7 Year Old Homeless Girl, ARRESTED for STEALING

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i can't let you stay out here pickpocketing people so let's go return this to that guy and then we can [Music] so what's up loser what do you want kyle i smell you from a mile away you smell disgusting you smell like a burnt tire mixed with a baby's diaper why don't you shower [Music] i'm just messing with you i saw you over here i thought i'd do something nice for a change here i bought these for you psych [Music] that's what you get for being poor right sister [Music] you're such a loser [Music] ah hey are you all right please help me mister anything will help uh wait a minute you're not living out here on your own are you where's your family i don't know what are you doing for money how do you actually survive wow i feel awful just leaving you here do you have any money uh well let me see let me see let me see uh let's see let's see oh shoot listen i'm really in a rush here you go thank you mister yeah wait wait can you help me out with something sure sure no problem what do you need my barbie's head is broken um can you fix it i'm not strong enough yeah i can get this for you there you go you i almost got it that's nice hey listen i got it good as new there you go thank you mister oh boy hey listen i wish i had more money for you it's all right next time you know sailing is a crime right i didn't steal this money that man gave it to me uh-huh well i guess he gave you his wallet too huh uh hey whoa whoa whoa hey what do you think you're doing huh what are you nuts running from the cops already come here stand over here how old are you i'm seven what are you doing here all by yourself we're your parents i don't know what do you mean you don't know where'd you come from a stork what are you a runaway my parents are dead they died when i was younger is that the truth what's your name symphony symphony what symphony walker dispatch can you do a search on a symphony walker seven-year-old female check the foster care database could be possible run away no don't what what's wrong i don't want to go back to foster care my parents are mean to me they burn their cigarettes on my arms is that the truth i can't let you stay out here pickpocketing people so let's go return this to that guy and then we can go later oh okay okay hey loser i see you move to a new spot oh too bad you still smell like a dinosaur's poop mixed with rotting cheese i'm talking to you loser hey that's mine what are you gonna do about it you're homeless and you're poor nobody's gonna help you maybe you could call your parents to help you out oh that's right you don't have any grab her bag tanya holy cow how much money is in here i made me able to get the playstation 5 and the new bike thanks for the money loser come on let's get out of here what you ready to go to jail little boy get over here looks like it's just you and me kid by my count we got attempted robbery we got assault of a minor i'd say that's about five years in juvenile hall wouldn't you we were just joking around i don't want to go to jail i think you owe this little lady an apology whoa hey hey easy easy come on don't do that she accepts your apology uh now why don't you run home before i call your parents and don't ever come back where'd you learn to kick like that my dad he said never to let anyone bully me especially a guy i only taught you pretty well you want this if i give this back to you you're gonna run away look i'm not gonna chase you but i can't in good conscience let you stay out here it's not safe and you're too young i can't go back to foster care i'd rather stay out here forever than to go back to my foster parents you know i grew up in foster care really yeah i was fortunate enough to have good parents raise me that's part of the reason why i became a cop i wanted to give back to my community i wanted to help people but i know what it's like to grow up without real parents so i understand what you're going through i'll tell you what symphony i can't let you stay out here but if you come with me i promise my wife and i will do everything in our power to adopt you through the foster care system we've always wanted to have a little lady such as yourself to raise not to mention i coach a little girl's soccer team and with a kick like yours i think we get a new forward on our hands so what do you say huh do you want to stop living off the streets and be with a family who loves you [Music] many of you guys don't know this but my parents are foster parents it's one of the reasons you'll constantly see me make videos like these about foster kids or kids without parents it's something that i hold dear to my heart and i hope videos like these will encourage other people to go out there and adopt a child foster child and save a life and did you know just by liking this video you send the youtube algorithm into a frenzy where it spreads this message with millions of other people i hope you guys enjoyed today's life lesson with luis make sure to like and subscribe to this 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Channel: Life Lessons With Luis
Views: 11,571,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifelessonswithluis, lifelessons, luismercado, realluismercado
Id: v0EZFbB2fvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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