Barack Obama Tells Jokes that are Actually Funny

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and of course we've also begun to change America's image in the world we talked about this during this campaign and we're starting to execute we've renewed alliances with important partners and friends if you look at the screen there there I am with Japanese Prime Minister taro so there I am with with Gordon Brown but as I said during the campaign we can't just talk to our friends as hard as it is we also have to talk to our enemies and I've begun to do exactly that take a look at the monitor there now let me be clear just because he handed me a copy of Peter Pan does not mean that I'm going to read it but it's good diplomatic practice to just accept these gifts it's been quite a year since I've spoken here last lots of ups lots of downs except for my approval ratings which have just gone down though I am glad that the only person whose ratings fell more than mine last year is here tonight great to see you Jay I'm also glad that I'm speaking first because we've all seen what happens when somebody takes the time slot after letõs some Republicans have suggested that the bill contains a few secret provisions and that's ridiculous there aren't a few secret provisions in the health care plain there are like hundreds as some of you heard the state of Hawaii released my official long-form birth certificate hopefully that this puts all doubts to rest but just in case there are any lingering questions tonight I'm prepared to go a step further tonight for the first time I am releasing my official birth video others say that I'm arrogant but I found a really great self-help tool for this my poll numbers I've even let down my key core constituency movie stars just the other day Matt Damon I love Matt Damon love the guy Matt Damon said he was disappointed in my performance well Matt I just saw The Adjustment Bureau so right back at you buddy four years ago I was a Washington outsider four years later I met this dinner four years ago I look like this today I look like this and four years from now I will look like this that's not even funny of course the White House Correspondents Dinner is known as the prom of Washington DC at a term coined by political reporters who clearly never had the chance to go to an actual prom you remember a few months ago my administration put out a photograph of me going skeet shooting at Camp David you remember that and a quite a number of people insisted that this had been photoshopped but tonight I have something to confess you were right guys can we show them the actual photo we were just trying to tone it down a little bit
Channel: M.D. Rusch
Views: 1,432,289
Rating: 4.8899469 out of 5
Keywords: Barack Obama (US President), Humour (Literary Genre), Funny, jokes, humor, whitehouse, correspondent, dinner, Comedy, News
Id: tqUqicTttiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2013
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