts out on time it's gonna be tough with only three of them captain of the Green Team Amina yes I need to seek desserts okay what do you want do you want to find broom walls of slightly like soured apples on the top what do you want how do we make bars of green apple green apple yeah are you sure 100 sure dessert okay this is a crucial time now no wait or orange Apple the Apple 100 Apple I'm sorry yes look seeing Poe so frantic breaks my heart she's such an amazing capable cook and I know that her internal dialogue is completely shutting down on her now and I know that she's freaking out let's just get it done just get it done look nothing's done until it's done mate nothing's done until it's done I just need to snap her back into reality and just remind her that actually it's a really good dish do you think we should leave it out the Apple yeah and let's notice I can guess ourselves anymore our strength is classic techniques classic flavors it's not a big fancy dessert I'm gonna start feeling getting everything ready the Branded Apple goes on the bottom of the shell under the custard [Applause] letting a Gordon service challenge go by with a fail today like there is no way that's happening on my watch oh there's no giving up you never give up in the master kitchen you never know makes it lovely okay we need some more pork please let's go Blue Team last two tables last eight portions let's go finish it off come on hey portions let's go take four and four come on Blue we need to lift this up a bit pretty strong let's go let's get cleaned up behind us ready for desserts come on guys let's go all right clean down lights off clear down guys foreign jobs at once do it yes Marco I've got the Miso sauce on for the salmon I put rhubarb into the oven and I grabbed the lamb out of the fridge we've got a problem what the hell is this the land that we've been given is totally not what we thought we were ordering today what what did it say fill it which obviously Now does not mean backstrap the hell are we gonna do with that [Music] honestly what do we do with that when we ordered lamb fillets today we were expecting lamb backstrap we have an issue we were under the impression we were getting backstrap what did you order fillet of lamb yeah yeah so you've said for a little lamb yes yeah that's what you ordered but what you meant you're thinking of the satellite view yeah the cannon a dish that I'm not 100 confident in has just gone down another notch so that's what you've got so now you've got to overcome your complication we've ordered the wrong lamb and I don't know what we're gonna do with it but we have to make it work this changes everything can you start picturing in your brain yeah now that we've got the fillets [Music] the clock is ticking I guess the secret to a good bisque is flavor I want the diner to have a spoonful of the best eat a prawn and it just marry all together no do you think people know what this is yes it's a French restaurant [Music] thank you for the correction nice flavor as well thank you Marco my bisque is looking beautiful and I'm just going to leave it sit there and simmer I'm gonna do the moves now yep perfect stop look at me remember this when this they're into the finals and if you're on my honest opinion you're gonna win something in life whether it's a challenge or whether it's stars in The Michelin you have to push and you have to fight you just don't get it given to you so earn it and push and work for him so just remember one thing do you want me to push you do you it's not personal we're here to do a job and that's to feed all those people well and I want you to walk out of this service feeling proud of yourself and knowing that you gave your best and not your second best but let's do the job [Music] okay please chowder yes come on we've only got 70 covers to do we've only got 66 in Hell hot plates not cold place Hot Space not cold place in the whole place in the hot plane come on service time has started and we have to get these dishes plated up how long how long quickly Marco is questioning how long how long it is until we are going to have a dish up and how long I I really don't know guests are waiting viewer guess would you want to wait or would you want to eat your delicious food Marty is on top of his game he's obviously had his wee bits this morning how tough is this very tough but you want it you see you won't answer the phone don't you yes I do and you may hate me for what I'm doing so is that I want you like everybody else in this kitchen to get to the final there's no favoritism it's all about the job yes Marco how's your garnish how's your garnish how's that garnish he is yelling and tapping and pushing and questioning everything and doing come on make it pretty serve it hot is taking a little longer than we'd like quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly we believe all Central a bit more Central just pour it in there we are put it over there so it glazes it so it doesn't look dry there you are come on have some confidence my first ball of this goes on the pass and I'm really happy with it how long to the channel how long to the Chowder how long for the challenge this is really hard it's a really intense environment but I'm really driven by this challenge I just want to do a good job very nice thank you how long for my seven picks how long for my seven pigs fake speaks two minutes two minutes until it's too long the great thing about the dessert we've chosen to make today is that it's all ready to go it's been sitting in the glass that we're going to serve it in in the fridge we just need to add figs blackberries and pomegranate seeds the syrup and a mint leaf and we're done you've seen this dessert go out we're both really proud of it so um it feels really nice 10 things yes please yes we are getting in orders for 10 desserts at a time and they're just flying out ten more effects please 10 figs 10 figs 10 figs Marco is yelling out orders left right and Center quickly quickly quickly when they're ready tell me I'm sure that I've made enough to cover all the dessert orders [Music] we're rapidly running out of our moose two for 31 take two table 31 the next one for 32 the next one 32. we've got them out no I don't think so there's only three left we've only got three desserts left so I really hope George has got her numbers right otherwise we're in deep trouble okay fix one two three four five six seven figs seven figs yes Marco yes I can't find any more glasses with white chocolate mousse in them they're definitely not near anything okay we've run out of moose we have Marco screaming at us quickly quickly where's your plates where's your plates where's your place where's your piece we've only got three left tomorrow well that's why they're not here yes that is why they're not here thank you I want seven figs that can't be right with the dessert well I only had seven plus four is only 11 in total if we don't get these last desserts out to the diners before the end of service we'll lose this challenge we'll blow any chance of going through the finals week have a gold cream yes where is it uh We've run out of moose so we're just trying to improvise at the moment I'm so sorry if I got that so wrong if I thought I got it right we are thinking of making a bit of a melted white chocolate whipped cream thing to go in which is pretty much the same flavor so hopefully we can get that done soon where are those glass bowls so I'm waiting on one two three four eight figs I'm waiting on no Marco we don't even have a glass age figs yes Marco we have no time to make more moose So the plan is to fold some melted white chocolate into the whipped cream [Applause] should look and taste the same as the mousse so fingers crossed it works is it thickening no it's not really cold enough [Music] oh my God I'm waiting for my fix I want my fix how long for my face ladies two minutes Marco silly this is ready come on come on coming come on this is your final moment work at work we're gonna in a little bit more outside it's beautiful tastes really bloody good yes okay be more generous they've waited yes two hands two hands two hands push up the print out of the way that's what you should always do it still moose like it's still light it still tastes like the other one it just does it hasn't been set come on come on come on push push push push push push push we just need to clean um have you got one ready yet send it to table nine one to table nine waiters table nine go one to table 13. Billy is like a machine if I didn't have heard then we would never have got it done the last one well done [Music] well done ladies well done by the way George silly I've seen some people in my life dig themselves out of a hole but not as big as the hole you dug yourself out today [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 440,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Australia, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, marco pierre white, gordon ramsay, masterchef australia, marco pierre white angry, masterchef restaurant takeover, masterchef team challenge, wagyu beef, seafood boil, cook
Id: 8G4oG3VdGyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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