ARK's Massive F*** You To Players And The Cheater Plague...

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[Music] I can't believe we're back here yet again it was six short months ago when we ventured into WTF Ville with the 90 plus players T tribe Mass band Fiasco firmly placing snail games and wild card in the doghouse although some would argue that they've always been there yeah fair enough but I had a sliver of hope that we wouldn't be hitching a return ticket on this nightmare so damn soon what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel it's Lieutenant buzz lightbeer and today it's all about keeping it real which in this case means it's time to drop the hammer on what is happening with Arc survival ascended snail games and wild card which we're going to get into in just a moment but first hold that thought because it's time to join D and D Legends with today's sponsor dragon air silent Gods check in the video description for a link to download the game and you know with a name like mine we're going to go with a race that draws extra power from drinking dragon air is a strategy game pitting Your Heroes up against incredibly powerful foes like this beasty did he eat the last layer too explore and clear different areas like the blood sacrifice pool corruption cliff and the cobweb of death and there's even a sweet collaboration with DND D and including a new hero complete with his own storyline and even more coming through future Seasons even a new map which are all live now as they came out November the 17th and all without a cryptic dungeon master dragon air has over 10 million downloads worldwide and is free to download on Steam the epic game store Mac and Android and iPhone if you're interested click my link in the video description to download the game and thank you to dragon air for supporting the Channel all right back to it and Arc survival ended is currently in the midst of a plague the likes of which we never saw an ark survival evolved I mean we saw it but never on this scale and it has gotten to downright biblical proportions and it was all kicked into high gear last week when the Xbox and windows versions of Asa went live you see prior to that cheating and Ark survival ascended PVP was mostly limited to players using the console commands to disable all terrain which are still in the game giving players the ability to remove everything from their screens rocks trees I do mean everything except dinos and Bas fortifications which in itself is a crazy amount of information to receive even if everything else I'm going to show you in this video wasn't in the game the fact that with a console command you can gain that much Intel about where everything is located is ludicrous why commands haven't been disabled for PVP is insane and since Arc survival ascendants launch is a solution we haven't seen brought forward from wildcard but that's not even close to the full extent of what's going on with Ark PVP because with the Xbox and windows launch of Ark survival ascended PVP has now sunk to a new level of rot now I haven't seen issues with Xbox players per se I'm not saying they don't exist just that I haven't seen much from that cross-section of players the real issue lies with Windows which was launched simultaneously with Xbox as they are both Microsoft now as someone that owns and plays Arc survival ascended on Steam if I want to enter an official server I have to agree to allow battle eye to monitor my gameplay I guess to detect hacks and cheats which makes perfect sense although I never fully trust these cheat detection programs because there are always companies out there making better cheats to get around them and there are always scrubs out there that are willing to plop down good hard-earned money to buy those cheats to use and grief against other players also the other option I have is to select no battle eye anti-che which is for unofficial servers only continuing on with this conversation and the major issue is found with the windows version of Ark survival ascended because and hear me out as stupid as this sounds and I can't believe I'm saying this these players that bought and own the windows version of Arc survival ascended have no anti-che built into their game zero think about that wild card launched the windows version so that's the PC version through Microsoft with no anti-che in simple terms they gave the inmates the keys and then let them have free reign on the freaking game how incompetent and furthermore how irresponsible do you have to be to do something like this like I said earlier back when ASA launched on Steam besides those console commands it was pretty stable excluding multi-ring on small trib servers which is another kettle of fish but now with Windows players Unleashed on official servers on PC with zero anti-che and able to play on crossplay servers it has turned Arc into a show for PVP a quick search on YouTube and you're going to see these cheat advertisements flying up all over the free place join this Discord over here and then they show clips of themselves using the latest and greatest cheat software you've got things like radar speed hacks for not only the player but their dinos as well of course Aimbot god mode players flying around the map attacking everyone while still being Invincible oh how about a teleporting titanosaur you guessed it we've seen that one too now I didn't have enough time to grab all the clips but I've been speaking with dedicated Arc PVP players kind of behind the scenes and they are all confirming what a mess it is I also saw an example of a single speed hacking player raiding an entire base solo completely unkillable and by the way on foot they just charged into this base and nuked all the turrets and ravaged every single tame in the blink of an eye I've heard about players shooting through cover like it didn't exist I've seen and heard stories of speed quetzel terrorizing entire bases unkillable and flying around at Mack 10 and here's where wildcard comes into the fold because besides releasing Arc survival ascended with no anti-che for Windows PC which I've already mentioned is entirely irresponsible their ticket reporting mechanism which is on the surface designed to give players the means to protect themselves by submitting video proof of players using cheats on open servers in order to get them banned is currently a reported 600 tickets backlogged tickets are being sent over and no response is received for days if at all and in many cases the tickets seem to be expiring due to inactivity PVP players are actively calling out GM otter over on the arc official Discord who apparently spearheads this department for wild card because there seems to be a real lack of motivation to do anything about the cheater issue hod recently posted a video speaking out against this very issue and again raised the question of snail games and could they be involved in the manipulation of this cheater plague is snail actively putting their finger on the scales of justice and not allowing wildcard to adequately police this issue I mean that's an excellent question I can't definitively answer for you right now but you would think that with such a rampant issue wild card would be all over it actively pushing out notices to the community implementing hardcore server protections and permabans for cheaters and we aren't seeing any of this now as I said and again using hod as an example he has personally submitted multiple tickets that have either been met with silence or some sort of canned corporate response that there's not enough video proof in the videos he submits for wild card to ban the suspected cheaters and as a former super competitive PVP player and a gamer hear me out because you may be out out there on your official PVE only server thinking out loud buzz why should I care about PVP I don't play it it doesn't matter to me but the thing is it should you may never step foot in a PVP server and that's okay but what a lot of players don't realize is that each facet of this game affects the other there are server changes and game modifications that are tried out in PvP only areas and then we'll eventually trickle into PVE as well and vice versa they need each other they feed off of each other and if you think that you're safe out there on your official PVE only server think again because griefing is universal it's only a matter of time before these cheaters infect PVE as well speed running to the best base spots one tap and they're able to mine every piece of metal on the entire mountain or whatever else they can do to screw with the servers I know it sounds stupid and it is but this is how some people derive fun from playing games I've also seen public arguments that if the hackers are on official then just play unofficial and on paper yeah I guess that sounds like an easy solution but you need to understand what makes PVP so addictive and so awesome it's that feeling of danger of Randomness thinking on your feet and adjusting to new circumstances official servers give you that and can be great when everything is working properly which they are not which is now firmly on wild card I mean it's their game and their responsibility players are using the mechanism they were given to report these issues and from all indications it is falling on deaf ears clearly there is something going on behind the scenes something that is preventing the issues from being handled now that could be a directive from snail games to stay hands off it could be indifference to towards the players in their concerns it could also be that the department has just one person in it and it's severely overwhelmed but Ark PVP is currently a blaze on a scale we have never seen or experienced in Ark survival evolved and no solution seems to be on the horizon I tried to keep this one safe for work but in the back of my mind every other word of this video felt like it needed to start with the letter F on the side note I love PVP I also also love gaming and seeing players left out there helpless to defend themselves against blatant cheating just really pisses me off Step Up wild card this is on you as always leave me whatever Ark related feedback you would like and I will do my best to respond remember to hit subscribe and ring the notifications Bell to receive my latest upload alerts likes comments Shares are of course greatly appreciated all my socials can be found in the video description shout out to the now over 181,000 of you that stuck with me and hit subscribe and a special Thanks goes out to my patreon supporters and to those of you sending over those much appreciated YouTube super chats until the next one this is Lieutenant Buzz lightbeer signing [Music] off
Channel: LtBuzzLitebeer
Views: 60,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark 2, ark survival ascended, ltbuzzlitebeer, ark news, ark update, ASA, ark2, ark ascended gameplay, asa, ark survival ascended reveal trailer, ark survival ascended release date, ARK, ark ascended, ark asa, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival evovled ascended, ark survival ascended news, ASA gameplay, ark survival ascended console, ark survival ascended mods, ARK survival ascended new delay, xbox delay, playstation delay, console update
Id: 9oWVqfDt9lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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