How Me And 90 of My Friends GOT BANNED By The Corrupt Game Publisher of ARK: Survival Evolved

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hello my name is xibo and I have been playing Ark survival evolved since 2016 and the game has enabled me to support myself my family and feel my future I will try to be as short as possible with this video while still giving context to the people that are unfamiliar with the parties in this situation Ark survival evolved is a game developed by Studio wildcard and published by snail games these are two separate entities and I have a video linked down below that explains the dirty and abusive relationship between these two companies and proof that shows snail games employees playing on the official servers and abusing their powers I would like to State the developers of Arc Studio wildcard are not the target of this video but they are responsible for getting to where we are right now T is an arc survival level of tribe that he's been around since the game's release they are notorious for their dirty strategies use of them both ability to crash servers putting the owner account of other tribes and so on they have ruined the experience of many anarch's official server Network and wildcard has taken action against them in the past T has been Dave wiped by wildguard but this is when snail games decided to abuse their powers over Studio wildcard and the enforcement team allowing tea to play on official servers under the protection of wildcard and snail games I strongly believe that wildcard would protecting tea against their will and here is what they did back in 2018 wildcard made a special cluster of servers that is to this day enforced by snail games all other official servers on Arc are enforced by Studio wildcard there was a new place for tea and snail games to abuse their powers Conquest was initially a huge success but over the years the corruption of snail games kept getting worse and worse my story with tea begins in 2018 when we got traded by them in early October they read this in a completely legit way back then I can never be sure if the items they used were obtained in a fair way but the raid strategies they used were legit since that raid in 2018 I have heard and been shown proof of countless incidents where tea has gotten tribes and players forcefully banned and they've wiped the stories kept getting more and more disgusting and teens now games kept tightening the Rope around Conquest Stripes by abusing their power and this brings us to the 25th of April 2023 a new conquest season is launching and the servers are completely wiped a huge amount of players joined the conquest servers and make their way through Earth's progression and here we are the island boys a group of almost 200 players that have been hand-picked by a core group when joining the island boys you had to be vouched by someone that was trusted by the car group this was done to ensure that no cheaters or players with any malicious intent were in our tribe with great tribe leadership and everyone's determination we were able to progress at extreme speed we were scouting at their servers and we found fourth and raided many tribes on Conquest we knew which server T played on and where they lived but we were not fighting them for the first 13 days of the Season we were purposely avoiding them as we did not want to get banned in open without PVP and then on day 13 the 8th of May 2023 a few of my tribe mates went over to this server and started a fight My Tribe would win the fight and the server would go down the server will go back up my tribe would win the fight and the server would go down again the server went down a total of 11 times and that is when my tribe mates decided to not fight T when the server came back up and it did not go down again one of my tribe mates was using a fabricated sniper during that fight and was permanently banned for alleged cheating I'm sure that my friend shokis will be making a video in the situation and you guys will see a POV of the play in our tribe that was allegedly cheating during that fight My Tribe mates acquired they set a flag from one of these members as previously mentioned I have played Arc since 2016 and I have a lot of experience in farming blueprints every single piece of these flag was apprentice and had more than 800 durability acquiring One of These Blueprints would be extremely lucky yet they somehow had one for each piece of armor these armor pieces are not only a good defense in PvP situations they are shockingly cheap to make and repair leaving a large amount of resources for other items this discovery and the undeserved band of one of our tribe members infuriated our tribe and we decided that we've had enough we wanted to go to this base and raid them but we aren't that naive we knew what was coming for us alright boys let's go around and get a last look for our base as we will be forbing tea later on today one of our members just just got banned for using a Fabi against them yeah that's the thing uh just using a Fabi against the gets your band so uh what we're gonna do let's take a good last look at our base we got a fob and uh probably go get banned I would assume that's what's gonna happen for the next few hours A large group of our tribe farmed and prepared for the raid some more crafting items other were defeating boss fights many were getting invited on these server and tea tea were in a chat of a name boating speed hacking streamer begging him to find us and kill us we managed to gather and protect the element on their server which allowed us to start building our fob we transferred a large amount of structures resources armor pieces explosives and Dinos to these servers all of these items a product of our hard work and dedication over the past 13 days and so we teleported over and started this entity space Foundation by Foundation we were inching closer and closer [Music] we were overwhelming them on all grounds and we were soon able to soak some of their maintenance they were tightening the Rope around tea just like they did to every tribe on Conquest for the past five years we did it in a legit way we even forbid our players from bringing any fabricated snipers if this is using a Fabi they will ban you almost instantly we were fighting them on their terms and we were winning and that is when they decided they had enough oh 93 of us were banned from Conquest servers forever except the guy that took the screenshot obviously but yeah I am not at all as emotionalisting sound about what happened last night I played this game to have fun with my friends and made videos I had a blast playing with my friends and I'm proud we attempted the shot at the big prize in all honesty I'm making this video in Desperate hopes that it reaches the right people my appeal to you guys is to keep the developers of Arc Studio wildcard in mind when making comments videos or articles they are responsible for partnering up with snail games but that was done in the time of desperate need and if that had not happened we might have not had Arc at all most of Studio wildcards employees have nothing to do with these issues but affected by our comments videos and articles I would like to mention that the bundle we're discussing today affects our accounts only on The Conquest servers we're all able to play on service that reinforced by Studio wildcard I wonder why snail games bounced on trials for over other official servers over the past seven years I have been a strong opponent to Injustice in this game I have made countless attempts at making a change yet it was never enough and the first getting banned on this cluster results another becoming better one day it would all be worth it let's make it count this time oh and also I'm gonna tell you what wild card want to tell you but they cannot just don't play Conquest the things happening on that Lister are bad for wild card and Arc in general just play MTS or something [Music]
Channel: EXFIB0
Views: 235,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corruption, banned, unfair, false, ban, shockist, muntage, exfibo, conquest, tea, snail games, wildcard, tea official, tea cheating, official pvp cheaters, official conquest, snail games corruption, studio wildcard, ark pvp, ark official, ark smalltribes, ark 1x, ark: survival evolved, ark tea cheating, justice
Id: 2fHmDoqiUrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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