Baldur's Gate 3: Dragonborn Unique Interaction with Ansur

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the Dragon Spirit floods your mind and memory in a great torrent of power he is with you he is within you he is you disbelief and resentment rise within you only to be stopped at your mouth the worm has claimed you and speaks through do you I am ansor heart of the gate butchered in flesh risen in spirit Ando binds you despite your best efforts yet thought flows effortlessly between you the spirit pauses and you feel the astral prism stir an senses the emperor's presence within it answer me Facey why have you come a deep sigh resonates within you a torrent Stills only disturbed by the dragon's next words bra my words aren't meant for you they're meant for him the emperor stirs in the prison and in you calm curious and detached B man your presence has stirred me as it ever did I am awakened answer it's been too long a name I once answered to a name I did not expect to hear again least to move from the mouth of an old friend friend yes and more until you killed me have you come to dance on my bones borderan was slaying me not satisfaction enough satisfaction no you left me no choice you had every choice you were becoming ilth I offered you merciful death you chose to fight and now you bring your throne before me how far has the great Bordan Fallen still an's Consciousness hovers just above yours searching seeing dear answer enough I gave you everything borderan and you repay me in Slaughter it is time I return the favor let my bones rise and the storms gather witness Boulder the final Tempest has come I am the heart of the gate I am the one who Roars this time you will not Escape it
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Views: 99,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WfeHPsWrW7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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