Saving Orpheus Without Anyone Transforming (Gale Promises to Use the Orb)

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I have assessed our encounter with the nether break from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones the problem was you you can make only one move at a time but the nether brain calculates every possible move at once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do you cannot outmaneuver it to defeat it you would have to think like an athit better yet be one your mind is not capable of this mine is you will give the stones to me I will assimilate orus and then I will be able to Le this prism to face the brain assimilate Hima no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against me in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete Evolution and you will be an elth for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to accept I could I should I have nothing to lose anymore I'm burning up burning out but this is something I can still do this is how I can help save the city I love are none of you capable of thinking Thinking Beyond yourselves my people's future hangs in the balance and you're clamoring to be martyrs that you even entertain this G shows you have learned nothing from our time together the emperor may be a mind flare but we have needed all the help we've received I don't think we should stop now we hold the means to free the prince of the Comet how is this even a debate yes please has everyone's brains leaked from their skulls we took the orphic hammer for a reason think indeed this may be our last chance to defeat the brain the emperor might be right but we're not out of options yet let me transform I'm I'm not long for this world I can feel it you can trust me to use the stones as we planned to defeat the brain and nothing more it's the perfect solution say you agree please I'd rather be a mind flare than have to watch you become one you still get to live do it as you if this is the end for me let me be the who saved the world I trust you do what you think is right and I'll stand by you but if you change your mind just say so I'm here and I'm ready for whatever comes next one not mother gi's only son has suffered long in his prison refuse the emperor better yet crush his revolting skull and let this prison be his grave then smash the crystals with the orphic hammer and free the prince from his bonds the comet will guide us to assure Victory against the brain chamar Salah orus it's an easy proposition for the emperor to make become a mind flare it has no soul to sacrifice if it did perhaps it would understand the weight of what it's asking of us and why we might seek an alternative I know we've been through this before but our situation has changed since then and not for the better I think it's time we reconsider the or with its power I could put an end to this whole thing Crown nether brain absolute everything if I'm destined to die I can think of worse ways at least if I use the orb I can ensure the brain dies with me do not mistake me I want to live but I've been careless enough with my life in the past I could hardly stand by and watch you sacrifice yours once I'm in position I'm ensure you are removed to a safe vantage point to watch the fireworks you need not die alongside me nor Surrender Your Soul in becoming an athid entirely please at least consider my offer I will not let you down I trust you you have AED opinions and Grievances and made your decision are you ready to become a mind flare that's the only way of putting an end to this God's forsaken mess I will not fail you no it is too great a risk the wizard has a history of being vulnerable to The Temptations of power it cannot be relied upon for so great A Time task not unless we have exhausted all other options and we have not you must give me the stones or embrace your own liid Evolution very well I have the means to evolve you I took this one from the nautiloid I have been nurturing it ever since priming it for your use all you have to do is open your mind to it its Laden potential will do the rest fair enough but don't wait too long you will need to be fully liid before you confront the nether brain now stand aside I will assimilate the gian's power in your stead stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen I should have trusted my gut driven a blade through your throat at first chance chance we have the means to free Prince orus and you side with GE you want orus dead you'll have to kill me first so the ganki lives what then are you left with what ideas remain untested how will you defeat a nether brain your only choice is to trust me it is a shame we could not have cooperated your powers of manipulation are quite something very well since you will not work with me you work against me you leave me no option but to join the nether brain hmer we can free orus hope he's happy to see us the gate is gone we must waste no more time take the hammer and smash the crystals binding the prince of the Comet and be careful do him any harm and I will bisect you mercilessly torturously slowly [Music] as the ganki prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt you reak of athid you stole an unborn hatling from my people and you slaughtered my honor guard nonetheless it seems we must be allies your majesty the prince of the Comet gifts true air it is an honor do not patronize me you rejected the athid when it no longer suited your needs no doubt you freed me because it suits you now I will neither forgive nor forget your abuse of my powers that is false you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor guard they would have given you a noble end any worthy individual destined to become gake would have done so my guard would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain all that suffering avoidable were it not for the choices you made we will destroy the nether brain together and put a stop to this nent Empire before it expands into the Stars the gake was correct about one thing the nether brain's power is beyond us the hardest metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself at this point it will take an athid to unleash the full potential of the nether Stones your word means as little to me as his he may destroy himself when the time comes if he so chooses I will have my assurances now one of us must transform we must do it right away just as I was free I will do it I will become ithd I will sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design my prince you cannot this is not your burden to bear it seems I misjudged you you were testing my honor and in so doing you have convinced me of yours when the moment of transformation comes you will be the one gake I salute instead of Slaughter my people Will Remember You The Rebel elied who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city and follow the path of the nether brain come it's time for us to meet our Fates and end this elied nightmare [Music]
Channel: Den Kenobi
Views: 168,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, PS5Share, Save Orpheus, BG3 ending
Id: aK3osuka3vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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