Baldur's Gate 3 Get these Best Items from Adamantine Forge | Full Questline Walkthrough

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look at this adamantine stuff's no joke stronger than steel rarer than mithril hello guys welcome back to my channel do you know deep in the underdog there's a forge that you can use to craft very rarely through armors and weapons the Atman time Forge this place is well hidden and has a very tough boss protecting its location you also need to get multiple Blueprints and materials for your craft this video will give you a full walkthrough of all of this including a Showcase of all items at the end now to begin with we need to get to Green Forge first if you have already reached on the dock we are going to Underdog pitch which is at around the center of the map from the beach we can take a boat from here which will trigger a casting and send us right to the green Forge now here we are at the green Forge just follow the stairs going up what's a fort like this doing in the underdark and turning around this way there's a lot of other quests under here but this time we are heading straight to the advantage Forge until you see a few dwarfs beating up some calms and we have to interfere I choose to drink her animal speaking potion it always makes the die look more interesting Rubble needs clearing and my patience is hanging on by an ass whisker I don't think the options are too important here the tablet always end up as the same result but our goal is to save the animal beasts back to work now get to the Canaan for a thrush you instead you got no need to know and I got no need to tell so get to caning or to leave him uh fine look at this adamantine stuff's no joke stronger than steel rarer than mithril with a mind is made there's an adamantine Forge back there sure is don't get any smart ideas that forges Clan property but get the beasts moving and I'll toss some coin your way here we get our intense adamantine Forge is behind the Robos now let's talk to the animals to see what they have to say to save her we have to pass our participation check well if not we have to try again all right we will work we will do as we're told we will clear the way not enough painting for my tastes but you got the job done I almost feel bad about this oh the animals has helped us to clear the rubble the dwarves however will start to fight us this is a very easy fight I'm just gonna skip right through now let's head deeper inside let's go up the stairs there are multiple traps on this bridge you can decide to sum all of them or you can just run through now in my case I only disarm the gargoyle making the rest of the traps more manageable foreign it doesn't matter even if you trigger the traps just wait for a while until the fire stops and we are heading towards this ladder here coming down the level we can see two levers what we want to do is jump onto the platform first head someone's watching be wary I'll just use a error to trigger the lever foreign from here and we want to unlock this door that I can crack that open go deeper inside the room at the very end there is a skeleton do this body here we can find the short mode used in forges to cast armor and weapons and now we want to have that once we came jump back up to the platform and then we want to jump down to the bridge here and on the floor is the long sword mode and all the way at the end we can see a platform down below but we cannot reach so let's just leave one person here and the rest of us can hear this way jump onto the pillar here I've got a long road ahead and then jump across going up the stairs loot this body and here we can find the skimeter mode for these two levels trigger the right one first and then switch back to a gear we can let Gail jump onto the platform and then let's switch back and put the lever on the left this person killed right across we can jump down where we could have lowered the platform as well but it doesn't matter that much now jump down from here we have found our Waypoint from here we can just use fast travel to regroup on the table here we can find the maze mode and then we're going this way explained mode is on the ground here which is for our heavy armor now let's head back towards this direction we can see another mode ahead of us but be there there's some animes hidden ahead so we can just sneak around and try to surprise them it is also easy to find so I'm just gonna skip through once the fight is over pick up the skill mail mode and I will keep going down this way now from here we want to cross this lavas carefully just jump across here and this is our first Mithra mining spot you can use any plunging weapon to smash it open just pick up the all and we are heading right back down below there you can see the forge and we are finally heading towards it away the plaque inscription but before you go down we are turning left here to find our second meter or all be careful there's another fight that's going to surprise you it's also very easy find let's skip it through again same as before use a Plunge in a weapon smash it open and now we are heading back now we are going towards the forge make sure you do a quick save engineering it is jump down from here in the mode chamber we want to put in one of the mode we have picked up before and this is when you should make a decision which weapon or armor you want to craft because you can only do it twice I will show you all the crafted weapon and armor at the end of this video hopefully it can help you to decide which one you want now inside The Crucible we want to insert the Metro hole once all of this are done pull the forge lever the platform will be sent down foreign and now we want to prepare for boss fight there's some setup required we want to split out every single person we send one person to each one of this round platform s once we are ready use the lava valve and this will trigger the boss fight now the response has really heavy armor it is immune to all the damage normally but inside the lava his armor will be softened at which time he will be vulnerable to a bronzy nail tech also have a mechanic is it has aggro so whoever is attacking him will become his main target so idea of this fight is we want to draw the boss attention lure him to the center of platform and use the forge lever to send down the hammer to destroy him so we send the Lazelle to the center and try to attack him to draw his aggro es the rest of companion cannot do much at the moment so we just can escape them through foreign another attack to draw his attention skip the rest of party you can see the boss is heading towards Lazio and now we can use the forge lever to send down the hammer you can see it did a huge amount of damage and if we repeat the process another time the boss will be dead before you trigger the lava again we want to make sure daisio is back to the platform where do I go from here now it's safe to send out the lava so that we can soften the boss armor again now it's the second time you use hammer he is dead now from here just clean out the small mods which is really easy now the boss is dead loot his body you will find the incredible helmet the greens got him if you have any companion using heavy armor this is a must I have now from here you need to be very careful because if you do things out of altar this Forge might render stock causing you unable to fall to the next weapon so let's just follow these steps carefully use the ejection level to retrieve the mod use the button here to send the platform back up and now we want to insert another mode and then insert our last mithral let's try this way direct me use the 14 hour to send down the platform again use the lava bomb to release the lava salutations I finally use the forge lever again to craft the weapon and there you have it and congratulations you have complete the other Mountain quest line please let me know in the commentry below which one of these armors or weapons did you choose to craft now here is a Showcase of all the armor and the weapons thanks for watching please leave a like and consider subscribing I'll see you next time [Music] laughs [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Nix Xin
Views: 5,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FI2t7coWcRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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