Baking Bread Using All Purpose Flour And Instant Active Dry Yeast

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aloha everyone since it is a rainy morning i decided i'd show you how to make how i make my simple white bread i've been doing this for a couple months now learning a few tricks here and there so i wanted to show you what i do because i live in hawaii on hawaii island on the west side most of the homes here do not have air conditioning so it's um you know humid so i keep my flour in the refrigerator the first step and i'm doing this using all-purpose flour i'm going to the plan is to make one loaf so the first step is i heat a cup of water and i use um water that goes through a filter it's called xero the best water filter on the planet there's a link to it in the description okay so here's my one cup of water and you can use basically any liquid milk i heard you can use beer and what i do before i heat it up in the microwave is i'll add some honey um about a tablespoon maybe that's good good enough and stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds [Music] and while that's doing that i'll scoop in three cups of flour when i first started doing um bread i watched a lot of videos and you know it's it's hilarious different techniques people use people make big deals out of making sure your measurements are accurate so this is how i do it one and i don't fluff the flower or anything i don't sift it it's just too and three one guy that i watched making bread he said um making bread it's really forgiving so don't don't make a big issue out of making bread it really is is not rocket science so here i have my three cups of flour i'm going to put a one package of this uh instant yeast and it says it's um let's see one quarter ounce or two and a quarter teaspoons so just one pack of that goes on one side and with instant instant yeast you don't have to add it to warm water and let it froth or foam or anything like that so that goes on one side and then for the salt i've also determined that the measured mints don't have to be perfect so i use maybe that much whatever that is who knows and then i kind of blend that together like so now keep in mind this flower is cold because it's been in the refrigerator what are you guys doing and i have read that the liquid should be around um 110 degrees fahrenheit oops i'm stirring that with the wrong end i wanted to use this the other end for that so i i think that's a little warmer than that but that's okay because that's cold and to that i'm gonna add maybe um maybe two table two tablespoons of oil maybe i don't know whatever that is and again um in the way i formulate things um it works just pour that in start to stir and with with this um the more i have made this the more um tricks i've learned so if it looks like it's just way too dry just add you know a little bit more liquid water or whatever if it looks like it's too wet add a little bit more flour that's what i do so um what i'm seeing is this looks to be a little on the dry side but here's something else i learned when using all-purpose flour i like it a little dry compared to too moist and i have used bread flour as well and it really does make a difference when it comes to kneading and again this is from my experience what i have experienced so i have no idea why oh yes i do um supposed to let this rest for about 15 or 20 minutes and according to the um one of the videos that i've watched that's just to let the moisture um bind everything together or soak it soak into each other real good i don't know i just know that it works and that's that okay so that is my gooey mess for now i'm gonna put the lid on it and come back in about 20 minutes okay it has been about 20 minutes now i'm going to pour this out and start kneading um there's one guy that said um try not to use a bunch of flour on on the surface but uh i don't like sticky hands and it seems to work for me using uh the amount of flour that i use so just dump that out and i'm actually going to reuse this bowl to proof it in okay so kneading i think is probably the most important part of making bread for me anyways so i need bread or dough for about um eight minutes or so maybe ten using all-purpose flour i have found that when i use bread flour i don't have to knead as much and i certainly am no expert but i think it has something to do with the gluten or something so um yeah this is what i do for about 10 minutes or so um i don't like a sticky surface i don't like dough gooped on my hand so if it becomes too sticky i just add more flour to it and what i'm finding that works best for me is when this becomes nice and smooth it's pretty much done and non-sticky and the surface is clean so nothing is sticking to the surface um this is about as sticky as my hands should get if all goes well um every single loaf of bread i have made turns out different every single one um some of them [Music] turn out uh duds meaning they haven't didn't rise very good and uh maybe that has to do with um the amount of kneading i've done or the um amount of rising that's done i have no idea um okay so for what i can see right now with this dough ball it's looking pretty good as far as um not having to add any more flour um what i have found between the difference using all-purpose flour and bread flour is the feel of this when you're kneading using the bread flour for me it didn't take very long to get it to feel bouncy and elasticy but for me using all-purpose flour it seems to take a little longer to get that texture and as you can see i have no rhyme or reason for the way i'm playing with my dough ball um i guess i don't like to follow the rules because a lot of people on their videos they go this that but that but i tried that at first and it just became too much of a nuisance so i just uh do whatever and it seems to work out for me anyways and this really is kind of relaxing i actually tried making bread in the um the mixer you know one of those kitchenaid stand mixer things that was just a pain in the neck to mess with the dough hook and then you have to clean it and this to me is kind of rewarding it's not hard for me um but when i was first making starting to make my own bread i couldn't get the consistency right on this and it was sticking all over the place i had dough stuck between my fingers it was a mess um oops and with practice i've learned what works for me here's a one of my other loaves that i made and i get these bread bags from amazon because sometimes if they puff up too much they won't fit in my my bread container so here you can see that this is almost gone so i like to stay ahead of the curve oh i forgot what time i started kneading but you can see i don't know if you can see but it's nice and smooth it's not sticky some people like to pull it and do it some sort of a test elastic test thing i don't know what they're talking about nor do i care all i know is that when my bread comes out of the oven it tastes like bread and i think that's all that matters so in um also when i first started making bread i would use butter and milk instead of vegetable oil and water well vegetable oil and water is much cheaper than butter and milk and honestly i did not taste a bit of difference between the two methods or ingredients boy this dough ball is looking really great um then what i do when i'm satisfied with this is i'll oil the same bowl that i used to mix the dough in uh with cooking spray you know spray the edge of it stick this in there then squirt the top of this put it put a lid on it and let it rise for um until it doubles or so sometimes it's 30 minutes sometimes it's an hour sometimes it depends if i put it in the refrigerator or if i turn the oven on bread proof which i have done today okay that is man that feels just about perfect okay so there's my dough ball oops now what i'm going to do is just spray this with walmart cooking oil canola oil stick that right there spray spray put a lid on it and stick it in the oven until it doubles and then we'll go from there okay it has been probably 45 minutes or so in the bread proofing mode in the oven so that's about double in size i would say um a lot of people make a huge issue about punching it down uh all i do is just put it out there and just start flattening it out i'm gonna make my thing flattening it out and then sticking it into a loaf that will fit into my bread bread pan so people make it just a huge production out of doing this you got to do it this way and then you got to do it this way and then this way in this way well one lady just took it out of the thing and just started forming it with their hands like so and what i have learned is there really is for me no perfect right way of doing this just get it like that the size of your loaf pan and i spray it like so stick it in like so and then i cover it with plastic wrap and put it into the um bread proofing for another um 30 minutes or so or until it comes over the edge about an inch and again this is the way i do it so back into the proofing it goes for a second rise let's see what happens and how long it takes i forgot to um mention a very important step and that is to spray the top with a cooking oil or cooking spray and that's so that when the plastic um when it rises and touches the plastic it's easier to peel off okay i just took this from the proofing oven looks to be about perfect so now what i'm gonna do peel this back stick it in the oven i have set for 375 and i'm going to set the timer for 30 minutes and see how it turns out as i'm waiting for the bread to get done i'm going to have me a sandwich and i wanted to show you this great bread knife i got on amazon it's huge i think it's 14 inches long but it works great i have a link to this in the description bread should be ready in about 20 minutes stay tuned okay it's been 30 minutes and this is what we have i guess i could have let it rise a little bit longer that's hot there you have it a loaf of simple white bread using all-purpose flour as always thank you all for watching taking time on your busy schedules and i hope a lot of you try to make bread yourselves aloha you
Channel: ApauHawaiiTours
Views: 23,385
Rating: 4.834197 out of 5
Keywords: white bread, baking white bread, all purpose flour, instant dry active yeast, baking bread with all purpose flour, adding honey to bread, salt in bread, how to make white bread using all purpose flour, easy bread making, baking easy bread, home made bread
Id: iu9ZQdMK_rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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