Baldur’s Gate 3 - How Larian Brought The Best RPG Of 2023 To PS5

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hello and welcome to PlayStation access my name is Rob although for the purposes of this video I am robertis Targaryen a level three human Warrior currently slicing flirting and dice rolling my way to Boulder's Gate the ultimate destination in the aptly named Baldur's Gate 3. yes the year's highest rated RPG is now in Early Access on PS5 but comes out for everyone on the 6th of September so what better time to introduce you to its world and who better to do it than Sven vinker the games director we start with the most important question should that three in the game's title scare people who've not played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. this is a standalone Adventure so you don't have to have played ballsgate one and two but if you have you will certainly recognize characters regarding characters and growing teams with current locations but you you if you're completely new to it it's a great entry into the world world of Dungeons and Dragons so in balder Gate 3 you are infected with a mind flayer parasite that's going to turn you into a monster and as you play The Adventure you're going to start discovering that being turned into a monster has benefits and disadvantages and so how you deal with that is something that actually has always been the core of the Baldur's Gate Series where it was like Hey Oh I don't want to spoil it for people who didn't play the first and the second one but where are you basically dealing with similar teams and I think that was a very important part of making bubble skates and for us in that make Baldur's Gate 3 a ball skate game it's obviously also set in the Forgotten Realms which is dungeon dragons Universe where the original water skates took place and balticate 3 is similar in setup to to Baldur's Gate one where your Adventure Starts outside of the city and then you travel towards the city which is also something that you're doing in bg3 that journey to Boulder's Gate was originally developed on PC where a complex Suite of powers and interactions spread across mouse and keyboard one of the things that impresses most about Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5 is how all those options are elegantly squeezed onto new radial menus as the whole screen is recalibrated to be easily read on a TV so we completely transformed the ux of the game the way that you interact with everything in the world so that it would really work well with controller it's been something that we we've been working for a long time I think we have something that's very intuitive now it's obviously it's a game in which you can do many things so we have to give a find a way to give you access to those many things but you can actually see already from how it's been received on PC where people are playing with controllers actually working out quite well yeah navigating the world with the controllers is definitely different than navigating with mouse and keyboard where it's more point and click so that's why we dropped the camera it's not fully third person so you're not going to be looking in the air but it's very close to it it feels very natural when you're you're navigating things and it's actually my preferred way of playing so I really enjoy uh playing it with the control being more laid back than a what's cool about this PS5 players enjoying the same complex game as their PC neighbors is that this wasn't always the way say Boulder's Gate to most PlayStation fans and they're likely to be more familiar with the simplified action RPG console spin-off dark Alliance and its Sumptuous water physics than the not EPC original does Sven see any differences between the two audiences the gaming audience in in the in the history of gaming industry has grown up right everybody games these days used to be that we were a very small group of people a small group of nerds that were playing games now everybody games right so that means that you can make any type of game and there will be an audience for it and that's I think it's one of the coolest things and you see that now also on Console which you didn't necessarily do that before before it was always going to be oh it's got to be the most accessible game in the world and it's got to have to be very approachable and very Universal and don't make it too complicated because it's complicated people are not going to buy it and so forth that's not true anymore you see really deep experiences on on the console and so obviously try to make it as approachable as possible but there's room for for games with a little bit more I'm not I don't want to say more depth because it makes it so it sounds so uh snobbish almost but it's just uh games where there's there's uh the core game Loop can be very expensive let's put it that way and if you want to share that experience on PS5 Boulder Skate 3 has you covered so about to get three features split screen local core you can basically drop in at any time in somebody's game it's the coolest is to start together uh with your partner with your friends and just journey through it and it's it's amazing because you you are basically capable of splitting the party and going to all kinds of shenanigans all over the place then recombine deal with the consequences of what your friend has been doing and like this you can have a really unique adventure together it's really really cool the best part is actually you can also play split screen co-op with somebody else so there can be two parties out there because you also have multiplayer so you can have two parties playing split screen local cop with one another so you basically have yeah if you have two couples playing together it's great it's fantastic whether you're playing alone or with friends you have to choose your character building a custom hero or playing as one of the pre-made origin companions we wondered what Sven would recommend for our first playthrough I would recommend when you start playing that you make a custom character and you just basically go with something that appeals to you I mean like pick a role the game will guide you in that role you'll figure it out eventually and you'll have a good great time and you'll see that the identity that you picked is going to be respected by the game when we made the game we tried to make a game that was going to really be your game creating your story that reflects the choices you make but also who you are and that choice is very important in the beginning of the game so for first time players I definitely would say like pick something that fits you really well and then you'll see you'll have a really good time so depending on the class and race that you pick in the beginning of the game you're going to see that you're going to get special dialogue options in a game for instance if you would play and get Yankee do it it's going to be very different than if you're going to play a draw Barbarian and so you're gonna see the people react to where you come from where you are sometimes you will be able to pass things instantly that others would have to fight or have to find other ways through uh to to to get around so it's um it has so many of those moments that you start feeling holy this is starting to get unique like by the time you're in the middle of the game your adventure is really different from anybody else that is playing it just because of the choices you will have made but also who you were so it's uh it's almost as if the the screenplay is being written for you while you're playing and so if you think of it as a movie and what lies in store if you do pick an origin story if you play as An Origin character you basically start seeing the the story Through The Eyes of uh one of your companions that you can recruit if you play as a custom character and so you get different options in the game you get different stories you see how your companions understand the world what's important to them what's not it's another way where you start seeing an enormous amount of reactivity as you go through the game but in addition to your origin characters then you also have the dark urge origin that is a kind of a custom character but that comes with a specific story a specific backstory uh I don't want to spoil it too much but it is very dark that's why we call this a darker urge and you start playing the game and you just see blood everywhere and you have a strong desire to kill things you don't know why you don't know what your background is so because you forgot and so you start discovering that as you go through the game and as you play you realize that you have a really important player a role to play in everything that's going on and it gives you a completely different view again on the entire story but it's darker is something I recommend to players to play as when on the second playthrough because you then really see actually oh wow that's what happened with that and that and I don't want to spoil it so I can't really tell you yeah we won't spoil the dark urge path either other than to say it takes you down a dark dark path because the character does that for you we wonder if it was maybe designed for people who traditionally struggle with making villainous choices in games as a way of forcing them to engage with everything Baldur's Gate 3 has to offer background of the Dark Earth is really nature's first to nurture right so you are something and you did things and the question that the game actually asks is like well you forgot about those things are you still responsible for them because you still did them the game forces you into that so it makes you confront that choice and you can resist the urge or you can give into the urge and both come with benefits if you resist the urge higher chance that you're gonna have friends and allies if you completely give in to the Earth you might be very lonely playthrough depending again on how you're going to be doing it and whether how strong your sense of betrayal is if you care about betraying people or not and so forth so it's a it asks interesting questions of you and the the but to to get people into the right mindset to get to those to that point where you start asking those questions of yourself we put you there so we make things happen to you and so uh and they're unexpected because you don't uh invest looking at the internet you don't expect that you don't see it coming and so that's that's really good because you then suddenly I say holy and I've seen many players play to those moments that we did and it's always like holy right and then you you there's a moment of silence and then he said all right whatever character you bring into Baldur's Gate 3 one major Choice remains to save scum or not to save scum do you follow the will of the dice or reload your quick save until you get a happier outcome for our final question where does Sven stand on the issue I think people should can play however they want right so I'm a safe scammer myself I mean like I uh in every single game so I uh but we did make the game so that you could be able to roll with the dice so it's fine to roll with the dice and you have to trust your dungeon master that they're gonna come up with something that's going to make the game fun we did really a lot of effort and then tried hard to make that satisfying and sometimes you will not get what you want but that's then your adventure that's part of the uniqueness of your adventure how the dice went did you spend your inspiration points which allow you to re-roll the dice on particular choices that were important to you or not in general if you keep on re-rolling eventually you'll hit the number that you want to have we noticed on PC we completely underestimated how much sales people were going to make we have cross safe so we see we have a cloud storage for all those save games it's it's millions and millions of States it's crazy it's like it's really really crazy whether you plan to build a safety net of a million saves or go through the game as an acolyte of cruel fate your journey to Baldur's Gate 3 begins on PS5 on the 6th of September let us know in the comments what you're going to play as And subscribe to PlayStation access for much much more on the biggest RPG of 2023. we'll see you again soon [Music]
Channel: PlayStation Access
Views: 73,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs gate 3 ps5, Bg3, Bg3 ps5, Bg3 ps5 gameplay, Baldurs gate ps5, Baldurs gate 3 ps5 gameplay, Baldurs gate ps5 gameplay, Baldurs gate 3 ps5 review, Baldurs gate 3 ps5 controls, Baldurs gate 3 ps5 co op, Larian, Swen vincke, Swen vincke interview, ps5, playstation 5, playstation access, baldurs gate 3 gameplay
Id: 2VNdJYz0Ov4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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