Running Caves In ARK: Survival Ascended Part 11

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all right guys what's going on Brian back with another Live Stream So today we're going to be continuing our playthrough of Ark now we tried what I think three times last stream it was like two or three times to clear through the lava cave here guys and legitimately every single time I got like towards the end of the cave we had a crash get kept crashing um I didn't download the mod for for the the save every 60 seconds I probably should do that let me see um is that mod like right here in the menu I wow that's so loud um can you search it does anybody know what I should search Let me just type in 60 nope okay what about save Mouse Saver nope um does anybody know what I should search um autosave that sounds good Auto saave no what about just Auto uh automated beehive Dino Auto attack Auto harest auto saving here we go uh I created this mod uh Auto saving every 60 seconds for single player and dedicated okay there it is there it is install installed and that's it yo they they really did make the mods pretty easy uh on this uh interface no more having to go and I mean well I guess it wasn't that bad on Steam before uh with the workshop but yeah it it's pretty it's pretty easy okay there we go so that should be it right we should have the game should just automatically save every 60 seconds did I like your RZ yet reverse I've seen I've seen the RZ the Pokemon Riz all right so now if the game crashes at least we won't get set back again super super far um cuz that would be quite unfortunate now this part sucked trying to clear through all this but this should be the last time we have to do it all right so the Scorpion what CH my RG somehow was killed outside the cave um which makes no sense because we played this save before and my RG I don't even think we can make it outside to stop that yeah I think it's too late y he's dead man that was a good rgy too Chad that that sucks I don't understand how we got rexed uh doesn't make any sense I got killed by a Rex outside the cave first of all I don't even I didn't even know rexes spawned over here outside this cave so it's kind of weird but whatever it wasn't on neutral no I I had it on passive cuz I was trying to tame earlier or the last episode or whatnot and I forgot to switch it off of uh can't see where those are landing there we go so my r that was my main flyer the RG that we've been having this whole play through um and it was a really high level when I tamed it to I got tamed it at like 140 it was to level 253 so if we had it on neutral um it would have easily owned that Rex no problem uh but I I freaking left it on passive and it must have just been getting chewed on that was only a level 20 Rex too you know what I mean so it is what it is [Applause] Let Me Clear I'm going to clear these bats out over on this other side really quick oh so we're good there gotcha thank you for the Super Chat map it's going to be a little bit of a trip back to base though guys um now that we lost our rgy it's going to be interesting to say to least we have to go across the swamps and everything might be a to go north and cut across the little intersection swamp there is they didn't even come over man what the hell what reverse you have a great night all right still can't believe I lost my damn hards you guys to a bum ass Rex too like what this that's a good fight [Applause] I feel like this cave is different back in the uh [Applause] ASC sh you f 12 125 I think we're good I'm just going to going to go for it seems clear right now I don't think I can grapple all the way across there so I might have to Grapple there and then grapple there we're clear here think there the bat over there I don't know if they'll come at me out of here man now comes the interesting ride back home this cave wasn't worth it guys it wasn't worth the the the sacrifice of a level 250 RG didn't you even get a chance to breed it or anything Anderson the my bird got killed man literally the first two minutes of the Stream got ate by a T-Rex my giant chicken is [Music] gone so where the is this Rex man cuz I parked my what is that well there's a Rex [Music] egg he so there definitely was a Rex here eat my bird and then it out in an egg [Music] form in all my 10 minutes of playing AR guys I've never seen a Rex over here dude oh wait is that what ate my ARG why is there a bag over here was why was my RG over here it couldn't have been I I I swear that the the Rex at a Mario said it was it was only like a level 20 or something like that that got to drop this extra weight got my RG saddle that was definitely my rg's body guys I think it might have been this one that ate it that's a 50 guys I don't even remember there being rexes down this way dude thing is I don't I don't have any gear to tame with out [Laughter] here D chat so I think okay so this shouldn't be too bad I should be able to follow this River up as we get to the main river we'll uh be able to cut across I don't have a bird to come back with mat that was the only RG I got and the only other two flyers I have won't be able to pick up my my saber so my saber would just be stuck here uh cuz the only other flyers I have is uh the pts I have to drop a little more weight because we're traveling quite slow at the moment we'll drop that Plain Jane RG saddle Ed how you doing tonight by the way o Alpha Raptor we don't want that smoke OH Anderson sorry about the Super Chat brother Rest in Peace p d white par dude I know man thank you for the Super Chat brother I appreciate it man no it's absolutely it was I'm not going to lie it it was it was it was pretty gut-wrenching man um it uh it definitely hit me deep um it and not because of like it it was just it was such a good RG you know what I mean at least to me it was best RG I've ever had and now it's gone gone and I know I know you've been a fan of the giant white parrot for since it's conception bro Dam that's a 115 man I really there was that many this many rexes around this area this berri is not [Music] playing okay so we got to head up this way towards the Obby I'm going to get on what side of the water do I want to be on on that side yeah I well the reason why I've never I never breed utility dinos right like like backup RGS um like honestly the main reason why I don't do it is um it's cuz I'm I'm a idiot and that's all it comes down to terrible my ass for get out of here dude like I I probably should have made some backup RGS cuz like why not like like obviously that's a good plan NS with the Super Chat happy late Thanksgiving hey it was definitely a great day Nelly I hope you had the best day you could I hope you're feeling better so good to see you so I'm worried about piranhas SP Saros are so aggressive too like and they're quite fast for uh oh um h I was going to cut through a little piece of swamp right and work my way up and around to the the Big River up North but honestly that's probably a dumbass idea cuz I'll get snatched by a CAO maybe that's wait is that is that even it's not even considered swamp up here right no we're good nah no we're good we're good that down there is definit the swamp but we can swing around that okay so we're almost to the intersection up here it's not a bad trip I I thought it was going to be a little more dangerous than it was but not too bad so does the saber also take reduced fall damage like a thla beaver level five dude got to watch this water get get shredded by freaking uh piranhas ter Birds careful see there is a point where you know like I think a level five Beaver is probably actually not better than no Beaver like I think you're better off with just a hatchet so there might be a level where you know where you actually have to draw the line but when it comes to utility dinos I definitely feel like that line is is a lot lower than like combat dinos you know what I mean this is going to suck nope he ate that right yeah he didn't take any damage I love that rad Rex man I literally might get it just because I love the color of it oh run him through all these herb he should get distracted right wait was that a alpha Rex I I thought it was just a Rex that was affected by that that guy's red smoke so I'm pretty sure when I checked that Rex before it was just a normal Rex those things are Uber fast man that's kind of crazy oh chat I'm in my feelings just going to organize my dinos a little bit just so everything's clean [Applause] might do up a bunch of Nars here too cuz we got we got so much uh when it comes to spoiled meat we got so we're going to have to get another RG um I don't know if we should prioritize that for like right now or what but it definitely needs to happen okay so we got that there should probably build uh cuz I want it to be kind of nice looking like where I keep my dinos so I was thinking about maybe building like some platforms so oh off the grass I got to keep this that's my super high level [Music] PT decent level so I need what what level is this one so I need a raptor saddle and a PT saddle and an anky saddle Raptor PT anky so Raptor you do right here in your inventory high fiber wood now hold on let me let me check cuz I might have did I ever end up getting a highlevel raptor saddle I'm going to start organizing a little bit right now when it comes to like Saddles and blueprints we're going to grab every saddle we have and we're going to bring it inside saddle weapons and armor [Music] be easier for me to consolidate everything I know my my my organization kind of trolled the out as trolling the out of people I am cleaning everything up we got the vaults I just haven't had a chance to organ organize them yet um so that Rex act we got wasn't fertilized so I can't I can't do anything with it all right so I wanted all of like weapons armor tools type of deal we're going to put all in here for right now I'll further sort it later way over weight uh let me see how Saddles way I mean it doesn't matter cuz I'm not walking anywhere oops see a lot of this crap at some point I'll be able to just break it all up uh definitely we I think we had I think it's time we maybe invest in a grinder guys what do you think take the grinder start breaking down some of these uh extra weapons and crap that we don't need be his first game tomorrow what time oh it's in the morning all right cool cool there we go okay so we got armor tools weapons All That Jazz in here um I don't really know what the hell I want to keep in here yet I know resources and stuff like hide fiber all that crap we're going to want outside where a fabricator in that is that way we don't got to keep coming like in and out in and out um so all of our crafting resources will keep outside and then I think like random like base things and like that we'll keep in here all right so yeah we're going to do a we're going to do a batch of Narcotics I'm going to go on the stego real quick and get a ton of uh outside do a ton of uh the blackberries Indie for I mean I would do an indie Forge the only thing is right now I haven't got to the point where uh I think it would be worth the investment for an indie Forge I don't know I got to see how much metal I got cuz the Indie forges are there just so expensive and I'm not I'm not even farming up enough metal to like operate the damn thing not saying that they're cuz I I love my Indie forges they it's just it's it's so good it's it's so good but I definitely got to I want to make sure if I do get an indie Forge that I'm uh I'm building it because I'm actually going to use it right now I just feel like I wouldn't take I wouldn't be taking advantage of the the full advantage of the forge and the grinder I feel like I'd just be I I I'd probably net more resources from grinder right now than I would from the forge maybe I don't know they're both pretty damn good okay so we got that um make sure I didn't have any more yeah this is all pretty much crafting stuff for the most part um this one should be empty yep okay and okay we're good now let me go check my Saddles see if we have so I need a r or I need a raptor an anky and a PT saddle now it would be nice to get like a highspeed PT saddle but so I ended up with two bionic Saddles both ascended which is pretty dope know no Bronto parur there we go so we actually got a Mastercraft Raptor saddle what so we'll grab that bad boy I got a wow I got a Mastercraft stego too then we got a couple terror bird Saddles so we got a couple so I still need to do a uh PT I got to craft a PT and a anky but I wonder if this Raptor saddle will make this Raptor cuz it was a decent level I mean right now it's what level 123 so I mean we could take this Raptor out and mess around see if it see what kind of damage we can get out of it and then the stego yeah I got I got a lot of stuff I could break down with the damn grinder lot of stuff we can break down with the grinder [Music] so got that completely filled I'm going to go out with the sto real quick mow the grass uh get some narcoberries CU I I have a ton right now of uh narcotics or um of the spoiled meat so I got a question for anybody who's watching this right now have you ever had a situation in Ark where you lost a tame that like made you you know that like flushed feeling you get when you're like like you you know you get that pit in your stomach and you just get that like super flushed feeling like you can't believe this just happened you get the tingle in the back of your neck and you just it just feels super bad that's how I felt when I lost the ARs you guys it was like a pit in my stomach D we are cold as hell and then that rest of it I guess we could just SAR so I don't have fur boots right I thought I did have fur boots but I think I have a fur boot um I have the fur boot whatam call it no I got the fur glove blueprint then we'll just wear let have a little bit of cold resist nothing crazy yeah we'll wear these Oh no I got to ascendant be damn got quite a bit of picking uh Nar berries oh it's okay I was like 2.5 yo so stos get weight reduction on berries and they get like almost 80% weight reduction on berries we'll just have the rest of the berries chilling right here and when it's time we just grab them out so we're going to have tons of Naros uh we are going to head back up to argille in a little bit and see if we can get ourselves another RG uh I did see a level it was remember the blue one that was up there I don't know if you guys remember that blue one that was like on the cliff side that one was a pretty high level too and I remember I was like oh I might get that for a for a mating RG I actually do have a decent bit of uh of metal stos get like 80% damage reduction on top wait wait so on top of a saddle too Pat with the 20 months thank you so much brother lost eight teames with one run in ASC a dude that's rough man uh Zach hey I I appreciate the love brother seriously man I'm glad you enjoy yeah the game is amazing dude I can't wait for next month was it next month guys we get the new game mode for The Last of Us think it's next mon Park this guy over here so they get damage reduction on on top of Saddle wow okay uh you know what stack him over here be a little more organized so I got the Trap over here I'm going to probably eventually move this trap right now I'm just trying to do a little Base maintenance guys the base kind of we just got stuff all over the damn place dinos all over the damn place just try to organize a little bit it it really does Zach it really does dude was it January damn I thought it was December okay spino's got 25 levels now the only thing is these guys are outside the range of the be thing which kind of sucks so I wanted it it should be good right here right yep okay so we have them a little far far away but they they got to be with within range of the uh the feeding Trump is good yeah cuz with the last of us two remake did the main thing I'm looking forward to is just the uh that new game mode because we literally just did a playthrough The Last of Us two and um the game really doesn't need a remaster like but the cool thing is is they're not charging full price for it which I you know naughty dog has done some pretty weird stuff when it comes to the remasters um of late you know what I mean uh but the one thing is if you already own The Last of Us two uh you don't have to pay full price for it which is which is a good good a good thing you only have to pay $10 you get all the extra content the visual upgrade and the new game mode for like 10 bucks so I was like I'm cool with that if they would have freaking done a uh if they would have done a full like charge for it I would that that would have definitely been an L for for sure man but they they they did just an upgrade which is which is cool cool in my book at least okay so Inky saddle is what uh Inky and py saddle so py saddle I believe is done in inventory right fiber um K in hide okay and then Inky saddle I think is done in the Smithy if I'm not mistaken [Music] so I haven't even researched an Inky saddle yet so this is just fiber hide and Metal oh we need more fiber and more hide you know what kind of slacking on the fiber Department forgot I got this uh sickle yeah there we go so yky saddle I remember people saying that they were they were clearing the uh the water cave there the underwater cave with uh with Saros have any of you guys ever done the underwater cave with a Saro see I tried it with the Bassie and I ended up not doing it we ended up failing with the Bassie um we just got shredded now granted my Basset was not the highest level and and I and I know that but we ended up just getting on the dolphin and just whipping through the damn place it was it was it was amazing okay so all my dinos are organized um I got all my small dinos over here for you guys to see that's what we're working with I got all my large dinos over here we got a flyers Up on the Roof going to go check on my fish meat and then uh we're going chame ourselves some freaking eny [Music] [Applause] pumping out as many freaking pumping out as many narcos as we can take the spin yo have I don't think we fought with brought the spinal out yet actually now I think about it ever since we got it yeah I think I kind of just brought them back home and let him hang out got a decent bit of spoiled on him the thing about spinals is they're actually quite fast and in the water they're quite fast too right you got to watch out for the Brachiosaurus though those things are monsters man a the bro how did my gloves break oh I got one of them damn fly dudes on me SP took some good damage there damn that thing did 135 damage is quite a high level actually oh that was that 105 yeah let's heal up now the spinal ain't it guys it ain't it I mean it was a low level when we got it lowish level I think right I don't even think it was level 100 or it might have been right around level 100 when we got him yeah I was I tried both attacks I tried the one standing up The Slap Attack that one does more damage than the bite the pro the thing with the bite is the bite is faster but yeah I remember the water buff that's why I ran around try to get into the water to get the buff [Music] going [Music] definitely a very underpowered spino though we're going to have to we're going to have to start getting into uh breeding and imprints if I'm going to really see a big difference in like my damage and stuff cuz these tame dinos are decent but we're not really going to start seeing the big damage until we we get them imprinted dinos going right so we're going to take our PT here we're going to head up north uh some arrows okay so I got 100 arrows for taming I'll grab another 100 for normal fighting should be all we need yeah so I mean the rexes are cool like this Rex we got here was a level 140 uh so I I wouldn't mind getting another Rex ours is a what female Right male yeah yeah so we we got to get a female Rex um so that's what we're going will also be in the market for but uh right now I'm more or less trying to get figure out uh utility we got we got to get our utility back uh losing the RG was a uh a big L like a really really big L so let's go out Scout for an RG we see any decent drops we'll try to grab some of those too like right here we got a green double loot coming down scan it see if we can get a saddle or something out of it now maybe I go hit that yellow I already have an RG trap set up to the north here two double loots but uh Matt thank you for the super CH I appreciate to man and we got a blue double Loop coming down [Applause] too I don't even know if I'll be able to get this green there's carinal and a Rex oh it's a alpha caral [Music] don't know what I got I did see I got uh just get there got some lemons saddle more garbage really lemons aren't bad though what the blue double I had a dyo taking damage outside your gate on the taming side shouldn't have any dinos out [Music] there oh that was some really good winter pants there damn see that that's the only issue with the PT now though is we just run out of space so fast but look at these 223 D that is where it's at only issue is we're going to be overheating now because of all the cold protection we Dam number showing up I'll head back over and Scout I got to go back anyways cuz we're overweight I wanted to get that yellow drop but we'll be slow flying the whole way over there yeah I love that red Rex man that is so clean those are generally the colors you see from like the holiday events and stuff I wonder if they're going to do those again so I don't want to drop any of the saddles or anything like that because I want to grind every up cuz I thought about I was like I could drop the field Saddles but I got a lot of like Mastercraft and and and and stuff like that that we're going to grind so I feel like we'll still be to get good resources from it so slow man um might got to regen Stam here here yeah cuz I remember when I first started playing Ark like very first time ever I turned it on during um one of their events and that was one of my actually my uh I want to say negative things but it was kind of weird you know what I mean being a firsttime player in the game and I was like man these dinosaurs are like some weird ass colors there you know fluorescent freaking green and pink and neon blue and I'm like what the hell I was like you know what I mean and then um people like oh no it's just the event that makes them that color and then when the event was over and then I started seeing like the normal Dino colors I was like man I kind of missed those those those event colors cuz some of them are really really dope you know what I mean and most of the normal colors are kind of mad a you know what I'm going to split these arrows no reason for me to have all that same thing with this should help help save the pts back a little bit let's see what you guys talking about damage numbers over here we should be good none of my stuff is outside of the I got everything from my thler to my anky no gaps got my PC on the roof yeah I got no dinos over here that would even be at risk of getting attacked oh I could St yeah yeah let me actually stash some of these good point I got a lot of tools and stuff on me that we can stash trying to cut weight right now and I can probably even my my my clothing that I'm wearing uh I'll keep my tools that I will never know when you need a pickaxe um cuz the clothing I'm wearing is quite heavy switching to something a little lighter sh use a long neck with darts I the problem is is I have a long neck I just don't have any darts um and I don't have any ammo to make into darts right now I I would have to it would be a whole process so I'm just going to use what I got um the crossbow I have is really really good I the only sh I'd run into is like potentially killing the RG before I nked it but they to n quite quick see this TP as soon as I get to it yeah the the the the darts are quite expensive um obviously I'm gonna have to once I feel like once I get a better long neck I'm going to go full you know long neck and start really doing the the gunpowder grind and all that but I wait didn't I get a better long neck guys I think I did get like 150 damage to Blue I think I could I might have just been dream I don't remember where my trap was I think it was on the back side of this [Music] mountain should be right over this it's an [Music] 80 here's my Ary [Music] trap [Music] oh yes got a 135 baby that's good that's good that's good for [Music] oh oh come on [Applause] [Music] leave my py alone dude come on come on get on me on me on [Applause] me [Applause] okay let's get to [Music] work got it thing I like about the args too is they sleep really really good all right so now we're going to do the same thing we're going to starve this thing out for a while uh while we go and look for um some prime while we're at it I want to see if I can find that blue RG over [Music] here that's a 75 and hit this purple drop right here real quick uh so no Paul I haven't looked at any of the new traps for ASA um I kind of just still just used the same traps from before kind of um yeah I haven't really upped my trap game [Music] yet what was the last time I looked at my Dino log uh we looked at the log in the beginning of the episode when my freaking ARG got shredded does anybody remember if that RG we just got was a male or female I nice a level 100 male right there all right let's go get the prime start working on getting the prime me uh well I haven't started the team let me see I haven't yeah I haven't started taming it yet oh there it is yeah so we have a male D we got to get a highle female what that one's better than the one we just got that's a 145 male seriously game why why do whatever dud damn there's a lot of rscs around here dude that 145 was a male though unfortunately yeah we're looking for a highle female the the level 100 I seen though that was a female right what was that caral cars get Prime right couple pieces level five saber really dude like know your place dude you're level five that almost 200 damage there got eight pieces of prime right there this one's a level 50 so it should still be pretty easy to kill [Music] too a Shield damn I kill that saber too healing man [Applause] two more pieces there do dayon GI Prime oh it's a level 90 though they got a lot of health and they heal right [Music] I'm going to go start up this RG I can't see oh no dude this way can't see I tried to turn on the team tracker and uh let me see team in progress RG does I have the max amount of way points can I turn off the other way points then [Applause] here we go is thick around here CH stick around here I know it's like right in front of me like in this area somewhere it's all good or prime me still got a little while plus we'll starve it out Matt with the Super Chat I don't want I don't want to turn off the fog no no man it's it's all good you know that's the whole point of it to create like super low viz situations like this yeah it's pretty unfortunate but it's all good I just hope that I don't walk into the alpha Rex well the reason why I can't see the tracker is cuz I didn't legitimately start The Taming like once you drop food in it and the tame timer and all that stuff kicks in and the effectiveness that that's when you can actually see the tracker um but until you do that yeah it doesn't show up I just want to know how long is this damn fog going to last for oh I try and turn it on and it won't [Music] for should we went over here somewhere right this is the uh there it is no that was something caught the corner of my eye cuz this is the middle area where the Carno and the Rex and everything was which means my trap is right up here well I think the fog is starting to clear thank you the fog Master is finally clearing wait am I not even in the right area for not even in the right side of the mountain [Music] chat I was that lost in the fog um I wasn't even on the right side of the mountain no it's just it's just on the other side I I was on this side and on the back side here yeah we're on the front of the the northern Side of the [Music] Mountain yeah it's [Music] trash a completely wrong side of the freaking Mountain dude see how easy it is to find the Trap guys when you're on the right side and I could have figured that out if I looked at the map just took two seconds to look at the map I would have seen I was on the wrong side and the thing is I brought the map up a few times T quite a bit just in case we'll go and get a little bit more cuz I don't want that to spoil um should have threw some normal meat in in there just just in [Music] case just in case somehow the prime meat spoils before I can get back all yeah I was uh I was really when I was in the military I did you know Land Navigation things like that um I was always pretty decent at it uh never had any issues I taught all my new guys Land Navigation and and stuff but yeah I just got the fog just turned me all around and then I didn't take a second to just look at the map to see where I was um I just assumed I was on the right side of the mountain we just got to get a little bit more Prime me I wanted to check this blue drop here I mean that Prime that we put in there might might be [Music] [Music] enough yep see right there that's almost 100% teame that was quick man that's good [Music] stuff [Music] [Music] baby carinal [Applause] there all the prime will'll ever need baby uh going to see me tame a mammoth though I so I do plan on taming a mammoth and at least a wolf I don't know about a whole wolf pack though what would I ever need a wolf pack for so a little bit of a setback losing our RG but we were able to get another one um fairly quick find a decent level RG and then we're going to get this one back to base and I might come back out and try to get myself uh another female real quick but wolf pack for cave the only thing I'm the only issue is when you're trying to navigate dinos in Ark through caves like it's such a pain in the ass like I had a hard time navigating three rexes through the uh or two rexes through the um the ice Cape it was just miserable probably going be done here in a couple minutes they fixed the AI I don't know I'm going have to check out a direct comparison video I need I need to see the proof I I need to see the proof chat I feel like the the the AI path changes that they made just made it harder for us to tame dinos and that's it they just said yeah we're just going to make it so that dinos don't path on ramps or any player made structures and that's it all right thank [Applause] [Music] you so we'll get this one home I might grab a try to get another high Lev female T that level 202 guys that's not bad my other RG was level 253 when it died uh what am I going to tame first a giga or a karta uh I mean it just depends on I I'm I feel like cartes are easier resource wise not like I mean know like difficulty wise like they're they're harder cuz there's more steps but when it comes to like resources you have to spend way cheaper than like a giga I hav't yeah we'll check the stats on RG as soon as I get back and the sad part is we're about to just give this RG the old RG saddle like with the blood still on it my RG got eight by a Rex while we were in the uh the lava cave was just sitting out there and got GW on it must have still it was w why CHF why why does this how's my Archer saddle let me uh store this stuff up real quick boom boom boom oh I did toss it for weight yeah cuz I was like I can just craft up another one when I get back yeah I did toss it yeah it was just a normal saddle so it wasn't really a big deal all right let me see RG saddle are those done in uh inventory yep so we just need fiber C and hide fiber oh my feelings are so much better now they were hurt but we bounced back pretty decently I clicked the PT saddle read dumbass read have I tamed any water tames not yet all right now we're good I also want to do up a grill at some point take all of this turn into in spoiled meat stack it all in here for right now we're all spoiling up pull it all out all right so um how many arrows we got more than enough arrows we'll head back up really quick let got the food buff all right so what were the stats on this damn thing W okay it's got decent melee decent Stam it's kind of why is its food so high though it's all right feels all [Music] right I'm going to stay on the PT though just cuz it's faster definitely better than no RT 100% okay so we're looking for a highle female what is the food stat dud it just increases its like how long it can like if its food is full um like how long it can pretty much go without eating again there's really no dinos in the game the only Dino that what the only Dino in this game that benefits from food stat would be what the dayon and not snow all snow all runs off of uh stamina right have another 130 alley down there 50 85 I was like what the is that Godzilla looking thing it's a Titan Bey level five you y are another d know that I have a really hard time finding a good level for I don't know why I feel like they just tend to spawn from Level 5 to 20 110 male and that's a nice color too 20 female let me get the Trap prepped 25 female uh level 100 female should be good enough right guys got a 100 female made it with my 135 it's not bad for an RG right [Music] 15 20 80 I mean the thing is is at level 100 we could breed stats into it like you know what I mean it's not we can stat transfer everything from the male into the female we would just need to find a female with like a good weight seriously more spog dude we could grab the 20 just to or the 100 while we look for something else just have it taming I mean I could do the same thing with a level 22 that that's that's facts yeah yeah the the yeah you guys are right no no I agree I agree the male isn't good enough to stat transfer from could help that this damn fog is setting in right now might have to start killing somebody's lowlevel r off to get other ones to [Applause] spawn 140 oh the 145 male y I'm half tempted to just try to tame him to see if he has better stats than the 135 mail we got cuz the 135 guys his stats are pretty garbage what do you think should we just get it [Applause] that thing is turning on a dime [Applause] now you son of a it's get not on the it's getting away just come on come on come on come on [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] so right now its stats are it's weight status as high as the other RG I already that I tamed um it's all right looking so far we'll see where the extra points end up we'll go around killing uh few more RGS see if we can get that highle female to spawn I so maybe what we could do guys is the 135 that we got maybe I'll just dump all the points for that RG into like stamina melee and we'll turn it into our like battle RG you know what I mean we'll just kind of make it like a little battle RG it's a needy mail 75 female 25 female kill that one the 85 and stuff I don't know those those might have a bit of Health I got any Prime from that got a couple pieces okay so I seen somebody asked what difficulty am I on oh Arc really doesn't have like a difficulty I mean you can like tune your settings I'm playing on normal settings for the most part um so I'd say my game is for single player more toward tuned towards hard um than anything else so I'm playing single player without single player settings so my uh there's a 100 female so the wild dinos are pretty pretty out of control when it comes to damage juice my stand here kill this RG s more pieces of prime right there o we got a red drop coming down too cra oh the other I I what was this the melee stat on the other RG was I don't think the other RG really had any stats that were kind of like impressive seemed like most of the points went in um was anything about that RG impressive I don't remember what it melee was I think it melee was only like 200 was it 298 that's that's not too bad actually wasn't this that Hidden Lake or what [Music] not w [Music] [Music] uh David welcome welcome welcome um check this green wall here I don't know how long I starved out that last RG we got it was nice though I only had a wait a few minutes after feeding [Music] it it's a level 10 seriously bro I ain't even scared of you dude you're slow weak I'm going to eat your baby now for ARG what happens now now you're getting ate baby baby don't run from it you're guilty by well you're not really all that guilty I just I just can't I can't afford to not get the the meat I'm sorry dude chat everybody you guys understand it's a power it's a power play moment it is 10 female will kill this one [Music] get down saved by the the baby saved by the the I'm going to take that 75 female out too the only thing I'm going to keep around here is that 100 we'll keep it just in case [Music] it's a weird sound [Applause] I can on [Applause] stand pts are pretty good um that little spin move it it's really easy to kite like almost every dyo you could kind of just slowly grind down almost anything with a PT uh Josh I appreciate you brother seriously I got some XP yeah yeah I seen I seen the Mind wipe here um I didn't know what this was though expand your mind grantly increase oh so XP boost yeah that's pretty legit I've never seen that before I mean I'm already level 90 I think right now like 10 levels away from max level okay so we're good got bunch of prime there's 100 female I think there was the blue [Applause] one look at this W easy thank you so much you guys are saying I could ghost feed it so what do I just type in ghost the problem is how am I going to get it out though I'd have to get a saddle RG saddle right and then and then ghost fly it out how do you undo the ghost mode walk so I'm going to go grab a saddle for this thing real quick game is trying to trying to get my ass dude oh whoa whoa whoa easy he's thank you so much that is huge brother seriously I really appreciate dropping the 10 gifted on the channel seriously holy crap everybody receives a membership welcome to the family it it yeah I mean the good thing is I'm in single player at least cuz if you're in multiplayer and that type of happens like like what the do we even do that's just the L you got think that's happened to me twice guys twice my saber fell in the cave to the abyss um I had a ghost in there to get it and then the Argy just ghosted into the into the planet so yeah what do you do when you're you're on like a multiplayer server admin but is there even admins on official [Music] servers all I'm so I'm going to craft up another RG saddle that way I can get it out of there I always feel bad doing that kind of stuff though like I'm cheating but I mean I I I I don't want to do that type of stuff but I mean when the game puts me in a situation like that like come on I mean that that's just kind of like BS a little bit so I mean at that point I just kind of got to do what I got to do I mean still do feel like I'm cheating a little bit I don't know doesn't feel like it's part like that's part of the game that's not how it's supposed to be oops didn't need drop that I got I got a pretty high Toleration like tolerance for for BS but when I'm just straight up getting like absolutely screwed over like something like that I'm kid can't be having you guys take a a 145 almost max level RG out of play for me like just because I got an autosave mod now yeah yeah we don't have to worry about saving anymore the game saves every 60 seconds for me maybe that's a feature guys maybe maybe maybe the ground eats the ground is alive and it's eating our tames it just is what it [Music] is oh nice got a nice frog saddle here wow good Ghillie four antidotes I super Hatchet what the fudge I think it's better than I got no it is better than one I got that my friends is a pretty decent [Applause] drop yeah cuz this one's a what a 205 yeah 205 it's 2115 ascending yeah it's pretty pretty good pretty good and we got the new frog saddle new ghilly top which actually has more armor than my other and then I these Gil gloves aren't better though yeah I'm going to empty out real quick and we'll head back over to the RG I'm going try to just whistle it out of the ground and see if it'll just fly out on its own if not then uh then I'll obviously have to like ghost back into the ground put the saddle on it and then fly out while I'm in ghost mode no I'm going to throw that on the Frog right now yeah I'm happy about these too we got four freaking lesser antidotes how's my other anote I drop it in here there it is yeah that's a that's a really really big upgrade there I could probably take this frog in caves now with that big of an armor upgrade don't you think guys RG is almost tamed have another purple drop coming down over this way I might might have to scout this one too so we started the stream guys minus one RG right and then now we're now we're up plus two RGS almost well one and a half it's it's in the ground so we can't we can't claim that we get it out am I going to try the new avatar game talking about the Ubisoft one yeah that game actually looks super sick I've never even watched the Avatar movies um but it seems like Avatar does have quite a huge following so I mean yeah I might check it [Music] out dunk oh the dunk isn't that that underwater Oh there's the pck chat there's the pick Flyers super over we the blue people or the Bald kid I think I think the reference was to the to the blue people right go it with the raid brother thank you so much man how you doing tonight good to see you again bro I mean the last air bender like that I've watched that that that shit's cool man damn uh Alpha Rex over there that whole area had trees at one point guys should I go over there and shoot that Alpha Rex with my my newly acquired pistol so this dunk Low's the dunk saddle um are those even Good tames Guys those are those like they're the fish things right the super tanky fish oh that's a kangaroo yeah I thought the dunk was that weird thing with all the teeth underwater it was like super super tanky oh it's a metal Harvester in the water oh I guess what there it is see if can follow me out there stuck like Chuck [Applause] a no the game really trying to get me chat easy no way dude just dropped another 10 gifted brother thank you so much don't worry RG I'mma get you out of here ghost ah we're free all right then walk okay almost okay we're good to go chat uh um let's hold on real quick get up here all right what do you think this one's 217 guys what do we think these stats are going to look like 296 melee 688 on weight so it got almost no weight stat um 1,00 on Stam which is pretty good so it's got really good melee for the most part and pretty decent stamp not a bad RG I don't know what the hell we're going to have to really find a decent female to even remotely make this the RG Army dude right oh we got a double loot purple over here see how much time we have on it depending on my get it now or I'll swing back [Music] yeah that's got time uh we could go Scout the area real quick and see if it's safe I'll just grab it now I could just throw the weight on the RG and then I'll be able to grab and fly I'll to just fly to [Music] RG some Raptors over here nothing [Music] [Music] crazy there we go what am I going to name the RG oh honestly I was thinking about once I got the female RG I was going to bring Lisa back no I wasn't a shotgun it was a freaking Harpoon Gun 118 I don't even know what the hell the Harpoon guns are good for but we did get two more water tanks though saves me a little bit of metal but wasn't a great drop honestly for a a so now that all my teams are organized we're sitting here looking at what we got what do you think guys think we think we're doing all right I do want to test out this Raptor though it was a level 100 and something when I got [Applause] it like this Raptor's where it where it's at guys i' been I've been holding out I didn't want to show you guys the power the true power of the Raptor but I figured it's the it's time time now look at that just dropped the 120 like it was nothing chat like it was nothing the sky oh yo that man uh we got to have our battle RG wor we're going to go take on that damn Sky G I remember I made the I made the Raptor pack in ASC and what the dude go out the door and uh we got obliterated it it was embarrassing but it's different so we still need a female RG but I'm not gonna I'm not going to be too pressed on that right now um our Rex here was a what a 140 male so we need a female Rex uh we can go out and do a little Scout real quick see if we can find another Rex cuz if I could breed at least some rexes or maybe or may or maybe we should go try to find a mega theum guys do I have all the I have all the uh artifacts for the the for The Brood mother right there was a 140 over near the cave I don't remember if that was a male or a female though I'm trying to think how I could get my my tame raft over that way pain in my ass so we'd have to sail all the way up toward I mean I could sail all way up towards Carno Island and then swing down the coast yeah maybe we'll do that and then we'll be able to then we'll be able to farm stuff on carnal Island [Applause] too well Matt the reason why I wanted to bring the boat was because uh getting the Rex back would be a bit of a pain in the butt so when you do the billboard trap because we use the billboard trap on extinction it's just four metal Billboards and a bear trap or is it the it's the large trap right so I already got large bear trap and the large bear trap Al that's the same one that works on gigas too right [Applause] okay so I can do we'll do two of those I had more metal than that have the popcorn some down here now when you pick up stuff off the floor there's zero uh weight limit right yeah you can pick up an infinite amount of weight off the floor if I remember correctly but how much do I weigh right now I could see if I could take a PT if we could take a PT that'd be nice speed wise um I don't know if we're going to be a little overweight with everything we have on us I mean we can bring an rg2 it's not a huge deal uh PT is not super overweight I could drop we could drop a little bit of the uh normal arrows here so 119 Nar arrows is more than enough let's just we'll just bring an rgy screw it we'll leave this RG here for breeding and this one we'll just bring to because why not so I'll just have to put the oh is this a yellow drop with double Loot and it's not going to go away on me [Music] get anything good more we we got some ascendant uh pants pretty decent uh black chest and another bionic saddle so a lot of that we're just going to be turning into scrap when I build my grinder now the question is the grinder how much does that cost two whole th000 Crystal 32 I don't remember it being that expensive now I know from my experience with it in extinction it more than will pay for itself like probably with just the stuff I have in my base right now if I grind up the junk gear I I honestly think it'll be worth it what do you guys think Manhattan for sure trying to tell me to team a damn bionics man I got so many bionic Saddles like ascending bionic Saddles too L of purple drops coming down right now yeah the crystal whatever like the crystal is not too bad it's the 3200 metal though that that's pretty expensive you can get a can get a tame that do the same as a grinder what tame is that now that we got our anky though getting uh getting metal is not too bad e there's a mod with a water tame that does grinding oh the other grinder team's not on this map I'm addicted to these damn drops guys it's cuz I went so long you know once you leave Scorch Earth and and an island in Scorch Earth I never even really drop hunted like that um because I just didn't need to my you know my stats were so boosted I could just use a normal pickaxe or a normal Spear and it just I was just op as hell um I never even had a I went I like when I went and fought the overseer I fought him with six rexes that all had normal Saddles wow this was probably the best drop I've literally ever seen guys there's no [Music] way the tropanes the flying Dino that has a rocket saddle on it yeah well I've seen a couple we've already seen two quetzel on the map um both of them were low low level uh I would love to get a quel um that's probably a goal at some point in this play guys we got to try to get a qu we actually spotted one on the south side of the redwoods but it was only like level 5 or 10 or something like that and then I seen one up north and that one was level I believe 55 [Music] was that [Music] got more ascendant those are 290 this time holy crap I'm so glad they fixed the spy glass the OG spy glass it didn't have like a a cursor so when you use it you could like aim it anywhere and now like you could just put the cursor on and like I I the spy glass was so bad before I just couldn't use it I literally got the mod because I just I was pulling my hair out with the damn spy glass it was so terrible but I'm glad they made it better oh I'm on the wrong I'm not even on the right RAR I thought this was around the bend here now it's around that is St 140 Rex should be around here somewhere I highly doubt anything in the area can kill it actually there's nothing down here that could kill it except a map the map could kill it swing over here real quick make sure it's not up am I going to do any underwater exploration anytime soon um probably at least within the next couple episodes I got I got a couple really good underwater gear pieces um the only thing I'd be looking at trying to get my hands on now would be an underwater tame whether that be a good level mag or uh a dolphin or something like that I know I can do the underwater cave with a dolphin where hell is that Rex it was down here lot of this would be [Music] eight uh a lot of people say bionic is really really good for the underwater cave too the Rex there I think Buble [Music] 20 that shit's gone [Music] chat generally the teams don't like despawn like that you know what I mean they they hang around for a unless you do like a dino wipe something like a 140 Rex there's nothing down here that can kill it maybe a bra Brachiosaurus might be a to kill one but we you know what we could do um we could get those 120 babies on uh caral Island but I don't know how good of a breeder that would be because it's it's 120 base the mo no the I think that the the the parent was a father it wasn't a mother is the only thing is getting a Rex across the ocean after taming it they're slow as hell in the water aren't they holy look how big that thing is and it's a 125 a yeah I don't [Music] even so chat what are what are those things good for are they are they good tames yeah I know people say it's a passive team I I I I would you just walk up to it when it has its mouth open like that and it won't me [Applause] up he [Applause] they're pretty strong so I got to sneak up on the damn thing wish I had a full Gill [Applause] suit let's stick to the plan for right now at least oh there's more than one that's the 125 there's another one right there one's level 30 D did it just eat a Ciro we're stick to the plan though we we we're going to go over to Carno Island see if I can find myself a I might even build an RG trap over on caral island be a little bit more reliable too might build a little Outpost over on car know I would like I'm definitely going to get my hands on one of them big ass Crocs that thing is just it's just unbelievably massive and cool as hell looking where did I get my single player settings um I just made them myself kodc yeah I just kind of uh from my experience like previous playthroughs I think I put it on cuz it this Arc did have like difficulty settings I think I just put it on hard or whatever one was like the most normal settings course official and then I turned off single player setting because what single player setting does it's really weird like uh even though yes I am playing single player and it it's not a bad thing to use a setting um the the main reason why I don't like single player setting is it boosts tame dinos so much and it Nerfs wild dinos so like even if you go up against like a level like 150 wild Dino you're level like 100 tame will just be able to smash on it like no problem that's a quest 15 like you'll be able to easy clap every dyo um that's wild cuz they're just so nerfed but when you turn single player setting off like a lot of the wild dinos can be they can they're quite dangerous so uh and that's what I wanted you know I didn't want to walk around just feeling like god tier on like mid ass tames and even if I had a good tame if I got played didn't play proper and you know got a little slop and got swarmed or something like that you could still die um and that that's kind of what I was going for that's that's how I tailored my my [Music] settings so CH I got a question right cuz the mosa right the mosa in the game that it's that super freaking underwater it's like the underwater gig right what is the point of that like like like what's the strong suit of having such an underwater strong underwater team when it really isn't much to do underwater is it more of just like a flex T I'm trying to sit here and think of like the [Applause] utility yeah death star that that's what I'm I well I thought you got to remember on aberration um I fought real the B I fought the the boss there on real settings and oh man it it it was crazy you know what I mean I even had I had high ass level imprinted Megs um like 20 or so I had a ton of them you know you know and I went well like not 20 but I think I went in there with uh ton of mags and I was I had a Reaper and my rock Drake and an ascendant shotgun with like 500 D like I went in there prepped and I was getting my ass handed to me so I'm trying to think where do I want to set up the Trap and I think I could drag the rexes across this and just set the traps over on this island here be a little [Applause] that that might be a little small for the Rex for yeah that should be good yeah that should be good right maybe I pull this one forward n this should be good oh don't know it always feels good and then when you get the Rex there then you see how much how big they actually are you're like damn like this should be good [Music] though yeah that'll be fine it'll be all right so where the hell is the there was a 120 on this island with two babies now I don't see it it's a alpha caral why does this game got to be like this dude how is there really no rexes I was over here before and there's 30 of [Music] them [Music] usually some down on this little southide island here nothing just [Applause] caros so we just got to kill some stuff I think open up some uh more spawn slots it's a nice white rgy right there 105 male [Applause] can't pick up an Al [Applause] around Patrick with the 16 brother thank you so much man [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] Patrick again thank you thank you for the 169 I'm glad you're enjoying the content brother I'm over here trying to kill as much as possible free up some space for some rexes to spawn in [Applause] that's pretty crazy not even one wreck spawn right now did end up with a lot of prime though from killing that uh the alpha Raptor [Music] [Applause] I there's got to be at least one Rex now right that's a Alpha Caro I got excited I was like yes no it's Alpha Carno a [Applause] why am I doing 245 damage to an alpha but then less damage to the power there is it head [Applause] shot that Al is tough [Applause] man [Applause] d [Applause] a what the we survived though CAD how how y why why did the alpha caral show up right at that moment guys it's like it was they they planned it like come on [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you okay so we are just having no luck right now on rexes like just even spawning not even lowlevel ones like like I said the first time when we came over here for the cave there was like five rexes they were just everywhere man and now it seems like there's a lot of [Music] [Music] Aros like a ton of carnos carnos and Savers thousand [Applause] savers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] course speed up a little more Health well the reason I was trying to get the Rex is here over oops didn't mean to drop all the meat over anywhere else was just because they are very the area here is is nice it's easy it's flat um uh the mountains are like a pain in the ass to find a good spot to lay a trap and at least here like I I know I can easily kite a Rex to where I need to kite it no problems no nothing but the mountains are a little more of a pain in the butt [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the water I don't want to get knocked off [Applause] d [Applause] you got bed in [Applause] [Applause] here [Applause] it's going to attack actual ages [Applause] [Applause] dude [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] got saber was a bad [Applause] one for [Applause] [Applause] a [Music] killed so many din guys we should have seen a Rex by now [Applause] [Applause] Stam here soon [Applause] [Applause] freaking slot camped on proba prime [Applause] meat yeah might have to try somewhere else I I don't know we'll as I might have to pick up the Trap and go set it up in a different location so it doesn't seem like the eating pre raw Prime really does anything yeah like heal wise it it it really didn't do oh here clearing caral Island so I thought it was called Carno Island for it being like the carnivore Island but no it's just called Carno Island because it's just all caros on the island legit oh here we go baby [Applause] we F finally got a Rex guys and it was uh was level 15 Matt thank you thank you for the Super Chat brother yeah type type uh raw and then drop when you're slot capped yeah that prime meat Stacks so quick man especially killing uh Alphas it's pretty ridiculous how fast you slot cap so did all of the dino slots I killed fill with RGS come on dude yeah there was more rexes along the rivers like I said it's just this was a little bit more earlier this was a really good spot like you know when we came here a couple episodes ago but now there's Just Jack did squat so [Music] yeah we'll go we'll go collect our trap and we'll just we'll try the the river and I got two man we got two new parrots dude so we'll pick all this up and we'll head we i' probably Inland and you we'll just kind of skirt down there River and see see what we can see it's pretty unfortunate though I was I was kind of happy you know coming out here but I don't know it is what it is it is what it is guys but um we're going to end this episode here guys we're going to end this episode here next episode we'll start back up um trying to hunt down a a female because that's what we want highle female recks uh we're also in the market for a high level female RG too uh have to rate the RG spawn on this island though I definitely think I'm going to do an RG trap over over here so I might even go pick up the one that we already have built I'm probably just going to bring it over here and set it up but uh thank you guys again I really appreciate all the love uh remember if you guys have it on your way out smash that like button if you want to see more Arc uh it's the best way to let me know that you guys want the series to continue going uh Hey Anderson thank you for the Super Chat brother welcome back to new parats baby um but thank you guys I I really appreciate all the love all the support um if you're new to the channel consider subscribing it helps out so much but tomorrow uh we'll be back with some more lives uh I'm going to be doing recording some stuff in the morning uh messing around with my VR trying to get that all set up for you guys but uh thank you thank you guys I really appreciate all the love again you have a great rest of your night and uh yeah I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 40,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARK survival ascended, ASA, gameplay, review, gaming, survival, crafting, open world, ARK, action, dinosaurs
Id: Qe0ug3aL06Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 34sec (14014 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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