BALDUR'S GATE 3 - Change your appearance with The Magic Mirror! (Patch 3 release)

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what's up everybody just wanted to hop on real quick today to give an update patch 3 is out and unlike patch one and two this is not a quantity update but it is definitely a quality update we're getting just two things here but they're two things that I'm sure some of you are very excited for and may have been waiting for since August 3rd the first one is Mac support So for all you Mac users out there congratulations you can finally play the game and the second one is a highly sought after feature that we've all been waiting for what larian is calling the magic mirror all right so in the patch notes the magic mirror description reads tucked away in your Camp exuding a certain we found this at a Vintage Fair and it's too fancy for our current home energy is an item called the magic mirror Tales have been told of it's a legendary ability to permanently alter the appearance of one who gazes in it so that's right this magic mirror is going to allow you to change your appearance it doesn't cost anything you can do it whenever you like however many times you like larian does note that there are some restrictions you are able to change your appearance your voice your pronouns and your nether regions but then goes on to say that your race sub race and body type cannot be changed origin characters hire leans and full of lithids cannot use the magic mirror and cosmetic modifications that are consequences of your gameplay so if you made any decisions that altered you in some way it states that there are no magic mirroring those big life decisions away but yeah you can find this mirror in your Camp depending on where you're at in the game will depend on where the mirror is located in your Camp you might have to search around for it for a minute but once you find it you just click on it as you can see here you can change things like your voice your skin color eye color you can get a new tattoo or remove an old one change your hair makeup whatever you want to do so pretty cool it's a feature that I know I've been waiting for as you begin to level up with your characters you find that there's somewhat of a character Arc right your character is not necessarily the same person that they were at level one that they are at level 12. so it's definitely nice to have this option love to see how layering is on top of it with the community's notes they seem to be really working hard since launch love to see it that hard work continues to make a great game even better alright that's it guys just wanted to give you that quick update thanks and enjoy the rest of your day
Channel: Player 1 Gaming
Views: 23,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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