Brisket Smoked Mac & Cheese | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chuds barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious cheesy briskety Smoky smoked brisket mac and cheese coming up if you know me personally you'll know that I'm not a big fan of mac and cheese first of all I think it's kind of boring you know it's just noodles in a cheese sauce but more than that back in the day when I was a full-time Pit Master at Leroy and Lewis I built the Smoke House I built the smokers inside of the SmokeHouse I was breaking down whole animals making great barbecue custom sausages every week and without fail every day someone would come up to the window and be like bro love the mac and cheese like dude that took me 10 minutes to make I know it always rubbed me the wrong way but that being said on this channel smoked mac and cheese is one of the most requested things I've gotten in the comments down below and being a man of the people that's what we're gonna make today and it's going to be delicious this is some cheese I've got some medium cheddar some sharp cheddar some parmigiano reggiano some mozzarella and some gruyere so the two Cheddars the mozzarella and the gruyere are all getting smoked parmesan is not and when it comes to smoking cheese you've got several options the main goal is to smoke this stuff low and slow and get enough smoke on this cheese without melting it because as you know when you melt cheese it separates into oils and milk solids and we don't want that it'll make a big mess so we're trying to create some good smoke with as little heat as possible and there are many ways to go about doing that one option will be using this guy this is a little cold smoke generator that you fill up with sawdust and light on one end and it'll slowly burn producing very little heat and a whole bunch of good smoke another option would be the old smoke tube here you fill this up with wood pellets again you light it on one end it kind of burns like a cigar producing a nice amount of smoke that would work very well but I don't have any wood pellets on hand both of those options work really well because you can put it in any cooker you've got you know you can pop that in a gas grill mini tread box on a smoker in a cardboard box it'll get the job done but today we're gonna do it on the offset smoker the same way I do sausages so I'm going to start a really small fire in that Firebox put one big dense log on there let it smolder way giving us a whole bunch of smoke with as little heat as possible so that being said let's fire up the pit now it's a pretty Doom and Gloom day here in Austin Texas today and I've been waiting for a day like this for a while because it's only about 85 degrees outside which is a great change of pace and something to look for because we really don't want this cheese to get too hot this is a great thing to do in the winter months those layers of snake in my boat anywho let's get this cheese on the pit to make sure this cheese stays as cold as possible I'm going to go in with a foil pan full of some ice and then on top we go with our beautiful cheese again if you're anywhere other than Texas in the summer the ice thing is probably not necessary but can't hurt so we're going to keep this as low and as Smoky as possible for the next three four hours and then we will check back in four hours later let's check in oh my God look at that mozzarella it appears to have melted oh my goodness that's not ideal folks this looks fine about an hour ago you know maybe mozzarella is just one of those two hour cold smoke situations definitely got a little too warm on that pit but hey I'm not too mad about it because this is going into mac and cheese so we're gonna be shredding all this stuff up anyway so off this comes into some vac seal bags into the fridge this goes overnight I think overnight is gonna be just enough time to solidify this let all that smoke penetrate and give us some nice cheese that's gonna be Smoky enough to make our mac and cheese extra flavorful so I will see y'all tomorrow it is the next day our cheese has been sufficiently chilled and now it's time to talk about the next component of this dish which is brisket because we're not just making a smoky mac and cheese folks we're making a smoky brisket mac and cheese and we're gonna incorporate brisket in two different ways what I've got here is a brisket from the last time I cooked a brisket I believe this is from the five tips and tricks mini series about brisket I did a couple weeks back so what I'm going to do is take the fat value of this brisket cut it up into little cubes that we're going to mix in with the mac and cheese we get that nice little briskety bite but we're also going to take the lean and make some brisket crumbles to go on top to replace the typical bread crumbs because what doesn't sound good about that and to do that we need to bust out the meat grinder through the meat grinder we go still looking good [Music] beautiful this is honestly a great technique for using leftover barbecue whenever you're trying to mix it into like a fried rice or a boudin or something like that you know mix this in with your eggs in the morning yes please on the pit this goes I got this pit Rock in about 250 275 and we're just gonna try and get some smoke on these crisp them up a little bit render down a little bit more fat and add some wonderful flavor check back in in a little bit next up let's get our cheese shredded up foreign oh that smells heavenly we got our sharp cheddar our mild cheddar our two goudas and our Smoky mozzarella so I'm gonna go through and take the ends off of this gouda here and depending on how Smoky you want this cheese to be really depends on how long you leave it in the VAC seal in the fridge you know if you're trying to make a charcuterie plate or something like that you really want that smoke to penetrate deep into the cheese you can leave it in the fridge for about a week that would really give time for the smoke to make it all the way through but again we're making mac and cheese I don't feel like waiting the whole week and I also don't want it to be overly Smoky so now it's time to shred this up and because I'm feeling particularly lazy today we're going through the old food processor with the little cheese grater attachment on there we will start out with the mild cheddar that was satisfying there you go folks beautiful home smoked perfectly shredded cheese and we repeat oh when it comes to a cheese sauce for mac and cheese traditionally it starts out with a roux then some milk turning it into a bechamel and then some cheese turning it into a Mornay sauce but to be honest I'm not a big fan of the traditional mac and cheese sauce it's kind of bland kind of gritty kind of grainy and the best Mac and cheeses that I've had is more like mac and queso to be honest you can tell that it's full of Velveeta or American cheese and it's just got that gooey melty stretchy deliciousness to it so that's the approach we're going to take today and if you've been watching this channel for a while you probably can guess what's about to happen that's right folks we're making our own Velveeta style cheese sauce using all of our smoked cheese starting with a pot first thing going in is a stick of butter because why not once that is nicely melted we're going in with some sodium citrate and if you've seen my very first Burger making episode where I made my own American cheese this is a very similar process but basically the sodium citrate is a salt derived from citrus fruits that has incredible emulsifying Powers that's what they use in american cheese to make it so the cheddar or the Kobe or whatever cheese they're using doesn't split apart into oils and milk solids when you melt it down and that's why American cheese has such a nice melty quality to it next going into some classic flavors you're going to see in most mac and cheese sauces including a small amount of some freshly grated nutmeg a nice shot of some Dijon mustard a little bit of some white pepper and a shake of some cayenne why not give that a nice little mixy mixy now we're going in with one little quart here of some heavy cream and the main difference between this sauce and the American cheese I made in the other video is the amount of liquid we're going to be putting into this for American cheese and one of the minimal amount of liquids when I put it in a mold it would solidify into a sliceable cheese but today we're going for a cheese sauce so we're going to keep the consistency pretty loose and pourable I'm just gonna let this come up to a simmer and now we go in with our cheese medium cheddar some of our Smoky sharp cheddar some gruyere and some of our mozzarella but mostly I think we're going to keep this a pretty cheddar heavy mix and we're just going to melt this in until it comes up to a really nice consistency and again the amount of cheeses you add is completely up to you if you want to make this all cheddar you could if you wanted to make this all gruyere if I was gonna guess I'd say this is probably going to be about 60 cheddar 30 creair and then 10 mozzarella and once everything is fully melted I'm going to go in with this immersion blender here just to make sure everything is completely smooth and at this stage it's looking a little thick so this is where we're going to go in with our extra liquid I got some milk here that we're going to just keep drizzling in until this comes up to the perfect consistency oh smells so good tastes amazing folks and that is my version of a smoked cheese mac and cheese sauce beautiful about three hours later these brisket crumbles are coming off the pit and just looking so nice I mean just look at that folks come on this is a perfect addition to a baked potato smoky briskety it's beef bread crumbs love it so now all there's left to do is cook our noodles in this stockpot here I got about six quarts of water that we're gonna season with a nice healthy pinch of salt oh and we're going in with our large macaroni noodles turn to full boil cook for 10 to 12 minutes until tender I'll see y'all in 10 to 12 minutes 9.5 minutes later these macaronis are fully cooked and coming out into a colander they go to drain off all the water I'd stay in one of these and it's kind of right at that Al Dente point where we want it we don't want these fully cooked to Mush at this point because we're gonna be cooking this a little bit more with that cheese sauce to make sure everything is nice and melty so air on the side of undercooked at this stage we've got all of our nudes in a bowl here now we're gonna go ahead and add our lovely cheese sauce and just look at that folks oh God it's just so velvety so silky so cheesy so we're gonna just dump it at it's very hot I gotta put on my little mitt had this on the stovetop for just a bit to make sure it's nice and loose and pourable in we go oh goodness oh yes please oh it's like a little volcano of cheese and we're just gonna mix that up we want to add a little more cheese sauce than you think we want to be a little bit moist a little bit on the juicy side because those noodles are going to absorb a lot of this cheese sauce oops can have too much cheese sauce folks oh that's what we're talking about macaroni in the pot am I right oh that's looking lovely next up we're going in with some of our brisket chunks again this is some cubes from the fatty end of the brisket that we cut up earlier and we're just gonna mix these in for good measure you know because what doesn't look good about that am I right oh goodness oh yes please just fill that bad Larry right on up I got to tell you folks the smells right now are out of control next up for the stretchiness factor we're going to go ahead and drop a couple of chunks of some mozzarella in here just because that's the stringiest of all the cheeses as well as an extra sprinkle of our smoked sharp cheddar just get these mozzarella chunks buried a little bit and lastly we're going to top this with our brisket crumbles I'm telling you folks these things are a game changer the amount of applications that this stuff could be used for is endless and then to finish her off we're going to go on with some freshly grated parmigiano reggiano really lock in that crust oh God folks it's a cheese overload no complaints on this end now onto the potato this goes for the next probably 20 30 minutes rocking right around 300 degrees on this pit behind me and that's just going to make sure everything gets nice and melted and combined the brisket gets heated up and then it'll be time to dive on in love it and just like that out of the smoker this thing comes looking nice and bubbly nice and cheesy got a little bit of cheese leakage on this side but hey happens ow we're gonna let this rest down for a little bit and then we'll dive on in let's just grab a little corner shall we I mean come on folks nice and cheesy got that nice string pull brisket on top oh I gotta get a plate it's so gooey so cheesy oh look at that string pull nothing wrong with that I tell you what you know one of my biggest things about mac and cheese is I hate when it's dry and this is definitely not dry that is gooey and cheesy and looking absolutely fantastic the brisket crust folks come on let's see how this came out shall we oh that is ridiculous it's beefy it's smoky it's Rich it's creamy I mean it's everything you want a mac and cheese to be just like oh the cheese poles the brisket on top God that is fantastic that's so good honestly the whole time I was worried that this was gonna be overly smoked with the smoked cheese and the brisket finishing on the smoker but really it's quite subtle like the sharpness of the cheese is what I taste the most and the fact that it's made with just sharp cheddar mild cheddar and gruyere gives this incredible flavor so cheesy so gooey but it still has that nice creamy texture that you get from something made out of American cheese this is decadent to say the least the beefiness is strong I'm gonna eat a lot of this off camera in shame but before I go I think it's time for the official taste test grab a little ball of mac and cheese here toss that in your deep fryer how you doing smoked mac and cheese full of brisket made with cheese that you smoked yourself turned into your very own Smoky Velveeta cheese sauce started with brisket topped with a beautiful brisket crumble I highly recommend giving this recipe a try it is absolutely fantastic and probably the best barbecue mac and cheese I've ever had and that being said there are so many variations to this you can throw some pulled pork in there put some bacon bits on top the world is endless when it comes to mac and cheese but that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video feel free to drop a comment down below letting me know what you want to see me cook next if you do give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chud allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 526,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, texas, bbq, barbecue, brisket recipe, easy Mac n cheese, Mac and cheese, recipe, how to smoke cheese
Id: -MBr3JcpLNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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