Double Baked Potato Casserole - Bonita's Kitchen

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welcome to bonitas kitchen and thank you for joining us what I'm going to be making today is a delicious double baked potato casserole [Music] this casserole today that I'm gonna been making of course the devil baked potato casserole was shared with me by my childhood friend Charmaine and Thank You Charmaine for doing that so this is a delicious side meal I guess you can have it as a main course if you want to I can eat potatoes any time and so can Raymond but if you're having a barbecue or are you doing some baked ribs or what not you can have this side dish and instead of just baking potatoes why not call them just peel them put them into the pot boil them and that'll be the first start of making these still this delicious dish so let's get started I'll show you how to make it okay so what we got here is 6 potatoes peeled and we got them boiled first just use your judgement they're an airline you need to boil it maybe 10-15 minutes what I'm going to do now is mash these and then as I go I will tell you the amount of the ingredients and of course we're going to need butter no.26 potatoes I Adam cut in half because they were big potatoes I used wait Russel potatoes here today but you can use whatever your favorite is normally you will make double baked potatoes while baking your potatoes first but I'm gonna speed off the pardon the process by boiling them and we're gonna be putting in two tablespoonfuls of butter mash that on in there a quarter of cup of cream cheese or as well that'll be two tablespoonfuls and pretty much all I do is just cut it in chunks like that you don't need to melt it just put it in and mash it now sharing shared this one with me she said that she or she makes this for a family and they'll add up with pork chops I shall do a delicious Apple wedge sauce but today we're just gonna show you how to make the double baked potato casserole exciting now when I peel my potatoes and boiled them I had put a teaspoon full of sea salt while it was balling so I won't be adding any sea salt to the meal or the dish now except a half a teaspoon full of white pepper you could use black pepper if you wish and just mix that on in like this with your measure we're gonna be using a cup of sour cream if you can't use sour cream you could use plain yogurt also this is equal to 250 mil mils of sour cream or a small container for just a on it now Charmaine said that she usually uses a small tongue but I only can get the the large top today so what I did is use just a cup so I'm gonna mash that on in there and what I'm going to do next I'm going to tell you the other ingredients I have 2 cups of shredded cheese you can use as much as you like because we love cheese and you know if if you run short on this amount you can always top it with more but I'm gonna put a F better couple in there first I'm gonna fold this in what I also did was fry up six pieces of bacon and I rolled it in flour and I got that recipe on Bonnie this kitchen and I'll share that with you are in the top left-hand corner and will tell you share the link and then you can go right in there's count breakfast any time of the day so what I'm going to do now is chop up my bacon now as you can see just a very nice and crispy this bacon is so you can also pick up already the bacon bits that's already chopped but I like do my own so pretty much all I'm going to do just listen to that crunch I can just sit eat this like that chop it off in nice small pieces and we're gonna put an M on it the mixture and we're going to top F on the top of double-baked potato casserole just seemed to Raymond no he can't have any a district I want every taste of this bacon for our double-baked potato casserole all right one little piece please see I knew I was anytime that you're making bacon for any meal make sure you make extra because you know you're gonna leave most of it so what I'm going to do is take after this bacon put into our mixture just fold it around we're gonna put some green onions in there and then we're gonna put it in our casserole dish just look at those big chunks no like I said you can bust or buy this or you can make it yourself I'll share that recipe with you then we're gonna top in there some green onion so we'll put some inside of our double-baked potato casserole and we'll put some over the top now you if you like onion like I do you can put as much as you want I got about two or three stalks here and then I'll put some over the top all you need to do now is just fold all of this in together like this and then what we're going to do is bring in our casserole dish or 8x8 pen it doesn't matter what you put it in and then we're gonna top it again but some more delicious ingredients now I hope you're following along to this point because I'm excited to show you this dish today well I'm excited to add some I'm not certain yet what I'm going to add with it but probably will have a barbecue it's a nice day for it so I'm gonna top this into my pan okay so that's all you need to do there's just take it now and transfer it into a nice pan just to get it ready to go in the oven now this today is a serving for about six or eight people but if you want more because you like double baked potatoes and you want double baked potato casserole and have a lot you can just double this recipe and that'll be fine so just spread it out like this and then we're gonna top it with some more delicious toppings so after you spread all the potatoes and the mixture is out you're going to top it with some more that delicious cheese know how nice is this I got Raymond drooling back there but I've managed to keep him away from that bacon so far because you know I don't know about bacon crispy and nice everybody just can't seem to stay away from it so just toss that right over the top like that now I'm gonna reach for my green onion now while I do what my green onion when I bring it from the grocery store on the market I put it into some water change it every day put it off in my window around the countertop and just let it keep growing because when you cut it down and you don't take the bottom layer so you leave it like this put it back in water take some more and just and that'll keep growing I mean they just go into a head now some more green onion and this is it as good as it gets no this is how quick and easy it is to make this delicious double baked potato casserole now again I didn't bake my potatoes I boiled him just to speed up that time and then also I Adam already peel so then I didn't have to take the skin off what we're going to do we're gonna put this in a preheated oven of 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 35 to 40 minutes remember everything in there is cooked we just need it to stack the bubble and get a nice golden brown and bring everything together now if you made this to make before and you want it for you supper the next day when you get off work put it in the fridge like this wrap it with some saran there's some clear wrap put it in your fridge take it out when you're ready to bake it take the saran off or the foil and put it in your oven you don't need to put anything on top meet me back here when it's baked and I'll show you what it looks like welcome back to bunny this kitchen and thank you for joining us what I'm going to do now is reach for my devil baked potato casserole I'll show you what it looks like this is absolutely delicious and it smells amazing in here you guys know this is what it looks like Elle delicious as this now really what you should do is let this rest for a few minutes just to let the potato settle down a little tiny bit you certainly want to serve it warm but you know you don't want to you don't want to be all mushy neither so pretty much this is it you'll serve it with one of your your main course meals or you'll serve it on its own I'm gonna scoop up sign up now of course taking out the first piece is not gonna be pretty but remember if you let it rest a little bit it won't be so mushy I'm gonna take it off so you're just pretty much now it's just gonna be the potato you're gonna see there but then you got that nice crunchy top now just look out delicious this looks so pretty much that's all you need to do you need to take it out of you about a nice barbecue I just got a cordon bleu there today but we're gonna have a barbecue later and and use up the rest of this double baked potatoes but if you like potatoes like us and you like a baked potato you're gonna like this little baked potato casserole I'm gonna have a little taste now and just tell you want to taste like but of course you know what it tastes like but I just want to have a little taste mmm so delicious creamy that bacon still got that little bit of crisp and the taste of cheese delicious - thumbs up Thank You Sherman for sharing this recipe with us so I like to thank each and every one of you for joining us today to view this beautiful recipe that Charmaine my childhood friend shared with us for a double baked potato casserole if you like this recipe I'm gonna share with you the the recipe below this link and as well as a subscribe button there so if you haven't already done so I urge you to do so and you'll see a new video we post every Sunday you can visit us on our Facebook page sent us a message on and I'm also going to share with you the link to those crispy bacon that we use today for this episode so thank you so much for joining us here I'm Bonnie this kitchen from our kitchen to yours you have a wonderful day if you're visiting our beautiful province of Newfoundland Labrador don't forget to check out the town of Carbon air and join us again I'm Bonnie this kitchen [Music] neither's get ready yours [Music] you
Channel: Bonita's Kitchen
Views: 84,653
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Keywords: newfoundland cooking, newfoundland meals, newfoundland recipes, newfoundland cooks, newfoundland chefs newfie cooking, newfie meals, newfie recipes, newfie cooks, newfie chefs, maritime cooking, maritime meals, maritime recipes, maritime cooks, maritime chefs, traditional cooking, traditional meals, traditional recipes, east coast cooking, east coast meals, east coast recipes, east coast cooks, east coast chefs, bonitas kitchen
Id: K5s4R5J36H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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