Baldur's Gate 3: New Shadowheart Romance Epilogue Endings (Patch 5)

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[Music] last night was perfect though I couldn't help lying there thinking about my parents before you stirred I gave them the release they asked for freed myself from Sha's grasp just as they wished for but there's moments where I think I'd trade there to be able to see them again talk to them again there's so much only they could have told me but that's all gone now I've got to move on find some place for myself I was hoping you'd say that whatever lies ahead will be far less daunting if I have you you it could be just like old times well hopefully not exactly like old times I think I've had enough camping and Mortal Peril for one lifetime since the nether brain fell you and shadowart have seen more of fyon than you ever thought possible she no longer shies from wolves or water nothing in the world frightens her anymore and you feel you could face anything by her side one day you receive a letter passed to you by a stranger who bows with difference an invitation to a gathering of the friends and allies who stood by your side in the fight against the absolute you Wast no time in packing and set off on the long road back to where all of your adventures together began thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou should take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more I didn't expect to be nervous but seeing everyone here like this it's strange isn't it I feel like I must have dreamed the last few months now I'm waking up back in Camp with my hair smelling like wood smoke and fallen leaves stuck to my backside oh I've noticed ever since I first slipped into my Camp garments I should think so we should divvy up what we tell people about what we've been doing these past few months I'd hate to be a Bo that comes along and regurgitates the same story to someone moments after you've told them any ideas well there's the visit to the house of the Moon fending off sh and assassins that stray imp that joined us Bing Bong wasn't it we've squeezed in a lot and I'm glad I got to share it all with you I'm sure we'll have them hanging off our every word I'll leave you to do some mingling unless you need anything [Music] else why are you expecting to be gone for long all right [Music] I could get lost in those [Music] arms that can be [Music] arranged [Music] almost a shame we're with company I'd be tempted to let you whisk me away someplace quiet with music in the air and wine flowing I think I'll manage don't get into trouble but if you must fetch me first the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me th Heroes wails friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sow so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to [Music] you last night was an experience but I don't think you've changed quite as much as some might think I'd recognize that Vigor anywhere it sounds like the city's trying to get back on its feet already normal life is returning which means things are about to become decidedly more difficult for you perhaps you could could wear a mask say you're a leper or have taken religious vows to conceal your face for a Time perhaps deception and concealment has been part of my life for so long but this is different this is beyond me after what the city's been through people will scarcely talk tolerate cuttlefish at the fishmonger stool never mind a full-blown mind flare in their midst do you know what this means you deserve to be vaunted adored statues in your image should stand on every square a whole generation of babies should be named in your honor but it will not be so all those people you saved most of them will never know what you did but you know and so do I I'll never forget I need to get you out of here it was difficult enough smuggling you in here covered in cloaks it'll only get worse as normaly returns I can't at least not right now I'm I'm sorry after everything that happened with my parents with Shaw I need time to myself time to find myself that would call for an awful lot of discretion you know enough to make even a former Shon take pause but after all we've been through I really should know better than to doubt you shouldn't I all right let's try we've gotten this far after all just let me do the talking you'd be amazed what a pretty face can get away with you and shadowart found your peace in a country Farmstead with a pack of pets and a garden of night orchids you were basking beneath the Silver Moon after a midnight swim one night when you notice a letter among your discarded clothes an invitation to a gathering of the friends and allies who stood by your side in the fight against the absolute he Wast no time in packing and set off on the long road back to where all of your adventures together began thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou should take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more I didn't expect to be nervous but seeing everyone here like this it's strange isn't it I feel like I must have dreamed the last few months now I'm waking up back in Camp with my hair smelling like wood smoke and fallen leaves stuck to my [Music] backside a little wine might help accelerate the process so we should divvy up what we tell people about what we've been doing these past few months I'd hate to be a Bo that comes along and regurgitates the same story to someone moments after you've told them any ideas well there's the visit to the house of the Moon fending off sh and assassins that stray imp that joined us Bing Bong wasn't it we've squeezed in a lot and I'm glad I got to share it all with you I'm sure we'll have them hanging off our every word I'll leave you to do some mingling unless you need anything else why are you expecting to be gone for long all right [Music] I could get lost in those arms that can be [Music] arranged [Music] almost a shame we're with company I'd be tempted to let you whisk me away someplace [Music] quiet with music in the air and wine flowing I think I'll manage don't get into trouble but if you must fetch me first you need to take care of yourself keep out of danger perhaps perhaps there is some way some unfathomable way we can still see each other eventually such a thing must exist surely so I refuse to call this farewell just until next time since the nether brain fell you have continued to evolve thought is action action is thought speech is difficult your mind has voyaged to the limits of existence communing with entities unique and wondrous but something always calls it back back to fyon back to yourself back to the beginning the time before you became what you are when your tadpole first sang in your mind you are back there once again when a voice comes to do you with us who you know so well it is time he says to meet with your allies once again you dream of them often and now you will see if your dreams have become their reality there you are starting to wonder if you'd show [Music] up honestly so have I oh come here will you it's been [Music] forever H you feel a little more substantial than before less camping and scaming off the land I take it [Music] no offense intended quite the contrary in fact I'm glad you seen well Trudy I had no doubt but I'm glad to hear you say it all the same wondering mostly the adventuring life is almost a tonic when you're not constantly threatened by brain monsters and cultists I can finally see the world beyond the Closter one of my first stops was the house of the Moon in Water Deep it's the largest temple of saluna in existence it seemed like the perfect spot to reflect on my parents on where they came from and where I came from too I suppose hard to imagine isn't it me of all people in the lair of the Moon witch herself Gods your truest Act of heroism was putting up with all that sh and drivel I was spouting for so [Music] long and oh so [Music] modest well I've had run-ins with my former fellow Shin on a couple of occasions word seems to have spread of what happened at the Closter now other chapters of sha worshippers see me as a prime target to offer up to their lady as a sacrifice don't worry I know their tired old tricks better than anyone they'll need more than a hooded cloak and poison blade to best [Music] me must I you presume a great deal I'm joking of course I want to know tell me [Music] all do you ever rest think of all those poor budding adventurers looking to make a name for themselves take some time off and give them a chance why don't you hopefully these meetups will become a regular occurrence it's not that I missed the T had poles but at least it brought us together now we've got to make the extra effort ourselves I'm sure we will but let's be proactive about it all the same we're more than capable after all we've faced down bigger threats than wrangling together a few social calendars don't be a stranger slept like a babe straight through the night dreamless Thoughtless and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Bal may have been your beginning but he will not be your end of all those you killed in your father's name one lingers in your mind even now Isabelle the cleric of saluna her death weighs upon you still a burden you will carry for the rest of your days but fortunately you will not have to carry it alone last night was an exception I hope you understand that the battle's won our journey is over and I need to take my place face at lady Sha's side how could I forget a pleasant vivid memory but now I have to move on all this has been to bring me to this point and now I'm finally here thanks in no small part to you lady Sha's work is never ending I I've cleansed the ranks of her followers leaving only the faithful the worthy now is the time to spread her word so many have suffered greatly in recent times gripped by pain and loss they will rush to the dark lady's embrace not everyone would share that view but you were always different weren't you in another life this may not have been a parting it may have been the start of something but we made our choices and must live with what we have and what we've lost still though you know where the house of grief is and What Lies Beneath it we all need to be unburdened every now and again six months since you faced your father and refused your Birthright 6 months since you cured yourself of the urge your life life is your own now and you are already becoming someone new but the memories of the past will not leave you alone you receive an invitation one day in a hand you recognize immediately Challenger of gods it reads surely thou wishest to see thine true Family Once More Withers who raised you when your father struck you down he bids you join him as a gathering of your allies and friends so once again you return to the place where you formed your first memories you are calm you are you you can do this thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielding did in the hand of good go know one another once small I have a lot on my mind lady Sha's blessings to you or perhaps you don't need them you look [Music] well very apt choice of words but it doesn't just go for me lady Sha's entire church prospers the absolute washed the sword Coast with Blood and Tears it is now fertile ground for her message to flourish broken hearts shaken faiths refugees without homes former cultists without purpose they can all become the night singer's children with the right nudge you should see how they flock to us we spread like the night sky Chasing the Sun below the [Music] Horizon a Pity yes but also for the best perhaps it would have pained me to have you close but not be able to dedicate myself to you in every waking moment we would have been able to claim just enough of each other's hearts in order for it to hurt better to indulge ourselves fully whenever fate allows than to live in compromise and tonight of all nights was made for Indulgence [Music] I'd like to think I'm cunning enough to get away with it come here to [Music] me like a rare vintage it is sweet to taste so infrequently yet always worth the wait now tell me all what have you been doing with yourself this past while you've been busy careful you don't pull a muscle I'm not there to nurse you back to health anymore I suppose you'll be Keen to do the rounds with so many old acquaintances gathered do not let me hoard your time but don't be such a stranger either in future you know where to find me I can always make some time for an old friend one of the Privileges of being in [Music] charge would that I could but this is my life now lady sha must come first always all consuming endless decisions to make underlings jockeying for your attention threats from the outside threats from the inside there's times I miss when it was just our little group against the odds Simplicity is luxury that's drifted out of my reach I'm afraid but at least for tonight I can have a taste of how it used to be I shouldn't but from time to time yes holding the office she once held standing within the shadow of Lady sha herself it complicates my feelings towards her I came came to see her as an adversary an obstacle but what recourse did she have what did she see when she looked at me a future in which she was discarded where the reward for her service and sacrifice was to groom her own replacement what transpired was the dark lady's will if time rolled back I would do the same thing all over again without hesitation yet I am not without sympathy what a show of sincere affection you're lucky none of my followers are around to witness this come here let's keep that our special secret I have a reputation to maintain you know only if you leave me feeling lightheaded now that's how you celebrate the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me thou Heroes wols friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sowed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to you [Music] he slept like a babe straight through the night dreamless Thoughtless and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Bal may have been your beginning but he will not be your end of all those you killed in your father's name one lingers in your mind even now Isabelle the cleric of saluna her death weighs upon you still a burden you will carry for the rest of your days but fortunately you will not have to carry it alone last night was an experience but I don't think you've changed quite as much as some might think I'd recognize that Vigor anywhere it sounds like the city is trying to get back on its feet already normal life is returning which means things are about to become decidedly more difficult for you perhaps you could wear a mask say you're a leper or have taken religious vows to conceal your faith for a Time perhaps deception and concealment has been part of my life for so long but this is different this is beyond me after what the city's been through people will scarcely tolerate cuttlefish at the fishmonger stool never mind a full-blown mind Flame there in their midst do you know what this means you deserve to be vaed adored statues in your image should stand on every square a whole generation of babies should be named in your honor but it will not be so all those people you saved most of them will never know what you did but you know and so do I I'll never forget I need to get you out of here it was difficult enough smuggling you in here covered in cloaks it'll only get worse as normaly returns I can't lady sha needs me her children need someone to lead them my place is with them I I suppose I should encourage Independence amongst the dark lady's flock Bonia held Us in too tight a grip I don't want to make that same mistake very well there are many ways to serve lady sha the Closter can wait and who is to say what useful Secrets I might stumble upon with a traveling companion such as yourself besides I think I'm duwi a sabatical six months since you faced your father and refused your Birthright 6 months since you cured yourself of the urge your life is your own now and you are already becoming someone new but the memories of the past will not leave you alone you receive an invitation one day in a hand you recognize immediately Challenger of gods it reads surely thou wishest to see thine true Family Once More Withers who raised you when your father struck you down he bids you join him as a gathering of your allies and friends so once again you return to the place where you formed your first memories you are calm you are you you can do this thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of Fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more lady Sha's blessings to you or perhaps you don't need them you look [Music] well so modest you and I both know your Visage is a mark of pride it denotes fearlessness tenacity a capacity for self-sacrifice that would make most Hearts quake in any case I am glad you made it tonight is not to be missed tonight is for celebrating and at the risk of sounding boastful I think we have plenty to celebrate lady Sha's entire church prospers the absolute washed the sword Coast with Blood and Tears it is now fertile ground for her message to flourish broken hearts shaken faiths refugees without homes former cultists without purpose they can all become the night singer's children with the right nudge you should see how they flock to us we spread like the night sky Chasing the Sun below The [Music] Horizon a Pity yes but also for the best perhaps it would have pained me to have you close but not be able to dedicate myself to you in every waking moment we would have been able to claim just enough enough of each other's hearts in order for it to hurt better to indulge ourselves fully whenever fate allows than to live in compromise and tonight of all nights was made for [Music] Indulgence I'd like to think I'm cunning enough to get away with it come here to me [Music] [Music] like a rare vintage B sweet to taste so infrequently yet always worth the wait now tell me all what have you been doing with yourself this past [Music] while understandable but rest assured that your secret is safe with me lady sha respects those who live in the shadows I suppose you'll be Keen to do the rounds with so many old acquaintances G gathered do not let me hoard your time but don't be such a stranger either in future you know where to find me I can always make some time for an old friend one of the Privileges of being in [Music] charge I've got my own private wine seller now I'll keep a special vintage aside for your visit and should one thing lead to another well we all deserve to be Wicked now and [Music] again all consuming endless decisions to make underlings jockeying for your attention threats from the outside threats from the inside there's times I miss when it was just our little group against the odds Simplicity is a luxury that's drifted out of my reach I'm afraid but at least for tonight I can have a taste of how it used to [Music] be I shouldn't but from time to time yes holding the office she once held standing within the shadow of Lady sha herself it complicates my feelings towards her I came to see her as an adversary an obstacle but what recourse did she have what did she see when she looked at me a future in which she was discarded where the reward for her service and sacrifice was to groom her own replacement what transpired was the dark lady's will if time rolled back I would do the same thing all over again without hesitation yet I am not without sympathy what a show of sincere affection you're lucky none of my followers are around to witness this come here let's keep that our special secret I have a reputation to maintain you know that's the sort of trouble I live for I won't forget that in a hurry which is truly saying something coming from me the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me now Heroes wails friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sold so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou m yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to you [Music]
Channel: Naughty Gaming
Views: 75,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, Larian, Studios, romance, Gale, Shadowheart, Karlach, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, dark urge, bhaal, Isobel, Dame, Wyll, Mizora
Id: leseA0agem0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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