Banned For Attacking Snail Games Arks Publisher On Official Servers...Ark Is Corrupted

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the problem with Online PVP Survival Games is someone has to police these servers well what happens if the people policing these servers are the ones playing on them what happens if they use this power to ban anyone attacking them well what you're about to see is in my opinion categorical proof of snail games once again giving the tribe T an admin advantage and banning anyone who attacks tea who has members from snail games in the tribe on The Conquest official servers of Arc I have an interview with heaves who has a first-hand experience of what happened when him and his tribe attacked he what you'll see is that they exploit and use their ownership and admin power to unfairly banned tribes Who attack them and control the servers to roll them back to gain Advantage not only this but I actually have some DMS from team members as to why the tribes Who attack team might have actually got banned okay so basically we went over to T server yep to grief after a failed grief earlier like scouting their base we went over I don't know maybe 12 of us yep uh with the intention just to grief like a small little base and this was the small base yeah this is the small base it only had a couple Heavies on it but uh we start sniping baiting them out we had uh turrets set up behind us a little bit and yeah we were baiting them out shooting their teams just griefing trying to bait them out to come out and fight us yep so and as soon as we started to kill any of their dinos and like maybe players as well look they would instantly drop the server really so they were dropping it and you guys got kicked from the server so yeah as you can see here I'll uh I'll play from here yep we're just sitting back sniping we have three car chars set up waiting for an ambush behind yeah there goes ammo won't reload server starts crashing we're like okay this is the first time it happened so I called it out as suspicious with a couple other guys but a lot of us were optimistic so we're like okay maybe not maybe maybe it's you know just coincidence the server crashes right now so server drops go to the next clip then we get back in and we start foot pvping we basically backed up we're like okay if this is then dropping it let's just get set up try to bid them out and ground fight them yep um they started bringing over Tech they set up Tech gen we let them set it all up because we wanted PVP right we're not trying to wipe this tiny base we could have just see spun through the door yeah beginning when it was open you're trying to have some fair and competitive PVP trying to enjoy it yeah but just enjoy it yeah yeah we're not even really griefing at that point it's just looking for PVP So eventually they bring over gigas or eight giga okay so right here they throw the Giga out I'm like okay they're gonna try to push now right so I get on the shadow man and I instant stun the reaper yep and our look at our three car charts just come charging and out of nowhere yeah so the reaper guy basically screwed that up he's dismounted he gets back on tries to jump away we have another Shadow main guy dismountain we're winning this fight massively three car Chargers versus one gig on a Reaper yeah they've got no chance mm-hmm and then I think I go for another stun here you can see the Giga is getting extremely bloody I stun the reaper guy again I start chasing him fast forward to about here they're both their Reaper and their gig are about to die they're trying to run them back in the turret range yep and then I think any minute now the server uh crashes so that see that guy dies that's uh Adam sniping yeah he kills one of their players and then they start accusing him of cheating and they crash the server right here Adam definitively was not eyeballing no he was not aimbiting or cheating or anything no yeah so they call it actually yeah they start calling Aimbot everything does Adam have his Clips yeah he has Clips shock I showed it on his stream too so this guy right here I stun him Montage comes in kills him the server goes down look you can see all the dinos aren't moving as soon as we kill that guy again yeah this river goes down like it's every time you kill people or teams they just drop the server and it always rolls back to the same spot where we have oh so the server's rolling back or three yeah it rolls back to the spot where you have two or three gigas on top of each other and we're all like right next or car chars I mean and we're all next to their Giga yeah so we just jump on our car chars bite we kill their Giga Rider and they instant drop the server again yep so it was rolling back to where their stuff was alive again each time yep yeah so look you'll see me join here I think if if I remember correctly I either get on the shadowmade or a gig out here but their Giga Rider yep so this is the first one back to the first one again yep yep the gig is there the rebirth unmounted behind us yep so we Dismount the Giga guy he dies and boom he said look at the top you can see Adam's sniping people still yep it's this naked naked guy that's constantly sitting next to him he keeps killing him over and over again yeah he's literally not wearing armor and they're accusing him of cheating yeah because they're bad so of course they're gonna accuse everyone else of cheating that's just how they are yep their stuff's about to die and I think it doesn't die but it's about you and they crash it [Music] and it's counting again yeah the first time we were like okay maybe not but this happened like 10 times yeah where we kept murdering them in this fight here and they kept dropping it uh like some people be like oh no it's just coincidence like maybe you're killing him and it's lagging the server and it's crashing it's like no no no no no especially on a small fight like this the game can handle this no worries like there's no performance issues here whatsoever yeah I don't think I have it I don't think I have it recorded but um it was on shocker stream at this point he started streaming yep and he's showing I think soon Adam gets banned uh wrongfully and they make like a Dev message saying like he was using third party to get an unfair Advantage which he wasn't he was shooting his thing in Discord chocolate showed it on stream everything like that um but we get back in after Adam gets banned I believe and we're like you know what this has happened like 10 times we're just gonna not kill them we're gonna pull our teams back grab all the kits from the people that are not in the game yeah pull back and guess what server does not go down yeah that's amazing okay and so after this what happens and how does it escalate we're still killing him here but yeah but anyways we so Server doesn't go down we start PVP again but Adam is banned so we're all kind of just like fed up at this point we're like these guys are clearly just abusing their power and their connections to snail games look this guy dies as soon as this guy dies they crash it again yeah like just for people watching this video who may not be aware who do we think tea is related to and why why do they have this power they definitely a pocket that's a snail games 100 so so the theory is that tea is connected to snail games actual employees of snail games are in tea and they've got the capacity to take down the servers would you agree with this statement oh yes 100 yeah we we get fed up at this point so what we see here is the tribe tea getting attacked by the island boys every time T starts losing the server goes down now this is no coincidence as can be seen by the proof there every time a member of the T died or they're about to lose the fight the servers would go down and roll back to the start of the fight this was not in anyone else's favor but t as you can see it's clear irrefutable proof that t was exploiting the servers and rolling them back if any other tribe did this they would be instantly banned from the servers if this amount of proof was given this leads into our next point because the island boys decide to fob tea after this and fully wipe their base and that's when things get really interesting for the reasons that t claim for the band so what happened after all this you guys ended up fobbing them yep we fob them so you fobbed them um about four or five hours we did the boss fight on their server we got Ellie we set up a fob and this was how long after this first initial fight for four or five hours no maybe three three or four hours yeah so it was it was like 1am their time and then when people got banned was that when they were in the T bastard T get pushed in yep so we spent about two hours probably if I had to guess pushing just they were so bad none of our teams were like dying the sides like them picking stegos and stuff for the question like that was the only stuff that was dying so we're just walking up the ramp slowly soaking and damaging and blowing up structures pushing fortnite up um literally on the cusp of wiping their whole base and like 95 96 people get banned and did they say what reason we got banned we couldn't see the message in chat literally everybody was banned um I will say Omni was not you can go look at his I found on this video yep yep he was in the tribe but he joined late so we think that they took a screenshot or like uh but Dev looked at who was all in the tribe before Omni joined and a couple of other guys um so everybody that when they looked got banned but everybody who joined after for like the last five minutes didn't get banned but anyways they globally banned our whole tribe because they were about to lose a raid yep and so no one in your tribe was it was cheating definitively there was no one cheating no one was aimboarding from what I saw Shaka said there was no one sniping even you didn't bring fabricated snipers yeah we made it a rule to not even bring Fabby snipers and this was after the first fight this was after that when Adam got banned you made it a rule to not bring the fabricated snipers from that point correct when we when we went on the farm yeah we made the rule not to bring fabulous because Adam had got banned for using one [Music] would you say t presumes instantly that when someone uses a fabricator they're cheating because tea does that themselves was tea anybody at the end you can watch Army's um his POV he was calling out a neighbor that was not in their tribe but was helping them push rfarb after the fight so they had aimbers they were aimbaters that weren't in their tribe because they knew that they could get around a rule or something because and then so not even the whole tribers band it was just a portion of it and then Omni wasn't it was in banned still everybody that went to the farm gut band but Omni wasn't because we think he joined late but he's still interested so that's a double standard that they've set they're still not Banning the whole tribe they're banning a certain amount of people and then they're leaving a few so yeah we think that they got a list of people they banned that list but Omni joined after they took a screenshot or a recording of the list yeah and that's why he didn't get banned and um how are the bases on the main servers are the base is still intact or I'm not sure I don't I I can't get it so no one can get into check yeah some service I don't think they Dev wipe yet but the vanderhal tribes we just gave up like there's no point in playing when you get a 80 or 90 members banned like instantly yeah so is that a um a global band or can you join on another account it's a global band so you can't join on another account even nope nope so would you say you believe this ban was very unfair extremely unfair I mean snail they literally were going to get wipes so they had to ban us and I'm assuming they rolled back the server yep and there's a Discord for Conquest servers that deals with bands did did anyone have their uphill listen to yet or even even heard no so what happened people feel good yep people that try making appeals like shockist I think Montage might have a few of our guys did um they all tried making appeals but instantly got banned without reason in the Discord from the Discord as well a Discord that is placed by who who do you think snail games so you would say clear that this is an unfair treatment and biased um in favor of snail games who are exploiting their own servers would you agree with that yes yes yes so they're using admin privilege and they're they're unfairly Banning people who they team risks to their tribes so that they can have the advantage and win the servers yeah I don't have the screenshot but you can probably look back at omni's VOD or get a clip there was a screenshot he pulled up of them talking about it in the Discord and the message was so like obviously dodging everything dodging yellow questions because one of the the snail devs or admins or whatever of these servers gave the most dodgy answer to anything that anybody was asking on why we got banned he basically he said like he got significant proof and cannot comment it at this time on what happened he's usually really good at responding to aimbot accusations and banning cheaters really quickly on other servers but I'm not sure if he was the one responsible for what happened today if I'd assume maybe he got an influx of false reports and just instantly took action instead of investigating himself or somebody else did that was inside the tribe of tea just got fed up with us maybe the person that was taking down the server so as can be seen here it is very clear that t were in fact exploiting themselves and nothing happened to them they face no consequences furthermore ndms a tribe member of T called goddess was telling a tribe member from the island boys otters she was telling otters that she should not hang out with GG as they are bad people so insinuating that the band might be related to them being friends with Gigi or t having the assumption that the island boys were Gigi and further T goddess was implying that that the island boys were responsible for the poor server performance and we can clearly see from earlier footage they were the ones taking down the servers what can be seen here is a high level of corruption as no members were able to refute their bands and all the members of the attacking tribes are banned and no members of tea were banned in this scenario and furthermore none of their ban appeals were listened to the problem is that snail games needs to start giving people the reason for their bands like rust do now for me this is enough proof but there may be something we've missed but either way we're not gonna know because they won't tell the tribe why they are banned and I believe that this is very corrupt snail games need to be held accountable for this and they're going to ruin Ark survival ascended if they keep this up so that's why I call them out every time they do this in videos and you should too if you guys want to make a difference get on the steam forums let everyone know on Steam that the publisher of Arc is corrupt and exploitive towards that game that's where you hurt them the most because now that snail game stock is public the more that we can get the word out that they are corrupt the more that their stock will take and people will come to the realization that this company is not a company that should be creating games I hope you guys found this video interesting if you did make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one and let me know in the comments what you guys think of this whole Fiasco and if you think that snail game even going to be capable of releasing R2 and Ark survival ascended with the amount of mistrust they're selling wow
Channel: H.O.D
Views: 147,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survivla evolved, official pvp, conquest, servers, banned, hod gaming, ban, snail games, stock, bad devs
Id: 33uLBMSZ5Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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