Bandit ZT1844 Stump Grinder new belt tensioner part 2 and Green Teeth

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at the end of the day Mustang rebuilder here yeah and working on a stump growing again but before we do that I want to ask all of you a big favor whether you like me or not or something you get one bit of information off of me that you like please like it subscribe to it make a comment as long as they in a bad comment okay make it constructive if I'm doing something wrong you don't like something I'm saying make it constructive criticism if you want to be a you know key halt do it somewhere else hey I'm trying to help people out hey you can help me out too if you see somehow you suggest to me that you want me to do or something that I you suggest that I do it better than this other way hey I'm open I'm an old man but I learn every day if you don't learn every day you're an idiot hey my phone stone grinders it's uh January 6th we've got about two weeks of grinding on that new adjustment system on that banded ZT 1844 38 horsepower I used the old gates belt because it still had room for adjustments so I'm gonna open it up and see what's going on inside does it start squealing a little bit today but that's because it stretched a little bit I had some hard granny for about two weeks and made quite a bit of money in two weeks with just that first adjustment let's see what's going on inside but before I do that I'll talk to you about some there's my other machine so I'm longing I start I just run this small machine it's 38 horse I have a basically 45 horsepower bandit with the blade on it and this machine is about three years old and about 600 hours I think on this machine it's produced me well over 300 G very reliable machine I got a little couple little quirks in it I'll point out later tell you the quick little fixes I've done on this machine right now if you're seen through here you know something's missing my pump my main pump went out but that's okay because this machine is used a lot and sending out to be rebuilt they told me it was cheaper to buy another one then rebuilt turns out that pump is also used in the oil field industry when I go to put this one back together I'll share that with you I'll share everything I find out I'll share with you guys and oh you guys share back with me that's that's what it's all about anyway let me open this one up and let's see what we find one more thing you know this machine runs green teeth runs nine hundred series same as my big machine 900 series I'll tell you a little trick real quick on these teeth alright these are green these are those where sharps oh they hold it edge pretty good but what I like about them is I can regrind and put them on my every shot for them I should say and well I'll give you a little hint all these machines your inner pockets see this this is eight pockets on this machine two of them are further out there your lead cutters and then recessed in op is each other is a little bit less of depth once you can tell which ones are those those have spacers in a mode each side alright the leads don't ok this machine's at about 600 Ollie's on it and what I find is I always put brand new teeth on my leads which is four and then the resharpen ones I put them on the recessed pockets and the recessed pockets don't take as much as hammering as as the outer one so I was trying to do fresh ones my teeth are worn today because I did a job no other stump grinder would do and I was grinding a little bit of concrete it was all try to post a picture on facebook on this stump grinder site to show you what stump I was doing alright in underneath that stump forefoot stump and grown over a slab of concrete and I was able to use this machine get really close to the building which is what the company wanted and let me stop right now I'll open this up let's see what we find covers off one thing about the cover I want to let people know you know I used my Harbor Freight earthquake 3/8 ratchet I keep in the trunk make it fast to get off easy but there's something else I do I go to my local nut and bolt supplier he's a half-inch head but I'm not sure what size they actually are but you can take your old one there see these little lines on there those grab basically it's like it's a locking flared head okay and it's locks on the steel these things are gonna vibrate out you're gonna lose them one by one or whatever just buy yourself a small box like I did keep them in your truck and you know what that way you keep it you don't want this cover coming off or vibrating or we get loose enough to where it gets into your pulleys it's kind of when you grind just keep it simple stupid okay now here's a adjuster somebody commented to me on youtube and asked me to show how to adjust it I hopefully they had the new adjuster on their machine you can see I still have adjustment area we needed to go here with that slot and I have a lot of room left on here okay now someone else on our facebook site by stump grinding showed a picture of this hitting this up here and it couldn't get it to adjust anymore well this here is only held with one bolt okay mine's tight but not super tight okay and it's got a locking nut behind it you just tap this down a little bit of piece of wood or a hammer an edge because it's got a slot in it you see right there so we could pivot and it pivots down a little bit this will be able to swing down more okay and you notice my judgement rod it's on the top of this okay not on the bottom it shows an Emmanuel a picture of it both ways but I put it that way okay and you know to redo this with the factory kit I gotta be very honest with you it took me every bit about four hours to do this because I pulled the pulleys off and I worked on it took the shield off I did it to where I laid that on the bench I think I told you all that grounded and I've just showed you real quick here if you're gonna modify yours with the new kit this is that template to give you alright and you have a PDF file for it I also had from Harbor Freight to clean up after I made my cuts the screwin discs also had a die grinder with a border at Harbor Freight right there it is right there with some rasps that steel on there was pretty tough it where's the mound I think I could beat it we'll do one more with it but hey it was only like 5 6 bucks for that sense of cheap less that if you go to your machine shop or a proper place you can buy some high high strength tool steel stuff anyway that's a man a person was asking about how to adjust this this is an older belt the belt I had on the older system so it had a lot of slack in it and it could not be adjusted before I still got it in with the new system I could still use the older belt and still adjust all you do is loosen this one up it's 9/16 and then like I showed you before where I've got the ratcheting wrenches you come in here and start tightening up and you'll see it move I mark it I'm not gonna adjust it on the camera I'm one-handed here okay and not thinking your manual will tell you that you're supposed to use a torque wrench and crank that to like 25 foot-pounds and believe it or not I'm a little stupid idiot guys that does have a torque wrench let's get on here crank down toward 25 pounds you hear that click there it is I'll hold it down while I'm gonna doing the adjustment okay oh one more thing if you're attempting this I think I put it on a post I'm gonna that way I'll let you know when you're taking these pulleys off okay these are the bolts that came with it okay they're grade eight they are full thread two inches and to take off these pulleys you lose some knees out pull them all the way out okay these extra holes on here is what you're going to take those bolts off and screw them back in and you put them all three spots you thread them in slowly and it pulls the pulley out you don't use a puller this is what's done used to pull that out there's a key way here and right up here there's an Allen make sure you take that Allen back it all the way out first okay now someone else made a post saying oh there belt was hitting over here it was too close in that way well that meant that their pulleys were reinstalled too close and I found the trick what I did was the same allen key tie used to take off that pulley I pulled it allen key out I went in the back put that down where the allen key slot is held it there and when you're pulling this back in it'll stop the key way otherwise your key way a totally disappear on you go that way it'll also give you the proper gap to keep your gaps here same gap here you put the same gap there that way you your police are evenly running okay if you ever pull these pulleys off before you do go down to your auto parts store or a hardware store and get make sure that these bolts that you're gonna get a grade eight and your full thread all the way up top I used some Dorman's grade eight there's your port number nine six zero seven two zero D three of them come in a pack they're like four bucks that are Riley's a 3/8 by sixteen by two inches hex bolts grade eight okay see that way because these things will get fatigued on you okay so we use brand new ones every time we work on these pulleys alright try to think of anything else I could tell you he's everything's been going good when I open up the other side I'll make another video or just in the clutch and somebody mentioned that they lost four clutches already on one of these machines I suggested to them I think I know why if you all one of these machines and you're a tree company either you use this machine or your number one employee don't keep giving every Tom Dick and Harry there to run this machine because on a belt operator machine want to do is though drive this thing so hard they'll keep stopping that wheel bamm-bamm when the guy doesn't know how to stumps that's what they'll do doesn't know how to do it what that does okay put some pressure on your belt so smoke them and if you see my belt already even though I'm trying to get along it has a little cut here but I've got another set I keep it in the truck I'm gonna run this belt for a little longer see how long I can get but when they sit when that wheel stops as a hard slam it I don't care if you have a veneer 2:52 or familiar 352 or one of these machines or any year machines have electronic clutch on it okay I've been in this business 20 frickin years what takes the load when that wheel stops if that belt does you adjusted it way too hard that clutch is gonna take a hammer those are electronic clutches all right and they're activated to where they grab there's wires running to it says electricity and they'll make like a magnet so exactly what they are a magnet and they'll slam up okay but every time that wheels getting hammered and gets locked up and if your belts are really too tight something has to give on this machine and what I'll give is that clutch hammer you know move and if anyone I know this guy's on his site or guys are watching his feeders have machines before that electronic clutch goes out to 50 tunes on veneers Wordie Taurus for it okay it's gen 352 swore to the older ones they just something has to give in the system alright because they're not hard to change if you change them you change it with an impact cuz you're coming off of the engine here otherwise you're turning the belt to it that's a different story I'll show you that later okay so far six hundred hours same clutch no problem we'll just lost that bearing you saw that in the other video change that hey still making money with this maybe I still love her she's got a little quirks but I'm still loving her that one I can't wait to get her back together that's my main cheese okay anyway hey it ain't Sunday it's Monday but who loves you guys hey I'm sorry I thought it was over of one more important thing about the pulleys it's really a really important make sure you have a torque wrench okay and these bolts if you look up three-eighths and a torque specs okay you go those bolts will torque at about 44 foot pounds of pressure if you use a big impact to put them on you looks freaking destroy them they'll twist off and then you'll be trying to drill them out okay so remember gradate and how you put them on as you put them on like a cylinder head I've told you guys your pitch get them started with their light you torque a little bit you talk a little bit torque a little bit cross cross-court torque torque till you get you click all right don't be a bulldog with them otherwise you'll be screaming and cursing all right I want you all it's one and easy on everybody be able to fix their machines on their own in case you don't have a deal like I ain't got a dealer all right anyway once again god bless sorry I didn't tell you before but hey I'm human
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 3,200
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: Vd_2428Yy5E
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Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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