2 Chefs Try to Recreate THE BIG MAC | Signature Dishes Ep.2

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hi everyone just wanna make sure that everybody is safe and well now this is another one of our batch filmed videos that will hopefully make you smile we'll continue to release these videos but also we're filming some self-isolation cooking challenges I will also be launching so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss those and also during this time we're going live every weekday at 4:30 live on Instagram to basically talk to our chefs get some advice and answer your questions so go join us there in the meantime I hope you enjoy this signature dish we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget review and it's all over and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal packs app we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join our community where everything we do starts with you hello this is fridge can he's James content you guys love and like our last signature dish episode so much that this time me and Ben are gonna do it and you guys have chosen the yeah we put the poll up on Instagram option one was Big Mac an option two was chocolate nemesis and this is how we got you've all voted and the answer is three two good fighting Wellborn great boating I've done you so chefs how'd you feel I felt good thinking love a burger neighbors how do you feel about Big Mac no doubt deserve it of one of the 300 most iconic dishes in the world I think yeah just I'm not a fan what don't you like about it there are some things I love about it like how standardized it is across the world and the fact that you can create something that we like intestines yeah I like that part of it but I don't particularly it abbis this is the second recipe that we've asked you to make from the signature dishes book the first one Auster's and pearls you complained that it wasn't anywhere close to your style of cooking because it was to pinnacle T you're now complaining that this also isn't to your style of food but what was great about wasters and pearls was it told you to the enth degree how to recreate in the book whereas this one is lacking in information the Big Mac itself is not really a secret to hamburgers between three pieces of hamburger bun with sesame seeds add cheese lettuce pickles and onions it's the special sauce that we never exactly be revealed by McDonald's although it is now understood to be mayonnaise sweet relish yellow mustard cider vinegar garlic powder onion powder and paprika but how much of each experiment and perhaps you'll find out we're gonna try and replicate it as best we can No yeah and to do that we're gonna dissect one have a look it's been a while since either of us have had one so loves it already so it's a bun but like with the middle section and or a bun that's been cut twice a patty in each one slice of cheese wine I just put another slice of cheese on the on the top come on the middle bit toasted on both sides whereas the fun toasted but not crisp I've refrained from eating one for about five years I don't feel like now's a now's the time embers if you're gonna do this properly you can advertise it James got this covered James has got this covered I'm half of all of it so people would like to formally apologize but then coming David April's refusal to eat a Big Mac this has nothing taken lightly his punishment is pending he's coming below with suggestions of retribution and we will act swiftly and forcefully we think severe patients it needs the pickle as soon as I got a pickle in a bite it was much more delicious I'm a little bit disappointed the buns we've got I've got a slightly more sesame distribution do you reckon we either pick off 50% these sesame seeds or do we go brioche glazing at aroma but it's not a brioche bun is it it's not I am tempted to say but maybe the brioche is closer because this is like a milk button type thing well then you'll know you've succeeded yeah it's being able to replicate that yeah it's gonna be hard everything that I've ever learned about making burgers says that you barely touched the milling don't overwork it because then it goes happy I think it has to be you don't want a puppy patty you do not want a puppy puppy 100% beef though we're not even gonna season it the seasoning comes afterwards white onion it says white onion we've got a lot of different onions here but it's sweet white onion rather than something like round which is much more onion look how thin that is and it's about moisty man it should be well you aiming for ever's 45.4 perp @e / Patti okay this is looking good this is looking good pickles what you doing here James I'm coding pickles in half because ours were double the depth of the ones in the burger I think it's fair to say that you probably don't rate the Big Mac as being one of the best burgers you've ever had so what excites you about trying to replicate it it's just fun trying to replicate something we're not gonna get it exactly the same because we don't have that many ingredients or enough time but we might get it almost the same this is one movie the lettuce to make it as uneven and poorly as possible oppressed enough I've got one for us to try yeah make sure happy yeah yeah if we are happy I've already shaped for others we've been very nice and giving you a little part of the original sauce as well so that you can taste that this is hard why is it hard so I'm just going off like I and taste though at least you've got two of your senses you can use that's true I've got four eyes so I've done mayo and American mustard this is pickle relish and I'm literally just like looking at it to see how much ethical ism they're compared to this one the thing is though James it wasn't actually the McDonald brothers that came up with the idea for the Big Mac really Jamie and McDonald's brothers names are not in that book Jim delegatee he was a franchise owner from Pennsylvania owned a McDonald's franchise and was serving punters for about ten years and started to get complaints from all of the steel workers that work nearby saying that actually the burgers he was serving weren't filling them up enough so he tried to come up with a way of saying get your bigger burger boys and that's how the Big Mac was born that is interesting the double patty the double patty when the Big Mac was first sold 45 cents for a burger which if you take into account inflation is about three dollars forty four is that true which is actually about the cost of a big map three pounds nine P yeah well that interesting I might need to add something that's not in the rest of less to make it the right color okay I've done onion granules I've done garlic powder I've done prep Rica and it's not tasting the same all looking the same it needs a lot of sugar in it I think I'm gonna go with ketchup James has been making the sauce for what would you say 15 minutes now it's always gonna be the hardest one where I actually took delegatee two years to perfect the sauce so I think you're doing pretty damn well made gonna cook off our first one we were gonna cook it in beef dripping because we thought flavor but we won't we'll keep it how it is hot pan see what happens I know they look a bit good don't they if I cook it much slower yeah much lower so we don't give it any of the nice dextran ization yeah it won't shrink just quite so quick and it will look more like that I'll eat this one day yeah oh I haven't seasoned it at all so there's a hundred percent beef they season it afterwards this is very hard oh I'm not sure I'm not sure you should have any I have a bite of that one to compare and then you can have this one no I'm trusting your tongue today you've got a great one or a lovely time this this tastes pretty good but it's not as gloopy so I'm not trying to make it more gloopy we maybe should have made our own layer so we've really thickened it hard any more oil in this would work just like faking it like a mayo yeah do that do it naturally if I him plate not work and they'll have to again I'm adding oil to my ready-made mayonnaise to thicken it more I think that's gonna work and I can add it quickly because it's already stabilized stabilized yeah is that because it's got mustard in it the multiplication wait Oh James what's up better how many big macs trek and was sold in 2017 nine and a half billion nine and a half billion in a year that's like 1.3 times the world's global population and you don't eat one yet how many would you have any year I don't know the last time I had a Big Mac actually but did you know according to a Wall Street Journal article in 2016 only one in five Millennials has actually eaten the Big Mac oh 1.3 billion Big Macs sold in 2017 James I'm interested you've gone for a brioche bun when clearly the McDonald's bun is not a brioche I know is it a sweet though yes a sweet bun and also we're kind of limited on choice and it's sweet and it's really soft okay and these just aren't there more Brady and this is warmest more like Katie brioche okay although it's not very awesome it probably doesn't have any butter in it it might have a little bit dairy in it so yeah it's a bit to toast suppose now we have to toast it less and just live with the fact that it's a little bit sweeter should we go yeah let's do it I'm getting excited for the burgers I think we might have something that is similar ish really interesting when you're trying to replicate something not necessarily just throwing stuff you think will make it necessarily better but you're actually focusing on the attention to detail in order to completely replicate it it's a different process isn't it isleta cents bit more chops for moment tiny crack of black pepper and pinch of salt - Tanya no this is hard this is hard Weiss is hard the onion is actually in hindsight really finely minced and we sure got some fire are you happy cool have we got another one we're not going to take some of that just I was like yeah okay yeah so that's there's nothing on there no then the link goes on then you repeat but without cheese I think they had three pickles / yeah are we gonna put more than one clump we're gonna space them out let's face them out I think they're probably equally divided but they did have to get here on the back of a bike and then nothing on the top what's awesome the cheese hasn't melted maybe they'd melt the cheese under the hot lamps like they just wrap it up and the cheese actually melts under that so we're gonna put it in the microwave with a little bowl of steam to keep everything moist and soggy so make good way soft yeah that's a really interesting spelling because it's not make a burger it's replicate a burger much more difficult if you haven't eaten the poke of the internal replicas one imagines I've heard that that is the case unless you're really really clever Oh small yeah small really small smuggling [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you want us to tell you which one is which before we start I feel like you followed that as closely as you could I liked the the eye for detail be honest not from you you didn't even taste it it looks different it's pretty much the closest shop-bought bum we could get without making their own bun I tell you what that is not bad at all in fact yours has got a little bit more color in the middle isn't it that's not a good thing I think the bun the bun is the bun is more yellow throughout the burger actually looks really good I think you need to make your own bone if you're gonna go all out and replicate a Big Mac you have to make the bun in order to have a fair test shall we which is it hits the spot it's all the things that taste good it's sweet its salty and the sauce is really nice but you also you know what to expect that is a memory whether you have that today five years ago whether you had it here whether you had it in America it's been the same every time you've had it exactly that's that's probably why people look forward to having them that's why people go in search for a McDonald's when they go abroad it's so true you're the arity yeah all right the layering is good that smells like a Big Mac smell it does smell like a Big Mac cheers cheers Cheers it's so close it is really close but it is not it's the right is it it's not a Big Mac it's the bread it's the bravery thing but the bread is is spot-on I think cuz I can taste brioche mm-hmm and everything else is there that sauce is really close as you say the sauce is really good and if you get a bit of gherkin yeah and the crunch of onion maybe the brioche was the wrong decision maybe the other grad would have been better I tell you what that is so close he's very good I'll play for approaching it with the eye for detail that you were looking at because that was really interesting to watch you can see why its iconic it's skewed slightly more sweet but that's probably a global preference and there is no bitter but all the other tastes are there yeah a kind of imbalance well done everyone thanks that's for you another delicious recipe from an excellent book talking of excellent cookbooks we have just launched our latest to the beat it fuses our love of music and food find out more in the link below we've been left to do the dead Jake you've been left to do the Tonto are you ready left to listen for the doctor a vegan was telling me the other day that the selling of meat is disgusting I pointed out in the selling of fruit and veg is grosser oh and I was good I can't give you too much credit yes to the beat is available bright now it's a load of great recipes styled themed and chaptered by genres of music from Punk to country and classical to pot is bold it's a load of fun and comes with bespoke to Spotify playlists for you to play whilst you cook so go and grab it now at sausage club and now a blooper yeah she's not even on the wine so again this yeah
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 843,652
Rating: 4.9331284 out of 5
Keywords: big mac, mcdonalds, mcdonalds recipe, recreating big mac, burger recipe, big mac sauce, cooking challenge, sortedfood, sortedfood challenge, recipe challenge, sorted food cookbook review, cookbook review, signature dishes cookbook, chefs big mac, sorted food, fast food challenge, fast food, mcdonalds challenge, mcdonalds recipes burger, sorted food chefs review cookbook, special sauce recipe, how to cook a big mac, big mac recipe, big mac sauce recipe, big mac challenge
Id: zboSGd6pa0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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