Texas Brisket Secret Ingredient - Texas 'Worst' Kept Secret

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pit barbecue there is supposedly a texas worst kept secret when it comes to brisket cooks and i'm going to share it with you guys on today's video stay tuned [Music] all right so let's talk about this texas worst kept secret so i received my texas monthly newsletter and in that article daniel vaughn talks about a lot of barbecue joints in texas using a secret ingredient that not a whole lot of us know about that secret seasoning is laurie seasoning salt that a lot of pit masters are using on their briskets now in that texas monthly article daniel vaughn talks about aaron franklin admitting to using the large seasoning salt but also goldy's barbecue which was voted the number one top bbq joint in texas so one of the owners of goldie's barbecue has a youtube channel called derby's barbecue on one of his video he actually admits to using the lauri seasoning salt as well also chuzz barbecue did a video a few months back where he revealed a ton of texas pit master secrets and this laurie seasoning salt was one of those secrets all right let's get to this texas brisket cook all right let's glove up always wear a cut glove when you're using sharp knives all right so i'm starting with an 11 pound prime brisket and this is a little guy but you know what this is all costco had and i took it not a bad looking brisket all right let's trim up this 11 pound brisket you guys know i like to start by removing the decal off of these briskets all right so i'm just going to take some of the silver skin and fat off the top of the flat here now you guys would be surprised how small the briskets are at a ton of these barbecue joints i remember going to franklin barbecue a few years back and i was the first one in line and the first brisket that they pulled from their holding cabinet was a little guy now i'm not too worried about the silver skin i just want to remove the majority of these fat pockets on top of the flat all right now this edge over here has a couple of cuts and again that's the way this came in the package so i'm just going to clean this up by taking a slight edge off this for sausage last thing for the top side of the brisket is just to trim off the deckle side right here get some of that oxidized meat off all right so the flat looks good let's trim up this fat cap i like to expose that white fat that's about where i stop about a quarter of an inch is what you want all right so one last thing that i'm going to do to this brisket is just lower this mohawk a little bit just take a little bit off the top [Music] all right so i've got the brisket trimmed up let's season up the flat first i'm using a little bit of mustard as a binder you want to make sure your mustard is nice and smooth where you can't see the lines or anything like that because that will affect your bark and it might even wash off all right so the first rub i'm going to apply is some coarse black pepper hold it really high get your edges second rub is some kosher salt all right next i'm going to add the secret ingredient larry's seasoned salt again i'm holding this pretty high just when you can see that color change on your brisket that's all you want and again get your edges all right pat that rub down right now let's season our presentation side [Music] same order pepper kosher salt and our laurie seasoned salt all right so just pat the rub down and we'll see you guys outside all right so on this video i'm going to keep it texas and i'm going to be using my thousand gallon bison smoker and i'm going to be using texas post oak from gourmet wood products so if you guys are using any size offset smoker i highly recommend this wood from gourmet wood products check them out at academy sports and outdoors all right let's light up this massive firebox all right so as you can see i do have a small bed of charcoal i'm just using regular kinks for blue charcoal and i'm going to be using my grill gun from grill blazer all right that only took about a minute and a half and if you notice i didn't remove all the ashes from the firebox i like to leave a little bit in there got bits of wood still left in there and that's going to give us a nice little coal bed so at this point i'm gonna get my splits of wood from gourmet wood products and build myself a ladder all right just like that i got about eight splits of wood there i'm gonna let this turn into coals and i'll bring you guys right back all right let's load up this brisket i'm going to be cooking this brisket on the second door from the firebox all right so here's the brisket point towards that firebox so i'm going to be placing a small split of wood right in front of that point just so it doesn't get too hot and those edges don't get real crispy on me so i'm going to let this brisket smoke for about five hours and i'll bring you guys right back all right so five and a half hours into our cook and the pit has been running between 250 and 275 right now i've got it at 275 on the far right side and about 270 ish on that middle gauge so let's take a look at our brisket all right so that bark is looking really nice got a little bit of pulling right here but it looks like the fat is just dripping off the edge right here so i'm not even going to mess with it that surface is a little bit dry so i'm going to go ahead and spritz with apple cider vinegar and water [Music] now you don't have to spritz if you don't want to but i like to spritz again with apple cider vinegar and water and that bark is feeling really good again we're five and a half hours into the cook and that bark is looking really nice but i still want to get it a little bit darker so i'm gonna let it go for about another hour and a half and i'll bring you guys right back all right so we are at the eight hour mark and i just pulled a brisket let's get the internal temperature to see where we're at oh that's tender 170 on the flat and 177 on the point it's extremely tender check out that bark savage right now i just have one sheet of butcher paper since this is a small brisket and i think i could do it so i'm just going to spritz the butcher paper with apple cider vinegar and water to make it more pliable a little bit on the brisket as well let's see if i can wrap it with one sheet of butcher paper so far so good oh yeah easy so i'm just going to tuck this excess butcher paper on the bottom just like that it's gonna go back inside the smoker and i'll bring you guys back as soon as i pull it off stay tuned all right so the brisket is ready and the total cook time was right at 11 hours the temperature on the point was 201 degrees and the flat was at 200 degrees so pretty even there again this is really tender now i am going to hold this brisket overnight for about 12 hours but i am going to open it up and let it cool down to about 160 degrees before i pop it in my pk100 smoker look at this bark oh man check that out beautiful looking bark that fat is nice and yellow that's a good indication that it rendered nicely alright so at this point i'm just going to re-wrap this brisket let it come down to 160 degrees i'm going to place this in my pk100 electric smoker at 150 degrees for 12 hours and we will see you guys tomorrow morning stay tuned all right so it's the very next day and the brisket was held for 12 hours at 150 degrees and check it out it's super tender in here let's take it out of the butcher paper and see how he did i didn't add any tallow to this butcher paper this is all from the brisket itself again this was a prime brisket check this baby out it is super tender smells absolutely delicious let's slice into it all right let's see how we did on our brisket again smoked for 11 hours and held for 12. i'm just gonna slice it right here in the middle again this was only an 11 pound brisket so it's a little guy beautiful smoke ring check that out so far so good it's nice and juicy i am going to squeeze it a little bit just for the camera and i am loving this check it out those juices are just draining out of this brisket here's the flat you can see the fat is nice and rendered it's got a yellow color to it so it rendered really nicely and take a few slices off of this [Music] so again the only thing that i did different on this cook as opposed to my other brisket cooks is we added that larry's seasoned salt so we'll see if that did anything to the flavor and i am really loving this brisket super juicy check that out good amount of pepper beautiful smoke ring all right let's see how we did on our point now you do want to remove this piece of fat that's right here it's mainly fat most of the time see that right there just toss that i like to cut this piece right here a little thick and grab your burnt ends and that fat has a beautiful color this is my personal favorite piece of the brisket right here got some burnt ends there remember that your point slices you want to cut them just a little bit thicker again this was a little brisket compared to what i normally smoke it's got a little bit crispy here on the edge but that's okay all right let's give this brisket a try and see how we did all right the moment of truth is lori seasoning salt texas worst kept secret check this slice out this is one of my favorite pieces of the brisket you got the flat and some of that point it's nice and juicy here we go okay all right so first of all this brisket has an amazing smoky flavor to it but i gotta tell you when i bit into it i picked up a little something extra it's just extremely flavorful a little bit salty this is really good all right so this brisket is absolutely delicious i gotta tell you that laurie seasoned salt really added another depth of flavor and i am loving it let's try it burnt end all right so the flavors of this brisket are definitely coming to me in layers i can definitely taste the smoke first of all but then i get a little bit of saltiness and really amazing flavors that pepper and saltiness is fantastic so this was my first time ever trying lari season salt on a brisket and i got to tell you i think it's here to stay check out the slice of the point man is that money or what again check out that fat is rendered absolutely perfect let's give this a taste too look at that man i can't get over how good this brisket is it is fantastic and you know what that fat is so full of flavor alright guys so my overall thoughts on the laurie season salt is that you have got to give it a try so you can see what i'm talking about you really get a nice little saltiness on the top of that bark right there and just a bunch of other flavors that were not present before in my briskets make sure you guys check out the description below there you're going to find links to many of the items that i use in this video and a lot of my sponsors do provide you guys with a really nice discount i hope you guys enjoyed this brisket video if this is your first time to my channel do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoking joe's pit barbecue see
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 433,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas brisket, texas style brisket, bbq, brisket, brisket recipe, barbecue, texas, texas bbq, offset smoker, cooking, smoked brisket, bbq brisket, recipe, smoker, beef brisket, yoder, beef, pbs digital studios, austin, franklin bbq, food, best bbq, best bbq in texas, franklin, franklins bbq, texas barbecue, beef brisket recipe, goldees bbq, meat church, matt pittman, grilling, meat church bbq youtube, how to bbq right, brisket secret, lawry's, smokin joes pit bbq, pitmaster secrets
Id: 0RYSc-_AEIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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