Baldur's Gate 3 - Fighter Solo Raphael on Tactician in 2 Turns

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foreign and the air becomes thicker the master of the house is coming you there are many things in your world that I loathe litters of kittens chattering children the noise and the chaos of it all in my world in my house there is order and there is decorum came here uninvited and you stole from me in doing so you brought the chaos of your world into mine I will not abide it I'm not entirely sure that he won't oh hope you are such a piteous thing all it takes is a crumb from the table and you forget the centuries of starvation this insolence has earned you centuries more gorilla tell our unwelcome guest about your role in their tragic downfall I permitted you the freedom to decide your own fate you could have been smart selfless saved the world instead you came here and risked everything it's the Fatal flaw of mortal kind take away their free will and they call you a tyrant allow them to indulge it and they become tyrants you would have been Heroes if you're only dealt fairly with me instead you're not so different to doomed curses overreaching your limits and burning your words wrong wrong they will save their world and smash you to smithereens it's this charming naive let's see that makes your company such a joy to me hope I'll even forgive this little Rebellion once you're suitably chastised this isn't a rebellion it's a Revolt I'm revolting [Laughter] then hope dies today Commander you can salvage a trophy from these insects when I'm done with them these insects struck me down beneath the shadowlands they are worthy opponents their skulls will make fine trophies if you have any last words make it quick it will only take a moment to finish you no words no matter you will scream before the end little mouse now down Comes The Claw [Music] s nothing's standing my way [Music] more [Music] but now down [Music] lives [Music] these fools how hard you have fought brave brave but it's all been for God true Souls that couldn't be bought detected and caught [Music] no more deals it's over no more Grace it's over [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] stress that any of us are alive maybe we're not pinch yourself and check we're not dreaming the last of our Lives as we die screaming you are wide awake and Raphael truly is defeated wonderful Javelin glorious day but my poor sister gorilla it's not right that she died and that makes me want to weep an ocean he was an entire person before she ever made that choice when we were children she always kept the last piece of pastry for me and bloodied the nose of the bullies who pulled my hair she was my sister but as a wise woman once said there's no point in crying over spelled blood we must go on and despite all the years I've lost I have enough love in my heart to guide you home for the first time since you heard her voice hope seems calm and the peace flows from her into you soothing your very soul and go where I don't think I quite know how to be anywhere else but here anymore with a lick of paint and a thorough cleaning this could be a lovely little house and I can hardly leave after all who would ever want to think of hell with I hope I hope I'll see carilla again one day and that she'll say sorry and I'll tell her she's forgiven hope to find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years and that I'll be able to put myself back together again I hope the Echoes of Pian will fit a memories of Sorrow will die and that you'll visit me here someday and I hope you have a happy ending of your own thank you foreign what a view
Channel: Thorusin
Views: 298,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, devil, lone, wolf, easy, tactican, hardest, difficulty, ranged, bow, AoE, arrows, build, op
Id: V1gBAEWIjc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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