How To Rig EVERY Soft Plastic Lure For BASS FISHING

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soft plastics they're probably the most fish-catching lure in the history of bass fishing and there's a lot of them there's a lot of different categories a lot of different brands a lot of different colors and they all catch fish of course at different times of the year and doing different stuff with them but there's a lot of confusion I found especially with beginning anglers on how to rig the soft plastics because they're all a little bit different and they all take a little bit different rigging so let's talk about it [Music] well how's it going everybody my name is Tyler Anderson I own this channel called TRF and it is my goal to help you guys become better bass anglers today's video was actually brought to us by an Instagram user in one of my q and A's let me pull it up real quick because I don't want to not give him the credit for it ok scratch that I didn't screenshot it but someone on Instagram did ask me how to rig all the various types of soft plastics there's tons out there and there's definitely multiple ways to rig each one and of course you can put certain soft plastics on jigs as trailers on buzzbaits as trailers lots of stuff you can do with soft plastics I think to the most versatile lure in bass fishing but I wanted to sit down and as best as I can show you guys from this camera angle here how to rig I'm gonna go over the main soft plastic categories now had it started to mist here misty rain we're gonna try to do this as quickly as possible but I have a bunch of striking soft plastics in front of me here that I think kind of characterize all of the main categories of soft plastics so of course we have to in the worm category we have a oto you know a Cinco stick bait type thing and we have a finesse worm to very finesse tactics we have a strike king dream shot for drop shots and we have the new Ned I believe it's the rage Ned cutter worm little brand new Ned worms that we dropped then we've got a swimbait and a flu caffeine shad this is kind of for your shad invitation three different types of creature baits we have the game hog which is just your standard creature bait great for Texas rigs Carolina rigs that kind of thing we have to flip and style baits one smaller one and one bigger one and then finish it out we have a soft plastic toad and actually we have one more as well or to go or they go no lizard I think the lizard though could kind of fit into the the creature Bay category but I want to go over the exact size hook that I like to use when rigging all of these it's mostly going to be a Texas rig presentation I'm gonna mix in a few things whether it be Rocky rig or how to put on a drop shot or even threading it on to a jig head like we will do with the Ned rig but I wanted to try to get us through this quarantine together if you're watching this video during the coronavirus we're all going through it together and if you stumble upon this after it all happens then we made it through we made it through folks so without further ado I'm gonna get started with your stick baits of sorts now we all know there are tons and tons and tons of ways to rig a stick bait and so I'm gonna take it out right now and I'm gonna show you guys how I rigged a Texas rig Oh Cho this here's the 5-inch Oh show and so I like to use a three OTT wide gap hook I don't mess with straight shank I don't mess with flip and hooks unless of course I'm punching or flipping this into cover but what I want to do is I'm gonna do a standard Texas rig and I'm gonna kind of go over this real slow at the start because I feel like it's very necessary for us to go over exactly what a Texas rig looks like because I've seen a lot of janky Texas rigs laying on High School anglers boats that are definitely not the way a Texas rig is supposed to be rigged what you're gonna do is you gonna take the hook of the point of the hook you're gonna take the point you're gonna take the hook of gosh I can't speak you're gonna take the point of the hook and you're going to insert it into the flat side of the bait not the pointed side and you're gonna go I like to go about a half or about a quarter inch so like maybe a third of an inch right there just like that you're gonna poke it all the way through and you're gonna you're gonna round the bend here where the eye is and of course this would be attached to a line and you want to have enough room where the not on top of your eye can sit inside of the soft plastic so this is going to apply to all the soft plastics we Texas rig with this style of hook is that you want it to sit on you know inside of the soft plastic so if you were to right now just rig I don't know a tiny bit like that I mean that might do the job but especially if you have a weight on there see this right there I know how much you guys can see that but you're going to have some of your your either-i sticking out and your weight is gonna be hitting your knot so what I like to do is I like to make sure that I get about a quarter inch straight down just like that poke it out and then as soon as you feed the the eye all the way through it should slip and the way a wide gap hook works is it has a little little catch there that catches the the soft plastic and as you can see there the knot and the eye of the hook are not exposed then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna poke the hook point exactly where it is like where it would sit if you were to hold it straight so I hold it straight like this then I bend it backwards so I pinch it right where the the bend of the hook is I inch it backwards and I shove it straight through and then just like that and now that there is a perfect Texas rig of course if you're an open-water you can just go like this and put it in the in the bait a little bit just kind of submerge the hook in there and if you are fishing in heavy cover I don't like to poke it all the way through as I'm rigging it I will start to run it back up through the stick bait as I'm rigging it that way it has come well not completely weedless there we go that way is completely weedless we're gonna go over all sorts of ways to rig Texas rigs on these different soft plastics but that is my favorite way to rig a a cinco style of lure that is how it should look if it doesn't look like that keep doing it because you did something wrong and so I'm gonna rig this thing real quick on a a wacky rig if you guys are unfamiliar with a wacky rig I think it's kind of fallen by the wayside a little bit in the past few years is that you take a soft plastic stick bait or a finesse worm and you're gonna rig it right through the middle and I don't mean rig it a little bit to the side I mean directly in the middle unless you're putting a nail weight in the side of it I would say rig this thing exactly in the middle so literally hang it on your fingers until you find that middle point shove your circle hook doesn't matter what brand you use I have I think this is a gun we got two circle hook with a little weed guard on there I like to use one that is just big enough to get around the hole inside of your bait there but not too big I don't think you need a giant circle hook I used to use like a size 2 or size 4 whatever the the biggest one was from our wacky race you don't really need that I use one about that size right there as long as you're not setting the hook too hard you're gonna get that hook in the roof of their mouth so well here it is just like that and this is going to be a rapid-fire video so if you guys have any questions please do not hesitate to DM me on Instagram or even drop them in the comment section below I read all my comments and answer them so that is the the soft plastic stick bait of course the Texas rig version would work just as well for a curly tail worm for any sort of you know big Magnum worm Ledge worm anything like that the Texas very still works for that now the the finesse worm you can Texas rig it but I like to put finesse worms on a shaky head so let me get a shaky head out real quick and just for the sake of simplicity I'm not going to use a screw lock I'm gonna use the outcast tackle money jig I believe it's called money head and just like the Texas rig you're going to to put it about I don't know quarter-inch maybe a little bit less than the third inch you did for the Texas rig because it's gonna actually sit a little bit different on here and so you're gonna want to poke it through just like that run it through and then over the bait keep that this little jig head has if I can it's an elastic plastic so it's very hard to to run it up over so now that we've got the the top of the finesse room all the way up against the head you're not gonna poke this out just like you would a Texas rig you're gonna rig it through the bait just like you would for your flippin rig so you're gonna kind of find out exactly if you were to hang this down where it would sit on the hook you're gonna pinch it like I said with the tete with the yeah the Ocho and you're gonna force it in just like that and that right there is a good looking shaky head rapid fire folks rapid fire what is next next we're gonna go with your soft plastic jerk bait this here is the the striking caffeine shed this is a fluke style bait I like to match the hook size to whatever I'm throwing so going back to the Ocho if I'm throwing a six-inch Ojo which I throw quite a lot or a six-inch Cinco I'm gonna throw a for aught I sorry a 5 odd and even sometimes a 6 odd hook I like to throw the biggest hook you can get away with without inhibiting the action that's gonna be very very crucial when it comes to a lot of these baits is that you could throw a 6 7 I look and fit it on some of these baits but you want to throw the biggest hook that doesn't impede the action and also if you're missing hook sets you might want to drop down the hook size a little bit so right here I have this is the 4-inch strike king caffeine shad so with a 4-inch I have two hook sizes here I've got a three out hook and I've got a four out Huck I'm gonna keep the four OTT for the 5 inch caffeine shad and I'm gonna hook this four OTT and occasionally a three OTT depending on how I'm feeling that day I'm gonna hook it just like I did the Ocho so Texas rig it boom stick it in you can tell where the bait starts to split I want to poke it out kind of I don't know a millimeter or two before the split pull the hook through just like that nice and easy over the bend in the top of the hook just like that and then of course it's gonna sit nicely in that slot and what you got to do then is poke with your finger and find out exact clean our that hook should poke through this slot you're gonna grab that area you're gonna find the hook point you're gonna poke it through and just like that you have a perfect perfectly rigged striking caffeine shed so that is how you do your soft plastic jerkbaits one thing that you're going to want to watch out for when rigging soft plastics especially on Texas rig is that you do grab the area in the correct spot if you grab the soft plastic up here thinking that's what the hook should poke out and you try to poke it out there you're gonna stretch the soft plastic and usually damage or break the front part up here by the eye or you're going to have it too long and if you poke it through there you can tell there's there's there's too much there's too much too much flap there you have to have it rigged in the exact right place to make sure it looks natural in the water whether it's supposed to fall on a shimmy or whether they're supposed to Dart you want to make sure you grab it in the right place poke it through and just like that you're good to go and just like that we are moving along to its off plastic swimming now I've done videos before on the Strike King raid swimmer and how to rig it but I'm gonna go over all the ways to rig it real quick really not all of them kind of the two main ways first way being with a screw lock hook the second being on under spin or on a jig head itself so when rigging your ribbed swim bait presentation there's some confusion when picking what of course weight head to throw and also which size hook to throw and right here we have two I'll cast tackle swim bait heads and hopefully you guys can see that they are much different sized hooks but the same exact size weight head so right here we have I don't exactly know the sizes but this one is a very short hook and this one is a very long hook actually twice as long so when you're figuring out of course how deep you want to fish and what size swim that you're throwing that's gonna dictate exactly which size head you want to throw so I've got tons of sizes in here but when it comes to this one here the 3.8 inch rage swimmer if I was to rig on and I'll show you guys real quick this swim bait right here you're gonna see that it looks it looks a little bit funky does that look a little bit funky to you guys I think it looks funky because the hook is of course one not big enough to really get through the bulk of this soft plastic so you're gonna have a pretty bad hook up ratio and second the fish can grab 70 five percent of the swimbait and not actually get it in their mouth and so this size head is not the right sized head for the swim mate when picking your swim bait head size you want to pick one then where the hook point I don't care about the weight or the hook you know down here with the bend of the hook is starts to come out right when the bait starts to slender down at its biggest portion so it starts to slender down right about here but it really ramps up the slender ring thundering I don't know if that's a word the the getting skinnier of it right about there so this one fits just where the bay it starts to get slender I'm gonna line them up exactly how they would fit together I'm going to just like on the Texas rig not pinch necessarily but but grab and make a note of on the swim bait where that hook should come out and sometimes I'll even when I'm when I'm gonna rigging it up I will make a note of where it's supposed to poke out I will look at it and I will literally take my hook point and I will kind of break the soft plastic on the side that way I know exactly where it's supposed to fit in so I will rig it being nice and careful to be as straight as possible directly down the middle both vertically and horizontally of the bait I'm gonna poke it out and then I'm gonna slowly rotate it until that swim bait head is perfectly up against that bait and that right there is the the perfect way to rig your soft flaccid swim bait on a jig head now when it comes to areas that you can't fish a jig head so shallow cover shallow wood grass you've got to throw a flashy swimmer type hook that's really the only two ways that I use this bait unless on the back of a swim jig or a ChatterBait and so you're gonna have to pick the right size hook now I mentioned you want to make sure your hook whether the Texas rig or a swim bait doesn't poke out too far into the tail of the bait this hook here is the right size hook Bend for this bait but if you were to put them up together that hook is sticking out all the way almost to where it gets really really skinny on the tail so this flashy screamer hook is too big so I have this size right here and it sticks out exactly where it's supposed to I'm going to take the swim bait I'm gonna poke it in there and I'm not gonna screw it too far on to the head but I'm also not gonna leave you know anything on the screw show so I'm gonna screw it just to where the head of the soft plastic swimbait starts to get to the eye of the hook just like that where it still has a little bit of movement it's not totally screwed up where you can't hardly move this one day and then I'm gonna stick it there I'm gonna find out where the hook should poke through I'm gonna bend it and I'm gonna poke it through gorgeous folks we're cranking through these things I hope you're learning something I hope this isn't too fundamental but if it is that's how it go somebody's got to teach you you know I'm gonna skip creature bait because it's it's literally the exact same as your Texas rig worm but I am gonna show you one little thing with creature baits actually I'm gonna show you the lizard because the lizard is a little bit different with creature baits and and worms that are very very skinny you've got to be careful not to use a hook that is too thick so let me show you guys an example of what not to use okay so this is a Tokyo rig I don't actually have the hook separated yet but this is a giant flippin hook this is a size 5 OTT this is not the right hook to use with a lizard and I'm going to show you why so if I start to put the hook in there it is not just a strong hook it is a thick hook so if I was to rig it through like this pull it on through you're gonna see annalen think I can see that that I have already damaged the head of the lizard due to how thick the hook is and so it might work for a second but after catching one fish on this thing and maybe dragging it through some bushes or some grass you're gonna have some damage to the soft plastic because the hook is just is just too thick and especially with a lizard you have to really make sure you pinch it in the right area because too much pull in the lizard looks really weird and not enough Pole and it is scrunched up so you have to make sure you get the exact right amount of pull and the way a lizard is built oftentimes a regular wide gap hook does not work because it doesn't have enough bait to go around it doesn't have enough bait to to have the hook point go through and back in for a Texas rig so this is the one situation that I will in fact throw a straight shank hook okay I don't have one but we're gonna re rig it with a standard three OTT wide gap you're gonna poke it through you're gonna run it around yep that that flippin hook already that thick hook already messed it up and then you're going to want to make sure you pinch it in the right spot and with a lizard it's almost always important to not poke it all the way through and I don't care if you're in heavy cover or not you almost always want to run it back down the side of it and your lizard might look a little weird lizards are hard to rig but they are definitely one of the most productive baits here in the springtime on beds and off beds just kind of dragging around on a Carolina rig so that is how you rig a lizard and a creature bait is very much the same I don't really have to go into that I'm gonna go into real quick before we hop into the fun stuff the soft plastic punching and flipping baits I'm gonna go over this is the the super toad bi Strike King it is a gurgle toad on the top of the water top water frog this thing I always use a double hook it's a double frog hook it is meant for these types of soft plastic frogs so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to bite off a little bit of the top that way the a screw lock doesn't have a hard time going in make sure when your screw locking baits you always screw lock as straight as possible so I got the screw in there and I'm screwing that thing Oh over there I'm screwing that thing nice and straight and again just like I did on the swim bait don't want to screw it on there too much just enough so it gets to the front of the screw and you're gonna want to pick a double frog hook that is the right size for your frog so this one here actually a little bit too big I don't have any of the size that fit but you're going to want to just like the Texas rig pull down see exactly where the hook should go in and then kind of I take two fingers here and I kind of push both sides up like this poke them through and pull them out and I was a little bit too short just like that you have a perfectly rigged top water toad actually it's not perfectly rigged this one could be a little bit farther down you may have to independently adjust the legs a little bit but you want the legs as the Frog is sitting there and of course poke it back in if you can you want the legs to be as flat as possible that one there is a little messed up top water frogs are definitely hard to to rig but once you get them it can be some dang fish catchers this one is really not a huge play my tackle box but I do want to throw it in there because it's a soft plastic and I wanted to show how to rig all of the soft plastic moving on to the finesse tactics we're gonna put the striking dream shot on a drop shot so when you're fishing a drop shot usually it's a smallmouth type thing now I know a lot of guys catch largemouth and spots on a drop shot but drop shots were invented to catch those smallmouth bass to have a smaller mouth so when you're fishing a drop shot you're usually fishing a smaller size lure this here is the three-inch I believe it's three-inch oh four on a quarter inch I was wrong the four and a quarter inch striking dream shot and I'm either going to put it on one of two different hooks one the first one is going to be if we can see that a 1 ought is the tiny little one ought Texas rheya a wide gap hook or I'm gonna put it on a nose hook little tiny circle I don't exactly know what brand knees are but the little circle hook just like that so I've got a jumble of hooks right here but all you got to do is do a simple hook in the nose and then I like to poke it out of the front of the nose so well actually that looks janky that was bad boom just like that and you have your perfect little nose hooked striking dream shot now like I said I don't really use the circle hooks all that much that was kind of the rage back a while ago now I like to use the tiny Texas rig so and this is going to be the exact same as your Texas rig so you're gonna want to take the hook it's a one aught you're gonna want to poke it and I remember the drop shot has the the the not sitting here in the weight going down and aligned to your rod going up so you can't actually bury the the eye of your hook so I do it just enough to not bear it I'm going to bend it through being nice and careful with it then BAM Boop find the exact point poke it through and you got yourself a little drop shot the next little finesse bait is going to be your ned rig there's tons of different editors out there are tons of different Nedry heads i use the outcast tackle and again hook size and weight size are important just like they were for the swim bait you don't want to overpower your ned rig with too big of a hook I have seen some companies out there that have created Ned rig hooks not really an Edward Koch it's more like just a regular swim beige a head the outcast taco on is incredible of course I'll have all this tackle linked below for you guys to check out and purchase but I like to have an ed rig hook come out on the striking baits at least where it transitions from the the smoothness of the bait back to the ribs kind of like the the egg sack or I guess whatever they try to call that thing and so I'm going to make a note of exactly where that is it is right on that line there you're going to rig just like a swim bait is straight and down the middle as you can and I'm gonna poke it out right there you're gonna feed this down and just like that you got yourself undead rig in the last soft plastic that I can think of I don't think I'm missing anything I think I've kind of got the whole the whole gambit of soft plastics is going to be your compact creature bait so you're your flippin style bait so I'm gonna get two different sizes here and show you guys how to flip it on both the Texas rig and and fit the size hook for it and also on a punch rig you know a flippin hook bigger thick hook type thing so we've got the four and a half inch rage bug and you've got the four inch I believe it is strike king rodent and these two I definitely use kind of entertaining interchangeably if I'm fishing for a bigger fish that are feeding on bigger bait fish of course I'm gonna go with the structure bug and I'm just flipping grass and pads and such I usually go with the the rodents so if I'm gonna go with the rodent and I'm just flipping it around I'm gonna go with a four OTT Texas rig so I'm gonna rig it just like I do with the Ojo I'm gonna poke it through the top right here again about a third of an inch make sure pokes all the way through and then you want to make sure that your hook lines up with somewhere before the Hales start so I like to you the biggest hook I can get away with I could get away with a five-inch hook on a five inch hook 5 hook on this but I like you because the the end of the hook there were it bends pokes out right kind of where the tails start where the eyes are on the rodent and I'm gonna poke it through and just like I always do I'm gonna feed it kind of back down the side and poke it back in and right there you got a perfectly rigged rodent and with the structure bug I'm gonna show you guys with that same Tokyo rig that I had going on here is a I think this is a 5 watt flippin hook and it easily fits on this rodent so I can even go to 6 SOT if I wanted to but I'm gonna poke it through just like I did feed it on through there and as you can see this soft plastic is thick enough to handle the thickness of that hook I'm going to poke you through turn around make sure it pops right on the other side of that hook keeper and then I'm not going to poke this one all the way through due to how the shape of this hook there's no bending back of it like a wide gap is it's just down around and back the other way and so I'm gonna find out exactly where it's supposed to go in I'm gonna poke it in right about there and I'm gonna feed it on the inside and kind of feel the hook go along the inside perfectly we listen a fish bites it Wham you got them in the top of the mouth oh I think that's it I'm pretty sure we've covered all the basics so that's kind of the the general overview of soft plastics hopefully you guys learned something I bet this video is longer than both I thought it was and then you thought it needed to be but I just wanted to go through what they all should look like what every single soft plastic and the main way you rig it should look like because they're all a little bit different and depending on the cover and the size of course you're gonna want to change the hooks if you're fishing heavy cover you want to throw a little bit of a thicker hook but you always want to make sure that you are poking that hook out in the exact right spot which changes based on the lure you're throwing just like I said with the stick bait you're gonna want to poke it out wherever it shows you know that it's supposed to poke out because it's all the same size a lizard you want to make sure that you have it exactly straight a swim bait you want to make sure that you poke it out right before it starts to slender down on the the creature bate you want to poke it out right and match your hook size to right before the claws on the end start there's a little bit of different ways to rig each one but they're definitely all fish catchers and I'm tired I apologize if I talked fast I was trying to squeeze this into a short video but it definitely was not short but hey if you enjoyed it hit that subscribe button I have tons of other fishing videos and we're gonna get through this quarantine together I'm ending all my videos with the same message we are strong we're gonna get through this together it is it is a tough time for us as Americans and really I Native Americans as people of the world we here in America don't even have it the worst so be grateful for your family spend time with your family obey the government as much as possible unless you're trying to go fishing then then quarantine can be disobeyed but thank you all for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: TylersReelFishing
Views: 877,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, bass fishing, reel, Texas fishing, Fishing Review, Fishing Tips, Tylers Reel Fishing, Tyler Reels Fishing, Big Bass, Largemouth Bass, Crazy Fishing, Pond Fishing, Pond Bass Fishing, Vlog, Bank Fishing, Fishing Video, fishing challenge, bass fishing challenge
Id: Wb84oiWtbgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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