Baling in the 21st Century!!

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let's see what this baby can do [Music] jesus must have had the taco bell oh i just made a mistake it's a long story short we had a water leak and dad had to shut the water off up here so the cows can still drink in the back but the water's off up here and i just use that bathroom it's funny because i literally use that like once a year but like i came outside and then it sucks walking anyway dad will enjoy that text we're making hay today all right anyway dad spreading some fert today the hay that we cut last video should be ready to go today if not today tomorrow so we'll get it on video either way 75 20 needs to be hooked up to the rake jeff's going to be raking dad's going to be bailing let's get that sucker hooked i'm so dumb makes for a good story though oh hi ellie that's me mom said ha ha just gotta turn the water back on to the lines run into the tmi i know i'm sorry oh yeah there we did something so you guys know how it's been real dry lately about three four weeks ago our sump pump started running and it was running every 45 seconds and we weren't getting much rain so we're like what's going on well dad narrowed it down to a leak starting over by that hydrant in the front yard and it was seeping in and making our sump pump run so we shut that off within a day it was running every minute and a half now a week's almost a week's gone now about five days almost five days gone by and it's running like every eight or ten minutes now they're gonna have to tear up the front yard it is hot out here holy moses we'll go run turn the water on so i can so i can flush the toilet man this is embarrassing it is what it is that these black seats out in the sun you can cook your hindquarter on there ah it's it's one way to cook a hind roast rump roast that's what it's called all right any rats actually so that one runs to the tank sitting right over here and then that one right there feeds the north water tanks and this one is what will allow me to flush the toilet and also shoot some water at the house but we'll get it shut off real quick here there we go jeff's just stopping by brought a gourmet meal we got the toilet flushed we'll get that line back shut up and then we'll talk about what we got in the shed [Music] but that rusty old thing didn't blow up on me so previously we had mentioned we got some sweet demos this year and when it comes to hang what we're demoing this year from john deere is a plus two a five twenty r bale accumulator so john deere reached out to us these hang videos are sponsored by john deere comes from john deere we're pretty excited to try this out when they mentioned it i was a little worried that it was gonna be heavy on the baler we're going to maybe put some stress on the axles but this unit actually comes with there's two tires on either side to support these bales it's pretty automated dumps the bail out and this paddle right here moves one bale to the side next bale comes out moves it to the other side last bale right in the middle once you get in the field you got to spread this out make it wider so it can hold those bales each side comes out the idea with this unit is that it helps speed you up when you're picking up the bales it allows you to dump the bales where you want as opposed to you know you make a bale you got to kind of dump it there so you can keep going but here you can hold the bales you can put it up on higher areas if you're worried about a rain coming soon or you can group them all up and put them at the end of the field or something like that so they're all bunched together you don't have to drive all over heck when you're picking your bales up this is our baler fitted with the a520r and it's currently hooked to the 7330. a little worried that that tractor's not going to have enough power there's going to be some big bales on the back there's kind of a smaller tractor we would have had the 8235 r on it but dad's fertilizing with that and it's hooked up and ready to go and this is hooked up ready to go so we're going to see what this unit can do and see if the tractor can handle it over the course of hanging this summer we're going to see if this can help speed us up picking up bales and just if it if the unit works well we're excited to try it out we got some mcdonald's over here we're going to go eat and then jeff's gonna come back grab the baler not the baler the rake he's gonna go rake dad's gonna bail and we're gonna as we do currently watch other people farm looks like a sweet unit can't wait to see it in action later today you've been drinking out of a cottage cheese bowl for years nothing but the best time to get busy looks like jeff's grabbing some fuel dad's gonna grab some fuel get all kinds of tractors and stuff sitting out holy they need a breath or two [Music] another folding oh he's pulling over to shut the gate for me thanks paul you excited it better work i don't want to stand out in the heat and piddle with it all righty yeah i'll do what i can the cows think i have pellets now they're gonna follow me don't they look fancy holy cow beautiful critters all right have fun it's a great day for hay that's all i got to say hey so here we go we got to spread those out obviously it's pretty wide so you don't want to really drive through a gate and react it on something you can see these windrows they're pretty light so i think we should be able to get most bales all the way down here because we can carry them with us as dads bailing back this way get them up close to the gate so the guy hauling bales doesn't have to drive all over so this is our first time running this unit as far as i know as we dump the bale out it automatically pushes the bale to one side and then we keep going we have the option to dump one two or three bales at one time you know it's up to us i don't know what i just hit here we go holy cow well it worked when we grabbed that unit from john deere they said yeah i don't know if that tractor is going to be able to be able to pull all that weight with it fully loaded we're just going to have to see and so that's why those extra wheels are so important it's certainly an interesting sight looks like we got bail number two coming i'm so excited oh my lanta he can certainly dump anytime he wants on the move and there's actually an adjustment you can make for the speed at which it dumps getting a phone call hey i got a question for you yep all right sorry three bales one drop pretty cool pretty pretty cool we've been doing this about five minutes i think he's feeling pretty confident now it's pretty simple and then right here you can see we got a we got a big like five foot thing of grass right down the middle like i said in the last video the cows next door they are running out of feed out there and so that's gonna give them a little feed while this stuff gets a chance to grow back see he just decided to dump him right there there's a dial on the machine where you can turn it so it dumps a certain speed relative to your travel speed say if you're going nine mile an hour and you jump slowly those bales are going to roll with you and keep rolling with you and if for some reason you dump slowly and then you stop right away those bales have a chance to roll into your machine and so you can spin a dial and it'll make it so it dumps faster and that way the bales will just sit and stop and they won't run into you [Applause] [Music] hey i've run the rake many years and they're kind of the unsung hero you can't really have a baler without someone to rake let's go get some video of jeff raken [Music] gotta love those straight auto steer lines where you really see the decreased time and the increased efficiency is when you're picking up the bales now right now we're just kind of getting used to running it so you make a pass down you dump three bales you make a pass down you dump three bales just keeping them all grouped together versus uh just random bale here bale there bale here takes a lot of time moving bales if you were to have the bale haulers that have the arm on the side and you had it so you dumped all your bales in a straight line you could just one by one pick up bales versus having to drive over here and then get square with this one and get square with that one wow that says that tractor's hand handling the baler just fine until starts getting too hot overheating might not cause an issue but it is also like 95 degrees out it's scorching so there's a bunch of little adjustments you can make that we just moved the sensor a little bit so it opens the back door more notice right there we caught the belts were hanging and it caught that bale toward the net wrap a little bit so we just made it so the door will open some more don't know what to go off of just moved it a decent amount and we'll see what happens on the next one and right across the fence there's a self-propelled sprayer spraying our beans second pass we would be swamped if we had to do that and bale and i was just driving around watching everybody do stuff looks like jeff got done raking that was about a little drone video eh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we got a little side-by-side action going on right here so you see with one bale at a time you got one bale right there you got one bale right there you got one barrel right there and everything's strewn about just randomly otherwise right next door you got a bunch of bales lined up imagine you're coming to the field you line up your bail mover and bam one two three four loading them up versus going here going here going here so right there that's side by side it shows you shows you what the difference makes aesthetically and you can pretty well assume that that's going to speed up [Music] ellie you look like you want to go in the house yeah another field done if you've heard it once you've heard it a thousand times right we could use a rain we need a rain look at this lawn it's gonna be dirt here in a couple weeks so that was a little introduction to the plus two bale accumulator if you made it to here you can see why some people would like that how that can make you a little more efficient loading up bales hey so dad got back he's done bailing and he's just starting up the 82 35r he's going to go load up with fertilizer and he's going to keep rolling [Music] full spreader a day like this this will hurt put the spanx to them since this is about the first bailing video of the year for us every year we get asked a lot about why do we make round bales the other way we can go is obviously small squares big squares and a lot of that small square stuff is mostly for people that want to throw some in a barn so they can maybe use it for bedding or for feed for their horses or for whatever they got in a building easy to throw up in a hail off something like that the big squares a lot of times when people are buying hay they get them in big squares or when you're selling hey you get them in big squares they fit on a truck they're square they fit together nice there's not those big spaces that when you put two round things together you know we make round bales because it's pretty fast you can spin them you can make them and spit them out pretty quickly easy to handle just pick them up with bale spear put them on a trailer so for us it's efficiency it's also these balers are a lot cheaper than a square baler kind of a mix of efficiency price um we can handle them we like making rounds also the round bales with the net wrap they last outside rain doesn't seep into them as much as a square bale and so you mix price efficiency the ability for them to keep their quality up so that's why we go with round bales and of course once we get moving bales and putting them in lines people are going to ask why don't you stack them and that's a question for another day rest of the week dad is going to be working on finishing spreading fertilizer he's probably about fist done doing that got some done the last couple days we'll keep rolling with that over the next couple weeks we'll be cutting more hay make more bales thanks for hanging out today thanks for watching we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] i was pretty excited about this package not so much for the slabby but look at this nice cane i got
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 191,487
Rating: 4.9780054 out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, baby, manure, grain, soybeans, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, cow, plus 2, A520R, 7330, bale carrier
Id: Z39BifQIGJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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