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hello welcome back I'm so glad that you can join me today if you're new to this channel welcome if you've been here before welcome back today I am going to make some creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes I hope you brought your appetite when you're ready for this but before I get started I must accent you please go down look below you see that right button that says subscribe please click that red button so that you can subscribe to me that way it helps me to continue to bring more videos to you so let's get started here in our scalloped potatoes the first thing I'm going to do is start to peel these potatoes and I'm gonna go step by step of everything that I'm gonna do so that you see exactly what I'm gonna do so I have here four large potatoes and and you know it depends on how much you're gonna make but for potatoes is commitment for me so let me start peeling these potatoes and then I'll show you a next I'll do after this so oh I don't want to start to peel that take forever so let me just use this and when you're doing scalloped potatoes you can get some large potatoes it's always better because when you slice your potato you need a big slices so the large potatoes are good I just finished peeling my potatoes and then wash my potatoes so now what I'm going to do is slice might be think my potatoes and then want to slice your potatoes as thin as you can get them just try not to cut your fingers I know maybe this is better see how thin it is that's about the study that you want and this is how you're gonna cut the potatoes guys this is how you this piece is a little thick and it's gonna be hard to write about that piece so this is how this is about this size that you want to cut your potato okay and then what you do is as you cut you potato you put your potatoes in this bowl of water and your reason for the water is to stop the potatoes from bleep wrong if you just let the potatoes like that they're gonna grow go Brown so you're gonna put them in a bowl of the water and you see those four potatoes give me a lot of slices so just leave it in the water and just set this aside I'm not gonna cook this we're not cooking the potatoes cut the potatoes are gonna cook in the oven and they're thin enough that little cook within no time so you don't have to worry about cooking them in advance so let's put this aside I next I'm gonna make a roux to go with our potatoes so come with me over here to the pan and I'll show you how to make my rule for my potatoes now I have my pan here to start my room and in here I'm gonna put two tablespoon of butter no dose two tablespoon of butter and I'm gonna let that butter melt for a minute a witness melted I'm going to add some onion and garlic to that okay so to my melted butter I'm going to add some garlic I have here this is like half a pod half of a pot of garlic that I just sliced up and we put that in there and in here is this is a small onion actually it look more like a medium sized onion you're put in there and I'm just gonna let this sit here for a minute I'm gonna give this a minute for the onions and the garlic to change colors for a little bit everything come together that the flavors flavors just come over so let's just leave that there for a minute well my onion and garlic is starting let me show you the next step I have here two packs of cheese this is extra sharp cheddar cheese I prefer to use this it has a lot of flavor and I feel when I use this I do not have to use two and three and four cheese's I think this is just enough for me so I'm going to grate both of this this one I'm gonna put in my room and this one I'm gonna use kind of like a topping in between I put a little bit of this cheese in it because it's supposed to be cheesy creamy scalloped potatoes okay so let's get started let me can smell the onions over there saute this smells so good but I like to grader my own cheese to me thickness cheese tastes better the cheese in the package so I prefer to do this it has more flavor to me and I think once you use this cheese that's enough but of course you use whatever kind of cheese you want everybody have their own favorite brand of cheese that they like so you use whatever's but this is one is for our scalloped potatoes so let's go over there and finish up our onions all room onion has sauteed so the next step is I'm going to add two tablespoons of flour yippy AP a tablespoon of flour and you're gonna stir that very good mix all that flour in there and it smells so good some people don't like onion how could you not like onion okay so use mix all your flour in once your flour is in then you're gonna add your milk so I'm gonna add 2 cans of milk I like to use evaporated milk that's my choice of milk so I'm gonna add 2 cans to that that's 1 and stir it I'm gonna add my separate milk evaporated milk is good but you can use whole milk or whatever you prefer yes so this is gonna you're gonna bring this to a boil but before this get to a boil I'm gonna add some other stuff to that to make it taste yummy and me to make it taste you having a baby so to our rule I am going to add a little bit of seasoned salt this is just like complete our purpose seasoning I just like to add a little bit just to flavor it a little bit I'm just gonna find a little bit of that to it if it ever comes out I am just opening a round hole okay let me just see ah there you go just a little just sprinkle a little bit guys a little bit of black pepper in mine a little bit of black pepper in my room a little bit of salt in my room I like to sing in the cook place I look at the soul not tamashii sighs so uh what do I like in here my ketchup this Katzenbach is almost empty like get out of that oh I have another bottle but I think this just get it all out ahead yes good all right carry on I wanna have a little mustard put a little mustard in there yep a little dollar look that's it guys I'm mr. it I see it starting to thicken up you stir that yes yes yes looks yummy yummy yummy in the tummy okay so I'm gonna taste this a little bit I just want to make sure you have enough salt in there because we're not gonna really over part with so because we know our cheese has so so let me get a spoon and taste it yeah it needs a little more salt see that's what I got taste your food because then your finishes like it's blond something is missing I do not make my food blind ice I like flavor make work so if you want flavor you have to put the flavouring okay I'll taste it again and see I think that's good yeah see the ketchup gives it a good flavor it also gives it like a little almost a little sweet taste - and you got a black pepper now I like Big John hot sauce but my daughter's here and I'm making dinner for her as well and she's like mommy please don't put hot sauce in so I'm not gonna put it in just because of her I just add a little bit on top of my lime in it then leave this for a few minutes so I can just come to a boil and then once it comes to a boil I'll add my cheese inside of it okay so our rule has come to a boil so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add my cheese in there and I'm gonna mix that up nice and cheesy and I'm gonna stir this all in and then this is it that's all you're gonna do one two three shield easy that is now I'm gonna add this to my potatoes but I just gonna make sure that it is blended up well and the cheese go through the sauce that everything is blended in here and once you get it all blended in there stir it in nicely then I will put it on my team okay so let's go to get our potatoes and I'll show you the next step now we are going to assemble our potatoes so I have my oil you're gonna grease our pan before we get started the first thing we're gonna do is grease our pan this is just some olive oil spray that I have greasy pan that we can take uh potatoes and I have my potatoes in here because you need to drain your potatoes get all the water out of them so what I'm gonna do now is there I'm gonna give a nice little ear here yes yes yeah it's gonna put a second layer right here yes it's about good and then I'm gonna take my sauce that has already taken up and empties and my sauce on top of that oops are you gonna spray that out they're gonna put finish putting that layer on just stick a little bit of your cheese and kind of sprinkle some all of it and you're not gonna use all of it just sprinkle on a little bit of cheese because this is creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes okay and now I'm gonna put a second layer of potatoes so now I just put on my second layer of potatoes here see it just nicely fix your potatoes on there yeah okay so now we're gonna put the rest of our sauce [Applause] when you make this rule you're gonna use it right away because if you sit down for a few minutes it gets thick but that's okay because when it gets in the oven it will loosen up again make sure your oven is at 350 now you pre-heat your oven then you finish put in your scalloped potatoes together no we're gonna make a crust on the top and by using the crust we're gonna put a little bread crumbs on the top to make our crust as I said you can use any kind of breadcrumbs that you want use whatever you have in your pantry so some little bread crumbs on the top and then we're gonna take the remainder of our cheese and then we're gonna just sprinkle our cheese on the top make it nice and cheesy they continue to put some cheese on the top all that nice gooey cheese and it's all well that's gonna melt in there and you just sprinkle it all over make sure it goes out over okay so now I'm gonna put some foil on that and then I'm put this in the oven and I will check it in an hour so let you see and guys here is your scalloped potatoes look at that don't like Luke Warner ooh look at this bubbling over there nice cheese oh that looks so good SCAP cheesy scalloped potatoes it's a little bit hot for me to dig into right now but I'm not that cool for a few minutes and then I'll come back and show you exactly what it looks like on the inside but this guy's is how you make scalloped potatoes you can serve this with any kind of meat you want to you can eat it just like that you can take a salad either started with that or just put a piece of me to eat it that way however you want to eat it but I'll be back in a few minutes when it's cool to show you what it looks like so what we're gonna do is just sprinkle a little paprika on here just in case you taking this maybe you have company and you um you know you want to just decorate it you just put a little bit and then you're gonna look parsley I just sprinkle a little parsley on top of it yeah just to make it look pretty pretty pretty pretty there we go that's good enough and this guy's is your scalloped potatoes okay so now our scalloped potatoes has cool I'm going to first let's test it as you see the far click right into it so the potatoes are fully cooked so now I'm going to place some of it oh it looks good oh it's nice and creamy [Music] oops so look at that guys nice creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes so I'm gonna taste a little bit of it as for you it's nice and hot it's good cheese on top of it across the city bread crumbs and cheese on top give it that nice golden crust who does good no not from eating this I could just eat this just by itself I don't need no meat I don't need no salad I don't need nothing that's just really good I could just chow down on this the potatoes are cooked oh I left it in for 1 hour and 15 minutes and then it took the foil paper off and they put it back on for another 15 minutes so that it cheese can Brown that's good guys thank you so much for joining me I hope that you can make this for you and your family and everyone can enjoy it don't forget to Like and subscribe that red subscribe button below please don't forget to click that button I hope your family enjoy this recipe and I hope you have fun making it just say I have fun making it until next time bye bye
Channel: Tinaraine
Views: 4,747
Rating: 4.8684211 out of 5
Keywords: creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes, creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes recipe, scalloped potatoes, scalloped potatoes recipe, how to make scalloped potatoes, easy scalloped potatoes, cheesy scalloped potatoes recipe, au gratin potatoes, gratin (dish), baked potatoes, au gratin potatoes recipe, au gratin potatoes food wishes, easy scalloped potatoes youtube, easy scalloped potatoes with cheese, au gratin potatoes easy, tinaraine, barbados, bajan scalloped potatoes recipe
Id: aB-WaRv1cow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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