Barbara O'Neill - Part 11: Herbs

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[Music] [Music] yesterday we talked about how we're going to do the sodium bicarbonate rap and this is the rap that we do to help people conquering cancer it's quite an involved rap so we're going to do the whole set up in the break and in this first lecture I'm going to talk about herbs but the herbs I'm going to talk about are things that you probably have always seen as just weeds in the garden and an important part of knowing about your weeds in the garden or your hubs is being able to identify them but not only that to know what you do with them how you can use them and why they would help you any not what area they would help you so I'm gonna start with one that I'm not going to touch and you'll know why I'm not gonna touch it because it is stinging nettle and I found this wonderful specimen this morning stinging nettle did you know that in in the little cottage gardens when people first settled in that wind when when Australia was first settled the English colonies and they had gardens they always had a bed of stinging nettle and stinging nettle can be used for in a stew you can use it like spinach and you want rubber gloves on it really thick rubber gloves and you cut it up and you put it in your stew and as soon as it cooks it limps and when it limps of course you've got no more of the prickly things and also it annulled so to speak the steam of it but if you are weeding in the garden and the metal does touch you there is a remedy and it is doc and doc is the remedy if you get touched by stealing at all and often you will find them growing together which that was very nice of God to do is to grow them together and if you do touch this thingy metal and it certainly stings I think one of the worst one I had one day I was in my garden and there was a celery plant gone to seed and I knew that it was going to take a lot of strength for me to pull this out I'd already loosened it with a fork so I grabbed it hard in knowing I'd have to pull it hard and guess what was growing right next to it was stinging nettle so it wasn't just a brush or a touch it was a grab oh that was a mighty sting and it was all inside here and it kills do you know the steam is do you know is a is the same as in the in the ants the ants that sting it's actually the same chemical and I'm looking around and I saw it and I grabbed it and you just chew chew chew chew chew spit out because it's the juice juice of the doc so I grabbed the doc and I chewed it and shoot it and spit it out and then I held my hand ah it's incredible the relief that it gives and if you really want to know the leaf you can come up and touch it and then we'll quickly get the dog but there's only a little bit there's only a little bit of doc but the juice in the doc will will bring relief and negate this thing from the sea nettle so why would you use stinging nettle steam nettles roots go deeper than any other root and because the roots are so deep they are able to access minerals way down deep in the earth that the top plants can't actually access the minerals that the roots get if their way down David so this stinging nettle and you can almost tell because it is so dark green you see the darker the green the higher the mineral content so misty mountain health retreat we serve our guests breakfast like a king and lunch like a queen and tea like a pauper and so the evening drink that we give our guests is broth and we cook onions with the skin on earth and potatoes with the skin and celery and all the celery leaves and we slowly cook that for about four hours and in the last half hour we'd put ste metal in and for a maybe five six liter pot we'd put about that much stinging nettle in and then before we serve it we strain it so all the minerals that are in all those vegetables and all the minerals that are in that steam that'll go into the water so I say to I guess aren't you glad we don't ask you to each steam at all we just drink the water from it so all the minerals that are in the plants and now in the broth so we strain that and what we strain out is it's basically not good for much because all the minerals are now in the water and I know an old Ozzie habit the ladies used to cook their veggies on a Sunday and cook their roast and then the water from the vegetables they would make their gravy where that was a because it gives a nice flavor you know what the flavor is the flavor is minerals so before we serve our broth we put a couple of spoons of Celtic salt in and our guests love that broth at night it really is what women used to call stock yeah in the you know that have their big old fuel stove and a big pot and they cut up their carrots and put the tops and the ends in and they cut up their onion and put the onion skins in that's basically what we do first two days that misty mountain healthful treated juicing days so we just put the veggies together but on the cooking days there's always a broth pot in the kitchen and you know when the past is being cut up all the sticks from the parsley they put in the broth and it's the best stock so you you know feel free to do that feel free to put your ste metal in make a nice big broth pot because then you can freeze it in little containers and it's a great base for soups great base for cooking your legumes and a great evening meal is just having that a cup or two of broth very high minerals the nettle is also reported to help with the inflammation of the prostate gland the nettle being very very high in minerals is high in iron so it's very good for people who are a little bit challenged with anemia but you know the main cause of anemia is low hydrochloric acid and tonight in my lecture on the gas I'm going to show you how you can boost hydrochloric acid levels to to heal the me Mia to help get that fine out of the food so that's what you would use stinging nettle for the next one we're going to look at is chickweed and i found some very good specimens of chickweed now chickweed looks very very similar to radium yeah you you probably can hardly see the difference there so there is a way to tell the difference and with the chickweed it'll have one little root stock and the plant can spread right out about this big in fact if I've got chickweed in my garden I know all I have to do is go underneath find the root and I've got all of that away it'll spread out now the identifying factor with chickweed and you can come up in the break now I don't know if you can see that but when you break the chickweed stem there's a thread in there so that's held together because there's a little thread inside the stem so that's the identifying factor with chickweed and chickweed is a delightful herb feel free to come up and have a chew of the leaf it is not bitter at all so it's very very nice in your salads my first husband was a drug addict and an alcoholic and I had six children in the rain forest no electricity sometimes times are a bit tough and there was not a lot of money around in fact when times were tough we ate lentils and chick weed and we did very well so the chick weed can be thrown in your soups and your stews and all the minerals will go in there but you can see how the leaf is not as dark as the steam metal it still has some on it still has some minerals but it has quite a shallow root I don't think I picked any root there but medicinally the chick weed is an anti itch herb and I know when my children had contact with chickenpox or measles you know the next few days we're waiting in the garden and my daughter Emma and say leave the chick weed mum we're going to live we're going to need that and for measles chicken pox you know itchy things you can pour boiling water on it and the tea when it cools you can put into ice ice trays so you've got chickweed tea ice cubes and when someone has an itch they get that out and you know what ice will do to itch so if ever you've got an itch don't scratch it because when you scratch an itch it brings relief but then what does it do it's even worse and if the scratching continues the skin can break and if the skin drags then an infection can come whenever you feel each grab an ice cube and just hit it now the beauty of making chickweed tea ice cubes you've got a double effect of not only the ice to kill the edge but you've also got the herb someone has chicken pox measles you can make a bath and throw our Hebert chickweed in the bath and they can bathe in the chick read bath would you use it for a psoriasis you certainly can you certainly can now psoriasis has a yeast aspect to this the rash on the skin so you could warm up coconut oil in a double saucepan and you could put the chick weed in it and you do that for probably about half an hour till the chick weed goes all limp and dark like it's cooked and then you just pick the chick weed out and they've got chick weed augment and the coconut oil has an anti fungal property anti used property so that's an excellent point meant for things like eczema and psoriasis you've got your anti itch of the of the chick weed and you've also got the the anti fungal property of the coconut oil can you see that that will actually stay there if I pull that hard I can break that little inside thread but that little thread in the middle is your identifying factor so that's the main thing with chick food that can be eaten it's got nice nice array of minerals in it and it's anti itch now I have to tell you too that my children were exposed to chicken pox measles five times and they never got it we'd get all the chick weed ready and and they would never get it and I was talking to a naturopath one day I said it's really funny my children keep getting exposed everyone gets it my children don't he said I know why he said your children are running barefoot through the hills they're eating all the food out of the garden which is incredibly high in minerals and nutrients he said their bodies are functioning so well it's not taking them down he said I wouldn't be surprised if your children didn't get it but it was so mild that they didn't even know they had that was his theory now let's have a look at this other one and this is called radium radium is the one that looks like chickweed and this is very different because it's just like a little tree it doesn't spread out like the chickweed and I was looking around I thought that was quite a good specimen till I found this one and you see it branches out but as you can see is so similar isn't it so to identify it you know that this is the radium because it grows like a tree and that one spreads out but the identifying factor is when you break it break it can you see the white milk there's a white milk there and that white milk is an irritant so don't put this one in your salad okay it's an irritant your husband will never forgive you now you see that white that white milk there you can put that on the skin cancer and burn it out you can put that on a wart and burn it out you can put that on the mole and burn it out it's an irritant it's it'll irritate whatever you put it to so what you can do is you can put a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil or poop or ointment something like that around the edge of the mole or wart or skin cancer and just put that on on the skin cancer water or mole it'll flare up it's an irritant it's doing its work it'll look terrible but that's what it does if you go and have a skin cancer burnt off from the doctor it's going to look terrible isn't it it's just burning it out so remember this one is an irritant don't eat it but you can irritate or burn out any little bits and pieces on your body that you'd like to burn out so that's really the only thing that you would use the radium for it's also called Quade because of that little dot of milk that comes out obviously the thick of the stem the the better milk that you will get now we're going to have a look at here's another one now this is sorrel and I'll draw the leaf it's actually a bit pointy so the the identifying with solos that has those two little lobes at the bottom and sometimes sometimes it'll have another little dip there so what we've already looked at is chickweed we've also looked at radium and remember the chick weaves the nice one with the little thread and the radium that has the milk in it and we've also looked at stinging nettle a friend of mine is German and he says that he makes stinging nettle salad I said you make steamed little salad and what he does is he cuts it up really really tiny I've yet to eat it yes that's nettle tea yep nettle tea and you'll find if you find a mix for say the prostate you'll often have metal in it and the other thing nettle is used for is tine iearned so often if people are anemic they'll use nettle tea if you get a her book you'll find many herbs have got a whole lot of things you can do but I like to target the specifics because there are some herbs that are specifically better to certain things than others last night I've talked about the Hawthorne berry and the Hawthorne berry is a specific for the heart cayenne pepper is a specific for the blood and that's good news that means that can be used all over the body in fact in the book curing with cayenne the author Sam buys that he says you can put cayenne pepper with other hoods to increase their their potency so you could put came pepper with with Hawthorne berry to increase the hawthorn berries action on the heart and you can put cayenne pepper with something like cranberry which will help to increase the cranberries ability to help resolve a UTI or urinary tract infant so what do you use solar for solar Li is one of those green herbs and there are many of them that is a that is like a sweet bitter so if you chew on the soil it almost has a sweet aftertaste but it's a slightly bitter and all of your bitter herbs are specifics for your liver and all your green herbs are very high in chlorophyll and chlorophyll is plant blood and the molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to the MEC molecular structure of human blood let me show you so this is the molecular structure of human blood and this is the molecular structure of plant blood which is chlorophyll so there's the plant and there's the human almost identical almost the middle molecule in plant is magnesium and the middle molecule in human design and that's why the Green Drinks the green Barley's green smoothies all new green plants except for the radium you can use to boost boost iron in the blood also green juice which is your plant blood it's one of the most potent blood and tissue cleansers in the body it cleanses the tissues so so I'll throw it in your salads it's quite nice buzz it up in your green drinks very nice now there's one that you probably would not want to put in your green drinks definitely not the radium and that is dandelion now I was able to get quite a few different specimens of dandelion and the way to identify dandelion is the line has sharp teeth and so on the edge of the dandelion there's very sharp those edges don't very sharp I found this one right underneath a bush and look at this leaf here it hardly even looks like a dandelion leaf but if you look closely you can see those little edges but I was able to find it's got a bit of dirtiness this one was near the front door and can you see the leaves are very sharp there and you would wonder if that and that was the same plant wouldn't you but you see grown in different areas this was more sun exposed and weather exposed whereas this one was more underneath the bushes so that identifying factors with the dandelion there's sharp sharp corners remembered and aligned the lines teeth so that stand alone now there is another herb that looks very similar to dandelion it's called cassia now with the dandelion the dandelion plant will just shoot up once talked with one flower whereas the cat's claw will shoot up several stalks and the stalk will divide and it'll have several flowers I couldn't see a cat's ear but I did oh yes I did I found in the grass the dandelion stem now the dandelions see that the and align and the cat see a flower looked very similar they're both yellow but the dandelion flower will be a little bit bigger so you'll know which is which by the stem and the dandelion stem is hollow my children used to pick them and use them as straws so the dandelion stem is hollow and also the cat's ear stem is not it's sort of more disjointed and again in fact I'll draw a picture of it will rub this one out so with the dandelion it's it's definitely it's that's got the sharp leaves and then you'll have lots of leaves here and it'll just have one stem that'll go straight up and it'll have the flower on top whereas the cat's ear the the leaves are more like this they're more round they're not sharp but they're very similar they have all the leaves around like that but they'll have a stem that'll go like that and they'll have the yellow flower on it like that and sometimes they have another one that that divides like that and it'll have the flower up like that once you start looking you'll be able to identify the difference another big difference between the cat's claw and the dandelion is not only the sharp edges but dandelion is smooth whereas cat's claw is a little bit furry now as as far as the East is from the West is the medicinal properties cat's claw it's basically only good thing about it is it's a green plant whereas dandelion lion is the king of the jungle and I think dandelion is the king of the the herbs in the garden because dandelion is a bitter herb if you would to bite it and eat it it's it's very very bitter and you've heard the old saying sweet to the mouth bitter to the stomach sweet to the mouth bitten to the stomach think of that with sugar sugary sweet to the mouth but very bitter to the stomach where is your bitter herbs like dandelion their bitter to the mouth but very sweet to the stomach because it's the bitter herbs that stimulate the liver to release to release it some digestive enzymes and also it can the bitterness causes the stomach to release its digestive enzymes - dandelion is the liver herb your liver is a recoverable organ it's the only organ in the body that has the ability to regrow or recover that's why they can do a liver transplant on just a little bit of liver and the liver will regrow and I'm so glad made that God made the liver a recoverable organ because some of the things that people are doing to their body in ignorance mostly granted if we didn't have a recoverable OGG and some of us wouldn't even live past our 20s but God in His great wisdom and mercy made the liver to be a recoverable organ and these herbes help stimulate the liver to regrow and to recover cancer cannot get a hold on the body if the livers working in optimum performance and one one liver herb that many people don't realize it is is the lemon so a great drink in the morning remember your wake up have your water have another bit of water and then when you come near the kitchen have the kettle boiled and put stew serve a lemon in some water with a little bit of boiling water on top and have a warm lemon drink fantastic liver tonic early in the morning also the lemon is an internal alkalizer so that will do a to a few things too now how can we eat this how can we eat the dandelion well there's a recipe in Europe a friend of mine went through Europe traveling for a while and she stayed at some of her relatives because she is German descent and she said that they make this wonderful hot potato salad they cook the potatoes and then they chop them up hot into hunks and then they chop up heaps of dandelion and then they put lots of olive oil crush garlic and salt just imagine that doesn't that sound YUM now those smooth blandish potatoes covered with the delicious olive oil that makes anything taste nice and that also calms down the garlic and it and it also comes down the bitterness of the dandelion so every mouthful you eat is mostly potato with that lovely oil on it and salt and a little garlic and a little bit of dandelion it's actually delicious that sort of balances out to a delicious hot potato salad now this lady suffered from mine problems she should I had no iron challenges when I was in Europe she said I think I was it's because I was eating the hot potato dandelion salad every day sorry I can't give you an ounce there yes this is a German man am i right I forgot the vinegar well I actually don't put vinegar on earth I like it just just like that but um so I've got a confirmation that that is a recipe from Jimmy yes yes yes it is so that's one way you can have it because remember it is better you can slice them up finely and you can thread you can just sprinkle them through a salad with your sweet your sweet lettuce the other way you can have down your line is you can use the route now there's a book you can buy it's by an Australian woman it's called how I can use herbs in my everyday life and it's by and Isabelle Sheppard and it's a great book because her book has all the garden weeds in it and she says that the dandelion root now this is why I was glad I got the root now that's not a very old plant but the root is quite long and she says when you first make a garden before you've got time to put all the fertilizer that plant dandelion in your garden and she said the root can go to even a metre deep and it'll break up the soil so when I first moved where I'm living now the house that I lived in the hill had been cutting to to be able to build the house but what does that mean my house is just on clay so I took my grandchildren my three little granddaughters and we went on a dandelion hunt all through the grass in the property where the health center is and they would run I fell one grandma and they'd find the little little flowers sitting on top because they just poked straight up and when you see that flower you're deep deep and we dug up the dandelions and we went and planted it all through my garden so all through my garden is Daniel I'm because I one of those reap roots to go very deep and break up them clay that my house was sit on in fact people look at my garden now and they don't know why it looks so good because it is clay but I've done a few things to it that always helps and I'll put wood chips on you have dues wood chips wood chips are great you know why would chips cause the growth of a fungi called Mike ERISA and Mike ERISA has hyphy that go out that pull nutrients from deep down in the soil into the soil where your plants are like ERISA I think it's called I think that's it mycorrhizae it's a fungi and it grows in wood chips that's why would chips are so great around your fruit trees put it as deep as you can the weeds won't come it'll keep the moisture there but it will encourage the growth of or the development of micro riser I actually think the spelling is really wrong so I'm gonna try again and I just realized what it is it's my Co riser that's it you see my Co means fungi mycorrhizae she yeah excellent excellent so she can use the leaves all through her salad and she can go in a little hunt with her grandchildren to find the not many people will believe that you're digging up the dandelion and putting it in your garden how many people are pulling it out of their garden and but it doesn't take over the garden you know all my flowers though in fact I've got a strange garden I've got roses and I've got celery and I've got kale and I've got pansies and I've got weeds that people think of weeds all growing or through my gun they're the gardens I love now what you can also do you can buy you can buy the dandelion root that's been roasted so that's like a dandelion coffee and you can buy a delicious drink in the health food shop and we sell it at misty called chai Daniel I'm a lot of people will drink chai tea but the tea of course has the tenon and the Catherine's in it but chai dandelion is a delicious drink a lot of people don't like herb teas because they say they're tasteless and bland not chai dandelion chai Daniel on is a delicious drink and it has a whole lot of herbs and spices with it to make give it that beautiful flavor so you can have the fresh dandelions scattered through your salads or you can make your hot potato salad with lots of dandelion in it the leaves or you can buy the dandelion root roasted and have that as a as a hot drink now I've got a couple of herbs that I have not got here but I will talk about and one is aloe vera I'm sure everyone's familiar with aloe vera every home should have a pot of aloe vera and I know that aloe vera doesn't like Frost and I think you have frost here but you can grow it in a pot we have frost at our place and what you've got to do is you know an aloe vera plant will give off little pups we've got a plant a little pup there and you've got to let plant a little pup there and a little pup around there and you've got to find out where it where it's happy and you when you find a place that it is happy then you grow a whole crop of it now why would you grow aloe vera Gluck aloe vera has a growth stimulant in it so aloe vera stimulates rapid new cells so that's good news isn't it and aloe vera is a little bit slimy we know it's a little bit slimy so it's very good at coaching soothing and healing the lining of the gut so great if you've got sore throat great if you've got stomach ulcer fantastic for irritable bowel crohn's disease the inside of your gastrointestinal tract is like the inside of your your mouth it's sort of a bit slimy and aloe vera is like that so how do we eat it well I'll tell you a bit of a funny story it's the embarrassing story but I'll tell it to you because it gives an illustration I was in Mount Isa and I was lecturing and I've been traveling a lot and when you travel a lot you're breathing in car a lot of plane fumes and I got a very sore throat and I went to bed this night and my throat was very sore and I thought if I can just fall asleep I'll be fine I was having a bit of salt I was having water and I woke in the middle of the night and I could not even swallow it was like razor blades my throat was like razor blades and I lay there thinking what am I gonna do you know when you've got so much the painting such that you can't sleep but some paints not too bad in your fall asleep then you don't even know you've got paint now the house I was living in had a huge elevator patch I was yes there was an upstairs place but I was downstairs and I knew it was outside and it was it was probably my door was there a little path and then there was this huge aloe vera patch and aloe vera plants this wide huge big aloe vera plants the old ones are the most potent they're the ones that are the best and all I could think of was if I can get that aloe vera gel in my throat it'll bring me relief so just picture me with my nightie on and their head torch creeping around 3 o'clock in the morning and there it was and I had a knife and I just cut it I cut the stem then I cut it down the middle and I just ate it sounds very primitive doesn't it it was a very thick leaf so it was very fleshy oh and it was a little bitter but I did not care because my throat was so sore do not brought almost instant relief no I did not eat the whole lot I ate the fleshy center but that fleshy center so I'm here to testify as you can see I'm still alive I just got my teeth into that into that flesh yes it's not very civilized that it's very primitive and I wonder what someone would have thought if they'd walked past and seen this lady in her nightie I told you it was a bit embarrassing I went back to bed with a relief throat now it wasn't totally gone but that that real razor blade had just been taken off and I slept that night the the best leaves are the biggest leaves so what you can do of course when you're civilized you can peel heavily peel the leaf now you want to heavily peel the leaf because just under the leaf is a yellow SAP if you're familiar with aloe vera you'll be familiar with that yellow SAP that yellow SAP is an irritant to the gut so you don't want the yellow SAP if you've got constipation you might like the yellow SAP because it certainly can stimulate movement down there and so you cut off that thick you do a thick cut of the leaf so you get the yellow slime underneath and then you just left with the hunks of clear allergy aloe vera juice or the aloe vera gel so when I gave two days later I gave a lecture on the herbs I got some of those big leaves and I heavily peeled them and I just had little sections of the gel and I'm find of the people to come up and have a taste and you just chew it a little bit in your mouth and no yes it slides down your throat but that slime enos is what the lining of the gastrointestinal tract loves so what we do now at misty mountain health retreat because I thought how can we use this aloe vera is so good now there is a polysaccharide and polysaccharide means many sugar there is a special type of polysaccharide that is in the aloe vera that stimulates cell to cell communication and cell to cell communication is important because when cell to cell communication is working as it should it won't allow cancer cells to get a hold on the body cancer cells get a hold on the body when cell to cell communication has actually been compromised and the body doesn't know there's a problem cell there can you see that but if cell to cell communication is vibrant then a cancer cell basically can't get a hold on the body because the communication system says there's a problem their white blood cells deal with him have you heard of Mannatech manitech is a company that sells a whole lot of products all their products are based on aloe vera and they push the growth stimulant and they push that these products help with cell to cell communication which helps to keep check on cancer cells and even turn around cancer cells so that's why manitech push that and basically all their products are from aloe vera and that's what aloe vera does that polysaccharide stimulates cell to cell communication but the growth stimulant of the aloe vera and also totes ur them and heal the lining so there you're three specifics with the aloe vera so what we do and i got this message out of Isabel Sheppard's book how I can use herbs in my everyday life and you cut one of the big outer leaves of the aloe vera and then you sit it on a plate and you sit it on a plate for one hour and all the yellow slime drains out you'll see after an hour that pool of yellow slime I cut the bottom off and then I slice it so that each slice is a few millimeters apart and then you'll put you know one big leaf into a two-liter jug of water and you let that sit and you drink the water and if it has a little bit of an Olivia tastehh you put a sprig of mint in that that makes it even nicer and you leave it there enough for about six hours used to start drinking it and so that's what I drink a lot at misty mountain is the aloe vera juice and we have cups of water for our guests and we have always have several cups of aloe vera it looks really pretty is the slices of it and thin aloe vera in the water it does have a little bit of an aloe vera taste but you know I don't mind that and if you mind it you can put a squeeze a lemon in or you can put a sprig of mint in after 24 hours all the water's drunk you can fill it up with water again so you can actually use that for 48 hours but what we do at misty mountain we cut the leaf the night before the staff slice it up and put it in the water and then in the morning I guess I'll get a glass of aloe vera water with a squeeze of lemon in it now that aloe vera does something else too it has a natural probiotic in it so I never wash my aloe vera leaf because b12 is an airborne bacteria so none of these have been washed so I only wash it if it's got mud or maybe manure on it or I'd be very cautious if you picked a plant that may have had a dog do something on it or the council spray it so you know I wouldn't need that but then of course that must be washed but this fresh from the garden with all the rain yesterday there is no need to Washington b12 is an airborne bacteria so if I eat all that and I just might eat that at lunchtime unless you'd like it and you can eat it for your lunch I'm getting a little bit of b12 because b12 is an airborne bacteria so on the aloe vera I've just picked it there is no need to wash it I didn't let the yellow slime come out cut the bottom and then slice it and put it in the water there's b12 in that water no I don't peel it if I'm just gonna eat the gel I peel it but there's no need to peel it because the yellow slime has come out and I cut it I cut it all up so in that water you're getting all the properties of the aloe vera do you know after 24 hours the waters getting a little thick I don't mind that you're getting that nice slime going down through your gut and you're getting elevated and you're getting a bit of b12 and you're also getting some probiotics and natural probiotic you've probably noticed that I love remedies that are very cheap now last night I talked about the Anna's wild yam cream that's about $50 a jar but it lasts three months that's still pretty cheap isn't it I know people that spend $200 a month on supplements so $50 over three months that's that's not hard when you save money on these things you can spend more money on good quality clothes that are made out of natural fiber good quality shoes that are made out of natural fiber and you can also spend more money on organic fruits vegetables legumes nuts and seeds you see it's not as my husband always says it's not how much money you've got a take what you do in it how you how you organize it around so that's what you can do with aloe vera now a friend of mine she drains the aloe vera and then she slices the aloe vera and she puts it on trays in the dehydrator and when it's totally dried out she blends in and puts it in a jar and she travels with it and she puts a spoonful in her water so that's something else that you can do with aloe vera well not just about covers my herbs unless there's any questions yes what about doc yeah now now doc doc um hasn't any great specifics except that it's a green herb so it's got that great chlorophyll in it it has a it's almost got a bit of a flavour like like your sorrow but Doc's a great green herb and you couldn't correct me my German friends do you eat doc in Germany no not not doc so much see not doc it yeah it's if you look in the herb books it's not another a great specific no I it can take over I wouldn't let this take over where is the dandelion it's really behaves itself sort of keeps but I I know in a very good soil you can get a dandelion leaf that long and that fat and it's in good soil so the doctor it we do sometimes put it in the Green Drinks you could put it in broth for a bit more green and but it's not as powerful as the steam now the stem of the steam metal is the antidote for the sting of the stinging nettle oh well that's good to remember problem is it's a bit hard to get to the stem but that's good to know we live in a rain forest and we have stinging trees and the steam trees is a very bad sting and the Antonine antidote for the leaves being stunned by the leaves of the steam tree and they're like this is you scrape the the tree and get the SAP and that'll do that so I guess that's similar to them to the CNN so the milkweed is one are there yeah the milkweed okay I'll try that next time so the milk the milk from the milkweed the radium will also negate just seeing at the scene you know that's good to know yes could you put them into a blender what we do at misty mountain health retreat when someone comes to us wanting help to conquer cancer we will put the edible greens we put this we actually put the steam metal because it's not bitter we put that we might put a little bit of that we don't do the danielaube because it's so bitter and I'll do tips from the pumpkin plant we also will do farmer's friend you know farmers friends sticky beaks you know when you go in the garden and you get all those sticky things of course sticky beaks yeah a farmer's friend so all your edible grains that aren't too bitter we blend usually blend with water say four cups of greens and four cups of water we blend it and then we strain it and we put it in little bottles and so it's dark green water and we usually put either mint or lemongrass in so it doesn't taste too bad and our guests who come to us to conquer cancer they drink a liter of that in the day so that's that's part of their water so that's what we do some people do green drinks green smoothies I should say and now have some you know almond milk and a banana and chia seeds and so they blend maybe some protein powder and then I put kale leaves in and they'll drink that so that's that's a you know there are whole books on green smoothies some of our guests they're too busy in the morning to eat so they just make green smoothies I think white popular yes well you can eat it but if you're finding that hard you just rub it between your hands and get the juice out that's probably more civilized you can roast it yourself yep but as you can see by this one you wouldn't get much out of that one you'd have to have one that's a few years old to make your own dandelion root yes one of the benefits of kale kale is a lovely dark green leafy vegetable it does help deliver it's not as potent as the dandelion but it does it does some and being green hind chlorophyll that's a blood and tissue cleanser yeah all your greens are high alkalizes so it's basically all the benefits of the green so it does help with the liver and you can throw kale into soups and stews and there's a wonderful kale salad and how you make kale salad because cars a bit tough well you finally slice finely slice the kale and you've got a big pile of finely sliced kale and then you sprinkle it with salt celtic salt of course all human own salt and then you get your hands in and your rub and you rub like this and you rub the salt all through the finely sliced kale and at limps it almost looks like you've steamed it and once you've done that you've got about half the amount of cayenne you started with and then you chopped tomato and chopped avocado and throw it through it's delicious and the kale is now tender and yet it's a raw dish so that's something you can try that's that's probably my favorite way to eat kale selling looks like I'm gonna have to make it for tomorrow so you can taste them at tomorrow but it looks beautiful because it's now drag green and that the creamy light green of the avocado and the bright red of the tomato it looks beautiful but the tomato and the avocado taste-wise go beautiful with the cow yes if you cook it that's a very new zealand word we cook it a wee bit cook it a little bit and put a little lemon and salt it's very nice and I if I'm doing a super Stu I'll tear it out or cut it up lightly and put it in in the last five minutes so it just limps and that's very nice - how much time have I got because I could spend a lot of time on comfrey comfrey is a remarkable time and Humphrey has a great stimulant so don't put it in your garden it will just take over because it's got a great stimulant now maybe down here in Invercargill if your cool winter months and lots of frost maybe it won't get out of control because in the winter all the leaves stone and the root remains but in the early spring the comfrey shoots up now comfrey contains a growth stimulants so wherever you apply comfor it's going to stimulate rapid healing its nickname is knit bone because of its ability to knit bone and it can nip tendons and ligaments and tissues in the spring and in the summer the the active nutrients from the comfrey are found in the new leaves but in the autumn and in the winter all the healing properties go down to the roof so if you use country in the winter you use the root if you use comfrey in the spring and summer you use the leaves the smaller leaves are very very potent now there's been there been messages coming out through the media that Humphries dangerous have you heard that and it will cause liver damage well in her book how I can use herbes in my everyday life Isabel Shepard she gives a whole section on comfrey and she tells the story of a farmer who bought an old cow female cow from the abattoirs that the cow was old could hardly walk and he was going to experiment on this old cow because the cow was going to die anyway so all the farmer did was given comfrey leaves and he wilted them thou wilt you know within an hour of picking so the cow could eat more the cow got stronger and stronger and bigger and started prancing around the paddock and started to produce milk and he said the cream on that milk was about a third of the milk why did he do it to prove see they say that country will cause liver damage that's all this the cow ate didn't even need any grass just the country incredible experiment sheep will lead it to and sheep will not eat a plant that will hurt them will a it's a remarkable herb because it has a growth stimulant in it it's got a growth stimulant it's anti-inflammatory so it gets the inflammation down and it's a lubricant so it's excellent on bones we had a lady and I'll make this story very short she broke her legs she broke her tibia and her fibula and she had a crushed knee and we knew it was broken because when we found her she would fallen off a bike she was 56 the bone was not sticking through the skin but it was poking up like a tent anyway we had a guy there that knew bones and he said hold on Katie and he realigned at the ambulance came took her away and anyway she was in the hospital three weeks and they would not operate they were going to do pins and plates on her because her leg was so while and and her husband was getting frustrated with this so he brought a home and we bought her into my lounge room and it was the winter so we graded up the comfrey root every night every night we graded up the comfrey root we made a poultice you grate up the root and it goes like chewing gum you see it's got this lubricant in it and we'd make a poultice like I showed you the other day and then I'd pour a little bit of boiling water on it to soften it a bit and warm it and put it on the leg and I put it around the knee and also where the break was in the tibia and the fibula and we would pray over it we'd say father in heaven we don't know what we're doing here but you do do you know that lady totally healed it was incredible we she did not get out of bed for I think it was five weeks and we kept it we kept it straight but every night we'd put the comfrey poultice on it and then after six weeks she started to walk with crutches and then I think it was another two weeks and she started gingerly walk with a walking frame and it was probably about three months and she was running now they told her she'd probably never walk properly again because it was such a serious break now that was probably the most serious thing that we have ever done and the doctor went when she went back to the doctor he said it must have been broken but there was an x-ray that showed it and the bone was nearly through big because it's unbelievable isn't it it isn't when you realize what comfrey does remember the three things it has a growth stimulant so whether it be bone or tissue or tendon or ligament or skin growth stimulant it's a lubricant excellent for joints and it also reduces the inflammation so it I told you that if I was going to talk about country made a bit of time it's a remarkable remarkable herb so we pick the leaves in the spring in the summer and I dry them till they totally dried out in a warm oven and then I'd pound them up to a powder and I do that three times so I've got 50 leaves so in my jar got a hundred and 50 leaves they come down to a fine powder just this big I feel that a third fool then I fill it with olive oil and I shake it and I let it sit for two months and after two months I strain it into a double saucepan and then I warm beeswax I mix them together and pour it into jars and you can remiss the mountain health retreat and get a jar of comfrey cream it's dark green oh that's one of my hobbies yes yes country would help but for arthritis the ginger poultice will take the inflammation out yes oh yes yeah yeah every day even when it looked like it was probably here we just still did it we just still did it we just still did it yep and this remarkable Howard Howard healed but I I was on a plane one day and I was next to an orthopedic surgeon how I discovered this was because I'm platinum frequent-flyer mall weighs up the front of a plane so the skull was next to me he had a suit on and he had a book and then it said healing at a cellular level so when I sat down I said that looks like an interesting book and he looked at me said who are you I said I'm Barbara Neil what are you doing I said I'm a nutritionist to the naturopath and he went hmm I said and who are you he said well I'm dr. such-and-such and I'm an orthopedic surgeon and I went hmm anyway now on the level ground we began to talk he said you know before we oughta Pedic surgeons bones healed well bones health the orthopedic surgeon can't heal a bone the body heals the bone so basically what the country did and I think if we didn't do the country I think it probably would have still healed but not as quickly the country boots that up and I was giving her high nutrition in fact this orthopedic surgeon said to me do you know half of the surgeries we do an unnecessary Wow I said well what I do is I teach people to look after their body so they don't get to you he said good he said I don't do unnecessary surgeries but he said many do he said they've got to pay the bills Oh think about that so how nice if we can keep our bodies strong and healthy I said to him well if I get a broken bone I'll come and see you he said I won't see you because he knew he said I got these women in there these are breaking up he said they're very overweight he said I they insist so I knee replacement he said I don't know how that needs gonna ever heal with all that weight on it he said we have a hard job and I agree they do have a hard job they do the best they can but how nice if we can actually give our body the conditions so it's strong and healthy and if there isn't injury it will heal and these herbs help and the poultices help and the hydrotherapy helps remember it is the body and the body alone that can heal I thank God for the healing powers of the body but I also thank him for these hoops and I thank him for the pole verses and I thank him for the water therapies so I'm gonna give everyone a break now it is 25 to 11 and where can it come back at quarter to 11 and when we come back we're going to be doing the the sodium bicarbonate red you
Channel: Wicklow Street
Views: 279,059
Rating: 4.8663735 out of 5
Keywords: Barbara O'Neill, naturopathy, herbs, health, Wicklow Street, Invercargill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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