Baldur’s Gate 3: Returning to the city after 20 years

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[Music] cities are incredibly hard to make in RPGs because you have to make sure that every single nook and cranny has something to do you have to make sure that it's different so you have to be incredibly creative given that the name of the game is bulbous gate the city was really going to be the thing that people were going to be talking about the city of balder's gate is seamless which it originally wasn't you only can judge the game when you have all the components together and if the mix doesn't work we start over at some point he said like can't we just connect everything and that was uh that was a very interesting day one of the things that that's done is it's brought a level of believability and immersion and also complexity that wouldn't have been there otherwise now was this seamless giant organism and it really really felt good it's been able to look out of a window and see down the city slopes you're seeing down toward the docks and you're like one of my teammates might be down there they might be running around down there we worked need as a painting almost you start with a sketch a very basic line and then you just start adding layers and layers we can put lots more of the city onto the screen than they could in 1998 so we can do something that is more immersive richer has more texture to it it feels like you are walking around a place where there are lots and lots of people living their actual lives you have crowds that are walking around can talk to pretty much anybody and they react to every single thing it's very alive in that sense every person that you meet in valder's gate has got a story to them there we actually build anticipation through all these characters that you've met through all these situations that you've been through all the stories that you have been following and all the decisions that you've been making they all come to fruition in that lower City and the great thing is if you so choose you can be another bad thing that's happening to the city you can arrive and be like this place is on fire and then you can throw petrol all over it during production we felt like the city was our was our destination we spent I think three times four times as much effort on the city than we originally planned but the results the result the the feeling of walking in there is just fantastic you have this constant jostling or things that are very much of the real world and then you can indulge in a completely Fantastical and then when you walk into the city the noise of everybody talking to each other the knowledge that everywhere you look you can go there and you can do something the knowledge that you can fly through it it's great so the thing that I was the most afraid of when we started making this game turned out to be the thing that I'm the most proud of like
Channel: Larian Studios
Views: 437,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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